HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNSET HILLS WEST BLK 4 LT 10AOnsite File m fi6t nicipali Yo Anchorage P.O, BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 343-4200 T~2~XK~'X Tom Fink, MA }'OR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES January 12, 1988 William Strane PO Box 11230 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: Lot 10 Block 4 Sunset Hills West Subdivision Permit It870252, Tax ~018-203-25 A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1987. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, the original as-built inspection report (three-part form) must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. Effective January 1, 1988, a new fee schedule is in effect. When re-applying for a new permit, the new fees are; $90.00 for an on-site sewer permit; $50.00 for a well permit; $140.00 for a combined sewer and well permit. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 343-4744. Program Manager On-site Services RWR/ljw enc: Copy of Permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephono 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE r)ISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELl.. INSPECTION R[:.PORT TANKS ~' SEPTIC ~ HOLDING TYPE OF SYSTEM ~TRENCH :~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER or~gm~ grade ~' ~( FT ~ FT FT ~ FT FT ~, ~ FT WELLS DISTANCES T~D SEPTIO ABSORPTION ~ TANK FIELD WELL WELL LOT LINE /~. ~.~ FOUNDATION ~ 3 7 /-"~' A!~-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location ol we~l, sepHc system properly lines, Ioundaho~, Fei added above orlgll/al grade gravel lengdl [~ PRIVATE [~ OTHER (Identify) J REMARKS: Scale: Inspec OhS Perf rmud by: ~unkcipel and Siatb Jlbidetifie~ in effect On this date: _ ,~'~"~ '~ 72 013 (3~85) o\ ? / / / / / / / / / r__ma { A'GE 0 $9,4 PROPERTY EASEMENT GRANT Whereas, RALPH BRUMBAUGH, owner of Lot 12, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision, grants easement conveyance to WILLIAM and CARLA STRANE, owners of Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision, for the purpose of an acceptable septic drainfield. Specifications of the proposed septic drainfield are attached. In the granting of the easement, WILLIAM AND CARLA STRANE, acknowledge and assume responsibilities for the following: To contact all public utilities for location identification of existing and proposed utilities· To insure ali. permits are secured and that compliance of permits are adhered to within prescribed limitations. To insure that all surface terrain on Lot 12, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision is redressed to the satisfaction of the present owner. To agree that whenever city and/or public sewer systems are made available, hook-up of those utilities are made within a 90 day period of availability to Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hill West Subdivision. Further, that it is agreed that when- ever city and/or public sewer systems are made available that the easement conveyance to lot 12 becomes null ;~nd void after the 90 day period has elapsed. To hire a qualified surveyor for the purpose of identifying common lot lines on both lots 10 and 12 and lots 22 and 13, along with specified utility easements. To use all diligence and through proper notification, assume financial responsibilities when and if access to Lot 12 is ~equired to maintain, inspect and repair the soil absorbtion drain area· WILLIAM F. STRANE warrants that Water Rights have been granted to him as specified in Book 1542, pages 0491-0495, its well as references in Book 1542, pages 0489 and 0490. The Water Rights encompass Lots 10, 11 and 12, Sunset Hills West Subdivision, Section 32, T12N, R3W, SM. Therefore, in conslderation for the above, and to the extent of my lawful right, I grant equal access to water appropriation to tile legal owner of Lot 12, Block 4, Sunset Bills West Subdivision. In addition, other pe~eonal considerati~~?pecif ~d/h~ein, are agreed to for ~e right to use Lot 12,~ck ~uns~ H~I.I~ West Ra h ~ ~ ~' . S ane B ~ Block Sunset Hills ~est S/D Sunset Itills' Nest PROPERTY EASEMENT GRANT Page 2 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this ?'th day of Augus%, 1987, b~fore ]ne, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, personally appeared Ralph Brumbaugh and William F. Strane, known to me as the individuals named herein and who executed the foregoing PROPERTY EASEMENT GRANT, and who acknowledged to me that they signed the same freely and voluntarily for the intents and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal hereinabove last written. on the day and year /~OTARY i?~3BLIC in and for ALASKA (~ My cffommission 0.5454.~ /:5 - cp !'l E C 0 h b E P ~'F-'Fkf,~D ANCIIORACE REOT/ DISTRICT ~uo 7 12 oe ~N BEVAN ENGINEERING A.cho~,.. Approved Well & Septic Engineers (~7) SOILS LOG ~ PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ ~ /~ ~ Township, ~ange, Section: 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E Deplh to Water Alter Monitoring? _/v./,~7 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE Immutes, mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN RETWEEN __ FTAND FT ACCORDANCE WITH ALL S~ATE AN~ MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE, GATE :~/~Z Municip,.. i :Yof Anchorage P.O.E ;196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 343-4200 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES July 31, 1987 Mr. William F. Strane P. O. Box 111230 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West S/D Dear Mr. Strane: Following receipt of your engineer's letter of July 31, I have approved the inspection report on the 1986 septic tank instal- lation. This approval also validates the tank to well separa- tion waiver written April 24, 1986. The approval is limited to the tank installation only and does~ not extend to the other components of the system. Prior to a Health Authority Approval, the absorption area must be upgraded and the dry well on the northeast side of the house must be properly abandoned. The department will only grant approval for a four bedroom system on this lot. I would suggest also that you pursue the possibility of the extension of public sewer down Hancock Drive. Please contact me if you have any questions on the above. My number is 343-4718. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt On-Site Services SEO/lw cc: Hugh Bevan Bevan Engineering PO Box 112852 Anchorage 99511 BEVAN ENGINEERING P.O. Box 112852 Anchorage, AK 99511 (907) 522.138~ July 31, 1987 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Environmental Protection 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention : Susan Oswa].t Re : Bill S'brane, Lot 10 Blk 4 Dear Susan : Septic -bank abandonmen't Sunset Hills West S/D On July' 30, 1987 I observed the filling of the abandoned 750 gallon septic tank on the referenced proper'by. This tank, which lies beneath the garage, was filled with appro×imately 3.7 cubic yards of 5 sack, high slump grout mix. The concrete was supplied by a commercial redi-mix dis'bributor. Please contact me if I' can provide any additional informatiob. (ph 522-1383 .Sincerely, Hugh R, Bevan P.E, 87203-dws ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION  825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS ~-GAL DESCRIPTION NO, OF BEDROOMS DISTANCE TO: Well / Absorption area Dwelling / P ~ Manufacturer Material No, of compartments Liq. capacity in gallons i F~EMADE: Inside length Width Liquid deptb ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Well Dwellin9 PERMIT NO. ~ ~ No. of lines Lengt Total length of lines Trench width Distance between lines ~ inches ~ -- Top of tile to finish grade -- Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area ~ 31ass ~ Depth ~ Driller Distance to lot line PERMITNO. OTHER PIPE MATERIALS __ / / / / i,klunicipa tYot Anchorage P.O. ,;X 196650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONYKNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES January 21, 1987 Mr. William Strane P. O. Box 111230 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision Dear Mr. Strane: ! apologize for ]lot responding to your request in a more timely manner. This delay has in effect been an extension for the work necessary on your system. This department could provide the necessary inspection; however, the current Municipal fee schedule sets that cost at $340. I am unable to waive this fee. I feel certain that any engineer in town would charge less for a similar inspection. Please let me know if it your desire that this department inspect your system. Sincerely, ,~/ Susan E. Oswalt On-Site Services SEO/aen III MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOR^GE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PRO rECTION November 6, 1986 RECEIVED Susan Oswalt On-Site Services Department of Health & Human Services Municipality of Anchorage PO Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Dear Ms Oswalt, I am in receipt of your letter of OctoberT, 1986. the letter did not arrive until November 6, 1986. ly there was some confusion on my mailing address. However, Apparent- I am aware that tile 750 gallon tank must be abandoned and filled with sand. However, circumstances beyond my control has surfaced that compel me to request for a further extension and/or a less expensive method to accomplish the abandonment. As you are aware, improprieties of the previous owners have placed the existing system in a non-approval category. I have engaged legal counsel in an attempt to rectify the proplem. In addition, I have been unemployed since August 1st and have been unable to secure employment