HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNSET HILLS BLK C LT 12 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS'rEM -R296.8 INSURING OFEICE PART I.--.TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA 60-007217 Anchora~_% Alaska B~'lk of A'J.aska ~ AJl0ho~age SERIAL NO. MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR Gerald T. Goard SUBDIVISION NAME Sun,et Hills PROPERTY ADDRESS Between Dea~mot~ Road and Specking Avemte~ Anchorage, Alaska JBLOCK NO. LOT NO. TOTAL NUMgER~ WATER SUPPLY BY: [] Public system BASEMENT Yes [-] No ] New installatiou ~_1 Community system Can attic or other area be made Into additional bedrooms? (If Yes, how many~) ~ SYSTEh~ DESIGNED FOR ~[~--J lndividuaJ NO. OF BI)RMS. GARBAGe DISPOSAL ~J ludividual [] Yes IX--1 ~o SEWAGE UISPOSAL BY: [~] Public system Community system PART II.---TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT tEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is the opiuion of the "[~] State [] County [] Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system i~-] is ['~ is not satisfactory asa domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the ~] State [] County [] Local Department of Health that this iudividual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maiutenance: ~ Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and [] Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition DATE $ ~N~TURE / /:. . ) TITLE spaces provided. Use of the above grid for Health Department Inspector's sketch as well us use of the back of this form is at the option of the health authority. PART III.~FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRIlJRz I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Cmnpliance Inspection Report, and recommend that'the Individual water-supply system be coDsidered [--] AcCeptable ~_~ No~ acceptabl~ ~wage disposal be considered [] Acceptable [] Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CHIBF ARCHITECT ' DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT FHA Form 2573 Rev. July 1958 'oanu!tu Jad ~UOllUl? · amu}m lad SUOll~ ':aa)--~7~7~ 'gu[s~a jo q;daG olup a,x!g ,,~sa,{., s[ Jatasuu JI 'ON [] 'sox 1~ ioPem uoaq Jaauta jo uo!l~u!m~xo l~[gOlOpal>uq suH 'SUOl[~g~'alp~d~D '~[~IO 'oN ~ 'soX ~' :lqg}~ol~t~ ~upunom dmtM 'oN ~ 'sox ~ :pau[~ XlJado:d ~ooJdm~ ·l]d d~ ~ 'puuoJg ofioq~ osnoqdmnd O 'luamoseq jjo mooJdmn "~lpud~ d~ '~aa) '*d[d do:p jo q~ua~ 'lla~ dao~ ~ 'llat~ ~OlImlg ~ :dmnd 'I[9~a~q ~gu}pa0 ~ 'xq> palpp~ ~ 'moag ~ua~aD ~ :q~}~ pOl~aS 'pla~a al~}xo~ddV '1~) '[la~ u} aaa~m jo ]oa~l 3u}dmnd o1 qadap ol~m~xo~ddV · laaj 'uopnllOd alq}ssod jo sa3:nos 2aq~o :aaa) 'loodssaa 'pp~ l~sods}p ~aoo) ~ '~u~l v!~das :loaJ 'ao~as alu '.laaj~'aa~as uoJ~ 'I1a~ PalOfl ~ 'llama gnG ~ 'lla& uoapO ~ 'Ip~ PallPG ~ :moJj Alddns aalu~ ignpDjpui 'laaj~'ou~[ ga~old luoaj tuoJj ~2~q los ~U~lla~aG 'daap ~aaj~'apva laaj~:a~s Jaleax jo Jilddns a:}unbop~ qs]mnj ol ,h}upv, alu!pamtu! u! slp,'a jo aJnl]uJ jo pzo2as ~,uo2a: :tsotu oMO · pooqJoqq~Y!au u[ aJ~tuolsn9 lou olg [] alu ~ SllaaX i*npvqpul WI.LSA$ Alddll$'ll:llV/~ 1VII(IIAIQNI~NOII:)ldSNI tO lllOdtli 'laamD [] :lU}Jalgtu JOlltJ jo 'ouH q0ea jo ql~u~ 'tpp}~ qoua~& 'souq alu jo q~ua[ imo~ 'IPAX :moo o~ums~G a~qlo sl!d a~Yud*a$ ~1' 'PlatJ [~sodslp aILL [~} jo sls!suo~ LNIWIYI$.L AUVGNO:~I$ [~!Ja:~um $u!uH 'SUOllU~' 'Xlpudea p}nbFz '3ooJ 'qldaG '~aaj ':eaa [] 'apls [] 'luoJj [] ~ au[i :oI asaJuou :aaoj 'uoptzpunoj '.~aaj 'SUOll~ 'mam~Judtuo2 ~alU[ X~puduD .SUOllUl/ 0 ()O/ 'loodssaD [] W:ILSAS 1VSOdSIC]-:IoVAAIS IVfIC]IAIONI~NOII:)ldSNI :JO .LtlOdlt:l MEMORANDUM DATE 23 June 1960 FROM. F.P. Meader SUbJeCT. FHA Gerald Goard ~,~ater Sample Report: On 6/15/60 a water sample was collected and resui~ were negative. The laboratory report hfts been misplaced in Sanitation office. (4M) Your recent request for an analysis of a sample from the Individual Private Water Supply servingBPecking Roads .---was ~ ~ecalved 6/~6/~ and ex~ination has been completed. ~:"" Lab, No, :EL07J. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ~ ~"" ?,?~ $outhoen~x, al RegiOnal /' / ALASKA DEP~T~NT OF ~EALTH OATh ~On Of Sanitation and En~neerlng ovm~ ACTION ON REQUEST ~ ,BAcTE~OLOGIC~ WATER ~N~,YSIS Records in this ottice indicate this Indlvldual Private Water Supply to be of sanitary stares. · __Satlsfactory____Questionable_ Unsatisfactory Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be (/'< Satisfactory .Questionable .Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your family from water-borne diseases as outlined in eh- dosed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your spring--See bulletin HSE-6-2 3. Lmprove your clstern---See bulletin HSE-6-3 4. Improve your dug well--See bulletin HSE-6-4 5. Improve your driven weLI--See bulletin HSE-6-5 6. /mprove your drilled well--See bulletin HSE-6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system--See bulletin HSE-15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please seud new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [~ Local Health Depamnem or [] Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office for bulletins, consultatlon, and assistance. 11. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. SANITARIAN's REMARKS / / Sig < ': .... ' :;~f ' Arctic Alaska Testing L~.,bormories Ju~y 9~ i959 1320 Bluff' Raad, Apl, 401 Ancimr ag¢~, Dear Mr, Goard: 5unse~ Hi ll~ Subdlvis~on FHA No., 6()',-007~ J 7 "g.~'; 18 }o 60 in.. c~ ~-, ~;andy gravel No vtaJ~:r }~bJ(~ w6~ enCOUl~{'gi~:¢d l'i~g observ~4d J0.-.mlnu{e, ra¥¢: ,:.'~ pe[cola~lon was 6~, inches ADH~-H~E~FI t'~r!I~AKE WATEII ~AMPLE TOy Labm'atory, 945 Sixth Ave, LOut Completely. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY I Sheet for Sample Collection ~ /II~A SILt[ DE, P~RTMENT OF I~'AI~TH [ Instructions, Requ~t for Ba~edological Analys~ ~. ~o ........................................... Water sample collected by ........................ C2~5CC ......... r~?.~:.(.:::..~.:::'..':~:::~:.v.2t .................... .~..~.(~ ........... {Name of person eellecting sample) (Date) (Time) Water sample collected from ~Kltchen t~p; ~ B~hroom tap; ~ Basement tap; ~] Other (lts~) ......... ~ ........................... ; ................................................................. , ...: ..... .................... Addr~s premise where source ~ l~ated......)z.....~ .......: .......................................................................... ~,..e.......z._~,~. (~.) Mail repor~ go <(~ ............. ~ ............................................................. (Name) (Box No. or streeg address) Please place an "X" In ~he box bafore lgoms which b~g describe your wager aupply: SOURCE: Well -- ~ Dug, ~ Driven, ~Drllled, [] Bored ~ Spring, ~] Ctstern~ ~ Other (list) ............................................................................................................... ~ Creek, ~ River, ~ Lake, ~ Pond .................................................................................................................. DUG WELL O~[ CISTERN CONSTRUCTION: Walls ~ ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ Metal, [~ ~le, ~ Brick or Concrete Block Top ~ ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ Metal, [~ Open Top LOCATION: ~ In basement, ~ Basement offset, [2 Under lithe, ~ In yard Other .................................................................................................................................................................................... DIST~CE TO: Building sewer or other drainage pl~ .............. feet, Septic tank .............. feel, Tile field .............. feet, Seepage pit .............. feet, Cesspool .............. feet, Privy .............. feet. Other possible sources of contamination (l~g) ............................................................................................................................................. ~RI~: Butlding sewer -- ~ Cast iron, ~ Wood, ~ Tile, [~ Fibre pipe, [~ Asbestos cement Joint material ~ ~pe ....................................................................................................................................................... GENER~ I~OR~ION: Does water become muddy or discolored? ~ yes,~no When? ......................................................................... / /~ ...../,...'"~ ............................... Diameter of well ................ ~ ................................... depth ............ ).;....Z~..~__ .......................... feet woll ............. ......... & ....... ................. Length of drop pipe ............................................................................................................................... Wager depth from bot~m .......................................................................................................... feet Pump loeaOton:~] ~ well, ~ Offseg In basement, D In b~emenr '~] ~ utffigy r~m, ~ On top ct well ~] Other (l~t) ........................................................................................................ PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected? [~ yes~ no New source of supply? ~yes, ~ no Repairs [o existing systen~? ~ yes, ~ no ................................................................... .......... ............................................................................ PLEASE DRAW A 8KETCH ~ ~E ~PAOE BEt,OW. ~I8 SKI~'OH SHOULD SHOW LOCATIO~ OF HOUSE, WAT~ SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, 8E~R, DRA~ LI~8 OR 0~ ttOUROES OF POLL'U~ON ~D DISTANCES BE~EEN WATER SUPPLY SOURCE AND ~Y OF ~OVE SAMPI~ES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINEHS PROVIDED BY THE ALA,qKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH