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SUNSET HILLS WEST Miscellaneous Data & Soil Information Mt. Spurr was Renamed Sunset Hills West.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION November 3, 1971 Mr. Earl Bell Associated Developers 505 West Northern Lights Blvdo Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Bell: We have been notified by copy of a letter to you from Mr. C.P. Judking, GAAB-DEQ, that you intend to construct some type sewage disposal system in Sunset Hills West. This notification would seem to indicate that the project is one in which we should be interested. I wish to take this opportunity to remind you that no sewage collectien, sewage treatment, or sewage disposal system (other t:han individual on-site units) can be con- structed in the State of Alaska without the review and approval of plans and specifications by this Department. Prelilninary consultation with this office could possibly save needless backtracking and revision to meet current State criteria. I would suggest that when your project reaches the appropriate stage of development that your engineer set up an appointment with this office for a preliminary Yours traly, Kyle J. Cherry ~ Regional Environmental Engineer K JO/mw ac: GAAB-DEQ GAAB-DPW RECEIVED' 19/!" ki?! Octob~.~r ?.7. 1071 505 W. No~the~n Ltght~ BlvrJ, Anchor~g(:~,, Al~sk~ 99503 EXl:,a~slon of Sewage Disposal Facilities, Suns(::t }Jills ;.lest This leL'~er is to provide you with this Pepartment's coflcurr~nce with ~he stipulations ~h'. Calv'l~ K, flest, P.E., ~later Pollution Coutrol Engin:]er, (;roat~er Anchor-, a~:~ ~,t'e~ Ih)rough, 'Icl;tar of July 7, If}71 statc, d concern,. tng ti~e expansiou of th~: Sunset ii'ills Uest sm.~ag(~ disposal This tie!:~artl:uu'~t L.iill al>prow:~ ~:>',pai:sicm oF th<: Frovided that all resultant ~,~ast~'r< nre treated of th,.: St~s o~ f:lasI:~. C.,P. Oudkin~, R.S, DJ rector C~lvin E. We:~t. C~.A.A.[~. Kyle d. Cherrj, St~t~ of Alaska July 7~ i~Ti A~sociatcd Dew, lopers 505 W, Northern Lights Anciiorage ~ /!.Alaska 99503 SEWER AGRE}!,~?~ENT FOR SUNMET HILLS Sinco ths Oceanview Outfall In presently discharging raw se~,mge en the beaches of Turnagain Arm~ the State Department of Health snd Welfare and th~ l~orough Department of Enviromentai Quality has ordered tha~ no addl~J, ona% ep~tensio~m be allowed to the Oc~mnview Outfall system. This ¥~ould then proelmi~ th~ inter~tie of your proposed subdivision in th~ (:onve~tlonal matlne, r to the Oceanview Outfall syg~tea. %t would b;~ pos~.;1ble, howevr~r~ go alJow your mibdivJ, sioxl to ut:!litize tim Oceanview O~tfal]. if the e~e,wage was treated to an acceptable degree. On thin basis tho Borough Administration 'l,~ willilig to re(~'om~aend an agreement with you which wo~ld allo~ the constrection of treatment facilities, trunk~ and otlmr appurtenanc~ co intex'tie yoer proposed subdivision w:[th the Oceanvie~ system mid to accept these fecil:iCies for opera~ion and maintenance~ In gddi~:J.on th~ coal: of co~:ml~ructing this portion of tb~ sewer facilities would be ~,ccepted in lieu of trunk assesamsnts~ Also, mhould the cost~ of tim treatment plant exceed the total trtmk asseag, menl: an accepgab].o depreciation schedule (agreod ge by both parties) could b~ made a part of tim agreemut~ and the borough would then rein;bu.r~:~ you for tho depreciatad wliu~ in Wa are willing to proceed wfth th¢~ technical arid financial provision ef snch a~% agreement and recm~end it to ~h~ Borough Assembly as soon t~s practical° Should you l'mw~ any qnestions on this n)att~r pleaso feel frt~e to eont:a~t Yours vory truly, GREATER A~CHORAGE BReVet BOROUGH Calvin E~ Weot~ P.E, Wat~r Poliut'ion Control Engineer CE~,l/mlh OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 480 Anchorage~ Alaska 99501 June 3~ 1971 Anchorage IO (VAL) Mr. Robert A. Dow 505 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 Dear Mr, Dow: Subject: FHA ~ 100~ Sunset Hills West~ Anchorage~ Alaska. Recent investigation by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough: Department of Environmental Quality and the Alaska Depmrtnmnt of Health and ~falfare oft he Ocean View - State Manor se%~r outfall facility revealed that this system has beco~ overloaded due to the excessive accumulations of human waste being discharged into it. R~e Borough~ per letter dated May 24~ 1971~ will not allow any lateral e~pansion of this syste~ ~ue to the above condition. I~ as much as the subject tract is located in'this sewer outfall area we mast suspend all processing until such time as a solution to this se~ge outfall problem has been arrived at. Slncer~ly~ ~ m Claude M~JU~s~p~ Jr. Director Description of Complaint: Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made:_ '~-/~/iJ~C~..~ ._ ....... Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner,'s Address: Phone No, Person Receiving Complaint: /~ [/L Date: I certify that such statement of facts is ~uue to the best of my belief and know- ledge, I request that the foregoing matter be investi~,ated and that appropriate action thereafte~ be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Comp la in an t RE~ORT OF ^QTION~TAKEN nE COMPLAINAN WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COT4PLAINT: GREATER ANCIlORAGE AREA BOROUGIt 104 IYest Northern Lights Boulevard Aachorage, Alaska 99503 2342 Plat Status: Preliminary Date: April 21, 1971 BOROUGH: Engineer Publie l~orks Departmellt Sand Imke Fire Oepartment School District. Street Names Tax Ass~ssor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska ~tilities Chugach ~lectric Association CITY OF ANCItORAGE: Fire Narsha! blunicipal Light ~ Power Department Property 1.~anagement Officer Public Norks Department Telephone UtilJ tM q~. f fic ~ngineer Water Utility GAB Telecom~ications, Inc. Natanuska I~lectric ~sociation Natanuska T~lephone Association Assistant Superintendent of hll~ Re: Subdivision / X~[/i~v~gXX}CC~X Description of Property: Sunset Hills West Subdivision Earl Bell Gentlemen: Petition has been :received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed Su~b.di~yisi~on~of subject property. Attm~'ked is a copy of the proposed plat. ;'1ill you please submit your comments iu writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart- mel~t er agency may need. If uO do ~lot hear f~'om you by .... 5~[7/7__!_1~ do not ~iah to submit any comanents. , we will assume that you If you have uo further use for the attached print, please return it with your coalments. ~nclosure Planning Department GREATER ANCHORAGE AIWA BOROUGII 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 S- 2581 PLAT STATUS: Preliminary BOROUGH: Platting Engineer Public Works Department ~epartmeut of Envir?nmental Quality Fire Department Street Names Tax Appraisers School District OTHER: Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugacb Electric Association CITY DATE: Decembsr 8, 1971 OF ANCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility G~ Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Alaska Department of Fish & Game DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Mt. Spurt Estates OWNER: August F. Reelz Gentlemen: A petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department for the proposed Subdivision of subject property for the January 5~ 1972 Planning Coramission Meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agenQy may need. If we ds not hear from you by December 23~ .l~9~e will assume that you do not wish to submit aqy comments. If you have no fnrther use for the attached print, please return it with your Planning Department Enclosure GREATER ANCHORAGE.AR[EA. BOR©~Gkl POUCH ANCHORAGE, AI..ASt(A 99e02 DEPAI~TMEN~ OF-ENVIRONMEN'~AL September 13, 1971 TO A[_L ENGINEERING FIRMS The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Depari:ment of Environmental Quality has recently heard several conflicting statements re- garding our requirements for submissions for plat approval. Listed below are our requirements A. In areas where public sewer and/or water is not available to all proposed lots tile following shall be submitted with tile pla~.f'/ Topographic data· 2. Soil analysis or soils logs covering tile subject area and a statement by a registered professional engineer that this data represent the soil conditions found throughout the plated area. 3. A proposed lay out for the well and sewer system on each lot, taking into consideration the slope, soil type and permiability, and location of well and sewer systenl on the slopes. 