HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTUCKAGAIN HEIGHTS S-5013 CASE NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF HEALTI~ AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANN:{NG AND ZONING CASE REVIEW \ PETITION FOR REZONIN( SPECIAL VACATION DATE RECEIVED COMMENT TO PLANNING BY OF Contracting Engineers & Associates for Stuckagain Heights Tracts E-1 & E-2 - a resubdivision of Tract £, Stuckagain Heights Subdivision located in NE 1/4, Sec 6, T12N, R2W, ~ S.M. Ak, containing 20.15 acres. FOR MEETING OF I~c~,mhot, ~j~ 1~7~ of Cases COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: WATER NOT AVAILABLE PUBLIC'EWER,NOT AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITIO,N, AREA. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING:(~t) 71-014 {9/7a) PLAT STATUS: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 W. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA prei~nary DATE: Oone 8, 1966 Borough Tax Assessor Boropf~ Health p~me~nt cai corp. Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. City of Anchorage Fire Marshall City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer City of Anchorage Telephone Utility City of Anchorage Public Works Dept. Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Dept. of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. MatanuskaTelephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails City of Anchorage Property Management Agent City of Anchorage bMnicipal Light and Power Dept. Re: Subdivision/ ~(~/ ~ Description of Property: 153.7 acres in Sec. 6, T12N, (knmm as Stuckagain Heights Acres Subd±vision) Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed subdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. ~ill you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements.or other.zeqnirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by June 22, 1966 we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. Our next scheduled meeting after above date will be Very truly yours, Verden Coo~aan Planning Assistant NOTE: If you have no further use for attached plat, please return with your comments, 1/18/66 JDN lo 1986 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA ~OROUGH ~.flI~ALTH DEPARTMI]I'~ "ONE TEST Is WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS" 2204 CLEVELAND AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 · 277-O231 November 12, 1975 Tryck, Nyman & Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Mr. Dan Chapman Project: Taiga Subdivision Re: Soil tests for individual On-site Sewage Systems Dear Dan: At Nat Goodhue's request, we have completed seven (7) test borings on the referenced Project. The purpose of these test borings was to determine the soil types occurring on each lot within the subdivision and to establish the drainage area required in the leaching 5renches for on-site sewage systems. The test borings were drilled in the exact locations as directed by Mr. Goodhue, and, as shown on the enclosed subdivision map. In test holes ~1 and ~2, a visual analysis was made to determine the required drainage areas. In test holes #3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 percolation tests were performed to determine the required drainage area. The results of these tests are included with this report. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB ./ James D. Mack Laboratory Manager JDM/dt enclosures 'TEST HOLE LOCATIONS .TAIGA SUBDIVISION LOTS 1,2,$.,4 TEST TA I GA HOLE LOCATIONS SUBDIVIS ON / / / / 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231. ~le No,. _~1 Location--Eot ± _ ,, 150 Squar--~e feet ~elt-b-~d~ ~6~--Elev_ ~xlsting ,. DI~PTH CLASSIFICATION p~RT SYSTB~t 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13' 14. 16 -17 19. 20' 21. 22. 23. ,14. 25 26 Topsoil Coarse Sandy Gravels (6-7% Silt) Moist (GP-GM)' Silty Gravels, Wet (GM) Bottom of test hole No Ground Water or bedrock e] Sheet of W.O, ~ --~erator j. Ma~k I~te fl 7 75 project ' ~ ' ,Ia DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay ountered Organic Content Peat P~ost Watez Table 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 }~le .Sbo ~2 ...... ~catxon---~6t 2 180 S~are fee~ per bedroom op e¥ Exls%ln~ -- Shee~.__.of ___ W.O. Noo_._~_ Operator_ J. Mack D~te ' 11/7/75 -- Clten--'~--~~hue Pzoject_ Taiqa .~ubdivision__ DBPTH 2 3 4 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15' 17, 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24- CLASSIP ICAT ION SAMPIM SYSTBM DATA TOpsoil LEGBND silty Sandy Gravels (7-8% Silt) Moist (GP'GM) Gravel Sand Silty Gravels, Moist (GM) Wet below 12 feet Silty Gravelly Sands Bottom of test hole~ No Ground Water or bedrock e ~countered Silt Clay D~ganic Content Peat Table 26-- 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Location Lot b . __ ~_~ .... 155 square~¥~ DBPTH CL~S~IPICATION Sheet ~ of ~ . Ma~k W.O~ NO~ opera, or_J, -'-h -ZWXiL_- - C 1 i e n--i-'~---t --_G.'O o_d h!p -- Project__~Tazqa Subdivision SAI~pLI~ DATA LEGEND Topsoil silty Sandy Gravels 4 (7-8% silt) Moist (GP-GM) 'slightly Silty Sandy Gravel · ? (6% silt) Moist (GP-GM) 8 silty Gravelly Sands lO Moist (SM) Gravel ·Sand Silt 13 14 15' 17 20' 21, 2:2, 23 25- Bottom of test hole ~ No Ground Water or,bedrock e] Percolation rate 1" per 7.5 as determined by perco] between -2 and -10 feet .est ~tered ~es Clay Organic ~ontent Peat Water Table 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Hole No, ~4 Location~--_ 'op '~¥~ ' ~ C~SSIPI~TION Topsoil silty Sandy Gravels 4, Moist to 12 feet 5. Then Wet Sheet .__. of WoO. No,-- -'~erator J~ Dar e~7 5 Clien N~at G~-~hue · Project31~a S~hr]ivi ~4 an DATA LB GE ND Gravel Sand 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 1'/. 1el, 19, 20 21 22 23 24- 25- (GP-GM) Silty Gravelly Sands, Wet (SM) Bottom of test hole~ No Ground Water or bedrock Percolation rate 1" per 10 mil utes as determined by percolation ~st between -2 and ~10 fee~ ~red Silt Clay ;anlc .te~t Peat Ptost Watez Table 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Location Lot 6 ~~_et per ~edroom T~p ~le¥ Existing ,,. Sheet of W.O. ~ -~erator_J. Mac_k l~te~__.LLJJ~_~ ' pzojeCt Taiq~ Subdivision DI~PTH CLASSIPICATION SAMPLB PB.BT SYSTBM DATA Topsoil LEGEND 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 1:2 13 14 15. 16, 17, 18 19 20 R1 22 23~ 24- :25- 2~ Slightly Silty Sandy Gravels (Less Silt content with increasing depth) (GW-GP) Silty Gravels (GM) Bottom of test h01e~ No Ground water or bedrock en, ountered Percolation rate 1" per 2 mil utes as determined by percolation .est between ~2 and -10 feet Gravel Sand Silt Cla¥ ~rganic ~ontent Peat Wate: Table 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Hole Noo a6 Location--- Lot 4 85 Square feet per bedroo,m TOp ~1e¥ Existi_n t _ DBPTH CIASS IB ICAT ION PBRT SYSTB~ Topsoil 3 7 9 10 11 Slightly Silty Sandy Gravels ('4-6% silt sizes) Dry-Moist (GP-GM) 13 14 ~5 17~ 19 20 21 22 23- 24- 2 Bottom of test hole~ No Ground water or bedrock Percolation rate 1" per 2 as determined by perc between -2 and -10 feet Sheet W.O. No.-- - '-~erator_~ck te /75 - ~l~ ~at Gooah~ SA/~PI~ DATA LEGEND Gravel ~countered :es test ' Sand Silt Clay Organic Content Peat Pzost Water Table 2204 . "(9aa I~ll i~ w~'lh a Ihmaua.~ Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 190 Square feet per bed/laom Top ~-le¥ S ~' '- Sheet ___ of WoOo No. --~erator j. M~k Date Client Nat. G_o_odh_ue project Ta_~a Subdivision DBt~H CLkSSI~IGATION SAMpLB P~BT SYSTBM ...... DATA 2. Silty Sandy Gravels 4 with cobbles ~ . ~ (GM) 8 ]0 · 14 ~0~ Silty Gravel ~ j Bottom of test hole~ No Ground Water ~r bedrock er ountered ~ ;' Percolation rate 1" per 14 mm~ utes 20' as determined by percolation mst between -2 and -10 feet 4. 5- L~GFND Gravel Sand Silt' C1 ay Organic Content Peat Prost Wa~ez Table ,'..::,.:.-. -.. '<~'.,~S;.A'," ~ ?- ~-- .;-.', ~ .~.~-' '"' .g- .' ~ ..... i :-,~'~-:~'-."';~'.' ~1 .' 3' ~and¥ top soil ! -'?-~J"_'::.".--'-. 7 9' Sr~vel clean S" rock · ~z~.' ' - lQ~ ~ood gr~vcl r~k up ~o 10" ~:~ -- . ~3 1~ top soil ..:~.%.t-:~:'.~ -:.....~:---.- 6~ good gravel 2 ... --.. ~;~5¢A'~:?k~-'~:''<:'::~''~ ~-~d ' - /'.' ' .' I8" cX~n gravel 9 ~ GRAV~fL% TEST IDLES 1973 2,~_t top soll 10' silty gravel CiO' to sprln~ water) Z~ top soil sandy 1' silty grave% 2' clay gravel 7' silty gravel 1~' ~op soil s~ndy 1~' ~ravel 2' sandy topsoil lO~ silty gravel  April 18, 1974 " ATL WO 16602 Tryck, Nyman & Hayes 740 "I" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Mr. Dan Chapman Subject: ~~~ Gentlemen: At your request we reviewed the Construction Testlab soil tests of samples from Stuckagain Heights (Appendix A) with regard to the soils suitabl.~ty to'accept ez~luent from on site septic systems. Because the.Greater Anchorage Area Borough has established their criteria for the soils suitability and the seepage area required per bedroom based on the unified soils classification system, we used the grain size distribution curves in the referenced tests to establish the unified classification of the soils. This classification, in addition to the Alaska Testlab .soil triangle classification, is tabulated in Table 1. The Greater Anchorage Area Borough criteria has been established as follo%*zs: Unified soils Classification GM SW SP SM ML CH Seepage Area ft.2/Bedroom 85 225 125 150 250 275 350 0 Q 0 0 0 U Nh Q · 0 P~ fi} ~Q · 0 0 Tryck, Nyman & t{ayes April 18, 1974 The Greater Anchorage Area Borough hasestablished that soils classified as silt (A~), seepage area = 275 ft.2/bedroom~ or clay (CM) ~ seepage azea = 350 ft.Z/bedroom, are not sufficiently permeable to accept seepage pits. For further restrictions and information we draw your attention to the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance 28-68, (Appendix B). The test holes, samples and tests were by others, however, they appear reasonable with regard to the conditions expected in this general area, as. observed in our 1973 walkover review of the site. If we can be of any further servmce mn this regard, please feel free to contact the writer. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Approved J~L/p f ,i~.'J.': '~. -gl ' 3~ sandy ~op soil .'.,~.-" -- -' :. 9~ ~ravel clean 8" rock "'~{j~}.::. ~2 2~ salldy top ~¢.' ' 10' [;ood gravel rock up to ' i}"" . [/3 1' top soil ' , ~:~'-~.<- ,.~ ':.- .'.' .. ' ...~ .. 7 ~d . · , "-;>I~- ...,- ' '.r ..'; .-~ '.~, -- ' ', , .;~:?:~:t,..,-.~. . ., ~-..- . . . . .~ .. --. :~.¥.:/ .. 18 clonn ~ravel : :.:?'