HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING FOREST S-6876 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Departmer of Health & Environmenta3 rotection Environmental Health Division Case Review Worksheet I Date Received I ~6~man'ts Due BY March 7, 1983 March 23, 1983 Case Number S-6876 Subdivision or Project Title: Spring Forest Subdivision ( ) Public water available ( ) Communzty water available Publicsewer available Comments: TO DOWL ENGINEERS. 4040 "B" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 995u5 (907) 562-2000 Telecopier Phone (907) 563-3953 Department of Health & Environmental ..... Protection PDuc_b_~ - 650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 WE ARE SENDING YOU ~3 Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order 19 10-17-83 455 Mr. John Lynn Spring__Forest Subdivision MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DE-P-T~O F !4E~'%TI I-~ ........ ENVIRONMENi'AL PROTECTION NO. DESCRIPTION Soils Reports THESE ARE TRANSMIIYED as checked below: [] For approval [] For your use [~ As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit____ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval _copies for distribution corrected prints __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: if enclosures are not aa noted, kindly notify us at once. Stephen L. Howe .'2 Alaska Testlab. ' 4040 "B" Slreel Anthem'as:e0 Alaska 9'J50.l Phone (907) 276-1551 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742 ) Joe Cange '400 West 76th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention: Subject: May 20, 1981 W.O. #A19732 . Grid ~2538 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCttORAGE DE?T. GF ~::~ Eli', kNV~RCqx,MSM~ AL ?~OJ ECrlON. Joe Cange Subsurface Investigation for Suitability Of On-Site Sewage Disposal, Lots 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 22, 24, 25, 28, and 31/32; Tract B, Spring Forest Subdivision (Forsythe Property) Dear Mr. Cange: Test Holes were drilled on the subject lots to determine sub- soil conditions and to determine suitability for on-site sewage disposal. Transmitted herein are the soil logs for the test holes with accompanying laboratory testing, and results of per- colation tests run in these holes. Also attached is a test hole location sketch. The locations shown are approximate. They were located using topographic features and by pacing distances. We recommend strongly that they be located by sur- vey as soon as possible to avoid confusion later. The test holes were drilled on April 21 and 22, 1981, using a Nodwell mounted, Mobile B-50 drill fitted with a solid flight auger. The drill rig is owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. The drilling was supervised and the test holes were logged by Mr. O.H. Hatch, geologist with Alaska Testlab. Grab samples were obtained at five foot intervals in each test hole, were visually' identified, and were sealed in plastic bags to preserve the natural moisture content. After drilling, a per- forated, 3/4 inch PVC pipe was placed in each test hole to monitor water table elevations and to run the percolation test.' The percolation tests were performed by filling the test holes with water and allowing them to saturate. The following day, the holes were refilled with water, and the elevations of water in the holes were measurd at 10 minute intervals for a one hour period. The percolation rate given in this report was computed using the rainimum 20 minute absorption recorded i.n the percola- tion test. The following table lists the measured percolation rates. Joe Cange May 20, 1981 Page 2 Lot Test Hole Recommended Design Percolation Rate 3 I 10.0 6 4 7.3 8 5 10.0 10 6 7.6 13 7 16.0 22 8 10.0 24 3 10.0 25 2 4.2 28 '.. 10 (High Ground Water) 31/32 9 ' 3.2 The measured percolation rates in ~est Holes 1, 3, 5, and 8 were actually less than 10.0 minutes/inch; however, we recom- mend using this more conservative value due to the silty nature of ~he soil. A perc test was not run in Test Hole 10, because the high water (less than one foot) makes this area unsuitable for on-site sewage disposal. Disposal systems should be placed between 5 and 12 feet below the surface except for Lots 31 and 32 where the systems should be kept as shallow as possible to maintain'the necessary separ- ation from the seasonal high ground water level. If you have any questions regarding these tests, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Carl h. Bassler Geotechnical Engineer CAI]/mg At tachmc~]ts Approved by: Melvin R. Nichols, Manager F v:LOu~ E I Test llole I Table A Date: 4/21/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. #A19732 ~epth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 · 1.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 7.0 12.5 12.5 14.0 1~.0 20.0 Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML) F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML) F-4, brown very Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic F-4, brown Silt, (ML), trace sand, moist, stiff, non-plastic F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic, 2"+ F-4, brown Sandy Silt, trace gravel, stiff, moist, non-plastic Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 4.0 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 min/inch Bottom of Test Hole: 20.0 Feet Frost Depth: Free Water Level: 3.0 Feet None Observed Type of Dry Sa.mpl~e D_epth M_~% Sample. Strength' Group Unified 1 5' 14 . 1 G L A ML 2 10' 14.3 G N A MI, 3 15' 14.5 G N A ML 4 20' ].3.8 G N A ML Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT~= Standard Penetration, U -- tJnd 2. Dry Strenqth, N = None, L = Low~ M = Medium, {{ : High. 3. Group ~'ef~'n to si. milar material, this study only. 4. General Info~'m,~tion, hue ~;hcet ].. 5. I.'~'ont nnd 'l',,xl'n~',~[ Clnnnificntion, see Sheet 2. 6. Unifiud Cla~;~ificntion, see Sheet 3. Test Hole 2 Table B Pate: 4/21/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. #A19732 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 1.0 Brown Peat, (Pt) ' 1.0 2.0 F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML) 2.0 8.0 F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, slightly plastic, 2"+ 8.0 16.0 F-2/F-4, brown Silty Sand, (SM), moist, medium dense, poorly graded, non-plastic, with a 1' silt layer at 12' Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 4.2 minutes/inch. B~ttom of Test Hole: 16.0 Feet Frost Depth: 2.0 Feet Free Water Level: None Observed Type of Dry ~ample Depth M% Sample Strength Group 1 5' 13.2 G L B 2 10' 8.4 G N C 3 15' 9.4 G N C Unified ML SM SM Re ma rk s: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab~ SPT = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N = None, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High. 3. Group re£ers to similar material, this study only. 4. General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost a~]d Textural Classifications, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classification~ see Sheet 3. Test Hole #3 Table C WO #At9732 Date: 4/21/81 Logged by: OMII Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1..o 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 7.5 7~5 12.0 12.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 Soil Description Brown Pea~, (Pt) F-4, Brown Sandy Silk, (ML), moist, stiff, NP F-l/F-3, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel, (GM), moist, medium dense, p.g., 3" + F-4, Brown Sandy ~i1%, (ML), moist, stiff F-3/F-4, Brown Gravelly Sandy Si~, (ML), moist, stiff, p.g0, 3" + F-4, Brown Sandy ~il.~, (ML), trace gravel, moist, stiff-hard, 2" + F-2/F-4, Brown Silty fine Sand, (SM), moist, stiff, medium dense Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 6.7 minutes/inch · Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/igch Bottom of Test Hol~: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.0' 2.0' None Observed Sa. Type of No. Depth M~ Sampl.~ 1 5' 19.3 GrDb 2 10' 10.7 Grab 3 15' 12.2 Grab 4 20' 13.1 Grab Dry ~trengt.~ ~roup unifi~d L B ML N B ML N A ML N C SM Test Hole 4 'Table D Date: 4/21/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. #A19732 ~epth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 8.0 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0 16.0 Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic, 3"+ F-2, brown Silty fine Sand, (SM), moist, medium dense, poorly graded NFS/F-2, brown Sand, (SP), moist, medium dense, poorly graded F-2, brown Silty fine Sand, (SM), moist, medium dense, poorly graded Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 7.3 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Depth: Free Water'Level: 16.0 Feet 1.5 Feet None Observed Type of Dry Sample .Depth M% Sample Strength Group 1 5 13.5 G N B 2 10 ' 8.3 G N C 3 15 8.6 G N C Unified Mi, SM SM Re ma rk s: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard Penetration, U TM UI]disturbed. 