HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNSET HILLS BLK C LT 10201 2...2, E 'rEit ANCHORAGE AREA BOF"UGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: FROM W E L t -":'~"~--"M~I~E~,~, C T U R E R NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH__ __LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY //~ 4~'~ GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS __ LINING MATERIAL g'--~¢ BUILDING FOUNDATION "'/~ ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION DIAMETER __OR WIDTH ~'~"," LENGTH/~, DEPTH / ~ CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER__DEPTH ~ DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE NEAREST LOT LINE__ ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) Z~ ¢~ SQ. FT, WELL: TYPE ? f'/~/'" ~( '~( CONSTRUCTION BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST FOUNDATION __ LOT LINE SEWER LINE OTHER SOURCES CESSPOOL DISAPPROVED__ APPROVED DEPTH __ DISTANCE FROM: SEPTIC SEEPAGE TANK SYSTEM _. REMARKS· DISTANCES: INSTAl_LED PIPE MATERIAL: ~'~I Ir~ LOT SLOPE: . Form No. LQ-031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM GREATER ANCHORAGF' AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4~61 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS'I"EM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT PERMIT NO, SEEPAGE PI DRAIN FIELD ., OTHER TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FfNANCED THROUGH COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED __ TO BE INSTALLED SY NOTE~ THIS FER~lT I~ NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF' ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL. QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL I ~' WELL TO SEPTIC TANK J WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK J 0 CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC ..~EEPAGEP,T 100 ~ ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. 100 f , R^IN FIEL GI~AVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. L, ICENSED DESIGNER CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO, 2B-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE 800 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99B01 PHONE June 4, 1974 ATL we 16691 DOWL WO 7488 Mr. ~Iank Korpi c/o United Construction P.O. Box 4-1518 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Subject: Block C, Lot 10, Sunset Hills Dear Mr. Korpi: In response to your request the test pit placed on 28 ~4ay 1974 at the subject site was logged by Mr. Kenworthy of Alaska Testlab's staff. The hole log is attached as Table A; Sheets 1 to 3 are standard explanatory information. The soils encountered below 3' are suitable for percolation. Using the relationships p~lished by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, the rel.~i~,l¥~clean GM and GP soils should be ~eveloped at the rate of ~5'f~2 ~r more of absorption area per bedroom. In addition, the GM/GP soils below 3' should perform adequately as foundation soils. The free water level was below the depth of exploration. We trust the foregoing is sufficient to your immediate needs, though not necessarily exhaustive of the possibilities. Therefore, should there be questions do not hesitate to contact the writer. Very truly yours, ~ ~[CK~ -OSWALD~WALCH~L_ ,E ENGINEERS HRL/pf Attachments TABLE A Test Pit 1 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 0.6' 0.6' 2.0' 2.0' 3.0' 3.0' 7.0' 7.0' 12.5' Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Sample ~pt~ 1 3'-7' W.O. 16691 Soil Description F-4, brown top soil (humus and roots), damp, low d~s-ity, PT F-4, grey ash, CL F-4, reddish brown silt (with roots), damp, loose, ~L F-4, tan _gravelly sandy silt (with a few