as yet. In as much as I have incurred Engineering costs in excess of $1200.00 to date, I am finding it very difficult to keep up with the costs. Would it be possible to make arrangements with your department to have someone inspect the tank if I were able to get a contracter to fill the tank. This would be very helpful on my part as the Engineer would again charge for any inspection service. Please advise if something could be worked out satisfaction. to your Anchorage P.O. BI96650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-.6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR October 7, 1986 Mr. William Strane 14244 Hancock Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99515 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Subject: Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision This department is still holding the inspection report on the above lot. It will not be approved until the following items are completed: Pump the 750 gallon tank and properly abandon it. This may be done by filling it with sand. 2. Provide proof of abandonment to this department. The abandonment must be certified by your engineer. ~Che waiver written for the tank - well separation will be revoked unless the 750 gallon tank is abandoned. Unless the above correction is made, this department will disapprove the recent installation and waiver. Sincerely, Susan Oswalt On-site Services PS Form 3811, July 1983 DOME3TIC RETURN RECEIF A c orage P.O. X 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA yOIR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES October 7, 1986 Mr. William Strane 14244 Hancock Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Subject: Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision This department is still holding the inspection report on the above lot. It will not be approved until the following items are completed: 1. Pump the 750 gallon tank and properly abandon it. This may be done by filling it with sand. 2. Provide proof of abandonment to this department° The abandonment must be certified by your engineer. -[he waiver written for the tank - well separation will be revoked unless the 750 gallon tank is abandoned. Unless the above correction is made, this department will disapprove the recent installation and waiver. Sincerely, Susan Oswalt On-site Services SOi/i/a S Municipah .Yof Anchorage F:'.O. f3~ 96650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES June 30, 1986 Mr. William Strane 14244 Hancock Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Subject: Lot 10 BLock 4 Sunset Hills West Subdivision Dear Mr. Strane: The Municipal Attorney, Mr. Jerry Wertzbaugher, has asked me to respond to you regarding this department's involvement in the situation on your lot. I have read the correspondence in our files pertaining to the faulty 1981 septic tank installation, as well as the more recent information on the Health Authority Application. Through discussions with staff and perusal of these documents, I find no wrongdoing on the part of this department or its employees. I'~o find, however, that there remains one problem from our perspective, that of a conditional waiver. Until the old 750 gallon septic tank is emptied and filled with sand, the waiver of well-tank distance cannot be unconditionally granted. In addition, the as-built of the newly installed tank cannot be accepted. ~'ailure to complete this action will reault in invalidation of your waiver. I urge you to contact this department soon and resolve this issue. If I can be of further assistance, please call me. Department of Health and Hnman Services oJ/Sg0/ljw fi&unicipalitYof Anchorage P.O. BOX 6650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES June 25, 1986 Mr. Joe Evans Assembly Seat 6-J 4741 Southpark Bluff Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99516 SUBJECT: Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West Subdivision Dear Mr. Evans: Following are the chronological events of this case: A request for Health Authority Approval was processed by this department on September 17, 1981. Since the system was installed prior to 1968, no record of the installation was on file. An adequacy test was performed on the system, and the seepage pit was deemed adequate for a five (5) bedroom dwelling. There is a notation on the file that separation from the well to the sewer system was not a problem. This determination was reached inasmuch as the system was installed prior to a mandatory 100 foot separation require- ment, and was therefore "grandfathered". The septic tank was verified to be only 750 gallons and, therefore, the engineer recommended an additional tank to give a total of 1,500 gallons. On September 28, 1981 the department issued a permit for the installation of a 1,250 gallon septic tank for a four (4) bedroom dwelling. As was customary for a tank replacement of a "grandfathered" system, the tank was not required to be 100 feet away from the well; a notation that 60 feet was acceptable is on the permit. This was clearly an accepted state and municipal policy at 'the time. The inspection report is dated October 14, 1981; the HAA was issued October 29, 1981 for a five (5) bedroom dwelling based on the engineer's adequacy test on the system aad on the addition of a 1,250 gallon tank to the existing 750 gallon tank. June 25, 1986 Mr. Joe Evans Page 2 4. See attached memo dated May 6, 1986. On April 23, 1986 a permit was issued by this department for the removal of the existing 500 gallon tank and the ±nstallation of a new 1,250 gallon tank. Prior to issuance of this permit, a waiver request was evaluated for separa- tion between the new tank and the'well. The waiver was granted conditionally; to complete the waiver Mr. Strane must remove all sources of contamination closer than 60 feet to the well. This condition has not as yet been satisfied. During the application for the tank upgrade, Mr. Strane was questioned regarding the number of actual bedrooms in the house. He clearly stated that there were only four (4) bedrooms. Municipal appraisal records also show four (4) bedrooms. It appears tha~ no impropriety exists on the part of the municipal officials. Mr. Strane had a failing seepage pit prior to the discovery of th~ 500 gallon tank. (His engineer, Neil Hawthorne, shows the system clearly failed the adequacy test.) The we)l is poorly located in the middle of the lot and severely limits the available area for necessary system expansion. The department has contributed several hours of attention to Mr. Strane's problem, including dealing with the problem of the erroneous inspection report. Department of Health and Human Services Attachment JJ/dEH9 fi&unicipa tYo Anchorage P.O. Bo^ ,96650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4311 Joe Evans 1127 West 7Ih Avenuo, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (Work} Neu llome Address: 4741 Southpark Bluff Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 June 16, 1986 Ms. Jewel Jones, Director HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Jewel: Enclosed you will find a copy of a May 12, ].986 letter and attachments from William Strane. At your convenience, I would appreciate your review of these materials and a written response (directed to me) concerning the issues raised by Mr. Strane. Sincerelv, JE/pj ,' Enclosure: copy of ltr MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY Seat 6-J Joe Evans from Strane to Knowles (5/12/86) CC: Mr. William F. Strane Post Office Box 111230 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 unicipality nchora e MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 30, 1986 Vicki Rippie, Health Department Jerry Wertzbaugher, Municipal Attorney Wastewater Problem/William Strane The attached reply should be sent out through Jewel Jones' office. Jewel should have an opportunity to review the involve- ment I am creating for her department by this reply, and comment directly to me if she has problems. If not, the letter which I have signed can be sant out from her office. JW/kjw N[unicip ,.itYof Anchorage F .,CH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4545 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR May 30, 1986 OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY William F. Strane P. O. Box 111230 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Dear Mr. Strane: Your recent letter to the Mayor regarding wastewater problems at 14244 Hancock Drive was referred to several municipal agencies with the hope that you could be provided with meaningful answers to those questions that can be addressed by the Municipality. With respect to your concern that the issuance of a municipal waiver violates city and state laws and amounts to fraud, we will investigate the facts and circumstances under which the permit was issued to determine if there appears to have been any wrong- doing on the part of municipal employees. These questions will be investigated by the Municipal Health & Social Services Department, and you can expect a reply from the Director, Jewel Jones. I will assure you now that the Municipality had the authority to issue waivers, and that in the absence of fraud or misrepresentation, we intend to stand behind those waivers with respect to any systems installed under their terms. In short, whether the issuance of a waiver in 1981 was or was not a wise exercise of discretion, it was, in the absence of proof of fraud, a valid exercise of discretionary authority, and will be honored by the Municipality. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF LAW Municipal Attorney JW:gml cc: Jewel Jones, Director, Mayor Knowles H&HS ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street · Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WFLL INSPECTION REPORT NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION DISTANCE TO: I r'+ Width Manufacturer ~ ~ Material Liq, cap Inside length DISTANCE TO: Well Dwelling Well DISTANCE TO: NO, of lines Lengt Top of tile to finish grade Length Type of crib Width Well Material Foundation Nearestiotline Totallength oflines Trench width Material beneath tile Depth Crib depth Building foundation Driller Sewer line inches PHONE 34.¢"&C,Z:q E NEW ,~['UPGRADE NO. OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO. No, o~-compartments Liquid depth PERMIT NO, Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO, Distance between lines Total effective absorption area PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area DISTANCE TO: Nearest lot line Class Distance to lot llne DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING REMARKS Septic tank APPROVED ~ DATE LEGAL 72-013 (ReVl 3/78) William F. Strane P.O. Box 111230 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 May 12, 1986 Mayor Tony Knowles Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Dear Mayor Knowlss: !~:IRCH, HORTON, b'ITTNER, P~'I'INGER ANDERSON, INC. During the Pall of 1981 we purchased a single residential home located at 14244 Hancock Drive in Aachorage, Al. asks. Tile Legal Description is listed as Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West subdivision. .Circumstances warranted that, for refinancing purposes, certain Health Authority approvals be obtained prior to securing new financing. The following will afford details of information that will outline improprieties, as well as possible fraud, in preparing the residence at 14244 Hancock Drive for tile sale of the property in 1981. In early April of 1986 we secured the professional services of Civil Engineer Neil Hawthorne. On April 14, 1985, Mr. Hawthorne issued a preliminary report (enclosed) outlining data that he discovered from both municipality records, as well as on-sight physical inspections. The improprieties of the parties involved appear to be far reaching, in that a total disregard for state and city statutes, as well as fraud, appear to have taken plsce during the upgrade of the septic system in 1981. City Permit 811023 was issued by Roll Strickland on September 28, 1981 to Leland C0 Walker, Realty Salesman for Century 21 Heritage Homes and ageut for Doctor Maynard Falconer, owner and seller of the above mentioned property. With the issuance of the permit, an exception to both State and City Codes was made with a written statement on the On-Site Sewer Upgrade Permit "well to tank 60' o.k. R. Strickland". Immediately above this comment in separate handwriting other than R. Strickland, is a comment about "No Fee Insp. by Eng * "0 I feel these two comments, by separate individuals, is a clear indication to attempt to absolve the Municipality of improper waivers and establish a possible hold harmless defense over an inexcusable act of dereliction of M~y 12, 1986 Page Two duty on the part of a'Municipal officer. I would hardly consider a one 1 ~lle comment of waiver from 100' to 60~ sufficient to support a blatast; ~tisreqard of state nnd mnnicipgl, codes . The "on-site sewage disposal system .aad/or well inspection report" for Permit 811023 is "stamped and signed" by Eugene F. Fisher showing a distance of 100+' between the spectic and well. The number of bedrooms is listed as four (4)' and the septic tank as 1250 gallons. The home was sold as a five (5) bedroom home, as closets and windows will determine, as well as the apraisal prepared on March 27, 1986. In essence, the Municipality signed an improper waiver, allowed a less than legally required septic tank to be installed and reduced all services from a five bedroom home to a four bedroom home. In addition, because of the complete disregard of city and state codes, they permitted the owner/seller, selling real estate agent~ contractor and civil engineer to colectively engaging in what must be considered an illegal act in preparing the property for selling purposes in ~981 · On September 24, 198~ , a report was issued~ by the Alaska Environmental Control Services, with Leroy C. Reid, signing as the Registered Engineer. I am unable to secure an, "as built" report, however, he does state that the system was to be upgraded from 750 gallons to 1500 gallons for a five bedroom house. We can only assume that Mr. Reid was not hired to inspect the upqrading because the septic was only upgraded 500 gallons to a 1250 gallon capacity. However, an "as built" report by Mr. Reid would have shown that the first tank installed was underneath the garage, wherein a 500 gallon tank was added, not the 1250 gallon tank as stated in the reports. It may be noteworthy at this time to point out that other issues and/or improprieties occurred when we purchased our home in 1981. A formal complaint was filed with both the buying and selling real estate agents for unprofessional conduct.' As a result, both agencies were fined by the Anchorage Board of Realtors. In addition, we were compelled to bring legal court action for damages incurred by the sale and transaction of this property. The resulting end was that both buying and selling real estate companies were judged quilty and compelled to pay damages. Mayor Tony Knowles May 12, 1986 Page Three In tile report issued by Susan Oswalt, Program Manager for On-si're Services for the Municipality of Anchorage, she indicates that Mrl ' Bloom stated that a blank, pre-stamped record of inspection had been re;~loved hY the excavator from D & B's office· If, in effect, wh.-,s t:~le.i.r prolessional Find [eqFl]. s~akus COUld be l~ jeopardy. 1)~ ~he April' 29, 1986 report submitted by Neil Hawthorne, he has stated that because of the obvious failOre to adegnately upgrade the system in 1981, his professional and ethical opinion was that a new system be installed to cover botb wel,1..and septic. , Inasmuch as the reports are self-explanatory, I feel the following high-lights should be addressed and all parties responsible be held accountable and financially liable to correct the issues under their direct, as well as indirect, control· 1. Improper Waiver granted by the Municipality of Anchorage. Require that an "as built" report be issued by the original Reporting Engineer, Leroy C. Reid, indicating where the septic tank was located underneath the garage. Century 21 Heritage Bomes, Inc. Representative, Leland Walker, and Maynard C. Falconer, as responsible par~ies for i~suring that all legal requirements were accomplished prior to the sale of the residence at 14244 Hancock Drive. In the report of May 6, 1986, by Ms. Oswalt, there is a statement made that "Pre-stamped and Pre-signed, As-Built" were removed from the D & B office. However, no "Disciplinary Action Report" (DAR) was filed against the Civil Engineer. If this type of action is permitted to go on without repercussions to the Engineer, how vulnerable is the citizenry of Anchorage? It is my understanding that engineering firms, as well as contractors, are required to provide Performance Bonds as part of the licensing prerequisites when issued a license in Alaska. In that event, with information available .~'rom the Health Department as to the improper methods of the Engineer's performance, why would the Municipality of Anchorage hesitate to begin proceedings against the Engineer? Mayo~ Tony Knowles May 12, ~986 Page 4 The 1981 Residential Appraisal Report fo'r my property listed a total 8 rooms in· an area of 2,883 square feet of actual living space. The rooms included 4 bedrooms and 2 baths as part of the total livin~ area. With th~ addition of one, ~0' x 20' miraculously iIlcroased the ].iving area to I 3 rooms, iecluding 5 bedrooms . Adding 167 square' fee% %o the already existing 2,883 sq.f%, has increased my home 5 additional rooms, including one bedroom. It would appear that the selling real: estate agent ~urposely reduced the bedrooms in order to qua].ify the home using a smaller septic tank requirement· This act alone should be sufficient to question the legality of the sale of the property. The Contractor, D & B General, who represents the Engineer, Mr. Eugene F. Fisher, has excavated and placed'a 1250 gallon capacity septic tank. However, as previously mentioned, the tank is still inadequate for a five bedroom hodse. In addition, there is still 750 gallon tank full underneath the garage, and in final, the septic/well still is illsuffioient as the "'seepage pit" is inadequate. Therefore, not only does the "see.page pit" require being moved to a different location, but in so doing, the water well must be re-positioned to another location i~ order to afford the required 100' distance between the well ad septic. In summary, I feel that the Municipality of Anchorage is initially responsible for a total disregard to public safety. The lackadaisical approach toward issuing waivers without proper research and/or protection of the general public is grounds for legal and financial responsibilities. It is my sincere wish to have this injustice rectified prior to any legal action against the parties involved° My only desire is to insure that my system is upgraded in the manner that is legally acceptable by Municipal Codes and passes all Health Department requirements. Mayor Tony Knowles May 12, 1986 Page Five .. Shollld you have any questions or the need please contac~ me at my office 278-4526, fo.r further or 345-6607. docamentation Anchor~e, .aska 995,1,1, Attachments CC: Anchorage Assembly Members Department of Commerce City Ombudsman State Attorney General