HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 8 LT 99 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE '* DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ~'~.'~'/ ~ / ~'~'/ '~ .,~' Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES ~ ~//~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c// ~ SEPTIC ABSORPTION WELL Address TANK FIELD . Phone(s) Perme No. No rBedrooms WELL - / ~ / /~5~ / LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,,~ I Bl°ck I Subd{visi°n i Township, R~nge, Section AS-BUILT DIAGRAM {Show Iocatmn Gl well, septic system, properly lines, Ioundation, TANKS -, ' ~ .... ~ SEPTIC ~ HOLDING TYPE OF SYSTEM ~ / / ~T~ENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHE~ ~ H~ E original grade ~' ~ FT /~ FT ~ / Total absorption area Distance betwee" lines FT FT Date: P. 0. BOX 773294 ,~ ~p ' Heallh Oepaflment Approval: ~ ~ / ~ ~ Date: ~ ~ / ~ 72-013 (3/85) Lip g r ad e E ri g :i. n ~?;e r' D e s i g r'l e d O~>n'l e r- A(::} d r' e S s ~ W I I,.,.I..ilJ.W'l LOVELI .... H('; '7EI BI]X .r~.,. (r '......... ' ........ ' ' '' :1 ,, }CI0 qal Ions. Each sept ,;:1.1 I.l.l., TANI(i, Mir"~:i. mum 'LcrLal !i~;(.:~pt:i.c 'Lard.:: (.,apac,.LLy. . , 'lLar'lk mu.!~yL l'lav6) ,~:vlL ],ea!~t ',~:,:', c:c.~fllp~:'~rtn/E,.~r'lts,. Dl:,p'Lh 'l;,cl 'Lop (::if E~.c:,pt:i,c '~:.0.rl~.~ (s) .::i INS'TAL,L., PEF'~'. ENGINE:I![R~S Dli:~3II3N A '[REI~I[;H "['YPIi~ ABI30RI="T'ION SY~,3'I'EM. LENGTH: 44'; GRAVEL DEI='TI'I~" L"'i'; MAXIMUM DEP]'I-h~ :i.O' '1]"1:1:',3 I='EF:~'.MIT IS ISSUED F""'[~R A SINI'~LE FAMII.,.Y FU:i~SIDENE;E ONL. Y AND Iii: X I:::' I I:d:,"~ :1. ~/3 ;t/88. NO'F I F::¥ DHHS F'R I OR TO AL,L I ixlSI::)I!!:CT IONS., CER'F ]: F:'Y 'THW'f: ~c:m'Lh by the Mur~:i. cipa~.itv o~' Anchorage (MOA) and 'Lh~ State o~' Alaska,, :.?,. .[ w:i:l. 1 :i.l'~-LaJ. 1 the s~s'Lem in ~c::cc~pd~nce ~d, th all MOA c::od~s and and in comp].iar~c:e ~i'Lh the design criter:La o~ this per. mit. 3,, I w:i. ll adh~::?re 'Lo ali. MOA and S{ate of Alaska requir, ements ~(::n" the sc,d:, bac:k d:i.s'Lances f'rom any exis'Lirlg wel:L, was'Lewa'Ler disposal sy~:kem or i:)ubl:i.c: 4. 1: u.r~ders'Land 'Lhat thi?.~ permJ, t. is valid {'or a maximLcm of' 3 L~c::lr'c)oms. also understand that 'Lhe capaci'Ly o{ 'Lhe to'La1 system is 3 b~.,x::lrooms and any enlar, gement will r, equ:ire ar'l add:LtJ, c)raa'.[ pePm:i.t,, ((]t,~q-lC~l') NII_.L:I;AM LOVELt.. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchoroge, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: '~/~- ~' /oP(r~ -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER /'%/'~ S ENCOUNTERED? L O P DEPTH? SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 6 FT AND 7 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: EBg[o Rivor Engineoring Services CERTIPIED BY: ~¢~-~ ~--~-i~2.-.¢.._~~ P. O. Box 773294 Eagle River, AK g9577 72-008 (6/79} 694'5195 DATE: RBAD ESMT, TANK N~I~H, WELL. 2~6' DIST. EAgEMENT EXISTIN(~ LEACH FIELI) NEW LEACH FIELD ..,,~-- CLEANI]UT - · SCALD 1' = vFFLL AND SEPT]lC SITE PLAN _EGALI LOT 99 T15N Ri~/, SEC, 8 V/NER, MR, ~/ILL_IAH LBVELL ][]NTRACI'BR, CHUCK BARR EAGLE RIVER ENt]INEERING )O ]3X 773294 EAGLE RIVER, AK, 99577 ~94-5195 SERVICES SPEOIFIOATIONS FOR ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM LEGAL: LOT 99, TISN, R1W, See.8 GENERAL ]'lacs well and septio plan are for a single .family residenoe only. The dr'awing and oP site plan shall be a part o-ff this speoifioation. All materials and morkmanship shall meeb the Anchorage Department of Health and State Department [)f Environmental Oonservabion r'equlce-~ All soil tests are advisory to the design and are to be verified or modsfied in ~he field by ~h8 8ngJ. neer. All exoavations and depths are advi~soPy and are to b~ vePifJ, ed or mod:ified in the t:ie].d by the ooetraotor bo meet Munioipa],lty o'P Anohorage, Departmen~ of Envinor~ment. al Conservation requJ, r'emenbs. ~(~ ~s ~he resp()nsibLLity of tlq(~ our/er ~o obbain a}} eeoessany permJ,~s er easements and ~o ~ocate any ad,}acent, multS-.-'famLly ~eZ].s. '~. The excavation Ls bo be exac'b}y &n the area sho~n on the sate p}an, any (Jov&a~on requires engineer appFeva~. :['t; is al~ays r'eoommended ~ha~ a suPveyoK looate ~he neaPes~ ],()b }ino [)osJ,~J, on and the location ot' any easements, TRENOtl The trenoh is to 'follow the natural land oonteur to maintain uni~;or'm total depth of tlae trenoh bottom. The bet. Lorn of She trenoh sha].l be level, plus or minus The tot;al depth o¢ the trenoh exoava~ion is nob to exoesd 10' at any The sewer lille is to replaoe the existing sewer line khat leads to the existing crib. The ~renoh gravel is ~o be oovored ~ibh ~ypar fabrio material. So&} er oombJ, nat&on o'f soil and ex~r'uded board insulation ~oa depbh o'f' 4' or equ&valenb ~,s ~o bo plaoed over- ~he leaohfielcl. [he area over ~h8 trenoh is bo be f&n;i, sh graded bo preven~ pending of CUFf ace water runoff. The septio tank and ],eaoh~io].d must not be oloseP than lO0' to any exist:~,ng pnivate well, 150' to any Olass "0" we].l, or' 200 'fec}k to any oommunity well, REOOMMENDED LEAOHFIELD DIMENSIONS TO'fAL DEPTH := ].0~ GRAVEL DEP]'I4 x TRENCH LENGTH × 44¢ Soil Rating :: 146 Bsdroom Capaoity = 5 Septio Tank Size = lO00 gal., (Replace existing tank.) TRENCII WIDTH = 50"