cobbles), damp, soft, 4"-, ~L NFS/F-l, grey silty sand~ gravel (with sandy gravel layers 1' to 2' thick), occasional cobbles and boulders, damp, dense, 10"-, GM/GP F-l, grey silty sandy gravel (with a few cobbles), ~-i~h'random lenses o~.sandy gravel in 1' thick layers, dam~, dense, 6"-, GM with GP 12.5' None observed None observed Type of Sample Grab 2 7'-12.5' Grab TEST HOLE LOGS SOILS DESCRIPTIONS The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the soil charac- teristics at the time of field examination. Such examinations do not achieve the precision of laboratory tests for the various properties. 1. The relativs type of soil and the frost classification is shown on the sheet "Soil Classification Chart." 2. Other criteria: Boulder - greater than 8" Gobble - approximately 3" to 8" Blow Count - blows/6" of 140 lb. weight failing 30"; 2" split spoon. (The standard penetration is blows/12'.) Density - estimated by the rate of drilling, type of soil, blow count and moisture range PL - Plastic Limit, moisture content being approximated as; above (+) or below (-) plastic limit (PL) or liquid limit (Lw) as appropriate Lw - Liquid Limit, see PL Dilatency - is the ability of wate, r to migrate to the surface upon vibration or jolting of a sample, an aid ia determining whether a soil is pre.- dominately a clay or silt Well graded - uniformity coefficient greater than 7 Poorly graded - uniformity coefficient less than 7 (Uniform particles, gap graded) Organic Content - estimated by volume, not particularly precise Clayey Soils - a field method now being used as an aid to identification of these soils as a combination ball drop, and rolled thread test in which a 2" diameter ball of the Sand-Silt-Clay fraction is dropped 2' until a 1" thick pat develops. The diameter of a thread at crumbling rolled from the resultant pat determines whether clay or silt predominates. Dry Strength - a small sample of the soil is formed into a cube and air dried, and crushed between the fingers. High dry strength indi- cates clays and low indicates silts. Water Table - the apparent water table at the time of observation, Often the actual water table may be higher unless the hole is'allowed to remain open or is converted to an observation well. Capillary Fringe - change from moist to very damp, or saturated soil, usually indicates that water table is close. Peat ~ Fib-'ous material of macroscopic and microscopic fragments of de- cayed vegetable matter; very compressible, unsuitable for founda- tion or embankment. Color light brown to black. Ao - The upper layer, surface soil or topsoil, containing humus and/or organic debris, not satisfactory for foundation. ALASKA TESI'LAB ALASKA TESTLAB · CONSULTATION · TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS O INSPECTION SOIL CLA ~SIFICATION CHART 50°/o GRAVEL 0 I0 20 ;50 40 50 60 70 80 90 I00 GR A~VV EL (+_:~IOS~CREEN) % BY WE~IGH~T_ NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 5% FINER THAN O,02mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: FI GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 5 AND 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BFTWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN O,02mm. F5 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT ,FINE SILTY~ SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15°/o FINER THAN O.02mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12, EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b, FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15°/o FINER THAN O.02mm, c. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12, d. VARVED CLAYS. \C F Zoo Zol, 5' I horoby certify tha? I hav,e ~urvaya~ tho ~ollowlng doscrlbcrd propor~¥, ~ /~ on the prope~ lying adjacent thare~ ~hut no Imprevemon~ on prope~ lying edlacon~ olh~r vldbla ~mentl an ~ p~ except as In~ica~ her~n, 0 \ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES / 4W~,4VlArIONAVENUE CENTRAL REGION -- DIVISION OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION / ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99S19-6900 RIGHT Or WA r eRANCH (tELEX 2S4e$) (~07) 2~.~21 C April 27, 1987 Chugach Electric Association P. O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Attention: Yv~,nne Ashley Dear Ms. Ashley: Project No. QF-031-2(57)/53325 Rabbit Creek and DeArmoun Interchanges Parcel No. 31 John H. Korpi and Rose M. Korpi Encroachment Agreement MUNICIP~L~Y OF ANCHO~O~ ENVIRC)h!Mr IqTAL ~OrE~ION APR 2 ? 1,q87 Enclosed is a letter from the Municipal Health Department, requesting, under Item 3, a letter of non-objection (Encroachment Agreement) to utilize the ten foot utility easement along the easterly portion of Lot 10 as additional space for a septic disposal system. The existing crib is shown on the plat enclosed. Also enclosed is engineering data prepared by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), Right of Way Engineering, which ]nay be of assistance. As shown on the plat, DOT&PF requires 4,338 square feet as additional right of way for 'the above indicated project. The owners are concerned for location of an extra septic disposal site should their present system fail. As a matter of information, DOT&PF has no objection to a waiver of a set-back requirement from the new proposed right of way line along the northern boundary of Lot 10. We request that Chugach approve an Encroachment Agreement ground use of the utility easement area for purposes of drainage field. for under- a possible 'Please contact me at 266-1630 if I can be of assistance. Sincerely, Negotiations Supervisor CBE:bjs Enclosures cc: Daniel N. Bolles, John H. Korpi Municipality of Anchorage, DHHS" 18~ !6.06 lO'UTILITY 78+16.24 \ 'DE'Y94 - -- ! N8747'56"E -146.69' (Rec. 145.95' /1/I///// '.~E'78+ 30.61 15,954 S.E: I0 reloining woll 8o 21188 ' 155.06' LT. L N89°SI'a8"E - I0q56' 9,903 S.F, ~LAT N0.65-115) .~_ N~30 56 E-2--8.14"'~. N74°O3'30"E._29.19', R= 30.00, I L=18.12 N 89% 1'48"E-68.81' R=SO.O L=29'05~ .0-~ 95181/' S.E R=I¢.E~O' , L =32.?--2 k 'DE'79489.50 289. \ o 4,338 SF. /~DE'8I~08.12 BL C EASEMENTS Porcelno in fovor of,lype of esmL CEA (BLANKET) CEA (BLANKET) CEA (BLANKET) CEA ~EANKET) EET 141~ IS~., !G23, IG2S, 4~, 141 LiST SET ;(s) EDiT SET ~ 116 SET 116 14!, 1E24 ,IG2Z,, )B2S, 94, 141 EDIT SET ~ AREA/LOT SUMMARY FROM 8EAR~NG/ANGLE DISTANCE PRINT ]NUERSE DATA '~ (Y/N): SET 14l S ~K'4B'IS"W 99.38 PC ERG PC TO RP RADIUS !524 t,' 57'35'82"W 106.06 DELTA ARC LENGTH S7'36'1~" LT 186.35 TGN LENGTH TAN PC,PI 54,87 N 52'23'58"E RP BR6 RP TO PT RADIUS 1523 N 64'93'43"E I90.00 1625 S 83'2E'43"E 42.25 94 S 6'OE'I2"E 38.49 NORTH ERST ELEU 9903.62042 985g. ZOG26 NORTH ERST 992~.43~43 o~4 ~ c DEG OF CURUE MID ORD S7'17'45" 12.33 TAN P~+PT EXTERNAL N £'OB'I'7"W 14.0G NORTH ERST 9938.33189 9324,42989 9933.90898 9903.~2042 S56E.~0~41 PERIMETER SQ FT RCRES 269,48 2371.95239 .054453 ELEU ELEU TO IE24 RP IG23 PT ,94 141 RIG H'F-OF-WAY REQUI RED EXISTING R I G HT-OF'-WAY AREA REMAINING BEARINGS ARE STATF PLANEt ZONE 4 Sec 52 TI2[X R3W S M ROAD :DEARMOU 4~338 S.E I L.L..S BL_K C II (PLAT Signature Date Attached To. Dated Page___Of~__ STATE OF ALASKA DEPAF1TMEN'[' OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES MAP SHOWING RIGHT OF' WAY REQUIRED FOR RABBIT CREEK 8~ DEARMOUN INTERCHANGES CENTRAL REGION Area_4,3~O S.F. __1 ''= 50' Project i'~QI--'-031'2(57 ), .. Scale, Dwn.. MML .Date6.8.86 Parcel No. RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUIRED EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA REMAINING BEARINGS ARE STATE PLANE, ZONE 4 Sec 32 TI2N R.'SW S M ROAD //////% I LL.,~ , ..... I '-i/j ,~-Z~,' ":'~28tS- U B (PLAT NO. MUNICIPALITY OF ^NCHORAG~ 'APR 2 ? 1~87 RECEIVED m Attached To Page__._Of Signature Dated Date S'FATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES MAP SHOWfNG RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRED FOR RABBIT CREEK 8~ DEARMOUN INI"ERCHANGES CENTRAL. REGION 1% 50' Scale: Dwn.- M M I~. Dot e 6.8.86 Area 4,.538 S.E Project No.Q-F'0;51'2(57) Parcel No, Nlunicipa itYof Anchor e P.O. u'.)X 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASK.~ 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES March 20, 1987 Mr. John H. Korpi 14001 Specking Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Subject: Lot 10 Block C Sunset Hills Subdivision Right of way easement Dear Mr. Korpi: On March 18, 1987 this office was approached by Carol Eaton, of the State of Alaska Right of Way section, concerning the proposed acquisition of a portion of Lot 10 Block C Sunset Hills. At that time Ms. Eaton conveyed your concern over a replacement site for your septic system. After reviewing our files we were able to determine that a replacement system could be installed. Based on the existing as-built and soils report a trench type system could be installed under the following conditions: 1) The existing pit location must be defined, as regards the existing property lines and the proposed property line after right of way acquisition by the State of Alaska. 2) That an easement be granted, by the State of Alaska, to ensure sufficient area should the trench extend into the Seward Hwy. right of way. Ms. Eaton stated such an arrangement could be made. 3) A letter of non-objection, concerning the use of the utility easement for septic disposal, be obtained from the utilities utilizing the easement along the easterly portion of lot 10. Ms. Eaton stated that her office would handle that agreement. In view of obtaining the forgoing requirements this department can then establish the location of the upgrade area. At this time we can foresee no reason to deny the issuance of the appropriate separation waivers. Should it become necessary to replace the existing pit, at a future date, the waivers would be on file so as not to hinder the permit process. Should you have any further questions please contact our office at 343-4744. Sincerely, Daniel N. Bolles Eng. Tech. III DHHS cc: Gus Andress~ P.E. Manager, Water Quality Div., Carol Eaton Right of Way, DOTPF DHHS 16.06 -F~-4.87~ I DE79+62YS~ N89°47'56"E - 14-6.69' (Rec. 145.95')' EASEMENT-- E'78+16,24 . 'DE'78~-20.68 . ,o 'DE'79+61.31 ~.io 70' LT. r,-;~ 12,097 S.F. ,fY- ?Septic I S 88o 09,45,,E'~-~ ~4-~, % '~L~ ..... .............:::.:.: ..:.:.:.. :...~: ::.:..:..: - I (R e c. I /';/ iDE' 79, +63.07, "' i · '.' 49.89 LT. /' ,'//.,. /,,',',','~ .. B_GIN COFLTROLLr_D ACC~ , 'DE' 80 +27.0'B~-, 63' LT,, "¢ /, "/ '/-'~ ,/,L//"/,'" ' ' "' ' ~ ' ., ( I. ¢ 'E -76.04 ~ I I D( 78+30~61 0 ~, 15,954 S.E 89°'51148"W -136,27'(P,~'c.164.09'toPI ) L=J3198' ~'9t03.74 I R = 15.6)0 ,, 'L:32.E2 N83°2 END ~;QN:I-ROLI~ED ACGES D,E -~q~-. 17'h3..4' R,T. 'DE81+OS.lZ/ reioining w011 I.pE 804- _2.1182_ t' 155.06 LT. N89O51'a8"£- 104.56' 'DE' 79+89.50 2_89. 0 RT. -, 9,903 S.F'l BLAT NO. 65-115) N~30~'E-2_,8.14-, o~ N 74°03'30"E-2.9.19'. '; R = 30.00,, i L=18.12 ': -- N89~51 '48"E-68.8 I' DE ~0~ 95.8 '¥ / .' ,' '",' ' 6Z--LT, -~ , · ';, DE 81+23.89' , /_ _:70...,5 LT, .619 S.F. // CEA (BLANKET) CEA (BLANKET) CEA (BLANKET) CEA ~ LANKET) CEA (BLANKET! EASEMENTS P~rcel~ in fevor of,type of esmt. 8N-08.12- 9~ LJ B D.