HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VILLAGES TR 13C A soils
· following information:
~.~,,_. ]'he property has been utilized as awe. ste disposal area for
~-~:~' waste excavation from road construction The waste material
?~',l:~ is principally organic peat and silt containinq ~Jc, od fiber~
,t.~. roots and occasional loqs. -
.~;'" _ This material is moist to ~et
~,~" and is 7 to 9 feet in depth over large portions of the lot
,,-... The only area not covered wi th waste mater, iai is to~;ards the
~,:1~2.;. bacR o~ the lot and is only a ~mall area
The native soils underlying
...:t'. ' . the waste materials is predom-
: ~,~,:.,~ ~nately a smlt, sand and gravel mix ranging from ML to
~eeping water is ~pparent in this soil especi~l]y towards
~;~"? the bac~ of the lot.
~:"D, Owing ~o ~he 'deep u,,~ste m~teni~ls
"'~~"~'~' and ~hein high organic
~ ~. ~on~en~.~nd unconsolidated candi~ic, n~ the top 7 ~o D ~eet
Is unsuitable ~on residential building ~ounda~ion~ on Ton
Percolation o~ septic wastewater
t(, . The
~2~. native soils, while unsuitable or a.t ~est unde~irable
~,..~s.... idential building foundations ~rom a bearino Standpoint
.~:~; There i~ however serious drainaoe pr'c, blem due to the seeping
: groundwater. -
,'.]'~.. The extreme back o~ the lot in the ar.e~ not covered with the
/ ~:'~:"' ~ste materials i_. the ,:,n~>, ~rea Where a ~ep~ic ~>'stem
~.'"~ '- might be located, but the depth o~ seeF, inq grc, undw~ter m~Re~
"~':" this area ~]so doubtful ~c,r percolation c,~ septic w~teu,mater
t:,.~'.' without a Pc, ssible mounding system. This ~r. ea w~s inaccess-
,,,-"~ ibl~ at the time o~ our inue~.ti,n~.tior, bec.~.use o~ deep mud
· ~, The soils test hole logs ~r?.
· -~..:.. ~ .......
:'~-.. ~'., ~-1~16
;,.'.4.1~0'7 Eant 74 th Avenue
i,:'JAI~/IES B. ROBERTS, PE, RLS ~'~Y~/~b ~:2~
~.~. Lot IE:C T~,e Villages Subdivision.
~ .~..' '
' ~;;"l investigation per~or.~ed b>, me on ~'~1~ 7, ]~:34 xielded the
_11 ~ 5-
ravol, 8111~ Organics~' Ice C. = Augot Cullin0s P.B. - Pl~slic Bag
';nd Clay Bedrock Watnt ~A' ' Samplo~... ~rom Auger I.D. M.T.. Moisture Tin
LOCAT ON ' ~ , HOLE NO . ..,.~'.-.__.. .....
. ' ................ I s,^,,Eo ..~./Z/X.~'-. I SHEET "O...Z.__ O~ Z ....
........ FINISHED d 7 ~ HOLE DEPTH ] / '
, I -~? ~..1~
s~ ~sc~p~,o~_~l~'.~t__Z~A_~'R l ~ou~
.... - ......I-a?~ I .'.:~'
, ~P~- ~ .
SOIL SYMBOLS S.S. = 1.4" SplilSpoon1140 #hamme~'
S.P. - 2.5 Sphl Spoon,340/,' hammer
W.O..= While Drilling . :. '.
A.D. = After Drilling
P.B. = Plastic Beg "';
M.T. - Moisture Tin
DESCRIPTION__C--J'cO' v-_ .'~'~
S.S. = 1.4" Split Spoon1140 # hammer
..C.'ff. SOIL SYMBOLS S.P. = 2,5" Split Spoon13401 hammer
~ :" ,evel ~ Slit ~ O'0~n{c$ ~ Ice C." Augor Cult'ngs
A. = Sample (torn Auger
W.D. ~ While Drilling
A.D. ~ Alter Olilling
P.B. = Plastic Bag
M.T. -' Moisture Tin
S.R. = Sampler Re(usat