Anchorage Board of Realtors State Ombudsman Maynard Falconer RESOURCE CONTACTS Approving Engineer: Eugene 7810 East Greencake Drive No. Seattle, Washington Fisher (206)522-1873 P.O. Box 888 Wasilla, AK 376-3531 1st EngJnner Leroy Reid Alaska Environmental Control Services 1200 West 33rd Avenue 561-5040 Previous Owner Maynard Falconer Ofc. 272-2557 1345 West 9th Avenue Res. 349-7982 Anchorage, Alaska Selling Agent Lee Walker, Heritage Homes 7027 Appoeco Ct. (Now at Remax) Ofc. 694-4200 Res. 333-8248 Health Dept. Sue Oswalt or 264-4718 or Robbie Robinson 264-4720 or 825 "L" Street 264-4700 Anchorage, Alaska Department of Commerce chuck ward Commerce Investigator Ist National Bank Lending Bank Greer Tank Stephan Helms 243-2455 (Installed tank purchaspd in 09/81) Present Enigeer Nell Hawthorne 344-4711 INDEX 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9 10 13 14 Letter to Mayor Tony Know].es Resource Contacts for all Parties Report of April 14, 1986 (Neil Hawthorne Soils Lo~ Perc Test - Lot 9, Blk 4, On Site. Sewage System - Lot 9, Blk 4, Upgrade Permit Issued 9/28/81, Sunset Hills West Suncet Hills west Sewage Inspection Report - Dated 10/24/81, Adequacy Test - Dated 9/24/81, Lot 10, B4, As-Built Report - Dated 6/10/81, Lot 10, B4, Report'of April 29, 1986 (Neil Hawthorne Site Plan by Hawthorne, Dated 4/28/86 Report of 5/01/86 (Nell Hawthorne) Report of 5/06/86 (Susan Oswalt, MOA) Invoice from Neil Hawthorne, Dated 4/30/86 Lot 10, ]34 Sunset Hills West Subset Hills West Lot 10, B4, Sunset Hills nicipality of nch ra ¢ MEMORANDUM DATE: May 6, 1986 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: File Susan Oswalt, Program Mgr., On-site Services~. Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West At the request of the engineer working on a Health Authority Approval on the above property, I researched the files in our office. Our records show a sewer system was installed prior to 1968 and then upgraded in 1981. The upgrade consisted of the addition of a 1250 gallon septic tank to meet four bedroom minintum requirements. An adequacy test was per-. formed at the same time and showed the seepage pit was functional and adequate for the dwelling. The current Health Authority inspection could not confirm the presence of a 1250 gallon tank. Due to this discrepancy I contacted the inspect- ing engineer, Eugene Fisher, in Seattle. He [tad no recollection of the tank inspection but contacted Mr. Barry Bridges of D and B General, Inc. to assist him. Mr. Bridges came to this office and was given copies of all pertinent documents. A few days later Mr. Fisher came to this office accompanied by Doug Bloom of D and B. Mr. Fisher admitted that the signature on the engineer's seal was his own; however he denied that any other portion of the document was prepared by hint. According to Mr. Bloom, there is every indication that a blank, pre-stamped record of inspection form had been removed by the excavator from D and B's office. Based on the field evaluation, we subsequently concluded that the inspection report was inaccurate. With concurrance of the present property owner, D and B agreed to excavate the tank area and determine what had actually been installed. On April 24, 1986, I joined the inspecting engineer (Neil Hawthorne) in viewing the tank. We verified that it was a 500 gallon steel tank which was fitted in be- tween the edge of the garage foundation and the crib in the seepage pit. The tank installation had encroached on the absorption area of the seepage pit. A conditional waiver was written to allow the installation of a new 1250 gallon tank at a distance of 60 feet from the well. At this time we do not have the inspection report on the new installation. Later it was determined that a 750 gallon tank was in place below the garage floor. In combination with the 500 gallon tank there would have been enough volume for a four (4) bedroom dwelling. ,L ) April 29, 19~5 !-Ir. Willia'~ Strane 1,124,1 Hancock Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99515 F~E: Lot 10, Block 4 Sunset Hills West [)ear Hr. Strane; This letter is an uodate to the letter I wrote to yo'~ a, pril 1~.., 1q86 and is qritten at ymlr request, I have done additi~)nal engi~eeril~g work and a ne~ 125U galloq septic tank was ins!:alled by D and B General, Inc. since my last letter. Enclosed. please lint) capias of a site plan I made for your lot and the surrounding lots. This plan shows the location of all neighboring wells and septic systems th,~t I was able to locate. It also shows where you can possibly build a new sewage dispos.M system and a new well if the proper permits.are obt:ai.~ed prior to construction. Tile new septic tank was installed and connected to the house drain and the existing seepage pit on 4/25/86. ,The 500 qallon tank was uncovered, p~m, lped, and filled with saqd in place. ~,'e found the mysterious old septic tank but it was ,Tot ptl~llpmd arid filled by D & B ,qeeeral. l'l~ey stated to me theft they felt that t~nk was not tl~eir responsil~ility. It is now disconnected the system but it must be pu~lped and filled with sand before c~mplete this project. I have changed my :Mhd sor. lewl~at concerning the rejuvenation of your existi~g seepage pit, ',la may be able to iq~prove its function, as I mentioned in tile April 1~ letter, but I now feel that there is a gaod ct)ante that the iq~provement will be only te"~porary (2 or 3 years perhaps) or that we won't be abte to improw_ it enough to pass an adequacy test. I base this opinion on some observations I made while the new septic tank was being installed. 1. AS much JS on~-foLIrth nf the pit's l,?acbinn ar~a cr~tlid have been damaqed ,,then the gOq nallgq t!lfl'< was install'ed in 19~1, It is qearly touchi~,~ th2 pit and U:~ installation, no donht, mi~ed silty material ',Hth the ~it's ,}rav(:~. Both Ul~ tan'q and th~ sil':: ;/oul~] sl~),.I the )'a~e of ,..hal:er flo'.~ through thai: armt, i:herr~h)~ radmlinS the C-~acit'/ 21' th-, the pit accepted l~ss than ]~)") (ldllmls at 10 qp'n bJio?'e it uas filled. Thc eib is ,JOt ,~s lar,'~e as rblrlV I ~l~)'/q ~ ~..?rl the fact that it is 2') cr )'hire years old indicates that its expect-ed life is nedrinq an end. })OWq'/~IK, in 1~)~ ii: passed Qn adequacy test showing ti,at i~ t.~as suitable for bedroom house. Thru'afore, i ~./ould not expect it to he slow as it is now unl6ss there h~d been some physical damage, tile septic t¥1ks had not been pu,qperl, or son)e other item caused undue clugging of the' soil pores. 3. While inspecting the ne,/ septic tank install~J'irm, noticerl that D & B General's bac':hoe had crossed dir~.ctly over the seepage pit. I asked that th~ operatpr off the pit arfa but tie later sat directly on it installing the pip?line fram the tank, to the pit. Tl~e ueight and vibration of the backhoe appareqtly did n~t hurt the log structure of the pit but certainly didn't kelp the condition of the surroundinQ gravels. Compaction and mixing of silt with those gravels durino the pipe installation will, slow the rate of ~ater flm~ throU~l)l that area of the seepag~ pit. Professionally and ethically spoakin!!, I feel that your property should have a new sewace disposal syste.~ and Fl nm,7 v.'ell installr:d. The new w~ll will b,~ required only because the .'Jrainfiled can't be installed on your lot 100 feet from the existing well. If the drainfield could be installed on Lot 11, 12, or 13, your existiog well couli probably stil, 1 be used. I don't feel tl~at we have yet completely exnlored this possibiliLy. Two other ~'lo~e minor problems Sllould I)9 ta'.:c.n care of ~oon. The 5 inch well near' your bril'Jge rleeds to, ba pro)larly sealed ~ruj the old fuel tank near the rm.v~ s,!ptic t.~rlk S)lOllld he re~,loved. I ',Hll w~it for your instructioos befnre ! co.ltinue, l'he n~xt step is tn dnterrline m,'6!ere a new drair~f:ieJd is tn be placed (on your lot or a )leighborin¢] l~t) and then rio a test hole. A test hole by an enqineer is requirt'~d before? a ~ermit can he obtained and the per~'it uill stoa anyone els(: fro:~l drilling a well which "shadows" out your nl,,I drainfield area. Thank you for this opport',.~nity to b? of service-. N unicipalitYoi Anchorage P.O. BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES April 24, 1986 Nell Hawthorne, P.E. NHawthorne-Engineering 7127 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Lot 10 Block 4 Sunset Hills West Waiver Request, WR86-050 Dear Mr. Hawthorne: Your request for a waiver of the required septic tank to well separation distance has been granted. The 100 foot requirement has been waived to 60 feet in this case. This waiver is subject to the following conditions: 1. The installation must be inspected by a registered civil engineer. ~)~''J'//~'~] ] ~ Installation of watertight manhole covers and no hub mechanical couplings on all joints (cleanouts, inlet and outlets) is required. 2, Any scratches in the bituminous coating incurred during installation ~/1~/~ must be repaired. An approved bituminous-type coating must be applied'- to repair damaged coating areas. This waiver is valid for the existing four bedroom dwelling only. This waiver applies to the septic tank to well separation only. Sincerely, Stephen S. Morris Civil Engineer On-site Services SSM/lJw I)I~i.F~ARTMIENT ,tim:: I")IEAL.'I"H AND ENVIRC)NMEIxFrAI... PROTEC"FION 825 I.. STREE]', AN(]I.IORA(:~Eii~, AK 95~',501. 264.-./I. 72:h} I:::'ERM I T DA'FIE FiE'" "98 UPGRADE ()4/:i?.3/86 Al' F-I,...t L,A} I I . CONTAI?/'I' F:'Hf]NE: LIEI3AI... :OESI)R I P.~ L.O"I SIZE: LOT LOC;AT):ON: I c:I!:!r'ti t'y 'l'.ha'l:,~ 10 BLL)L,I... 4 · z, W for'th I::)y 'l;.l"l~:.:,, Mun:i.c:i. pa].:Lty of Arlcl'lopage (I"I[)A) arid the S'La'Le of' Alasl.::a. 2. I ~,~:i. ll :i. rlstal ]. 'Lhe system :i.r'l accor'dance ~:i.'Lh a;I. 1 MOA ~:::(:)(:le~ and r, egulal:.ions:, and :i.n ccxl~p].ianc:ro 3. I w:ill adlx.,me I'..~:) a;I.l PIOA and Sta'Le (:d' A:lasl.::a r, 0)qu:i.r,(.:.~mE~rrl:.!;~; for' t. he set bacl< I:~ i, ¢iFI; ,~, r I (::: 6:,!':i IF:' A I.IF:'f !::Ff'AI];Cilq IS INSI'ALI...ED IN AN AI::;~I:i:P~ C;OVI:ii]::d::~]} BY MOA BtI'.[I....D:I:IqG []]DES, THEN (1) AN E[.I:EC'IRICAI... PERMIT AND ]:NSPECTIC}I',I MUST Eft:it OB]¥.~];NED; (2) AS""BU]]ITS W:[L.L. I"IOT BE API:'F4EIVI:~]} Wi I'HOUT AN IEI....EC;'IRICAL. INSPECT:I;ON REF'ORT; AND (3) TI-IE I:] Ii~;[7I'R];CAI. NORI< MUST bis DQNE BY A I...IC;EIxlSED EI..IECTR];[;]:AN,, D A T E i', .... Al:f ...... I...I.L,AI.I t ~ KII I..I...IAM (F:,, STRANIS P~OFEI? > I00 I0 U) LoT' II 5LO PE NHAWTHORNE - ENGINEERING 7127 Old Seward Highway Rnch., AK 9~02 844,471l NHAWTHORNE-ENGINEERING April 22, 1986 7127 OLD SEWARD HIGNWAY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 Ms. Susan Oswalt Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Lot 10, Block 4, Sunset Hills West [}ear Ms. Oswalt; Please consider this a request for a waiver of the required 100 'Feet separation distance from a residential well to a septic tank. This request asks that the distance be changed to a minimum of 60 feet for this property. As you know, it is possible that insufficient tank capacity exists on the lot and plans to install a new ].250 gallon, 2 compartment septic tank are in the works. The installation, of course, will depend on your answer to this request. The slope of the !}round, as shown on the attached sketch, will not allow surface water to go from the septic system to the well and the elevation of the ground at the well is somewhat higher than that at the tank site. The sketch also shows that the building is directly between the two systems. The well's static level was measured to be 77 feet and my weight stopped at 112 feet. I assumed that that was the pump level. No well log exists 'to my knowledge. The bottom of the seepage pit is about 8 feet below the surface. A test hole in October 1984 on the adjacent lot by Mr. Leroy Reid showed no groundwater at 13 feet and a compact S~q material below 8 feet. This test hole was about 35 or 40 feet from the seepage pit. I suggest that the tank be a steel tank coated with a tar compound per your specifications. The inspector should make sure all scratches in the coating are repaired with the same product per manufacturer's recommendations prior to backfill. I also suggest that Fernco or Romac couplings of proper size be used on all joints and~n-~-~he ~le covers be watertight. Clean outs should be added as required by your regulations. Please contact me if you need further information concerning this request. · Ni A.WTHORNE ENGINEERING April 14, 1986 Mr. William Strane 14244 Hancock Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99515 RE: Lot 10 Block 4 Sunset Hils West, S32, T12N, R3W Dear Mr. Strane, '[his letter is written at your request to list all the problems I have found with your on-site well and septic system to date. I will also discuss the paperwork and other items which shed light on the problems. Water Well - No well 10g exists but that is not a problem because logs were not required when it was drilled. It's depth, casing depth, and so on appear to be adequate. The top of the casing needs to be extended a couple of feet and some silty soil will have to be packed around it in a sloped form to divert surface runoff away from the well. . Septic System - We still don't know the exact history of your system, but this is what I think happened. The original 750 gallon septic tank and seepage pit were installed in 1964 or so. You bought the house in 1981. Mr. Reid tested the seepage pit and found it adequate for 5 bedrooms on 9/22/81. He also noted that an additional 750 gallons of septic tank capacity was required to qualify the system for 6 bedrooms. Mr. Reid did not do any work on the site after this. A~.~.o~.~f~ Mr. Falconer~ Hubbard Backhoe, and Leland G. Walker obtained an upgrade permit for the installation of a new 125Q gallon septic tank on 9/28/81 which would make the system suitable for 4 bedrooms. Rolf Stricklund wrote a note on'the permit essentaillay waiving the 100 feet separation distance requiurement between the tank and the well as far as anyone was concerned. Hubbard Backhoe apparently installed a new septic tank which was supposedly inspected by Eugene F. Fisher, P.E. on 12/24/8t or so. The inspection report says the tank was 1250 gallons, 100 feet plus from the well, 7 feet from the absorption area, and 5 feet from the dwelling. The actual tank is 500 gallons(as near as I can measure), 7~-1/2 feet from the well, ~ or 3 feet from the absorption area, and nearly touching the dvlelling foundation. I am fairly certain that we are seeing the same tank that was installed in lq~$1 because it has 2 pump out pipes meaning it is newer, and tbere is not enough room for a Greer 1250 m~,llon tank to be installed between the garage and the seepage pit as shown on the inspection report. You also stated to me that no other tank installation has Pccured since 1981. It is possible that the old 750 gallon tank is still connected but the access pipe is qot evident anywhere. We may be able to find it with a metal detector or by exploring along the arc shown on the survey ~sbuilt. Mr. Reid had measured from the well to the old tank, If the old tank is still connected, it is likely that it will have to be replaced before a proper waiver can be obtained for the well separ,~tion distance. This waiver would require inspection of the tank, and a 20 year old tank may we. ll be rusted through. 'r>~e search for the old tank, verification of the newer tank's size, and the inspection of the old tank are expenses that would not be necessary if things had been done properly in 1981. Your seepage pit was fairly full on 4/10/86 and did not accept very much water during a short term test I ran. I therefore recommend that we dry the pit out and perform certain rejuvenating activities on it over the next couple of weeks. You will have to make sure your septic t~nk doesn't overflow into the pit during that time if we are to get the maximum benefit. You may have to get the tank pumped occasionally. If your seepage pit does not pass an adequacy test you will probably !lave to either drill a -ew well and build a new drainfield or install a holdine tank. Both will be expensive and the holding tank option may cost as much as S350 per month in pumping charges. The only way a new drainfield could be installed 100 f~et from your existi,g well would be to put it on the vacant lot to the southwest. Enclosed you will see a soils test done on the neighboring lot in !954. It looks like this test hole w~s about &O feet or so from your pit. This letter covers the problems I have r~iscovered on your lot. The only thing I haven't done yet which could show other problems is the well flow test. ltowever, with what I know about your well I don't anticipate any problems at this time. Si ncere~y, / ~_. ~leil Hawthorne ANCIiu~AUE/N~F$1'E,/~ diSTi<i(~T dFF AilCIIU~(~kHF, ~NLAbKA October 1, l~JG4 Hs. Gwen lurner Alask~ £nvi ronmen'c~l Control Services, inc, 12UU ~. SLiru ~vunue, Suit~ u An¢i~ora~e, Alaska 99502 Subject: HorizoTl~al Separ~sion iiaiwr between a Private Well and Septic Tank anu Soil n~sorp~ion System, Lo~ 14, diock l, Sunset Hills Subdivision (B521-WA-U21) Gear t,,s. Turner: The Department ~t~s reconsidereu l;Ilu subjuct N,aivur ruquus~, and still cannot gran~ an unconui'cional waiver because uf guol%y anu construction practices evident, dow~wr, in li~hc of a recen~ policy mecision by the Regional Supervisur a~d :ll~ Division Oir~ctor, we can.issue a provisional waiver. T~iurufore, tF~u 6ep~r~laei~t huruoy waivurs one supara'ciun oetween the well and septic ~ank to GO fee~ and ~ne well and soil absorption system 'co 90 fee: subjec~ to ti~e following provisions: 1. The ap);licanC saall initiate a request for' sewer LiD as prescribed by the anunorage ~a~er ane Wa~tewa~er Utility. 2. Ti~e property ow))er snell iiooK up to the ilek~ sewer line wtien cDn$'¢ructe~. At:~cer ~i)rue years frm.q the date of ~l'~is letter ti~e property is not cennuc%eu cu tile. municiple sewer system, the pruperty owner will coi)struc'c a wa~tewa'~ur disposal approved system. Sincerely, .-r. Ellvi ronmel~Sal ~ng i neer SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OI:FICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 20e ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Gwen Turner S & S Engineers 7125 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 September 19, 1984 SUBJECT: Waiver Horizontal Separation Between a Private Well, Septic Tank and Leach Field for Lot 10, Block 1, Sunset Hills West S/D, Anchorage 8521-WA-Qlg~A Dear Ms. Turner: In light of a recent decision by the Division Director and Regional Supervisor the subject waiver request has been reevaluated and the department hereby waives the horizontal separation between the well and septic tank to 78 feet and well to absorption field to 92 feet. However, this waiver is contingent ~pon the following stipulations. I. Applicant shall initiate a request for a sewer lateral improvement district in a manner perscribed hy the Anchorage Water and ~astewater Utility. 2. The property owner shall connect to the new sewer when constructed. If th~ Property is not connected to the municiple sewer within three years of the date of this letter The property owner shall construct an approvable on lot water and waste disposal system. Sincerely, B~u~e E. Erickson District Engineer BEE/dd House of Representatives Representative Mike Rep. Mike Szymanski Phone 276.6731 Ron and Sapdv 4eatherman 14231 Haneoci~ Anchora e, Alaska 99515 g Dear Ron and Sandy: Well, I understand that my talking to the State Department of Environ- mental Conservation Commissioner Richard Neve' seems to have had a beneficial effect, and the resolution of your problem may be close at hand. Just to confirm our understanding of the situation at present, Bob Martin, the Deputy Director of DEC for the $outhcentral Regional Office (phone 274-2533), called my office staff this morning and gave us the following information: 1) Mr. Martin had been in contact with Bruce Ericksen on his staff about: this issue (I understand you have been talking with another DEC environmental engineer, a Mr. Lamoreaux) and it was his impression that the separation between your sewer and water system was 75 feet rather than the 100 feet required by current state law, and that there was also a problem with the soil around your drain field being too compact to allow for adequate drainage and protection over a period of years, so that not only your system but your neighbor's systems could become contaminated. 2) He understands that the Municipality grmnted you a waiver on your sewer and water system, but the state has recently taken over enforcement functions on this, and they feel that part of the problem is ~hat the municipality may not have had the right to grant the waiver to begin with, that the state may not have had the authority to give them waiver powers, and finally that in some cases the waiver should never have been granted to begin with, but careful investigation had not been done on the waiver application. These broader issues are currently under investigation by the State Attorney General's Office, and the resolution may lead to either regulation change or to possibly a new statute. It at least helps explain why the DEC was not willing to accept the waiver granted by the MOA in your case. 3) He was in contact with Bob Smith, General Manager of the municipal Water and Wastewater Utility Department, at 786-5506, and Bob Smith indicated that to help resolve this situation, he would be quite amenable to any application from the local residents to hook up to an LID. Apparently, the lines run to the corner of the block in question, so it wouldn't be too expensive. You can contact his office for details as to how a community can initiate an application process, although it is our understanding Ghat it may take perhaps two years for the hookup to actually occur. 4) As a result, Mr. Martin felt he could issue a waiver on the sewer and water location for your property if the following conditions a) That it was understood that an LID would be hooked up in the next couple of years and that an application process was underway; b) and that the drainage field is not causing or !ikelv to cause in the near future any contamination problems for your nei§hb~rs' water system either. ~ hope that this ~nformation assists you in helping to resolve your problem of getting health department approval for the loan on your newly-built home. I undersnand you had already reached the point of hiring an attorney on this problem and were attempting to have him sit down with the relevant state and municipal officials, as well as a private engipeer from S & S Engineering who installed your system to begin with. How you proceed at this point is up to you, but it sounds like the situation in your case has become resolvable without recourse to a lawsuit. If you run into any further problems on this issue, please don't hesi- tate to call or write to me, and I may be able to assist you further. Good luck! Sincere!.v yours, MS/rp h 345-4849 o 269-5664; 264-0691 $z~anski cc: Robert Martin Bob Smith ALASKA iUIROFIITI i TAL CONTROL S I dlC S, Inc. ~ntline~ri~~ $ ~nuironrn~nl~l $1udics August 30, 1984 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street ~nchorage, ~laska 99501 Attn: Bruce £rickson Sunset Hills Subdivision Legal: Lots 14 Block 1 Well Walver Request for a Slngle Family Residence Mr. Erickson: On 23 July 1984 this office requested a waiver of the well to septic tank distance for the above property. On 17 August 1984 this request was denled by your department. Upon review of the file, I notlced that an error had been made in the diagram attached to the request. Since your letter did not state the reasons for denlal, and I have been unable to contact you to discuss the file, I am re-applying for the walver with the corrected informetion. The original dlagram indicated a slope of 405 at the rear of the property. Unfo£tunately the arrows were drawn wrong, indicating that the slope was from the well towards the rear of the property. The slope is actually from the rear of the property down to the well where it levels out and has a slight slope (less than 35) to the house, past the septic system, and to the road. Any surface and shallow groundwater would f/ow from the well side of the property to the road, and not from the septlc system towards the well. The attached, corrected diagram also shows that the house and a paved drlveway lle between the well and the septic system, further preventing any possible contamination of the well from the septlc system. ~e terrain of this lot makes a 100 foot well to septic system distance extremely difficult to obtain. That was the reason for the original Municipality of Anchorage waiver of the distance. A copy of the waiver is attached. There is a minimal amount of room on the east side of the lot, but not enough to hold the entlre requlred trench length. The same soils whlch preclude contamination of the well requlre a long trench length. The present system was tested on i0 July 1984 and is adequate for the three bedroom house on this lot. The well is 106 feet deep (see well log). It is entirely cased with a statlc water level of 73 feet. The solls are a gravelly clay, in alternating hard and medium hard layers, down to 90 feet. Water was first encountered below these layers at i00 feet. The neighboring well to the east is only 25 feet away and shows a similar strata. It ls more detalled and shows a solld clay layer at 87 to 90 feet with water also first contacted at i00 feet. Therefore the aquifer is located below 90 feet of quite irrpermeable soils, which prevents contamination from the septlc system. 7'he casing extends 1.i feet aboveground, has a sanitary seal, and the ground slopes away from the well, all of whlch further protects it from surface water contamination. t200 LUfsl 33¢d Aucnuc. Suite [~, Anchoraq¢. Alasko 99503 '{907) 56hSOLlO The septic tank is a lOOO gallon Consteel Tank with a Jet aeration unit which is in ope£ation. A copy of the maintenance contract is attached. The unit is entire and working properly, so possibility of contamination from the septic tank is not likely to occur. The original waiver request also stated that the neighboring septic tank (Lot 13 to the east) was only 97 feet from the well on this property (Lot 14), although the drainfield is over 100 feet. If this factor is what causes you to believe that there is singly too truth chance of contan~nation, the septic tank could be moved. That system was installed four years after this one and it would be thelr responsibility to move the tank. If this is the case, please indicate so in your letter so we can request that they move it. The lots north, west, and south of Lot 14 are undeveloped, so there is no chance of contamination from them. The system on this lot (Lot 14) has been in existance since 1977 and the system on the neighboring lot (Lot 13) since 1981 without any contamination occurring to the well on Lot 14. We ~uld appreciate your review of this file with the above corrected information. Please inform us if moving the neighboring septic tank would solve the problem, or give us some other alternative to work with, Sincerely, SOOTHCENmFRAL REGIONAL OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA q9501 August 17, 1984 274-2533 Gwen Turner, Env. Scientist Environmental Control Services, Inc. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite Anchorage, Alaska 99503 StJBJECT: Horizontal Separation Waiver Between Well and Septic Tank Soil Absorbtton System, Lot 14; Block 1; Sunset Hills S/D, Anchorage (~521-WA-O~l) Dear Ms. Turner: The department has reviewed the subject waiver request and cannot ap- prove the waiver because it was not clearly shown that the well could not be contaminated with the lesser separation distance. Sincerely, District Engineer BEE/dd SOIITqCE~ITRAI. REGIONAl. nF.'FICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 2DO ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 August 1, lgSa 27~-7533 S & S Engineers, Inc. 7125 Old Seward Nighway Anchorage, AK 9950~ Subject: Horrizontal Separation Waive ~etween a Private Well ~ Septic Tank Leach Field for Lot 10, Block 1, Sunset Hills West Subdivision, Anchorage Dear Sir: The Department has reviewed this subject waiver request and cannot approve the request because it was not clearly shown that the required separation was not necessary in this case. Sincerely, ' r~c'~ E. E. tckson District Engineer BEE/dd S~S FA A/ < -~S'--.- JL - I._.7"* ~zs~ rl Io':'.'o: ENG T NEEERS, ALASKA tJtRO[lI11e[ TAL CO[11'ROL TIC. July 23, 1984 Alaska Department of ~vironmental Conservation 437 E. Street, 4th Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Bruce Erickson Re: Sunset Hills I~t 14, Block 1 Request for well Waiver for Single F~mily Residence Dear Mr. Erickson: On July 6, 1984 a Health Authority Authorization was performed on the subject property;. At the time of the H.A.A., we fo%uld that the well to septic tank distance was 80 feet and the well to leach field distance was 90 feet. Also, the distance from the well to the septic tank on the property to the west (Lot 13) was only 97 feet. On the well permit issued by Anchorage Department of Health and Enviror~nental Protection, the well to absorption trench distance was w~ived to 90 feet due to t~rrain. The south side of this lot is level, but the north side is very steep, having a slope of over 40%. The well is located as far from the septic system as the terrain permits. The well is 106 feet deep (see well log). It is entirely cased, with a static water level of 73 feet. The soils are a gravelly clay, in alternating hard and medium hard layers, d~wn to 90 feet. This weuld tend to slow down water migration and therefore reduce possibility of contamination. The casing extends 1.1 feet above ground and the ground slopes away frem the well which weuld protect it from surface water contamination. The house, garage and a paved parking area are between the well and septic system which provides further protection frem surface water contamination. The neighboring septic tank (Lot 13) was installed in Novembe~ 1981. It is only 97 feet frem the well on this property. However, the leach field is over 100 feet from the well. The well log for Lot 13 also shows layers of clay and gravel down to 90 feet, with a layer of pure clay frem 87 to 91 feet. Again, the layers of gravelly clay would tend to slow down the water migration, reducing potential cont~3mination. The well log for Lot 13 is more detailed 'th~a that for Lot 14, although they are only 25 feet apart. The layer of clay at 87 feet shown on the Lot 13 well log would provide a very adequate barrier to water migration. fh% both well logs, water was first found below the layers of gravelly clay, indicating that water migration is slow through the soil profile. 1200 ~esl 33rd ,~¢nu~. Sud¢ ~. Anchoroq¢ Alos e 99503,,(907) 561.50~10 The system on Lot 14 has bee~ in exis~unce since 1977 with no oontamination. The system on Lot 13 was installed in 1981 and has caused no contamination, We are therefore requesting a waiver of the 100 foot distances in this case. Please hold this file in your office when you resolve it and call us at 561-5040. we will pid~ it up. Approved by: PE & ENGIINEE S, INC. S 7125 OLO SEWARD HIGHWAY ° ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 July 9, 198t) State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ~37 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Ak Attn: Bruce Erickson Sunset Hills West Lot lO, Block 1 Well to Septic System Distance Waiver Gentlemen: Pursuant to a telephone call this date from the Department of Health and Environmental Protection, it appears that we must request approval from your office for a waiver of well to septic system distance on the subject property. It was our understanding when this system was installed (June 1983) that the D.H.E.P. waiver (attached) was ail that was required, and that the system was approved. Since the D.H.E.P. waiver is not sufficient, we are requesting a waiver from D.E.C. for the existing system. The subject property is roughly one third acre and slopes from Hancock Street to the back o~ the lot (see-'~l/~-c-fiyF The well is located eight feet above the highest elevation of the septic system. The attached photo shows the terrace which separates the well area from the septic system area. Thc__a.t~achcd wefl-tu~gT~_ ~ws~oroximatelv 12t, f_ee~t of cl.a_~ qLcla'"~__be~ri~ng __s_tj~Tta, be'-~wee'~n ~he surface '~n--~---the w~er~- production zone. -The W~lJ is cased with 6 inch steel casing. The only possible source of contamination is the septic system on the subject property. No other sources are present within the 100 feet required protection radius. We are requesting a waiver to match that which was granted by D.H.E.P.: 75' from the well to the septic tank, 90~ from the well to the absorption field. The actual installed distances are: well to septic tank~ 78'; well to absorption field, 92'. WASILLA (907) 376-3770 ANCHORAGI0~- (907) 349.6561 SOLDOTNA (907) 262-9534 Sunset Hills West Pa§e 2 We appreciate your assistance in this matter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 349- 6561. David A. Stanley Geotechnical Manger DAS:wel 5B 3ob 40356 1200 Wes~ 33rd Ave,tm ~ . .,I~ICHORAGff. ALASKA 99503 zor /3 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 west 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276.1361 LOT' \ / / JET Horne Plant Service Policy This Agreement entitles: Owner ~zE-~-~x~] /~?~)~'~ Street Address--, /ul/gF' /~,~.,~c,.~.~: "O'a-~,~ . ~ ~ ~7/o c~w, ~ kw,~,~,,. ~.< ,~, Pho~ ~-~/~ to the foJbwing sewice for . ~ year(s) from the date of a~eptance. Upon recelpt of this s~gn~ agreement ~nd $~ ~. '~ , CONSTEEL COMPANY'.purees to pedorm the fo[lowing se~Jces during the term of the ~greemenh ' CONSTEEL COMPANY viii Inspect the J~ plant at the above address twice a y~r. These inspections will in~'"" ~ PLANT SERVICE e Removal of aeration unit, inspection, ediustment, cleaning of aerator's shaft, field service of aeration unit, if needed, and re-installation. · Inspection, cleaning, and adjustment, if necessary of surface skimmer and/or tube setter. · Examination of final effluent for color and odor, if there is access at time of inspection. · Check of discharge point and wet weather overflow for blockage (if applicable). · Inspection and adjustment of control panel seffTng and overload protection, if there is access at time of inspection. · _inspection for sludc~e accumulation with arrangements for removal when build-up warrants removal CONSTEEL COMPANY further agrees to the following= EMERGENCY SERVICE · There will be no charge for emergency service calls. · There will be no service or labor charges for removal or re-installation of aerator, if required. · If ~mproper operation cannot be corrected at time of servi*ce, homeowner will be notified immediately and given estimated date of correction. · If h*nproper operation cannot be corrected at time of service, the Department of Environmental Quality, GA,AB, will also be notified. · If necessary, the entire mechanical unit or any parts will be replaced according to the manufacturer's warranty program. Freight charges to the factory or to an unauthorized repair station and aerator repair charges are not covered under this agreement. Owner's Signature ~ate Accepted for, CONSTEEL COMPANY ' Date PAY ~o hundred fifty-seve~ and 22/100 ....... dollars 11898 9/13/82 $257.22 *o WILLIAM F. STRANE & CARLA A. STRANE P.O. Box 3-3998 OK Anchorage, Alaska 99501 !tAYTO TIlE $_~986.35 ***** Nine tlundred Eighty-Six and 35/100 ****** DOI, LAI{$ 9/20/82 Paymeut in full of Judgmm]t In Case No. 82-1523 Strane v. Cheryl Burns & Banner Realty Inc. 986.35 November 23, 1981 Anchorage Board of Realtors, Inc. 1818 West Northern Lights Blvd. Suite 103 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Gentlemen: It is our intention to file a formal complaint against both Banner Realty and Century 21, Herita~je }~omes~ with reference to our recent purchase of a house located at Hancock Drive in Anchorage, Alaska. We will also endeavor to seek legal counsel with the possibility of securing damages on possible fraudulent sale of the house we have purchased. On November 4, 1981, John Burns of Banner Realty contacted my wife, Carla, and advised her that it was important that he see her that evenm ing. Upon arrival, Mr. Burns proceeded to demand she sign a document that would require our paying $61.00 per day, with 15 days in advance. Closing at that time had been set for November 10, 1981. That was only eight (8) days, but we were told 15 days ~s still required and "fair". Mr. Burns had several weeks earlier given the key to my wife without any stipulations about moving in. My wife so advised Mr. Burns, but he stated that she would either have to sign the agreement.or "vacate the premises i~ediately." As I was in Houston, Texas on a business trip, my wife was reluctant to sign the agreement and requested he wait until I returned within the next two days. He refused and after bringing tears, she called me in Houston. We agreed that because of the pressure and coercion by Mr. Burns, we would draft our own rental agreement and agree to pay a day to day rental agreement to the owner for the eight days we would be in the house before closing. We would like to address the Board of Realtors with what we sincerely feel are serious breaches of ethical business practices that may well include a fraudulent sale of the house we have purchased. We respectfully request a hearing and site the following as our reasons for said hearing: Anchorage Board of Realtors November 23, 1981 Page -2- John Burns secured monies in the amount of lwo Hundred Forty($240.O0) .Dollars for November 2, 1981 thru November 9, 1981. In so far as we closed on November 7, 1981 we have a $90.00 refund. To date, Mr. Burns has not returned our money or contacted us. Cheryl Burns promised that two broken windows would be repaired by the seller. If not, she promised she would have them repaired at her own expense, lo date, Ms. Burns has not repaired the windows. Certain plumbing fixtures were turned off in the house up to and in- cluding the time of the sale of the house. After turning the fixtures on it was found that anti-freeze was in the entire system. It was also discovered that the fixtures that were turned off had severe leaks throughout the system. As no information was afforded the buyer, it must be assumed that a definite intent to defraud was the reason for the closure of the fixtures. Neither Real Estate agent was available for the closing - nor have we heard from anyone since November 5, 1981 - two days before closing. As in most real estate transactions - the agents are normally present at closing. Neither Mr. Burns nor the listing agent was present. We were told we'were not considered the Clients in this transaction as both realtors were working for the owner. We were also told this was considered an insignificant transaction to both the seller and the listing agent (Lee Walker), as they were working on a million and a half collar deal. Therefore, if we chose to not sign the agreement and the deal fell through it was no loss to them, just inconvenient. For the above stated reasons, we respectfully request a hearing at your earliest possible convenience. Sincerely, William. Strane & Carla A. Strane cc: file Please rely to: Mr. William Strane P.O. Box 3-3998 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEN'r OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MAILING ADDRESS ~GAL DESCRI?T~ON Well 1~ ] Absorption area /~._0 _ .J Z / DISTANCE TO: DISTANCE TO: IF NOMEMADE: 1 Inside length ' Dwelling NO. OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO, Well PERMIT NO. Manufacturer M~terial Liquid capacity in gallons DISTANCE TO: /Well Foundation ~TerNeamst Io[ line PERMIT NO, No, of lines iLength of each line Total length of lines ~ch width Distance between lines DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic ~l~ ~area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING REMARKS APPROVED DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) F:IF' ::' 'l' "l::li"l T I F'ff" I=l-f' :1' :; F. LEGR!_. 'F"¢F::'E'; 'iF:' SOZL. t ...... I..F I :[ ..I! '/:;"¢STEI'"! ]:S: 'I-~:E:NE:H THE: I..ENGTH D:[FIE:NS:[ON ;[E; THE LENGTH ( ]:N FEE:T::, OF THE 'Ff;:EI'.,ICH Ot=: -I'I'E D[ii;P'r',L'l OF:' FI TI;:Et",ICI4 OF: F':[T :[:i::'; THIZ 13, :[ '.i];'I'FII',IC:E: E',EYTF.IEEiq 't',~fE ':'~;IJI:;~'.FF:IC:,~Z E!F 't"HI~; !3F~:OI..IF,!B, FIN[) THE: E~C~TTEd"I O1:: THE: EXCI~:~'v'F:I'r'J:CIt'.,! ,::'(1'.,! TH[E[;:t~[ ]:S I'.,tO SET I,.I:[[:,TI.I F'OF:: Tt~'.Et'.,IC:HEE;. THE~ (::if;'.FI'v'EL. [:,E:F"f'H :[::_:; THE I','I;[N:[HI. JI',I [)L:;F'TH O!::' G!,?.FIVE-L.. E',E'f'HE'Eh! THE; E!UTF'f:::II !.. F:II'.,!D ]'HE EICITTON OF' THE: E',:.:',C:F!VFITZOI'.,I (]:lq FEET). E:FIC:t.(F';[I...L]:h,I(:!i i;_'iF FiI'..!~/ .._ :. ill1 I.,I;[TH(EILIT F:[!'.,!Flt t,l,I E... r:t.._.l.I I:'lbJ[:, II f..,-t. !?,E;PF:ff~'"FI',1[J~i'.,fT I,!:[t..L. ,~:E. ':2;t...IE',..]'E;E:T FO t',l;[l'-,!Itql_lf,'l D ISTF!I'.,IC:E: [._:',E'FI,iEE:t.4 FI FIELI.. I:::liql3, Ri'.,!'¢ Oi'.,I...'_:_;:["f'E '..'ii;E.klFIC:iE ::l.~;~n3 F'E:ET FOR F! t:::'[-;: ;[ ',,,'FI 'I'E: t,.l[ii:L..f... Cfi;: :L':3E~ TO ;2.~;~[:) F-lEI_ET F:'f.~:EII','I I.I1::'(]!'..! T'HE T'¢F'E Eft:' PI. JB!_:[C: PI]:tqZI','!U!',! t3,]:::!;TI=tI'-,!CE: FRON FI I='RZ'v'FI"t't:~: 14E;L.L. TO I':[ F:'I;:Z'v'FtT[C ?;E~;I,.IE[;[: L.. ]: !'.,!E ]:S :;:X5 FEE:I- FIND TO FI C:CII"II"IUN;[T'¢ E;EI,.IE[~: L.:[NB: :!:f_;; 7!5 FL:LFZT. CrT'I-IER t:;~:.tEf:!U :[ RE;I',IENT:F.; I',!FI'./ i::IPF'!_..'¢. E;F:'EC :[ F ]; C:FI-[' ]: (];li'.,!:~; I::~i'-,1[;:, I=I',,/F!]:I...FI!!~[I_E "FO :[t'.,t'_:~;t_!F::E: F:'!;;'.OF'E;F'. C:ER'F ;[ F:'"r' THFIT f::tl'd I:::FII'"I:[L.]:Fff;: H:[TH 'f'HE REE6!LI:[r;i[Ef,IE:NT~_:; F'Ol:e. O,N-.!:i;:I:TE SE:I.,IE[;:S 1::1t'.,![::, F=(3F;Y't'H Bb.' 'THtE PIIJi'.,I:[C:[P!=II~.:[T'¢ O1::' I=IhlC:HOF:'.!::t(3E. t,I:[L.L :[t'.,I'}_.717fl....L. THE S'¢'5T!i~1"1 ]:lq I::IE:(3OR(:,i::Ii'.,!C:[=: I.,.!;['T'H THE; UIqDE;F:S'T'Ft!',I[::, 1;f.-IFl'f' THE: Eff.,F-.S]:TE '.~=i[£P.IE:F'. S'.r'E;TI2:H !vlR? [~'.[i:(;:!L.t:I:I;i:E [i:f'.,I!..J;IFi~GEbtEi:NT :iF:' FILE; Db. NC.E: I: ~:; I:,q~E!:~IL¢!I,[;,E.L[::%:, FI.3 .[ f~L.:I..L!DE, i',lL.ff~:E FHFlt'.,1 .4 / I:::ll:: P L..V. (;:: F!I",Ff' I'"t ~I h'~ l',ff:lti: [:' F FIIJZ (3l"1E;B: ALASKA I rlUIRO[lmerlTAL COFITROL SeRUICe$, IrlC. ~n§in¢¢~inq ~- ~nuironmenlel $1u~ics 9/24/81 1ST NATIONAL BANK O]? ANCHORAGE P.O. BOX 4-2090 ANCHORAGE AK 99509 SELLER - FALCONER SUBDIVISION-SUNSET HILL WEST BLOCK-4 LOT-10 ADEQUACY TEST FOR SEWER SYSTEM THE TYPE OF ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS A PIT WITH AN UNKNOWN AREA. THE SYSTEM IS CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING 800 GALLONS OF WATER PER DAY. THE SURGE CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM IS 1000 GALLONS. BASED UPON THE TEST DATA THE SYSTEM IS ACCEPTABLE FOR A 5 BEDROOM HOME. THE SEPTIC TANK WAS PUMPED ON 9/22/81 SEPTIC TANK ADEQUACY THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK VOLUME OF 750 GALLONS IS 750 GALLONS FOR THIS HOUSE OF 5 BEDROOMS. INADEQUATE BY 1220 LU¢$t 251}~ Au~nu~ · AncHor,~§~, ^l~s~a 99503 * 1907) 276-1361 ANCH(,q~A(SE, AL ASI<A 99b01 September 22, 1981 Maynard/Doris Falconer % Anchorage Eye Center 1345 West 9th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Lot lO Block 4 Suns e~ Hills West Subdivision :~ ~[' (2) Approval for the individual sewer and water facilities cannot be granted until the following items have been completed: The water facilities were not available from the outside in order to obtaln a water sample. Please call this office for another appointment. A cleanout needs to be and the leaching area. (a) If the septic tank installed to the septic tank and leaching area are the correct distance from the well, the tank will need to be exposed for verification and pumped to determine its size. The size of the tank will need to be verified by a registered engineer. In the event the tank size is not large enough, an additional tank will need to be installed. An adequacy test needs to be performed on the existing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate according to National Standards. A 1]~sting of private firms performing the 'test is enclosed. This report will need to be submitted to this office for our review. Maynard/Doris Falconer September 22, 1981 Page Two (3) If the protective radius distance between the well and the sewer system are ]_ess than 100 feet, an upgrade will be necessary. Prior to the upgrade, a soils test w~l need to be obtained from th~s office, r~ ~z ~ Please call this office to make arrangements for another appointment. If there are any further questions, please call-- at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Associate Specialist RCP/ljw cc: First National Bank of Anchorage % Jenny Post Office Box 4-2090 99509 Lee Walker % Century 21 Heritage Homes 207 East Northern Lights Boulevard 99503 · ' INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS --~"ATE [)ATE ' DATE T~;PECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECT(~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHONA~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT OF HEALTH & ~, ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENV, RONMENTAL PROTEC'r~iRON~ENTAL  825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ) ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION DIVISION SEP /981 ? Telephone 264-4720 ~PROP RT~WNER ~ ~ ' PHONE PROPERTY RESIDENT (If differen~from above) ~BUYE~ J PHONE MAILIN DDRE , MAI~G ADDR SS ,~ // STR EE~LOC~=~ION . f ' .-- ~ .I 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS INGLE FAMILY ~ Two Five ~ MULTIPLE FAMILY ~ Three ~] Six 7. WATERSUFPLY , ' - ATTA~LL LOG, A we~log is required for all wells drilled ~""~ INDIVIDUAL" COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTI LITY 8, SEWA~plSPOSAL SYSTEN1 ~,,, I N DIVIDUA L/ON-SI'I'E-' [] PUBLIC UTILITY since _une 197B. For wells drilled prior to that date, give wel depth (attach log if available,] /~:~(~J ¢__YEAR ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED, ~OTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOIV1PANY EACH REOUFST BEFOFIE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72 010 (Rev. 6/79) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1, TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER I~ MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL E~ COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTI LITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER []INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED [~ PUBLIC UTI LITY Connection Verified INSTALLER []Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line ] Nearest Lot Line WELL TO: I Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS [~APPROVED FOR ~.~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE BY ~ -- 72-010 IRev, 6/79) L. OT.9- Lot //~ ,Block ~ . ~~/ ~./I/3 , II,ereby ~ify ~nol Ihcve sorveyedlhepr~yshown her~ondt~he~mprovememssitu¢6d~hereonorew~hin~r, eoro~- o ~ Iron Vpe enO/or rear reco,'ered ~ .;~. ~ .... .¢~ L~::; . P~erly of: ~f. ~ ~ ~a. No.~_ [:,EF'F~F,:TI'IE-'NT OF HEFILTH Ri'.,IC:, F]N',,,'I~:ONIIENTFtL PROTECTION 'E:25 '%'" :5]'REET., RNCHORFn3E, Rk:. 9950:1. L.-IELL F'EF-:r'I I T _OCI~T ]] Ed'.,I HFINF:OC}::] LEGRL L::L4 E:':L SUNSET HILL:.--., HEST LOT SIZE ZO5E~E~ SL--.¢_IRF..'E FEET i,'iIHII,iLIId E:,ISTRNCE E:ETHEEN FI 'HELL RNC, Rt',l"r' ON-SITE :SEHFIGE DISF'OSFIL S'¢s'rEhl IS :1.0E~ FEET FOR FI PR:I',,.'FITE HELL OF: 2L'3E~ FEET FOR FI F'UBLIC HELL HELl_ LOGS FIRE ~:EL:!UI~:ED Ri.i[:, r,IU':::T E:E [4:ETt. IF~:NED TO THE [:,EPFtRTr,IEHT HITHIN Z.::C~ [:,FI"r'S OF THE HELL ¢:OHF'LETION. :SPEC IF i CFtT I ObIS Ri'.4D C:CINSTRLIC:TIOH [:'IIRGRFli"IS FIRE R',,,'R ILFIE',LE TO INSURE PROPER I N:-=,TI-~LLFI'F I OH. I CER'Fi:F"¢ THRT :L: I FIH FRI"IlLIFI,~: HITH THE F:E~;:!UII~:EHENT:~, FOR ON-'_C, ITE SE!.,.IERS RND HELL'--] RS '5, ET FORTH B"r' T'HE HI_INIC:IF'RLJ:T'¢ OF Rr4CHORRGE. ;~'.: I HILL }:i',ISTRI_L THE S"r'STEi"1 IN RCE. OE:E:,RNCE HITH THE CO["ES. S I GNE[:': . ~,, ..................- .... FdF'F'L I CFINT S.:,'t[:, ~ S ]."E. I iq E:E R G