4. A statement regarding the avalability of potable water for each lot by a registered professional engineer. 5. A statement from a registered professional engineer and bearing his seal that these sewer and water systems as shown on the proposed plat can be 'installed 'in accordance with Cbapter 9, Article 6, Greater Anchorage Area Borough code of ordinances and will be safe and adequate for the proposed development. When the above information is provided to this Department we will then be able to review the plat and nlake our recommendations. The Department oF Environmental Quality's recommendations will be negative on all plats submitted without the above. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, /~olf Strickland st l)ickinson, Oswald & Partners 800 Cordova Anchorage, Alaska 99501 July 28, 1971 WO: 11878 ATTN: Mr. Lewis Dickinson Project: $ u n s e t,,'H.i[lrS"-;We s b Gentlemen: PHONE 272-3428 Per your instructions, we put down seven (7) test borings at the above site. We first attempted to use a truck mounted mobile B50, however, the drilling proved to be extremely difficult. As a result ,of this, we moved a John Deere rubber tired model 480 Back Hoeon to the site and completed the project, Test boring number 1 was put down with the B50, the other 6 were dug with a back hoe, Material in the 'test boring and back hoe test pits was, for the most part, the same. Sieve analysis were performed on three (3) representative samples. The sults are included with this report. Attached are the following: Sheet 1 Sheets 2 through 8 Sheets 9 through 1]. Sheet 12 Sheet 13 Location sketch Log s Sieve analysis Soil classification chart Soils description If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call us. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB // Kurt K. yon Dohrmann Senior Engineering Teohnician ?;i < < DICKINSON OSWALD PARTNERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 800 CORDOVA STREET PHONE 907 277-1685 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99~0~ January 4, 1972 Mr. C. P. Judkins, R.S. Director Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re: ,Hount Spurr Estates, Well and septic tank lecations for on-site · ~{'i~{~ Dear Cliff: Attached please find a location sketch of on-site facilities for subject subdivision. In July, 1971, seven test holes were dug on this site. A copy of the logs were sent to you on December 3, 1971. Tl~e material found in these holes varies from GW to SW down to an average depth of 16 feet. This condition is representative of the site. It was my understanding during my December 27th phone conversa- tion with Mr. Strickland that there was no question on adequate potable water source. This should be obvious, based on existing wells nearby. A minimum lot size of 40,000 sq. ft. does not seem reasonable or realistic in an area such as this. If you are proposing to pro- mote this requirement as a Borough policy, please advise us and other Engineers in the area. We are still designing and planning based on regulations and policies established by your department last summer. You had advised me tile Stste was trying to increase minimum lot size for lots with on-site water and sewer to 40,000 sq. ft. minimum area. Mr. Kyle Cherry advises me this is not the case. I would be very surprised to think that your department was independently trying to institute a new standard based on an arbi- trary 40,000 sq. ft. area with complete disregard to the subsurface quality of materials. continued LEWIS E, DICK]NSON, P.E, MAURiCE P, OSWALD, L.S. KENNETH B. WALCH, P.E, January 4~ 1972 Page 2 Your clarification of this question would be appreciated. I will be available to discuss this at your convenience. This would have some very far reaching affects and I'm sure others would be interested in any anticipated changes, if they were advised or aware of same. Very truly yours, DI~/~S~N-OSWALD & PARTNERS Lewis E. Dickinson, Partner LED:bv February 3, 1972 Mr. Lewis E. Dickinson, P.E. D'ickinson-Oswald & Partners ~00 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUDJECT: Water Supply and Waste Disposal Facilities, Mount Spurr Estates Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska (Plat File #52,-42) bear Mr. Dickinson: We have cmilplcted our review of the subjecB proposal and wish to offer thc following comm~nts. WELl. WA'I'IiR DEVELOPMENT We recor, n~)m~d that a single commul'li'~y well be provided as the water supp'ty source 'f'or thc proposal based on Ule following: 1. Well water' data available preclude Che possibili~,y that water on th~Jir own lots i'f all individual wells. to us, copies att, aclj~, does not each lot owner'-'---,¢'i11"'66 able to find must provide water supplios ~hrough 2. The location of wells in close proximity te the shores of Cool< Inlet 'i,s not an adviseable practice as it increasc, s the possihility of sali; wa~er intrusion in~o the fresh water aquifers. 3. l'im scattered development ef some thirty.~fivc (35) individual wells throughout the parcel greatly increases thc, potential of con- tamination 'From various sources within the subdivision; and, further, th: mislocation of Just one well has the potential of upsetting arid actually ne(Jatin~ the entire remaining water supply,-waste disposal d~,~vel opment plan. 4. A single well located on the (,~ast side of the subdivision would be upgrade from the development, greatly reducing the potential of contamination f~om sources wiU]in the subdivision. Lewis E. Dickl~ n Feb. 3, 1972 Page Two Based on the data available and the comm(:nts made above, we suggest tile development nf a single water supply well to serve the entire subdivision. Said well should be located as 'Far east as possible because of the poor to fair ~quifers underlying the subdivision area, we suggest the exact well location be deter- mined via test wells. We recommend ti]at a sewage collector system and treatment p'lant be ins[ailed to provide sanitary waste disposal services to the subdivision and that the effluent from said plant be discharged into the Oceanview Sewage Collection System. The Oceanview lat~ oral system is avail[~ble for connection some 600' north of the Prol~osed subdivision. This concept was explored and preliminary agreement was reached when this area t~as originally proposed for development as Sunset Ilills West by Mr. Earl Bell, Associated Be- velo[)ers (Preliminary plat submitted to your office on May 19, 1.971}. Please refer to the attached letters concernin~l '(',be sub- ject from the []orough's Public Works Department, Chis Department and ~he State o[ Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. The, above reco,rme,'~da8ion 'is based on th: following: 1. On-s'iLe waste disposal via septic ta,k-seopage pit is at best a poor inC(:rim substitute to be used until public sewers are avail,- able. It is a well confirmed fact that a, dramatic decrease in biological ac(:ivity occurs below 40° F. as compared with such activiCy a~ higher temperaturns. As you are prol)ahly aware, the mean annual ~emperaLtlre for th~ Auchorage area is in I;he range of 35° ~:o 4~)° F. ~hus, septic tank operation cannot reliably be com- pared wi~h i. ha~ oF ~he majority of the contiguous United States and must therefore be expected to be substantially less efficient. 2. Soil logs submitI;ed indicate very marginal soil conditions for on.-sil;e waste disposal with a predomina~c(-~ of brown/silty, sandy ~w~l - w~ll ~rade~' daml~-dense with co)bles' ~'~ an<: gouTders~+ ?r~'J]~'~F (lop'cb of [we to fifteen Feet. Test hole #,I indicates a water table at 12 '1/2'. These conditions would be quite taxing to the proposed on.-site seepage systems and the proper~y owner could an[icipate failure at a rather rapid rate. t'he 'lots as proposed are not adequately sized to accommodate adequate number of seepage pit replacements within the separation requirements prescribed by Borough Ordinance. 3. The comparatiw, ly low temperatures found in the Anchorage area, as previously referred to, also reduce the efficiency of tile re.