HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTEWART BLK 2 LT 7 I'"~L~l'-,t Z ,.7: .Zr~'. R L_ I ]"'%..' ~Z~l=- RNC:I-~2, I-~:REiE DEF'FIRTMENT (HERLTH AND EN',,,'IRONI~'tENTRL ?.OTECTION ....-'.':"-~:-<R iL..: ~[ F..EE. I. ANL. HuRFIGE. hLh..,k.h ~'- .~- '~'" ~"_,Id_. F' E F;:I'-ll Z "F NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 7 SOIl. RATING, SQF'I'ZBR 85 ]'HE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL. ABSORPTION S~'STEM IS:DEPTH= :l..r_.~ LENGTH= 'THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEl... BETWEEN THE OUTFRLL PIPE AND THE E~.,',CAVATION BOTTOM IS ~. ~ F'T THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCWES. FOR DRRINFIEL[:,S, THE WIDTH IS 7~F'¥. THE DEPTH OF' TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE GROUND SURFACE FIND THE BOTTOM OF THE EF,:CA',,,'RTION. THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS ]'HE LENGTH OF EACH SIDE FOR R SEEPRGE PIT OR THE LENGTH OF THE TRENCH., OR DRRINFIELD. THE REQUIRE[:, SEPTIC 'TANK SIZE IS 2El£sZ~ GALLONS BACKFILLING OF RN'.r' S'¢STEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECLITION. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM WE:LL TO RN'¢ SEF'TIC TANKZPACKRGE PLANT OR SOIL ABSORPTION S'¢S]"EM IS ±E~E4 FT FOR R PRIVATEWELL AND 2E~E'~ FT FOR R PUBLIC WELL. SPECIFICRTIONS RND CONSTRUCTION DIFIGRRMS FIRE I=I',,,'RILABLE TO INSURE PROPER I NSTRLLRT I ON. I CEE. TIFf THAT I AM F'AMILIRR WITH THE RE. 6. LIIP..EMENT--, FLR IZIN-SI]"E _,E.L!EK_, AND WELLS H-.-, ..,ETFLIKIH l'HE flLNIL. IFtiLt'f'r OF ANCHORFIGE AN[:' WILL IN.:,FRLL IN R-:F:FIRDFINRE WITH THE C:O[:'E. 2; I GNEE.,. .......................................... I SL~I_IE[:, B'¢ .......................... [:,FtTE .......... CONSULTANT'3, INC. January 5, 1976 R & M NO. 562156 Mr. Dave Eberle 3433 E. 80th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System Lot 7, Block 2, Steward Subdivision Dear Mr. Eberle: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our commen~s regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This in- vestigation was performed in accordance with your request of December 20, 1975 and those procedures outlined in a letter dated July 15, 1975, by Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A single test hole was pu~ down within the Lot 7 area for the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with an auger typ_e drilling rig and the test hole was extended to a total depth of 18.0 feet below ground surface. The final log prepared for the test hole has been included mn Drawing A-01. Ground water was encountered in the test hole st a depth of 14.0 feet. We appreciate being 91ven this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard Lo the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Vice President JWR/WED/jw Existing House T.H. 1 14.0' W.D. T.H. 1 12-29-75 ORGANIC SILT ORGANICS "'" GP~VELLY SAND, Trace Silt (SP) SANDY GRAVEL, Trace to Some Silt Occasional Cobble (GW) 0.07 1.0' 2.0' 5.5' 18.0' T.D. R Consultants inc, ALASKA JUN[AU 1-5-76 = 4' DWN SY VRZ Dave Eberle Log of Test Hole Anchorage, Alaska CHKD BY ~ED P~. NO. 562156 a~,,'~ NO. An01 ja~luary 14~ i~77 Davia~erle agencies and the U.8. ~ubliC ~alt~ S~ic~. Design T~ fo~ o~er signed ~d had notariz~ a ~tatem~t July, 197~ ~ p~=e~ure for ~er ~ water If I =~ be of'any further assi~ce~ pl~as~ do not MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM From. Mayor Meeting Date: January 4, 1977 Subject: '-cr~4ZMS AGAINST THE MUNICIPALITY: The following claims have been made against the Fhnicipality; CORDER, Bobby G. $10,000.00 HERBERT, James This man alleges that due to failure to enforce fire regulations he suffered serious bodily in- jury due to a fire. $8,000.00 This man alleges that due to poor inspection of his septic system he suffered un?needed expenses plus loss of rents and income, $ ar~unt of suit undetermined at this time~ Don d/b/a/ This man alleges that due to failure to enforce fire regulations he suffered serious bodily in- jury due to a fire, .$46,000.00 This man alleges that due to the 'negligent conduct of building inspectors he lost a business contract, P~sp~ctfully submitted, Edward L. Hire Risk Manager ~t is reconmended that these claims be returned to the Risk ~im~ager~s office for~ther invest~igation and handling, '/CeorgeZ M. Sullivan Mayor ELH/eaw 12-13-76 NOTE: Nor[c[,, 0F CLAIM ( This form should be filled out in as much detail as possible to assist the blenicipality iu ew~luating your qlaim aod upon be i. ng compl, u~cd it shou].d bO f'[Icd with the ~luni. c[pa[ Clc~rk at the ~'l~ nicipa[ Anuu~x, 630 West l"ifth Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska within 120 days after the date of the occurrence of the injury or damage. I, the Undersigned, do hereby submit, under oath to the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, this Notice of Cleim for damages to my pers~n or property pursuant to Section 17.06 of the Municipal Charter, and I do hereby inteed to hold the Municipality liable for such damage claimed herein. CLAI~tANT: Name: BOBBY G. CORDER Tel, No.212-657-2531 tlome Address: 409 SOUTtt HIGH, IIENDERSON, TEXAS 75652 Mailing Address: SAblE DATE & LOCATION DATA OF INJURY 0R Di~Xg\GE: Date: OCTOBER 16, 1976 (Nonth) (Day) (Year) Place: POLAR HOTEL, l'll EAST 5TI! AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PROPERTY INVOLVED: Description: N/A If Vehicle: (Year) (Make) (Model) License Number: }fO~IICIPAL DEPARrp...~NT INVOLVED: (If Knowa) FIRE AND SUCH OTHER DEPARTMENTS AS }~Y APPEAR AS ' De p a r t me n t :_~_R~S~Lf~D~ Menicipal Employee: UNKi'IOWN AMOUNT CLAINED: AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS $ OF $10,000.00 (Please attach an estimate or itemization of the damages cia[ined.) DESCRIPTION: (Nature and extent of injury or damages - Please describe in detail.) PERSONAl, IiA-/URY TO SPINE, NERVOUS SYSTE[d, SUPPORTING TISSUE DETERblINED WIlICil HAS I1EQUIRED AND WILL R]J:QUIRH IN TIIE FUTURE CAUSED AND W;[LI, COi~TINUE TO CAUSE T[iE CLAIr, IAWP PAIN AND SUPI?ERING b'"-qrB'g-,[fOg i .................... = ................ ] ................................ '~TTE~"NTI~I~: Your claim wig De con- completed AND estimates of cost or MONICIP,ALITY OF ANCHORAGE CLAIMANT'S REPORT OF ACCIDENT AGAINST GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH November 18~ 1976 19 . CLAIMANT'S NAME DAVID R. EBERLE (Owner of Damaged Property} Address 3433 EAST 80 Avenue Telephone 344-8362 No, and Street City State DATE & TIME OF ACCIDENT TIME& J_UL_Y 24. 1975 to Pre,~nt PLACE LOCATION ' 3433 East 80 Ave, LIST DAMAGE ESTIMATED COST OF REPAIR Un~rade septic s¥,~t~m tn Rnrn minimum ~,nud. flrdS $ g~hO0.O0 PROPERTY DAMAGE In addition I have lost rents and incurred other expenses in excess of $5000.00. _ On 7/9/75 I pu~ earnest money on building ]o~,ated DESCRIPTION The earnest money and also bank loan were both contingent upon OF ACCIDENT Boro inspection and approval of the'existing.septic systera. On 7/28/75 a B0ro inspector approved the system. Based on the "inspection" the loan was approved. After living in the dwelling NAME NONE AGE INJURED OCCUPATION EMPLOYED BY: . I*.!., '. . !~ ; ' . '", WHAT WAS INJURED DOING WHEN HURT? THE INJURY WHERE WAS INJURED TAKEN AFTER ACCIDENT7 (~[*J IJ[,;~ iiJi~) 3':'" ;': ......... PROBABLE DISABILITY I HAS INJURED RESUMED WORK? I NAME ADDRESS PHONE WITNESSES ESTER BUNN DYNAMIC REALTY 3380 "C" ,qf Ar~e.h,~,~ge 9.79-761.1 John Brainard Wasilla Alaska SPECIAL 95-012 (7/76) DATE OF THIS REPOR ~- , ~ ' ~' ' ~,v\e.wm uJ' OUCU/(MS?.'CE OF 'INJURY OR I)AM,'\GES: (,PJ.e;l:;e explclin ia det~ail ~dlat happenad and'why ~he MunicLlm[E~y is liable. Use reverse si,' or a~achmen~ iff additional IIO'['EL FII~E. CLAIMANT WAS CAUGIIT IN I"IRE AND UNABI,E TO ~,SCA[E WI'J'hOilT 'J'IIE INJURI~:S S0S'['~XI~)I~:f)BECAUSE-'OF-~IN~DEQ~A'rz EXITS, ALARMS, INSPECTIONS AND ENFOI{CEMEN'p ()[P At)PLICABLE --~b]J ~ D~l~b'-]~]'d 07~i~fO'lQ S- By-T IiE~ UN i Ci p AL~f ~ O~AqqCi ~-~ WI.TNESSES: NAI,[E: N~: NA~[E: N~tE: NAME: (Including automobile passengers, police, doctors and all others having information concerning the claim.)TO BE DETEihMINED BY DISCOVERY ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: DATE: SIGNATbqLE,: STATE OF ~ZLASKA ) ) %qIII'xD JUDICIAL DISTRICT) bDARK C. ROWLAND I, BENJAMIN O. WALTERS, and say: ~&eing first duly sworn upon oath, depose SU$5(,L, IBtO) A?ID SWORN / g'?L, ~-~N~tary ]u) [c ill ami fer Ala:;:ca ,. ,, THE ATTORNEY ]FOR That I am/the Claimant in the above NOTICE OF CLA'[H for injuries, · ' t ~a~ I have read the foregoing NOTICE OF CLAid and that the iaformatlon and statements therein are true as I verily believe. .. ) -% ...... t .-/~ ....I// 14/~,'.:' (// /~.-] 7v~]:-~'' / ' ~--~L~..~c ~-wpW LAW 0FFIC~S BIRCII, JERMAIN, HORTON AND BITTNER ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99,504 (90?) 279-0~01 December 3, 1976 751 OLD RICHARDSON P~WY,,SUITE 349 FAI[~BANKS, ALASKA 99707 Municipal Clerk Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 NOTICE OF CLAIM You are hereby notified that a claim held against the Muncipality and/or its predecessors, the City and/or Borough, for injuries to the person of James Herbert. The injuries occurred on October 16, 1976 at the Polar Hotel, 111 E. 5th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska during a fire. James Herbert suffered injuries including first and second degree burns about the face and shoulders and unde- termined internal injuries due to inhalation of toxic gases. Mr. Herbert has and willincur medical expenses, lost income and/or pain and suffering, lost enjoyment of life and other types of damage. The fire was investigated, by various agencies including the Fire Department, and Mr. John Fullenweiller of the Fire Prevention Office has reports on the fire. · Mr. T. W. Hale of 22 Boniface, Anchorage, Alaska is also a witness. The Municipality of Anchorage may be liable for the injuries to Mr. Herbert because of its failure to enforce fire regulations. Sincerely yours, BIRCH, JERMAIN, HORTON & BITTNER Douglas F. Strandberg DFS/dem (Continuation) :for less then 1½ years and after'experiencing numerous sewer back-ups and overflows throngh out that time I have determined that the system is compJetety inadequate and undersized. After I had the system checked ['or capacity I learned that the septic tank only holds 1250 gal. where as the code calls for a minimum of 2000 gal. I also determined that the leaching field is ¼ the size it should be. Due to the Boroughs negligence in failing to discover the above mentioned inadeqacies I have been damaged in excess of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00). I relied on the Borough's expertise to discover any basic code and standard violations. Due to the Borough's error and negligent approval and to my detriment I was able to secure a bank loan that would not other wise have been approved. ames D. Gilmore ;3S0 "K" STREET NOTICE OF CLAIM 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Article XVII, Section 17.06 of the Charter of the Municipality of ·Anchorage, that Don McDaniel, d/b/a Don's Electrical, has been' damaged by reason of the carelessness and negligence of building inspectors employed by the Municipality.. The aforementioned Don McDaniel intends to hold the ;4unicipality liable for all damages caused by the negligent conduct of said. building inspectors. The injury occurred on or about August 26, 1976, at Northern Lights and' Minnesota at which time and place Dick Fauss and another buildin~ inspector employed by the ~unicipality, slandered and tortiously interfered with the contractura'l relationshJ.~:~ between claimant and ~4ount Haven Development Corporation. Specifically, .the Municipality building inspectors told representatives of Mount Haven Development Corporation that claimant was an incompetent electrical contractor, causing claimant to lose his contract wit ~.lount Haven Development Corporation. The exact extent of 'the damages are undetermined at this time, but said damages will exceed $46,000.00. The names and addresses of witnesses known t( claimant at this time are Gene ~4ockerman, address unknown; John ~isk, address unknown; Billy Ray Halverston, Anchorage, Alaska; and Dick Faus, Anchorage, Alaska. DATED at .Anchorage, Alaska this -/ day of December, 1976. Jam~s D. Gilmore AttGrney for Don McDaniel ]~ECET%~D I~[a~i~m~'{m~L~l ~ Il ~ ) GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ~l]ll~//~7 iLO WDepartment of Environmental Quality ~~ 3330~'C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 ? .~j~A_f~ ~ Date Received /~X~~' /~ Time of Inspection ~ ~I'~ . /~ /~ ... Date of Inspection I. IL 1. gpproval requested Mailing Address: 2. Property Owner: Mailing Address: Phone: Phone: 4. Location: 5. Type of facility to be inspected 6. Well Data: A. Type ~y_~_~ B. Depth C. Construction D. Bacterial Analysis 7. Sewage Disposal System: No. of bedrooms y A. Installed B. Installer C. Septic Tank: D. Seepage Pit: E. Disposal Field: Distances: A. Well to: 1. Size l. Absorption Area Total length of lines 2. Manufacturer 2. Material Septic tank , Absorption area , Sewer Lines Nearest lot line , Other contamination B.~ Foundation to s6ptic tank , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line iEQ-Q34 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Page ~2 of two pages - R~X~-~st for Approval of Individual Legal.~escription Water Facilities Comments ../~'Z~-~ a~x ~~J~~ Approved~/~/) .... .~,/~eJ~_ ..I Disapproved Date 7~'.~---' Approva~l~alid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true an, accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) 3330 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREI, BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality "C" St., Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO 2. Prope'rty Owner: JOHN BRAINARD Mailing Address: 3. Name of Buyer: DAVID EBERLE VA FHA CONV 3433 E. 80th Ave., Anchorage 99507 Day Phone 344-5324 Mailing Address: 254 Smith Drive 4. Name of Lending Institution: First Federa Mailing Address: 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: Mailing Address: 3380 "C"S~treet _Day phone 279.._-8208 Savings &_oan Assoc. 803 W. qortnern LignTs B va. Phone 274-656i ESTHER BUNN - DYNAMIC REALTY, INC. Phone 279-761 Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 2, Stewart Subdivision Location: 3433 E. 80th, Anchorage, A aska 7. Type of Facility to 8. Hater Supply Type of Supply: be inspected: Public Utility If Individual, number of dwellings Iq Individual, depth of well __LO0'. Sewage Disposal'System Type,of S~stem: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation auolex No. Bdrms. 7 semi Individual presently served 2 ~ Individual (on_site)Septic SysTem GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received -- -- . Time of Inspection /d?. / ~ ~ ~.//" Date of Inspection ~')~'~ /REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ~ ~ ~A~VI~UAL SEWER&WATER FACILITIES 1. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: 4. 5. 6. 2. Property Owner: Mailing Address: Legal Description: ) Location: No. of bedrooms B. Depth Type of facility to be inspected Well Data: A. Type ~/ .~cx.~/- C. Construction Sewage Disposal System: D. Bacterial Analysis B. Installer A. Installed C. Septic Tank: 1. Size/~d)e~7. 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area ~ £~6 2. Material E. Disposal Fi~eld: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank , Absorption area , Sewer Lines , Nearest lot line , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages - ,Page ~. of two pages - Re h~or Approval of Individual Water Facilities ke~al~ Descri priori Approved~_ ~ Disapproved Date ,~ ~ J~??O royal Valid for one year from date signed Greater ^nchorage ^rea Borough, Department of [n¥ironmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a trug and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and thee.se ~fa¢il are operating satisfactorily. Oe2ar~meot o~ Environmental Quai-i~y 3330 "C" St.~ Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 274-.4561 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL S~,,ER & ¢~AILR FACILITIES lype of Inspection: [,,n,O VA × FHA CONV Prope'rty Owner: John H. Brainard & Rita M. Brainard Mailing Address: 3433 E. 8th Anc. Ak. Day Phone 344-5325 ~ Joseph A. M. Monette & Cynthia A. Monette 754-2213 Name of Buyer: B-4-740 Apt. d "e" Street~ Elmendorf A.F.B. Alaska 99506 Ronald H. Wade & Marilyn F. Wade 754-0188 Mail lng Address :3-730 B "e" Street ElmendorE A.F.~lay ?hone 4. ?.iame of Lending Institution: National Bank Of Alaska Mailing Address: Name of Realtor or Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3-3859 Anc. Alaska P~one Agent: General Realty ~ 530 W. Fifth Ave. Phone 279-2506 279-0606 Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 2 Stewart Locati on: 3433 E. 80th Anchorage, Alaska be inspected: Duplex Public Utility numoe, of dwellings of well 7, Type of Facility to 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: If ~ndividual, if individual, depth 9. Sewage Disposal System Type ,o'f SSstem: Publi£ Utility if individuai~ date of installation presently No, Bdrms. 7 Individual x~ served 2 Individual (on-site) ~h-n_~nown x Maydel Kershaw Mortgage Loau Special~.~$ February 27, 1975 National Bank of Alaska P. O. Box 3-3859 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 SUBJECT~ Health inspection of Lot 7, Block 2 Stewart Sub- I will grant a temporary approval of the sewer and water facilities of the sub,eot let if funds are escrowed for up- grading the well to' health =ode standards. The owner of the well, Mr. Bernard Stewart, has written me a letter of intent regarding his willingness to upgrade the well by June 15, 1975. The well must be reinspected before I can grant a complete approval, however, }~. Stewart's latter and your withholding of funds weuld temporarily suffice until the upgrading is complete ~%is spring. I would recommend the escrow funds be released this spring upon receipt of notice from this department stating the eon9 struct~on is approved. Sincerely, Les Buehholz, Sanitarian LB/st John Breinard 3433 E. 80th Avenue Anchorage, AK 9950~ ~) ~)