HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNSET HILLS BLK B LT 16A D]EPT. O]F ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICF 3601 "C" STREET, SUITE 322 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR (907) 563-6775 September 4, 1991 Mr. Theodore F. Moore, P.E. Flattop Technical Services 14530 Echo Street Alaska 99516 ~ Anchorage, ~ . ~::3 l~ ~j Subject: Lot 16A,lSunset Hills Subdivision, I ECEIVE SEP MUnicipalitY of A Dept. He ~. - nchora e alt,, & Human Ser~es Anchorage, Alaska, ADEC Project Numbers 9221-DW~133 and 9221-DWW-013; Review Dear Ted: This is in response to your submittal, received in this office on July 1, 1991, in which you requested confirmation of approval for the on-site public water and wastewater disposal system. I have completed my review of the submitted information, this office's written and computer files on the existing public water system and have the following comments: WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM My review reveals that the wastewater disposal systems was installed in accordance with State Regulations and Guidelines. The result of the adequacy test verifies that on the day the adequacy tests was performed, the wastewater disposal system was accepting the necessary flows. Also, the system appears to be that same system approved in 1987. Therefore, the wastewater disposal system is approved for the concerns of this Department. The enclosed signed Approval of On-Site Residential Water and Sewer Systems, constituting this approval, is enclosed for the existing wastewater disposal system. PRINKING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM The public water system is in compliance with the provisions of 18 AAC 80, State of Alaska Drinking Water Regulations. Please remind your clients that the Department has assigned the Public Water System (PWSID) Number 211326 to the existing Class B Public Water System. In accordance with State Drinking Water Regulations (18 AAC 80.200), in addition to collecting monthly water samples for total colfirm bacterial, they are also required every three years to collect and analyze for Nitrate (as nitrogen). ~ printed on recycled paper b y (~,~. Mr. Theodore F. Moore, P.E. September 3, 1991 Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation with this Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Enclosure: As Stated CC: Slncerely, ~ Anchorage D~stnct Ma~nager John Smith, DHHS, w/o Enc. Dana Burger, Federal Alaska Federal Credit Union Don Bender, Poler Reality BHL/pf P� OF THF STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION v.. _ CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE OF ALASWP for PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS A. APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or modification of in by public water system located Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 80.100 ❑ approved. ❑ conditionally approved (see attached conditions). been reviewed and are BY TITLE DATE If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. B. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order no. or descriptive reference) Approved by Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed and signed by the Department before any water is made available to the public. The construction of the public water system was completed on (date). The system is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY TITLE DATE As -built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department, has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. BY 18-0407 (Rev. 11/83) TITLE DATE DISTRIBUTION: 1. WHITE - ENGINEER (Complete Section C) 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FILE (Complete Section C) 3. PINK - ENGINEER/MUNI-BOROUGH (Complete Section C) 4. GOLDENROD - MUNI -BOROUGH (Complete Section A) January 4, 1982 Willie Williams P.O. Box 4-2645 Anchorage, AK Permit ~ 810402 Subject: L16 BLK B SUNSET HILLS A permit issued by this department for a well and/or sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1981. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an sewer files. engineer inspected the installation of the on-site system, please have them send us the as-builts for our If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buehholz?/R./~. Program Manager~--~ Sewer and Water Program Enclosure: Copy of Permit E:,EF'FIRI'MEi*.,Ff' 0'- HEFIL. TH FIND Ei'.JVIf,;:ONME]',H"F-IL ' "O'I'EC'T ]: ON 6',2~S "L 2;TF..':EET., RNCHOF,:FIGE., Fff:::. '_E~S~..~ C'_'u P-,fl --. '_=:; -'E -F I~!E: :E-'.,7, IE t~.*,.t EE If:~: F" E~.': F;~: ~'-1 ~: 'T ,:: 8::1..O4. O;2'. ::, FIF'F'L. I C Fff'.IT LOOFI'T I or.,! I,IILLZE: I-4ILLIFIHS P.O. OFF DEFIRMON LOT :1. 6; ,'~!I~1~ BI...[::: B ..,Ui',L,E.]' FI].L! .... LOT 34..=j-;2689 4S5C50 :.E;QURRE FEET 'l"t'F'E OF: SOIL FIB:~ORF'T:[CIN S'¢STEH ZS: 'T'RENC'H MR',:.,,'IMLIM NUHE:EF: OF BEDF4:00i',I!5 = 4. SOIl_ I;;'.RT'Ii'.4Q ('.":;L'.:! F'T/Eff'('.;,= 225 'THE F?.EQUIF'.EE) SIZE OF' THE ~O:[L FIE:~;ORF'T!ON '_'-7'.~'!5'TEI',] IS: 'FFI[.Z LENGTH' DIMENSI ON I'.E; THE L. ENCCFH ( IN FEET> OF TI-.iE 'TRENCH OR DF.:RINF'IEL[..',. THE: I:;:,EPTH OF R TF.'.'ENCH OR F'ZT :rs THE DIS'TRNCE BETNEE]'.,I THE SU~?FFIE:E OF' 'TFIE GROIJIq[:, EIN[> THE BOTTOM OF' 'THE E',:.::E:F:I',,,'FITZON ,::IN FEET). THEF?.E I2; NO rE;ET klID'I'H FI]IR TF;!ENC:HE:5. 'I'HE GRR'v'EL DEP'FH ZS THE MII'.JIHLIM DEPTH OF' GF, tFF,,'EL E:ETI,.IE:E:N THE OLI-FFFIL. L. PIPE FIND THE BCFI'T'OM OF' THE L:.:';.,:CFIVFITION ,::IN FEET>. F'EI:,?.M 11" RF'PL I CFIWI" HR:F.; 'T'HE f;;:ESF'ON'-:; I B :[ L :[ 'r'.d 'TO I NFO,~?.M TFI I '.E'; Z I'.,Lc.;-FFILLRT 101'.,I :[ NSPEE:T I Oi'.,!'.::.; OE' EIl'.,l'¢ .h. IELL% RD,)'RCENT 'TO TH I E; NI...IHF3EF: OF RE:E;:[B, Ei'.,IC:E'Z; THFfT' TI-IE: I.qELL I.,.IILI_ SEP. VIE. [:,E P F:IP. Ti"I E N T DUff;: I IqG PROPERTY FINF..', THE THE ..................... T' f.,q ~¢:3~ <: ;Z4~:: > Z I1'*~ ."EE; F' E:Z C: -F %- n:2~ f"q ~'; FII ,t:;." BRCI<F'ILLIhlG OF:' FIl",l"r' S"r'~'I'EM I.,tlTHOU'I" F):hlRL II"J'.SF:'ECTtON FII",I[::, [.':'EF'FtRTMENT 14tLL BE: '-2;LIC33'["~I]:T TO FtPPROVRL B'T' 7'FILS FI I I",1 ]: MUM J..OO FEET FOR F:] PF.'.IVFI'I'E I.,.IELL OF: J.:30 TU ;;~OO FEET 1::'I'4:OM ]::] F'UEi~I_IC !.4EL.L DEI::'ENC, If4G UPON THE T"r'PE OF PI..I[.:~L. ]: C: NELL. MINIMLIH C,:[STFINCE F'F?.OM R F'RI',,,'RTE NELL TO FI PRIVRTE :.:.";E;I,.IER LIF,IE I:.::: 25 F'E:ET Fff',ID TO R COHMLII",IIT'¢ SE.L,.tEF: LINE IS 75 rE:ET. OTHER REQUIR[:2vlEI",ITS MFIY RPPL.¥. SPEC:IFICRTIONE; Fff'JD COI",!:SI"F~:LIC:TIOhl I)IRGF:RFI~E; RVRILr:IE,'LE ]'El IN:SUI;~:E PROPER II',IS]"RLLRTION. ! I:::EF;rTIF"r' THFFI' l.: 2[ I::lM FRMILIFIF: P. IITH THE RE(;!UI[~'.EMENTS F'OF4:TH B'¢ TFIE h'IUNZC:ZPFIL Z Tk' OF RNCHORRGE. 2: Z 1.4IL. L. ZN?FFILL THE S;'-?STEM ZN FICCOP. DRNCE I,]Z'I"H THE CCIC, EES. ::~:: I UN[>ERSTRND THFIT THE ON'-SSITE :SE:[,,I[ER S"r'ST[EM f'lFl~r' F:EI;]I.JIRE EF,ILFtF?.CiE:MENT IF F~E2E;I[:,ENCE I25 ~REMODEiLE[> '1~3 INCLU[:'E MORE THEIN 4 E:EI)ROOM%. FFF'L:[ 5:~' ~[LI_IE FOR ON-SITE ~SEI,.IEP. S RN[:, klELLS FIS SE:T THE: ~GRE, ~- ~7'*ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO ,. '. Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCATION D~AF~¢U~' OI4 ~ TAN K: O~STA~C~ FROM WELL NUMBER OF MANUFACTURER ('2 ~-'~--~ {~~ MAT E RIAL ST~-~ L COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY '~.O O O GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: ikJ /~ NUMBER OF PITS DIAMETER LINING MATERIAL CRIB SIZE: BUILDING FOUNDATION __ ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION OR WIDTH LENGTH DEPTH DIAMETER__DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE NEAREST LOT LINE__ ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) .SQ. FT. WELL: TYPE D,B---I/-LI;- D BUILDING FOUNDATION CESSPOOL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION NEAREST LOT LINE OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED DEPTH / ~ 0 NEAREST -gFPT;C SEEPAGE SEWER LINE TANK C~ ~. / SYSTEM / DISTANCE FROM: REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: (..:~ (~ ~1'~ b ~__~/~.