~- 9 s sand : ~.,, ~S 2* ~op ~oil : .- 3~ silty ffravel -. 7w good gravel . "2;;('~;'.?~" ' '.' ~6 ',..-' 12~ Silty sand ~ ~op soll I0~ silty gravel (10' ~o ~prtng ~ater) GRAV 'tLS TBS~ I~DLES 1973 top soil sandy silty gravel clay gravel l!J' top soil sandF 2' sandy topsoil 10~ silty gravel "0~ test h wo~,h a thou~ Sample Data rest Fib // I CI ___~a~.gm~ va i NPS ~ Opcro~or GB Cu = 32 Cc = 1 COAeSE INTERMEDIATE. Test Pit # 2 Sand~[ Gravel Ope¢~or GB Cu= 32 co^___~ s_~ Cl N~'S ProJ ~ PI! · . 0 = 1 INTERMEDIATE Date Oct' 26, Timo FINE 1973 U · ' O~ = 3 ~ COARSE ur~ ~e~t Is wor;!~ a thousand oFi,tions" 'fesb Pit # 3 CI Ich! Si 1 b~E Sand E2' ProJ¢c PIt. Date Time 10-26-73 C~ =-1. INT[PM[D~AT[ FINE 2 '? Timo 10-26-73 Ca : 1 .2' INTEI?M2DIATF F IN.[ a a P,~ P,~ · Dado 10-26-73 Timo Tesb Fib // [~ Cllenf_ ' Sand~_ Silt F~_ ProJccf I N~TERMEDIATE FINE Sieve f $ompJe Dal'o Op~l'a for · ~ ~ ~0 COARSE I NT E R t',~', E~D I AT E F NE '~ 0-25-73 - Operojor Ti. mo Test Pit /~ 6 Client_ o~ G~ave~ F~ Project PIf C~ = 62 COARSE INTERMEDIATE FINE $~mpl~ Def~ Opera,or Test Pit // 7 CIlCnJ_ ~_a nd. y Gravel Jt' [;'S ProJccL P ~ GB DaLe Oat.26, 1973 Time ~ = 63 ¢¢ = 0.35 S~mple Dcf~__Test Pit # 8 Sand~ Gr~vel 'i j ~ Opcrefor "~ 'i Cu = 30 Cc = O. 8 INTERMEDIATE FINE Da[,o Time Oct 26, 1 973 L--ff S~mpJ¢ Test Silty Sandy ~,av~ CO^~ S E Cu = 27 C =0.6 I NT E R/'.:[D I ATE FINE Date 0ct. 26, Time i 973 Silty ~h-y Gravel Pit /~ qO Client_ ]"J ;: ProJecf. Pit Date Time 00t.26, 1973 Cu= 219 Cc = 1.3 :::-~::.i; STUCKAGAIN I[EIGI~FS GRAVILL T~ST IDLES 1973 -; L".'/ gl 3~ sandy top soil '.~ -'~ '- '- ~ravel clean 8" roc~ 10~ rood ur=vel rock up tO ~,~';~" . ~3 1' top soil . ~,~L:: :;: ; ..... ........ 61 rood gr~vel - ' .... ..-"-'-'~'":'~}" . -;>.f; ~.,:~... -- - . ~'-- . . . g . · ~.~'~'.:'-:?".:&4 ,'?I~' top sot1 .:, ' :~' ' ~5 2~ * .... 1',;-.- ~ · 3' silty gravel "7~ good gravel .... ~ ~ #6.':,.;- ~' 12e stlty, sand " .,:.~ - ....:--. ' . . #7 2~_t top soli I0t silty gravel (lO' to spring ware:) top soil sandy silty Sravel clay Brave1 ,... Sil~y gr~ve! #9 top soil s~ndy Gravel #10 2' sandy topsoil iO~ silty gravel m Dote Test Pib ~ l Sandy O~mve.[ NFS p, PI Opcr4ior GB Gu = 32 Cc = 1 .,COARSE ,INT£RMEDIATE, Tes~ Pib # 2 Sandy Gravel i'l b'S Operator GB Cu= 32 Cc = 1 COA~. INT£~M~D~AT~ ~IN£ Date Oct Time 26,.~973 ',Samplc Date 'Opcrafor GB Gu = 3 Cc = 1 COA~ S E INTErMEDiATE -Dabe 10-'26--'73 Time FINE ."/ / I-'7 /~,. Dabe 10-26-73 · . k_~ . "~,;' Time - ~ ~st Is ~c~Is ~ th~nd ~in~ns ,, Semple Data Test Pit ~ 3 Client_ Ooaese Oz~awZ ~ ProJedt Pit ..- · ........... Opera f or COA~ S ~ ),NT E R ~,~. D I AT ~ F $~mplc Dof~ Opcrafor Test Pit // [~ CI lent._ Sandy Silt t;'4 Projcc} PIt GB Date 10-26-73 Time COARSE JNT£RM~DIATE FINE Sample Date' 'rest Pit # 6 Silt,y Sandy Gravel OperotOr OB CI Icn~_ Project PIt Cu = 62 Cc = 0.35 COARSE ,INTE~MED!ATE FINE )/2 4 Operator GB COAX'SE Test Pit # 7 Client_ $~nd.y Ozmval L'~ [,'S Prolccf. Time 0c~.26, 1973 63 cc : o.35 ,c 'ATE FINE INTE~,,..D, 1 Sample Dato CIIcnt __ Sandy' Ora~al NFS Project_ PIt Operefor G~ Cu = 30 Cc = 0.8 COARSE INTER~I~DIATE Dabo Oct 26, 1973 FINE Time Sample Daf0 Test Pit // 9 Silty Sandy G~'avel Operofor U~ · Cu = 27 C = 0.6 ~OA~S~ INTEEM~DIATE FIN[ Date Oct. 25, 1973 Timo c~ o', Sicvc o 92] } ~ 4 -- ' 79 II t ~0 [ 5T~ 37 · '- ,o I, "~,o~c~° ~ j IZ)O % I Panm Oper0for Test Pit// 10 Cllcnt._ Sii~y ~andy Gravel 1'~'[ Project. ~ Plt~ Da~e 0cb,26, 1973 TJ. mo Ou= 219 Cc = 1.3 COARSE ~NTE~M~DIATE ~INE