- duction and neu[ralization processes which occur as the septic tank efflueut moves ~hruugh the seepage ~ystem and tile surrounding suils. This will result in a lon§er organism survival time pro,- viding 'For extended organism travel distances through ~he soils, Lewis E. Dick'ln. n Feb. 2, 1972 Page 'l'h tee A reprint, passed on '~o me by the Alaska Department of Environ~ mental Coeservation describing work done by Dr. H.J. Fournelle, E.K. Day and W.B. Page on the subject, "~ixperimental Ground Water Pollution at Anchorage, Alaska" and reported in Public tlealth Re~, por~s, Volume 72, No. 3, March 1957, reported bacterial organism survival times in excess of one (1) year. I refer you to this publication for ~urt~her investigation should you so desire. The pbeuome~en, referred to above, certaiely tndlcatesaa need for extreme caution in the development of subdivisions where on-site waste disposal facilities are proposed. I~ further indicates a need for rather large lei; size to accommodate such on,.si[',e ~,,~as~e disposal facilities. Based on the above c~omments, we make tile following recommendations conceruing I;he developme~lt of waste disposal Facilities to service ~he subject proposal. Alternate "A" - That an appropriately designed and approved sewage collectioe system and treatment plant i~e installed and that the plant effluent be discharged into the existing O~eanv'iew lateral system. Alternate "B" - That tile dev(:lopment of the parcel be postponed until s~(:[I time as the Oceanview Sewage /,)isposal system has been upgraded ~o Lhe point that this office and ~hc Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation will allow it to be expanded to serve Che area encompassed by the proposal. Alternate "C" - That each lot be adeq~,~ately sized '~o provide for the continuieg use, of on-site faciliLies. The actual minil~um lot size would depend upon whether or not public water was provided and a more detailed investigation of the proposal with additional soils 'Les'Ling and ou..slte investigations. In summary:, 'it is tl~e recomlm:ndation of the Department of Environ- mental {luality tha~ a siegle community water well and distribution system b~ provided and ~hat said system be located on ~he easternly side of' the proposed subdivision. Further, that a se~,~age collector system be installed with a package treatment plant with effluen~ discharge to '~he existing) Oceanview lateral system. Wa feel that the recommendations centained hereiu are soundly based and ~,~e find that they represent the ~teneral consensus of the various papers and reports 'l:l~at have been published dealing with the subject and with ':he various individuals within the State of Alaska that are pro- fessionally involved in I;he regulation and/or research of on-site waste disposal, water supply and related areas. Lewis Eo Dicki m Feb. 3, '1972 Pa~e Four Sincerely, C.P, Judkins, R.S. Di rector ~11C$ , Errol R. Simmons Dr. I.lax C. Brewer Kyle d. Cherry Planning Department Public Works Department January 5, 1972 Hr. William l'1. Barnwell Assistan~ Sub,Jlstrict Chief Water Resources U.S. Geu'logic,~l Survey 505 ~'les~ 2nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 9:)~01 We Jlav~; received [:i~e attacJ)~;)d sk~:~tch of thc proposed subdivision showing C~'l(~ locai;iun of each ~mt~'ll and se,)j'~ag,~ pit;. Also enclosed of the site. [ Olll par[icu'larly COllC(]Pne,:J about: i;Ju~ dc:)w~'lop~nen'i: [)i: this feet sei~ar~ ~lon, This subdivision has been submittr..~d to the Plann'in!] i)e))~)"tment for approvol and will b~ before tile Plannin:.~ C()mmission ir) thc near future. Your ear'ly comments, based oil pr,,)sontly availa!~l,-, data, would be greatly appreciated. Sl~corely, C.P. Judkins, R.S. Di roe for cc: Roll R, S~rickland GI.,F:.A h,l~ /-\NC:t']OF?/\GE{ /\F~E:/\ 1!~OI20LJGPI DEPAtRTfvlEi'4T OF FZIqVIF?OFIMEN'I'AL QUALITY Januar,y 5, 1972 Mr. Lewis E. Dickinson, P.E. Dickinson--Oswald & Parl:ners $00 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 unt Spurt Estates, Well cilitieS r On.