~ £X CA V A 7-1hq 0 PIPE MATERIAL: ~, E . LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form NO. EQ-031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM V/ELL DE AP-,AAOON ~D DATE. 5- 2'5-75 APPROVED /~-'"~ ~' ~'~O/~/F~.~ G,A,A.B, A D~ .~qt~MOU~ ~,9° 5.9'V,,/ I00,00' ~ 89° 59' W 2.0' ~00,00' ALL6y A5 ~'J ~ LT I hereby certify that I have surveyed the following described property: ~-~)T J(~ ~ L. OT ~'7) . Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not overlap or encroach on the property lying adjacent thereto, that no improvements on prop- erty lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises in .question and that there are no roadways, transmission hnes or other visible easements on said property except as indicated hereon. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska th~. ~"~'~'~'~ day of MAY ,1~, '"/S FRED WALATKA & ASSOCIATES Engineers and Surveyors . al~er Rose ~ ' ">:' :! :~ . t.~,- Xx [Top- Soil The soil was compact with a very high boulder- content. The sand, silt and olay content varied with depth. ' 3 April 75 Sunsett Hills I ~(~ ;~ ·/; ;/~REATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORouGH ; ~ tIEALTtt DEPAkTMENT. CASE ~ - '~ f 327 EAGLE STREET : ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 ' Legal DescPxp%ion{- Lo't~lock~S~div-isi~n:~j .~r '~,'t/~.. This Fomm Reports a: So~ls Log ...... ~,., . ,.j'e~colation Tesz ,,, Depth Feet Soll Characteristics Was Gnound Water Encountered?~ ~7~ if Yes, At What Depth Reading I Date Gross Time Location Sketch er~oia~on ate' £"/ 'M lnut'e ..... ' Froposed Instal~Seepage Pit ~ Drain Field Depth Of Inlet,.,, Depth' .To Bo~t'om O'f~ P~t Or Trenc~'j Data Certified PERHIT NO. FIF'F'LICRNT: GOSPEL. LIGHT TRCERN. F'NONE: 26~-.-48t2 RI>DRESS: BO',,.,', ±0--i474 FINCHORRGE, AK S.~S~ 5 E~ 7 RL DESCRtF'TION SUC[.',I',,,'ISION: SUNSET I ILLS BLOCK: NFl LOT: '.SIZE £4 SQ. F'T. TOHNSHIP: RRNGE: = SECTION: - · ',IHUH NUHCER OF B[ZDROONS = El SOIL RRTING = :~ ~:~ :~'~ '(SgI. FT. ~,TED DEl_OH FIRE THE OPTIONS RVFIILCCLE TO '¢OU IN DESIGNING ¥OLIR SEPTIC ;TEH. CBOOSE THE OF'TION THFIT BEST FITS YOUR SITE. CERTIFY THRT: I RI"1 F'RHILIRR NITI-~ ]'HE F..'.EL.':~UIREFENTS FOR ON-SITE SEI.4ERS RND HELLS RS SET JRTH E,"¢ TFIE HUNICIPFILIT'¢ OF: ::INCFIORRGE :IND THE STFITE OF RLRSKR. I H]:LL INSTRLL THE S'-r'STEI'd IN ,FICCORDRNCE HITH THE CODES RND HRVE RECEIVE[:' COP"r' OF THE CODE SUHI"IRR"," RND DIRGRRI"I RTTRCNHENTS HHZCH IS PRRT OF THIS ERH I T. i UNDER'-:]TRND TI'IRT THE ON-SITE SEHER S"r'STEP~ t"IFW REQUIRE ENLRRGEHENT IF THE ESIDENCE iS REh'IODELEE:' TO INCLUDE HORE THRN 0 BEDROOf'IS. PERHIT I'~PF'LICF:IN-I- HI:IS TNE RE.SPONSICILtT"r' TO INFORhi PERSOHNEL DURING HE INSTFILL. RTION INSPECTIONS OF FtN'¢ HELLS FE:,.J'FtE:ENT TO THIS F'ROPERT¥ BND HE NUHCER OF RES, IDE~ E:ES TI"'IRT THE HELl.. HILL SERVE. IF ~:t LIFT STBTION IS tNSTRLLED, RN E/_ECTRICRL PERHIT RND INSPECTION f'ILIST !:E ODTFIINE:D. RS-CUILTS CRNNOT E:E RPF'ROVED HITHOUT BN ELECTRICRL INSPECTION ~:EF'ORT. THE ELECTRICRL P.IORK HUST BE DONE B'¢ R LICENSED ELECTRICIRN. 5tG,NED. RF'PL I CFINT: .:,_,LIE[ E, ~ . __ _ TIE, ERhL GF~'qF'EI. L ]: GHT - ' armit ~pplicant: ~UNI~IPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,~ Department~ f Hf~ ]th and Environmenta~roi ~tion 825 ~ S%~et, Anchorage, AK. ~9501 ' 264'4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * ~ AND/OR ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT , Location: Phone Number: .'Legal Description: LQ~ /~7~7 3 /~ ~t~?