HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING FOREST BLK 2 LT 11A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE On -Site Water & Wastewater Program PO Box 196650 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Phone: (907) 343-7904 Fax: (907) 343-7997 hftp://www.muni.org/onsite On -Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit Permit Number: OSP241371 Work Type: SepticTank Upgrade Tax Code Number: 01534225000 Site Legal Address: SPRING FOREST BLK 2 LT 11A G:2538 Site Mailing Address: Owner: BIEDERMAN PAUL A & JENNIFER E Design Engineer: GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP LTD This permit is for the construction of: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Lot Size in Sq Ft: Total Bedrooms: S` 1)CpartIne11t 11 /5/2024 11 /5/2025 70585 ❑ Disposal Field Q Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction shall be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80) 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer shall notify the Development Services Department per AMC 15.65. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24/7). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather shall be either: a. Opened and Closed on the same day, or b. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing Received By: ' �`� Date: Issued By: Date: /l � 1 - 5 ON -SITE SEPTIC/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION Parcel I.D. 015-342-25 Property owner(s) PAUL BIEDERMAN - Day phone 907-242-4179 Mailing address 6111 WEST TREE DRIVE, ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 Site address 6111 WEST TREE DRIVE, ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 Legal description (Sub'd., Block &Lot) SPRING FOREST; BLOCK 2, LOT 11A Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 5 APPLICATION IS FOR: APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DWELLING: ([0 all that apply) Absorption Field ❑ Initial ❑ Single Family (SF) FX_j Septic Tank FRI Upgrade FX-1 (w/wo ADU) Holding Tank 1:1 Renewal 0 Duplex (D) 0 Privy 0 Multiple Dwellings 0 (SF and/or D) Private Well 0 Water Storage M THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A WAIVER REQUEST FOR: Distance: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: -Z- ? Waiver Fees. Date of Payment: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: C 1 1 1 Receipt Number: Permit No. 05pZq/37/ Waiver No. GAIDevelopment Services\Building Safety\On Site Water and WastewaterTorms\Client Forms\Permit Application.doc Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP241371, Curtis Townsend, 11/05/24 Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP241371, Curtis Townsend, 11/05/24 Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP241371, Curtis Townsend, 11/05/24 I - F�'� PD LS-6914 c� °Iessionak c THE INFORMA TION HEREON IS FOR THE USE OF L ENDING INSTITUTIONS SPECIFICA L L" Y TO SHOW ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURESAND PLATTED L C)T LINESAND IC)R EASEMENTS, -AND IS NOT 7—O BE USED FOR POSITIONING ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES'. IMPROVEMENTS. OR FENC'ELINES, EASEMENTS OF RECORD. OTHER THAN THOSE APPEARING ON Ti IE RECORD PLAT, ARE NOT SIB O N HEREON (UNLESS INDICATED) NOTF' FENS: ELIIVES THAT MAYAPPEE"AR ON THIS DRA WING NOT TO BE USED TO DETBRMNE PROPERTYLINES OR POSITIONADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS. ANYPA LING SE {Ot N HEREON MA Y BEAPPROXIMA.TE DUE TO EXCES51VESNOWAND/OR ICE. WEST TRZFE NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE I HEREPY CE ;' FIF'Y THA T IPA I/E PEYFORIVED A SURVE Y OF THE FOL L O WAIG DESCRIBED PROPER T Y CST / 3 S CC X' % 1`1--LA r,%'0_;4_` y% ANCH, ORAGE RECOF. DING' DIS TAC T, ALASItA, AND THA T THE VISIEL E /lVRgO VEMENTS Sl TUA TED THEREON ARE ICI THI/V THE F`OPEATY L INES AND PJ0 [ 151-/:�!- E EIVCI�)OAC H,A115NTS EXIST OTHER THAN NOTED. D A TcD A T ANCIVORAGE,ALASKA THIS ' TLC DA Y OF SE07PV3E 2024 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES E..,,o.me.t., ..,t. ,,,,,s,o. 0 / 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT DISTANCES Name ida' ~' / ~ / ~ ~J ~'~" ~' --~ TO SEPTI~ "- ABSO"PTION WELL ~r~ :RO~ ~ TANK FIELO Phone(s)3 '~ ~ ¢-~"-Z~ 2 ,,. Permit~¢~No. O 7/ No. of Bedrooms,~ -- WELL ~ LEGAL DESCRiPTiON ~ LOT LINE ~Ot BlOC~ Subdi:¢20~ /)~ I ' ~¢/¢~ ~'re¢¢ FOUNDATION 3~,3~ ~3b / .~ Township, Range, Section ~S-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location of well, septic system, 9ropedy lines, foundation, -- ~1~ ~1 ~ g z O / _$ /'/ S ~ ' driveway, waterbod~es, elc) ~ SEPTIC ~ HOLDING A~nufaclurer Capacily m gallons Material No. of Compadments ~ o ~'/~¢ / 'z ~' ' ' ~ TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. [)RAIN D OTHER Depth to pipe bottom from Total depth from original grade ./ original grade ~ '~ FT /¢ FT ~t added above original grade Gravel depth benealh p~pe Gravel length ~ / Gravel width FT ~, ~' FT Number of lines Soil rating ~ Pipe material ~. ~, ~ t~, ./~ ~ ~,.,~ Installer "/ Date Installed WELLS _ ~ PRIVATE -- ~ OTHER fldenlifv) Classilication (A, B,C) Total Depth ~ Installe* / Date Installed: REMARKS: · Inspections PeHormed by: r Z' ~e~d .._ I ~ ~ ' ~ ~'~ ~ , cedily that Ihis [nspe~lon was pedormed according Io all Health Depa~ment Approva~¢~~ 72-013 (3~85) 0 I',1 ..... S ;i; 'T IE !iil IE 1,4 E R I::;~(i.:i'l'~ m :i '1'. Numl::l~:,r'. ',i B90(Y?' ;I. ,~ .¢,~ ~'*~ /2 0 *'? / D a t e J; s s u e d ',: 05 / ()(;.!; /139 IE n t:.i :i. n i.:.:~ ~.:.:.:, I' 1},,~;.! s ;i. g n e d Name~: t ~. IJL B;f. IZDIERMAI',I Aclr'lt'?:!s,,:~',~ :1.,'..2:1. W,, I::;]:l::lllil],klliEliiilD I...ANlii!; AI'4CHORAGEi:~ AK 9c;'5';;i~ I....cfl'.. I....eg a :1. :~ F. iul;i d :i. v ~. !:-; :i. i::~t'l: EiI:::'R I NG F;'OREST I....ot ~ 1 lA Sect :i. ot'~i', 14 Im~nsh ;i.p ~ ;I. 2N Range',~ 3W I...cH:. S:i.z(~;~ '70585 (sc!, ft,, cu" acres) Max ZlZr'{':~':'~' ~Z~ r" c:icmis ~', "Fh i s I:::'~';~ r' m :i. 'E. ~ 5 '1" or. a I [',ap ac :i. 'L y ~ 5 SIEI:::"I"[C "I'AI'4K:: H:i.n:i. murn 'Lota]. sl.;.;q:~t:i.c tank capac;i, ty~ 1,500 I[lallons, Each se!I::,tic '[ ~'~ i"t k itt t..t ~i~1'.. h ¢':'). v e? a 1'. ]. E~ ~:/i~i '[. ,'.~ i:] C;ilit p ~ i" '[ II1 t'~!l"t t fei ,, ~() (.'.:.! I::i t h t c) t O[::l o f s ~;~ p t ;i c: t'.. al"l I.:; ( !!~ ) < ~:1.~ () .~'E.!f".!'Ix I" E!I::IL.i J. I" t'F)Ei J. l']ti!iL.1 ]. ~':Tt'l;. ii. 01'10V6H' ted'] k (s) . F:'IEI:;,'H J: T I ..... ,,f I ....... .I. I ~,~ ....... ;, 12i1-':~ 'I "d~>/:;;''', !~ VAL.]:){ IX'OR 5 'EIDI::IM o.[I I['.,l.J:z.'~ ' ', '" '"' F:AM];I...Y HOI"tlE. I !xll::ri;ZIl::il"l DI'"II"IEi I'::'R ]:/]l::l TCI I Ixt!i~if::'I!i[CT I CIIxlS )(IY lii]xlG I I'qlEEl::/. [7, AI...I... 34;S'-"4744 343 '"" 4.6 f.'.i 1 ,, (]IEI:VI']ZI:::'Y 'I"HA'T: :1,, ]: ~['.~ f'~rl fam:i.l:i, ar' w:i.'Lh the r'eqt..t:i.t'erner'rLs fmr' cin-s:i.'Le sl.;¢,ali.;H"s ar/c:l w e:., ]. ]. Ei fot"LI] by 'f..l'~e Hun:i. cil:ia:l.i't'.y c,l:' Ancho~'aE]e (HOA) arid the Sta'L/:.:~ of A].asl.::a,, 2,, :I: ~¢:i.:1.:1. :i. nstall the sys't'.~x.~fil ;i. Fi accc)r'dance ~:itl"t all HOA ccl(;:h.~:.~s ar'icl ar'icl :i.n c::cmipliar'lc:0:.:, (,,JJ.'t:.l'l t.h(~ cles:i, gr'l c:t':i, tE~t':i.,'4( of th:i.s pst'm:i.t~ :];,, I ~,,¢:i.:1.:1. ai::ll"~er'c.> t.m al I. HOA ~Td"tcl Ei'I:.,'.Yt]E:, ~:)[ (:/;[~;:~f41l.,:a r'E.H::lLt:i. PE~dlcrit. Ei fell" tl"/e s~:.:¢'L back ;~!iiat,~ett'af'je ~:;ys'l.'..e;.tm mn 'Ll'/~.s ell" any ad.jac:ent of i'i(.):.~apk)'y a]l.:ili(;:t t..(i'i(::l~.ti"~iii't:.al'll:'l 'l'.l'ia't'.. 't'hE.) capac:;i.'Ly mf 'Lhe) tot. a] Eiy!~iti;.:,lil :i.s ~:.:i [:)c.:,clr'oclili!ill al'iCl ,:':il'i'~.,.' (.:.:?tl].,~'il"(]i.~.~m(.:(.wl't. wi.I.]. ~'(!~:,ClLt:i.l"l.:.:, al"l ach:l:i.'t'..:i. Ol'l~al ((:]wr'll;'.~ F' ) I::'AL.II.... B :[ E:DIERM¢tN ALASKA enuIr oFIm[ FITAL COF1T OL SI F UICI S, Inc, F:'c:,r 'I::I]E) L~]. '(':~:.:.)l."l"l~:t'l::ci~, cJc.:.:,~i;J, gl"l 'J:C) F" tl'lJ. E5 ].(:]'t':. N(.:!.) hacJ I::)F'(L3pC')~;EeCJ thE, sys't:ern to) be at '!:h(:,;, r'w::iri':l'"~ e:~,r'~d (::~'f the lo't:. "l'l'"~e s(:.~Z:l.s ~....~el.'"e I::)(.~:;,'l:"l::eF' i::l"'~e:,l-'e~ I::)l..c[:: 'kl]e mc:)r'iJ.t(::)r tube had I::,er4:,n r-emoved,, [)n Apr:i..1 2.6~, ,.,,,~e J_n%ta].].ed tl"im~ m(::)rizt<:)r" tul:::,e 't:c) J..l!~ t:(.:.:?et, b(ii~,l(::)~,,,~ the (::)l-'J..gJ.i'la]. (~I?"'(:)LU"H::I ]. evl.? ]. ., [)r'l May :::!;~ Z989, the .l::ul::)(~:.) was (:Il'"},,. :[ i::,~:~:L.'L(~,,;'e J.'[". v,J(::~uld I::)e nl(:::,r~) appl'"C~l::)l""J.a'l:e -[':o ins'!:aiL1 a '?.'.rer'icl"l than a I:)(:~cl. The trerlch ~,~C:)L.~ ]. (::I I::)e at a depth 'from 8 'f~x.:.:et t(::) ;J~ 4 'f ,:.~? (:.? t w :L t h a 1 (~::'l"~ (.:.~1 t h (::, 'f: 6'? 'f e (~.? t:. :[ i: ')/c) u. ]"/&t v (::) &:t Fi x..,,' C) b j ~:.? c: 'l.: i.. (::)1'i s ]. E.:' '[7. fi'1 .~i' k I'1 c) FJ ,, "J" J'] &x ri J-:: y c::, L.[ ,, S :L r'H::: (-:.:~ r e 1 ¥ ~ 1412 W~SC 331~b c~v~.nuJB · ~nchoR~.qe., 2,,lt$k~, 99503 · (907) 279-5553 / I / I ,k Pipe and/or rebut reoovered DATE: I W,O` NO. KB. NO. PLOT PLAN GRID £ ~ B BHEET NO, I of/ PREPARED BY CORWIN' ~t A$SOOIATE$ 1000 E, D/MONO BLVD, SUITE 205 .. ANOHORAGE~ ALASKA (907) CHOKD BY,, ~. ,~, DRWN BY; El. EVATION$ BASED UPON d~)m~-~ DATA pr/or to c~nstructlon~ fo ~rlfy proposed ~lld/~g AREA OF LOT ~ ~ ~ 'grode r~lg/Ive lo f/n/shed Erode and utility . . conn~ctlon~ and lo det~rmin~ the exl~nce of FINI3H FLOOR ELEVATION ~7, o. uny ~a~emen/~, COVaflg~tS, Or ras/rlctlon~ ~hloh do not cppe~r on fha recorded subdivision PREPARED FOR' ~, ~o~/ plat, ':,. ' ALASKA { F1UIROFlm F1TAL COF1TROL IF1C. o ~nqineerinq $ ~nuironmcntcd Studies Apr.i. 1 1.1, 1989 MLu"I J.c i. p,a ]..i. ty (::1 'f Ar'~(=. Dc!.!pal'"tmer'lt o'f Ideal'Eh & Humari Servic:es 0 n ....-s :L t e S e r v i c ~:.~ s / W a t e r Q u a I i t y I:::'. 0,, Box :L9665 Anchorage, Al< 99519-6650 A'/"'l"lxl ~ Dan Rotl"~ IRE: L. ot. 11A, Blc~)cl.:: 2, ,Spring I=erest Subd.i. visJ. Ol-i Dear Dal"~: Attached is a copy o'f a design and soil tests for Dr-,, 'l"he so:Lls at the top o'F the hill slewly percolated. At t. he foot (:)'f the hill the soils were much better. Whei"l I checked the morlitor tubes erl Apr'i]. 10!, 1989, the top tube was dr,/~ At the bottom of tl"l(~ hJ.'.L1 tlJ"ll.~rE~ was still I::xei~weer~ 2-<5 feet (::)f snow, so the tLlJDE, I~.qTRSl]''~. 'J:CILIFiCJ,, 'T'he best pla]~ce 'fc:)r tJrt~'~ seepage system would be at tl"le base the Ir'li:l.:L. :[ I"i~:tVE.~ ~1~l..IJ:)ln.'i.'E'L~.:,c:J t~ao(:3 ]:r'l or"der" for- I)r,, B.i. edermar~ to start i:l'le r'evJ, ew i;lrc:x:ess 'for hJ.~ bLli].dilqg p]aJ'lti¢~ '.[ I']~ivv'e des:Lgr'tec:l the sept.:Lc system for th~'? '["(:)p C) f the I')il~ ,, ii'J: tI")~ JJJc)J'Ji'J"c)r fL.(be J.~] lat(]..~r found al': 'Jibe dOWl"ll"li].l s.i. te~, the system w~.].l be moved ti::) that s~.'Le 12~sir'lg the sec:or'id des.i.c, jr'i. I'I: yc)u hav(a any qLU.:.=)st.i, oF]s~, please let me know. SJ.l'lczer~.~ly yOLU'"S ~ I_er'(::ly C. Reid F'hD, PIE, DEE P r'es.i, den t I..CIR / ~s r 1412 WEs1; 331~0 &VCllU¢ · Anchog~q¢, AIAsk& 99503 · (9071 279~5553 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. /~/'12~lG' West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 / SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY i'/ ~/'~/ DATE CHECXED BY ~0 ~ DATE- SCALE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. ~/12{1~' West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEETNO. 2 OF CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ///~*- J~ ' ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. ?~12.~ West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 CHECKED BY DATE /"~ /" ~' 0 ~ 0 MUNICIPAI. ITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST '~%/~( /; so 2OG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O C. Reid, No. 2251.~: COMMENTS L SLOPE BITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ~ S ENCOUNTERED? ~J o L O Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date ~lt Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE z_//~ (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN /-~ ~"~', FT AND----~- FT PERFORMED BY: '-~:)~q~' '~ 5 CERTIFIED BY: DATE: 72-008 (6/79) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCR,PTION:. . 3 4 5 B2 7 10 17 18- No. 2~5~. 19.- 20- DATE PERFORMED:. SITE PLAN SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 'O P IF YES, AT WHAT E DEPTH?, ~ ~,~Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net ; Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE q .(minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ~/~' FT AND ~ FT PERFORMED BY:'-~t~{ CERTIFIED BY: DATE: 72-008 (6/79) ,L ,O/~,-~,~/e _7' .i,t3 ri LEGEND · 0 Pr/mary m~numon/ re~ovetod I/on Pip# and/or r#bar rooovar#d ,~/8"x 30'rsbar ~a! this survvy ELEVATIONS BASED UPON AREA OF LOT. ~zk~ FINISH.FLOOR gLWVATION 97, o. PREPARED FOR~ /'~,~, Dt?WN BY: W,-.q,.¢, DATE: _~/=~//./vo* SCALE: I.- ~ o Ctt~KD BY; ~.,z~. t~.O. NO. , EB. NO. 3,0 PLOT PL,qN ?_~ //~ ~.~' ~. SHEET NO,/ GRID ZG~ ~ H Is tho rospon$1blllty of ?ho ownor or bulldor, pr/or to oanstruotlon, to mr/fy proposed bolldinll grado rolo/No to finlshod grodo end utility conno~tlon~ and to dotormino tho axis/anco of nay oa~omon/$~ covenant$~ or roe/r/a/Ions whloh do not uppoar on tho rooordod subdivision PREPARED BY GOR~'IN' ~ ASSOCIATES lO00 E, O/MONO BLVO, SUITE ,20fl .. ANCNORAGE~ ALASKA 99515 (907) 5~'2-1311