2. Dry Strel]gth, N = None, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High. 3. Group refers to silnilar material, this study o~%ly. 4. Ge~eral I~formation, see Sheet 1. 5. I~rost a~d Textural Classific~'tio~, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Clas:;if. ication, see Sheet 3. Test Hole 5 Table E Date: 4/21/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. #A19732 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML), non-plastic F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML) F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML), trace gravel, moist, stiff F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), occasional cobbles, moist, stiff to hard, non-plastic, 12"+ Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe-to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Bottom of Test Hole: Perc Rate = 7.6 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 min/inch. 20.0 Feet Frost Depth: Free Water Level: 2.0 Feet None Observed Type of Dry Sample pept_h ~ Sample Strength Group 1 5 17.0 G N A 2 10 20.0 G L A 3 15 12.8 G N A 4 20 10.6 G N B Unified ML ML ML ML Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N = None, L =' Low, M = Mod]urn, Il = High. 3. Group refer:; to similar material, this study only. 4. Ge~leral I~%formation, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost al%d Textural Cla..;sification, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classi£icatio~%, sue Sheet 3. Test Hole 6 'Table F Date: 4/21/81 · Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. #A19732 .Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0~ 2.0 2.0 7.5 7.5 14.0 14.0 16.0 Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Depth: Free Water'Level: Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), occasional cobbles, moist, stiff, 6"+ F-2/F-4, brown Silty fine Sand, (SM , moist, medium dense, poorly graded NFS/F-2, brown Sand, (SP/SM), trace silt, medium dense, poorly graded Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 7.6 minutes/inch. 16.0 Feet ' 2.0 Feet None Observed Type of Dry ~ample Depth M% ~amp~e Strength Group Unified 1 5 16.4 G L A ML 2 10' 7.3 G N C SM 3 15 4.2 G N D SP/SM Roma rk s: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard PenetL-ation, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N = None, L =. Low, M = Medium, H = High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 4. General Information, :;ce Sheet 1. 5. Fro:;t L~nd Textural Classific~tion, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified C[a:;si£ication, see .~heet 3. Test: Hole 7 Table G Date: 4/22/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. ~A19732 !)epth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 i.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 9.0 11.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 20.0 Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Sandy Silt,-(.ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic, 3"+ F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML), trace gravel, moist, stiff, non-plastic F-3/F-4, brown very Silty Sand, (SM), moist to wet, medium dense, poorly graded F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, moist, stiff, non-plastic, 2"+ Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 16..0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: 20.0 Feet Frost Depth: 2.0 Feet Free Water Level: None Observed Type'of Dry Sample ?ep__~ ~% Sample Strength Group Unified 1 5 9.3 G N B ML 2 10 15.6 G N A ML 3 15 12.6 G N B ML 4 20 11.3 G N B ML Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Stre~]~]th, N = None, L = Low, M = ~edium, H = High. 3. Groul~ re[ers to similar matel~ial, this study only. 4. General ].nformatiol~, see Shoot 1. 5. Fro~,~t a~d Textural Cl'assificat'io~l, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Clas.~;ificatiol~, see .';beet 3. Test Hole 8 Table H Date: 4/22/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. ~A19732 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 I .0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1~.0 17.0 20.0 Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML), moist', stiff, non-plastic F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic, 3"+ F-2/F-3, brown Gravelly Silty Sand, (SM), moist, medium dense, poorly graded, 3"+ Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 7.0 minutes/inch Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 min/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: 20.0 Feet Frost Depth: 2.5 Feet Free Water Level: None Observed Type of Dry Sample pept~ M__% Sample Strength Group Unified I 5 8.8 G N B ML 2 ' 10 10.1 G N B ML 3 15 7.5 G N B ML 4 20 8,4 G N B SM Re ma rk s: 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard Pe~etration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N = Nonel L = Low, M = Medium, Il = l{igh. Group refe~'s to similar material, this study only. Gel]eral In£ormatioi~, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textu~fal Cl. assificat, ion, see Sheet 2 UnJl]ied Cla:%:%ification, see Sheet 3. Test Hole 9 Table ! Date: 4/22/81 Logged by: O. }latch W.O. #A19732 .Dgpth in Feet From To 0.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 16.0 Soil Description__ F-4, brown Peat, (Pt) a~d Organic Silt, (OL), mo'ist, s~ft F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, plastic + NFS/F-2, brown Gravelly Sand, (SP/SM), trace silt, medium dense, poorly graded Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Rate = 32 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Depth: Free Water Level: 16.0 Feet 1.0 Foot 4/22/81 -.12.0 Feet 4/23/81 - None Observed Type of Dry Sample Depth ?1% Sample Strength Group t 6 31.3 G M B 2 10 7.1 G N E 3' 15 10.4 G N E Unified Pt/OL SP/SM SP/SM Remarks: 1. . Type of Sample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N = None, L = Low, M = Medium, II = High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 4. General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Clas.~;i['ication, see Sheet 3. Test Hole 10 .Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 'Table J Date: 4/22/81 Logged by: O. Hatch W.O. #A19732 Soii Description Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, brown Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, non-plastic F-I, brown Silty Sandy Gravel, (GM), saturated, medium dense, poorly graded, 3"+ NFS/F-2, brown Sandy Gravel, (GP/GM) to Gravelly Sand, (SP/SM), occasional cobbles, saturated, medium dense, poorly graded, 6"+' Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to monitor water table elevation and run perc test. Perc Test Not Run Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Depth: Free Water Level: 10.0 Feet 2.0 Feet 4/22/81 - 3.0 Feet 4/23/81- 10 Inches Type of Dry Sample '~epth M% Sample Strength ' Group 1 5 19.5 G L -- 2 10 7.3 G N E Unified GM G P/G M Remarks: 1. Typo of .qample, G = Grab, SPT = Standard Penetratiol~, U :: UndisturL)ed. 2. Dry Strenqth, N = None, L = Low, P1 = Medium, }{ = High. 3. Group re[ers to similar material, this study only. 4. General [nfo~:mat~o~], see Sheet 1. 5. Fro:;t arid '[',,xlura[ Cla~;~ific~]t. ion, see ~heet 2. 6. Unified Clas:;ificatio~, see ~;heet 3. .I Test Hole Low -* Doscription Guido 'The lolJ d~s<rip~um~ ~h.wn on the I.g~ are Ihe best eltlmatt {)( Ihe soll'l precmon of a laburatory testing procedure, If cbc log includes I0 ~rlfy ~he held The logs ol*se~ include: Depth Inlervai - usually shown to 04 foos, within that zone no $1goll~cant chalig¢ in SOil type was observed through drill action, dtrecs observation ur sampling. Frost C~ssificat~on -. NFS. Fl, F2, F3, F4, see "So~ Char~" Texize uf Soil - An engineering cbssiFiodon of the soils by particle size ~nd proportion. ~e "Soft Classd'icnuon Ch~r~". note thc proportions arc approximate and modifica[ions ~o the sod group due ~o strat~ficalion, inclusions an'd changes m properties are included. ~otsture Conccn[ - ~his is a qualitative mensure: ~. no or little apparcn[ surface moisture, ~am~, moisture ~orms portion 0f color, less chon plastic ~[ur~cd, free w~cer may bc squcc[cd ouc, if a free dtamin~ soft: ~nd, {Thc mois~orc con¢cn~ ~s further defincdby reference to PI, LW, NP, M%or diDcency,) Dens~y - r~fcrs [o more-or.less non.cohcswe soils, such 4s s~nd Stiffness - refers ~o rent, or.less coheswc ~ods ~nd I~ne gr~incd ~sfll ~ruups. Derwed front drHl~c~on~ndlotsamplcd~c~,Very Particle s~zc - The l~gest parade rc~ovczcd b~ the split spoon l.~'~',~h~.']by tube 3", ~u~cr t~ghts [mmu~c.m~n~ 2", Auger (B-SO hollow stem) 6".~". Lnrgcr D~r~lcles ~re described mduccd~ by ~ctlon of thc drdbn~ ~nd ~r¢ roi'erred zo ~s cobbles, 3" ~o 8", or boulders 8"*. Thcrcfo~t whcn rc,,'~cwmg d~c g~4d~mm sheets, tf~ny, Ibc dcscfipnon un thc hole 1o~ mus~ be constricted for ~n I~r~cr p~rtlclcs. PI'. ualut.[ IIl~l~lOfr cuntent bcl~,'v~d tu t,c beiween platils af~d hquld Rock flour - Finely ground so'il that Is not plastic but otherwise appears s~m~-~ cbyey silt. Organic Content - osuallv described as Peat, PT, sometune~ includes ~liscrete particl~"~ such as wood. coal utc, a~ a mod~fi.:r tu an morgan~c soft. Quantity described as: trane, or an estimate of wlume, or. Ill of all organic. - as Peat. This may include tundra, muskeg and bog material. Muck - a modifier ~sed to describe very sofh semi-orgamc ~y occuring bdow a peat ~mqrphus peat - organic potholes nearly or fully dmntegrated. Fibrous Peat - organic particles more.or.less i~tac~. Bnttom of Testholc -- includes last sample interval. Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drdling action andh~r ~mples at ~hc time o/drflhng. FroIcn Ground - other than frost li.e, de~crlbed by samples, usually includes descrlpuon at :ce contenh often wdl include m.dd'ff-d Un:fled Classification for feolen soils - th~s ~s a ~pectai case related permafrost studies, Free Water Level -- The free water level noted during ~HIhng ]'h~ sN'oal cases. Blow/fi" - The number of blows of a 140 wetght Iree ~aH:n~ to" advance a 2" spht spoun fi"~e}~e number ,~t bk~w~ For a 12" advanu~ *~, by defmmon, the standard pene~rauon. ~ormed on clean ~ands or gravels below d*e wacer table ~, ~h[n wall ;uhe. "Shelby" u~ed to t,btam und~:urbe,I ~amph'~ of fmc gra,ncd ~,,,I, TEXTURAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART GRAVEL 30 % CLAY "~ 0 SIL. T'~ AYE¥ o \  0R /\ /\ GRAVELLY SAND 20 30 ~0 50 60 70 BO 90 lO0 GRAVEL (+ ~ 4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT FROST CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS'CONTAINING LESSTtlAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF I ROSI'.SUSCEPTIt3LE SOILS: FI GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAININC; []['TWEFN ] AN[) 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOIL% C()NI'AINING [;[ ~ WI ['N 3 ANI) I 5% F INEH 1 t lAN 0.02 mm, a. GI~NVI:LLY %L)ILSCOf~TAIf~IN~ NI()I~[ litAN 2Q":,FINI t{ IIIAN002 mm. Afl[-~ fiANIIY fiOILS {IZXCF. I'I' IIN[ %II. TM, 5ANI~%) b, CI. AY% VII'Ill PI A%I ICILY INI)I XI % OI MOIli_ ]IIAN 1:~. [.X(:[I>I VAHVI.[) Ct. AYS. F4 ,~, AI.L %Il 1% INL I.LII)IN(; SAN[JY %11.1 b. J'INJ %11 TY '.~AN[I% CONTAININg; MOI{L (. I_I.AN C L AY'~ WI I I I PL *~5 1 lC I I Y INI)J X[_~, OJ LJ ~ 11 lAN I 2. d. VAtlV['{) CI.AY5 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE August 20, 1~. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL r-RO'rECTION Bill Kranich DOWL Engineers 4040 B Street Anchorage, AK 9503 42,7 E. STR£ET SECOND FLOOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 274.2533 P.O. BOX 615 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 (907) 486-33.5'0 P.O. BOX 1207 SOLDOTNA, ALASKA 99669 (907) 262.5210 P.O. BOX 1709 VALDEZ, ALASKA 99606 (907) 835-4698 P.O. flOX I064 WASI£bA, ALASKA 9968,7 (907) 276.5038 SU~JECT: Spring Forest Subdivision Well Drinking Water Review #8221-FA030 Dear Mr. Kranich: We ]mve reviewed the plot plan and specifications for the proposed class A well to serve the Spring Forest subdivision. ' Enclosed with this letter is a certificate granting approval to drill the well. The "Approval to Operate" section of the certificate must be com- pleted by a representative of this Department prior to placing the well into service. We look for~ard to receiving the test results from this well, and the plans and specification for the water distribution system. Feel free to contact me if yon have any questions. Sinc%rely, ____.~_~__ Thomas L. Murrell Environmental Engineer TLM: jt Enclosure cc: A.D.H.E.P. 18.09 LH