~a~ ~ot size: ~ype of Soil ~sorption system Is: Trench: -- Drainfield: ~eepage Bed: Holding T~nk: __ ' ~o ~ ~o~ ~aximum Number of Bedrooms: ~L. ~So~i Rating(sq.ft/br) /~ The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is:' DEPTH LENGTH GRAVEL DEPTH WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = ~ (> GALLONS * * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final inspection.and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. are (2) (3) S igne'd: Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31; 1 9 8 3 * * * I certify that:' (1) I am familia~ with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. I will/i~stall the system in accordance with codes. '~ I und~r~tand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the r/e~de~e~ is remodeled to include more that~ bedroom~-~ ( Date: ~/~ ~//~ ~ SWP/024 (1/81) SRA Box 2395-V Anchorage, Alaska 99507 October 18, 1983 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Environmental Protectio 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Mr. John L~n~ Subject: Test Hole and Percolation Test Lots 16, 17, and 18; Sunset Hills Subdivision, Anchorage Dear Mr. Lind: This letter supplements my earlier letter (attached) of September 15, 1983. At your request, I made a shallow test hole and performed a percolation test therein, in order to evaluate the more granular soils where the proposed seepage bed will be located. As shown on the attached sheet, the slightly silty gravelly sand at 2½ to 3 feet was tested for percolation. The measured sustained percolation rate was 6.7 minutes/inch. The attached calculations, based upon a church occupancy of 300 people, indicate that a seepage bed of 1183 square feet is required. The seepage bed I have designed provides 1420 square feet. A 1600-gallon septic tank is required; however a 200~lc~b~t~9~cified. The enclosed draw- ing indicates t-{~-~designe~ system. ~'x My calculations indicate that a church occupancy of 30~__0 people every day is equivalent to a residential house with 5.4 bedrooms, which in turn would mean a design sewage flow of 5670 gallons per week. These~numbers . have been used in design. As a matter of interest, I feel that the church will never produce ~l:y ol__v_o_!~_~_~. In actuality, the church would typically be full on~S~nda~ only, and perhaps on Wednesday nights. The rest of the week, a maximum of 5 people would use the building every day. Figuring 2.~_gallons/day_Z~_erson for 300 people for two days, and ~5 gallons~/pefson fo~- 5 peopl~--~r five days, the weekly volume would be 1995 gallons. This is equivalent to a residential house with only 1.9 bedrooms. Consequently, t._b~_~[e~gned~ystem seems more than adequat~ for the ~r_c~..~ ~w~ - I trust that the soils test~or percolation are typical of the soils that will underlie the seepage bed once construction excavation work begins; however, if similar granular soils are not encountered at the exact elevation of the seepage bed bottom, the design invert elevation of the bed can be adjusted slightly to take advantage of more permeable soils at slightly higher or lower elevations. I trust that the foregoing is sufficient for your needs. Please call (263-4812) if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Paul G. Hansen, P.E. Attachments GOSPEL LIGHT TABERNACLE SUPPLEMENTARY TEST HOLE & PERCOLATION TEST DATA Test Hole 2 Location- about 5 feet east of Test Hole 1 Water Table- none encountered Date of Test Hole- October 8, 1983 Depth. 0 to i foot Description Brown, damp Gravelly Silty Sand Fill, SM-ML, 4" maximum size i to 3 feet Brown, damp, slightly Silty Gravelly Sand, SP-SM (probably an old fill), 3" maximum size Bottom of Test Hole Percolation Test Gross T~me 1. 3:10 P.M. 3:20 (Water added) 2. 3:21 P.M. 3:31 (Water added) 3. 3:32 P.M. 3:42 (Water added) 4. 3:43 P.M. 3:53 (Water added) 5. 3:54 P.M. · 4:04 Notes: 1. o Net Time Gross Depth Net Depth 0 28" ' 0 10 minutes 30½" 2½" 0 27" 0 10 minutes 28½" 1½" Rate, Min/Inch 4.0 0 26¼" 0 6.7 10 minutes 27-3/4" 1½" 0 26-3/4" 0 6.2 10 minutes 28-3/8" 1-5/8" 0 u2 0 6.7 10 minutes 30" 1½" Us~7~'nutes/inch for design. ~15~ ~~ He~t~water at start of each interval varied from 7½ to 9-3/4 inches; head at end of each interval varied from 5½ to 8¼ inches. 3. Soils perked Were at approximately 27 to 36" depth. PAUL G. HANSEN, P.E. SRA Box 2395-V Anchorage, Alaska September 15, 1983 Rev. W. J. Williams Gospel Light Tabernacle P.O. Box 10-1474 Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Test Hole and Percolation Test, Lots 16, 17 and 18, Sunset Hills Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Rev. Williams: This letter presents the results of subsurface exploration per- formed for your church's proposed on-site sewage disposal system. The new system will replace an existing~holding tank. The up- grade will be part of an~ addition to the existing building. Drilling was performed on Nay 24, 1983 by Denali Drilling, Inc. using a Mobile B-61 drill. The test hole was logged in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and the Soil Tri- angle. Both grab and split-spoon samples were taken. A percola- tion test was made 24 hours after the hole was saturated. A test hole log, percolation test results, and site plan are attached° The site for the sewage disposal system is on the fringe of the existing church parking lot. Drainage is to the south. The soils in the test hole consisted generally of gravelly sand and sandy gravel fill to approximately 3 feet; gravelly sandy silt from 3 to 5 feet; silty sandy gravel and silty gravelly sand from 5 to l0 feet; and dense gravelly silt from l0 to 16 feet. A water table was not encountered during the drilling. We then performed a percolation test the next day. The test indicated an average 20 minutes/inch rating to be appropriate for the entire test hole depth. The proposed sewage disposal system can be located at only one location on the property, in the northwest corner of Lot 18, be- cause of the required 200-ft separation from the existing well. The available area, about 1400 square feet, is very limited, after property line clearances and parking lot boundaries are considered. Rather than a conventional drainfield trench, a gravel bed will provide more absorption area. The attached gravel bed design is based upon a 20 minutes/inch absorption rate, somewhat conservative in my opinion. An alternate site is physically not possible with- in the property. In lieu of an alternate site per Municipal requirements, the church could tie into the existing Municipal sewer several hundred yards to the north, a more costly approach. Wk~/iams, Page Rev. W.'v. ~ I trust that this letter and the attachments will satisfy Municipal requirements for obtaining your permit to construct the proposed system. Please call if additional information is needed, or if there are any comments or questions. Yours truly, Attachments TEST HOLE LOG Test Hole i Location- Near northwest corner of property, as shown on design drawing. Water Table- None encountered oeptH 0 to 6 inches 6" to 3 feet Brown, 3 to 5 feet Brown, 5 to 10 feet 10 to 16 feet Description Brown, damp, Silt~ Gravelly Sand Fill, SM damp Sandy Gravel, GP, Probably Fill damp Gravelly Fine Sandy Silt, 2" maximum slze Brown, damp Silty Sandy Gravel, GM and Silty Gravelly Sand, SM, 3" maximum size Grey to Brown, dry to damp, dense Gravelly Sil~., .J~, 1½" maximum size; hard drilling beglnnzng at 12 feet; test hole terminated at 16 feet· due to very hard drilling. Bottom of Test Hole PERCOLATION TEST Test Hole 1 Saturated Nay 24, 1983; test performed May 25, 1983 Gross Time Net Time Gross Depth Net Depth Rater Nin/In. 10:52 P.N. 0 12.75" 0 4.9 11:24 P.N. 32 min. 19.25" 6.5" 7.8 12:26 A.N. 94 min. 27.25" 14.5" 10.0 1:37 A.M. 165 min. 34.25" 21.5" Z0.9 2:45 A.N. f ~ ~3~min. 37.5" 24.75" ~l~s~ 20/minutes/inch for design STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION PAUL G. HANSEN Nunicipal Soil Tester- Alaska Registration- Education- Anchorage Experience- About 1978, although currently not on the official list. Have performed about 15 percolation tests in the Nunicipality of Anchorage between 1975 and 1978. Civil Engineer 3710-E (1974) Geological Engineer (Geol.E.), Colorado School of Nines, 1968 N.S.E. (Civil Engineering), Princeton University, 1969 Geotechnical Engineer for 7 years Civil Engineer for 6 years (Harding-Lawson, Alaska Testlab, Bomhoff and Associates) fO Building Department SUBJECT Lots MESSAGE to 16 & 17r B~ock B, Sunset }~ills Subdivision 0 Health & Enviromental ProtectiOn M ~ ! This ~e~rt~aent has no objections to Mr. Williams the existinq Comm-ntt¥ Well located on lot 16 of the subject REPLY SiGN(ED// Prlnclpal ~ode Enforcement Officer LRED~'FORM~e 45 472 SIGNED SEND PARTS ! AND 3 WI/II CARI~ON INTACT - PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. DATE GREATER ANCMO~AGE AREA BOR~JGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received ~-/~ Time of Insoection Date of Inspection R~QI,~ST FOR APP}{OVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SE?IER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Address: ~-- ~---~ Phone .' 5. Type of Facility- to be IDspected:_~~ Number of Bedrooms: ~e]l Data: C. Construction ~ /~ D. Danth__ L20 -/- Bacteria] Analysis Sewage Disgossl ~vatem. .... . - C. ~ Tank'. 1. Szze~t~/2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Plt, 1. Size ~/~ 2. Material ~/~ . E. Disposal Field: Total Length of Lines .... Distances: A. Well To: E.~ptlc Tank ~Z , AbsorDtlon Area ~/m ' Sewer Lines ~fl/~/~ ' , Meanest Lot Line/O'-/- . Other ¢ontemination~/g& B. Foundation to ,~gt~c T~nk /0 '> Absorption Are~ C. AbSorption Area to ~earest Lot Line,,. ~/~,~. Request for Approval ~ge Two 9. Commentg= of In6~vldua! Sewer & Water Facilities Appro~ Valid for One Y~ar F~-om Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRA~ OF SYSTE~ I certify that the information conta'lneM in thin request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: Signed Date. 06-122Q (~) pUBKIC [] SEMI-PUBMC [] ~NDIV~DUA~ [] OTH~ OFFICE SANITARIAN'S REMARKS READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE: SIDE, BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE. ~6-1220 (b) BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD GREATF~R ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received ~--/~ ,D'(~~' /~' · . ~ ' Date of Insoectt . REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF Address: Phone 3. Legal Description: , 5. Type of Facility Number of Bedrooms:__ /~ Well Data:''~ ~)~-- c.: Construction . 7, Sewage Distosal System: : A. Installed - 8. Installer D. Bacte~ial Analysis C. -Septic Tank: 1. olze 2. Manufacturer- D. Seepage Pit: 1. Size 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total Length of Lines 8. Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tank , Absorption Area · Sewer Lines · Nearest Lot Line B. Foundation to Septic Tank · Other Con'tamination AbSorption Area C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot kine Request for Approval of I~ ua] Sewer & Water Fecilitie§ Page Two 9. Comments: ~.~t.,' ~L~ ~ d - - - ' Aonroved pisapprove . _ . a%e Approva~ Valid for One Year From Dage~ned Greater Anchorage Area Borough, De~er%ment of ~nvironmen%al quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: ... : Signed Date 'Fi~e s~:bject property has a we'it classified sei~d-.public is of apDr~vei cm~strt~ctioH. Th~ existing · ~,l~. location (jr t e well prohibigs se~e)' syste~m tHstallatiot); therefore, ~ )otdin~:~ tank iHstal- 'tation will '~" ' , ' '- t;~ roqu*l au be'fop~ appruval Stncerel.y~ Les Envi rom~ntal J$ cc: Assei~bly of God Church L~ox 4-2163 I~©IgtAIEJqFIC ~q-~l~ _LagblFIg' 91 ~'L_l'~i 9_LOft N ~_LgAg 'i~-IX/g OclOl~J