-Site Fa SU~,JJECI' ~.1 0 Oear Mr, D~ktr~son: and Septic l'ank Locations We have received your sketch of the sul)ject facilities and your letter of transmittal dated January 4, 1972. Please be advised that tile proposal is presenLly under review and that our comments uill be forthcoming wiLl, in the next two weeks. Ihe following comments are provided to clarif'y our presen~ posi- tion concerning illinil/lUlll lot size as relaEed Lo safe, healthful water supply and wasLe disposal. Specifically, the answer to your question is: Yes, we feel that lot sizes in the area of 40,000 square feeb are necessary to SLire safe and healthful water supply and waste disposal For any reasonable period of tilne. We haw? not established Bhis as a "s~andard' but we are suggesting to engineering Firms that they at Jeast consider Lhe poBeutial problems crea[:ed by on.-site water and sewer facilities on small Presently, we are investigatin.q the situation and a Final decision will be provided just as soon as one is reached. I cio not feel that the 40,000 square Feet Figure is arbitrary. reconlmended 37,000 square Feet iilinilllUlll to the Planning Commission in 1966: ~he Collllllission ignored that recolnmendation. '.ir. Frank Nyman, Sanitary Engineer of rr.yck, liyman and Hayes, sup- ported one acre as a goal in 1966 (letter attached). Mr. Ky'le Cherry, Regional Enginebr For the Alaska Departnlent of F_nv'ironlnental Conservation, "strongly advocates tile 40,000 square feet minimunl lot size" in a leLter Lo the Borough dated July 1971 (copy attached). Hr. Lewi:$ ~. Oi¢,ktnson Oicki~$on,,O,,;wald & Pertners 800 Cordova Strnot SUi.~JE(;T: ,qou~ Spurr Estates, ,';~2501, k'lthi~) S 1/~; 29, TI~N, I;3H, $.H., C¢Im~,~int~)l) aO.l.: Acres coF,)pl~:L~d by Alo~;ka Testlah, of th~;.~ subject property, be r~;~<;e~s~ry that a c~plet~ and adequat~~ ~ny.i~eerin~ an~lysi~ th'l~ office At, tach~d 'iS a COpy off m~r ]ettrJ!r of S~.ptccb,.,r 13, 1971, which Your client should b~: advised ~h~t F.II.A, is ~)ol,~ req~U~sti~)!~ lot sizes of on~ {1) ~cres where o~)-,~lt~ u~ste dis~.~s(~l i~ conten.- p)~ted 2nd, ~ha'(; ~;he Alaska i)epar~un~ of Envfrom~¢mtal Con,:er- of 40,OHO ~qt~are f~t. plat be Dec. 23, 1971 Sho~ld you eXl~ect us to (:Oll~ldeY ~t~t~l~.l ~llforr,;~t.']o~, please ex~ect a mt~lmum v'f t~o (2) weeks 'fol'lo~,~l~ ~ubmlssto~ for our comment~ to be imui)ar~d. Sincerely, Director Au!ju~'b F, F',eetz Roll R, Strickland R&M Civil Engineers ENGINEFRING & GEOLOGICAl. CONStJLTANTS 229 EAST 51st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 6087 = ANCFIORAGE, ALASKA 99503 T~LEPHONE 907-279-0483 TELEX 090-35419 Geolo£ists Land Surve?ors JAMES W. R(~ONEY, P. E. MALCOLM A. MENZIES, P.E., L,S. JAMES H. WELLMAN, P,E. June 19, 1972 Mr. Bob Groeneweg ].749 Brink Drive Anchorage, Alaska R&~No. RALPH R. MIGLIACCIO 26530 dUN., RE: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System Lot 19, Block 4~ Sunset Hills Subdivision Dear lV[r. Groeneweg: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments re- garding soll conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with yo%~ request o~ June 19, 1972, and those procedures outlined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 by ]V[r. Roll Strict- land of 'the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department o~ Environmental Quality. A single test hole was put down within the Lot 19 area ~or the purpose o~ defining general subsurface soil conditions £or the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with a tractor-mounted backhoe and 'the test hole was extended to a total depth of 10 ~eet below ground surface. One sample was recovered from the bottom of the test hole and retained for grain size analysis. The sample will be held in storage, up 'to approximately one month, for possible testing before it is discarded. The final log prepared ~or 'the test hole has been included in Drawing A-01. Ground water was not encountered in the 'test hole. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service 'to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & 1VI ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Rooney JWR: wb cc: Greater Anchorage Area Borough ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEAU