HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 8 LT 31 i~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT ,OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVII~ONMEN'I'AL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage;, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE [)ISPqSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT i rP H O N-~-~=-- [] NEW ~A[EING ADDRESS i ~GAL'DESCRIPTION LOCATION { NO. OF BEDROOMS ~Vell ~ Absorption area Dwelling PERMIT NO. i: Z Manufacturer ' ) ~ Material No. of compartments ~--~ Leng~~ I Total len~¢o~l~es Trench wiO;,~ ~ ~ No, of lines ~ Type of crib Crib di,meter ~J/~ ~ Cr,b depth Total effective absorption ~rea OTHER ~IPE MATERIALS i -~ -- ---- ~OIL TES~ RATING ~NSTAL. LER i ~'¢ ' 1~ VED ' X i DAT~ LEGAL 72-013 THI: I. i:",l]~' I :, "I: ~',l:~: I]1'.,! i :i; I'11~: !1 .I!:l",ll:::i I"1-1 ,:: )]",! F:'I~:I", I]1:= TIq~!::I ~.1 b,'l ..H" O1:,;: I),F;:F:I 'I I",11:;: :[ [:'[ I::, TILE: I)FiiF'TFI OF: FI "I't~:E:I".II::::I..I(:IF~ I:::':('t :['!i; 'fl'Iii:: I]::~: :,1 N.;I. 131~i:Tl.,.ff:ki]'q 'I'HI= :~;I. II;?f:'l::l:]:[: f'lF:: 'l"l.l!:i: ~3F;.'.OI.INE:, f:::11',1[) TI-fi!:: li~Cq't'OH OF: 'i'HI~ It" I!" l Il!lC t!" ~:¥:: I!iiF] ~",11H:::]::: IF'It b, 1! ]1: THk' I:ii~;?.f::lVtii:L I::,t!i:I'::'FH :[:!!!; THE: I:::ll",l[::, TFII.:: Ei:OF'f'[li"l I:)F: FIIt~: F:',:.::C:FI',,,'FfI' I'1 :t: I",1 :[ J'"lLli"l t::, :[ ?i; Ft::'tF,II]:lii: !:iflF:FMk,:[!:N f::~ I.,1E]..I, FII",!I) t:::t!',l'r' I]N..:~:; ]: '1'1!] ::!i;E:],.lF:t(!i!!!:: [:, :ll:'ll;i!l I:1:!:[:'1' Fill:? t::~ I:::'l:~:]:","l:ll!ii: [-'.l[i:[..I..; ':!.!!hill ]1] ;ii:li::.ll?l I:=E:[:i:T F:'I:;?.OH I::1 F:'I.I[31 ]:[: I.'.ll:ii:l.!. [:)I!i:F:'F:NI::,]:I'.tCi UF:'[)I'..I 'FI.lEE ]'r'l::'l:!:: or:.' O]'llfi:l:,? FN:E:[;:!I.I]:];;:I!],II:!.]'.,IT:iii; i"lf::l"r' f::ff::'F:'l.?. ?SF:II!:I::::!:F:]:I:::FtT]:OI'-,I'.i; I=ff',tl], I]::I]I'.,iI!i;TI;i:I.f(:::]']:[H'.I I::'t',,,'I:::I:!:t.FI[?,t.[!!: TO lt",ISUI:,.:iZ F:'F?.I]F'[~]:;?. 0 2 4 6 8 12 14 Steven A. Johnson Box 76 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Phone: 688-3085 Performed for Legal Description_ Test Pit Location soils Log Percolation Test Joan L. Evans Lot 31 Sec 8 T15N, R1W SM Date ~ee attached sheet 16 0'- 2' red brown gravelly silt w/organics _~ater table at 2 feet__.. 275 ft2/bdrm 2'- 15' g~ay brown well graded sandy gravel w/some silt (CW) and boulders to two feet 140 ft2/bdrm TOtal depth this test 10 feet AVEI~GE ABSORPTION AREA REQUIRED FROM SOILS LOG = 1 67 ft.2/bdrm. NET TIME (Min.) NET DROP (In. Percolation rate ~ minutes/inch l) 43 0 2 4 6 10 12 14 Steven'A. Johnson Box 76 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Phone: 688-3085 Performed for Legal Description JoaD L. Evans Lot 31. Sec 8 T15N, R1W SM Soils Log Percolation Test Date 8/15/78 Test Pit Location See attached sheet 2 ' red 2'- 15' brown gravelly silt w/organics 275 ft2/bdrm TOtal depth this test gray brown well graded sandy gravel w/some silt (CW) and boulders to two feet 140 ft2/bdrm water table at 7 feet numerous seeps below 7 feet 10 feet AVERAGE ABSORPTION AREA REQUIRE, D FROM SOILS LOG = --ft. 2/bdrm. Percolation rate NE~ TIME (Min.) Signed NET DROP (In.) PERC R AT~h"/in~__ 10 12 14 16 Steven A. Johnson% Box 76 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Phone: 688-3085 Soils Log Percolation Test Performed for Legal Description Test Pit Location Jo~n L, Evans Sate 8/15/78 Lo~ 31 Sec 8 T15N, R1W SM Se~ attached sheet 0i'- 2' red brown gravelly silt w/organics (~IL) 275 ft2/bdrm gray brown well graded sandy gravel w/some silt (GW) and boulders to 'two feet 140 ft2/bdrm water table at 5 feet Total depth this test 10 feet AVERAGE ABSORPTION AREA REQUIRED FROM SOILS LOG = 167 ft. 2/bdrm. Percolation rate NETi TIME (Min.) NET DROP PERC RA.~ Signed minutes/i~h ... ' '~ c~/e..': I "~3o' ' ii;; I . .- - ~ '.' ~ ~ i ' - - I 'i . . 1 . e//~_,~ ENVllONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION RIEQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF NDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FAI~ILITIEs' DIRECTIONS: Complete aH par~s on page 1, Incomplete rauuests wild not ba proce~ed. Please allow tel3 {10) d~ys for processing, 1. PROPERTY OWNER PHONE ' Joan Evans 688-2666 mUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~'~'~," DEPARTMENt' OF HEAL,TN & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ' ~ ~ ' '" - ' j825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 [ MAILING ADDRESS BOX 49:L 99567 2.PROPERTYBuYER RESIDEN3 (If different from abovel i . PH{JNEPHONE John H./Dorothy A. Day:Lis 243-5429 MA LNG ADDRESS , 6720 W<~imer Dr3.ve 99502 . 3~ ~,ENDING IN~'ITUTION 1 PHONE Lomas and Ne~tle%on Co[~pany I 274-7661 MAILING ADDRESS evard 99503 PHONE % Betty Fields I 694-3355 lty 4449 Business Park Boul 4. REALT~OR/AGENT Chugiak-Ea~le River Rea MAILING ADDRESS Post office Box. F,. 9956 E, LEGAL DESCRIPTION , T15N R1W Section 8 Lo~ STREET LOCATION No, rth Birohwood Loop R~ 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE [~X SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY ' 7. WATER SUPPLY 31 [~;P~ NDIVIDUAL* {~ COMMUNITY PUBLIC UTI LITY 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ NDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE [] PUBLIC UTILITY ad NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [] Four [] Other_ [] Two [] Five ~ Three {2] Six ATTACH WELL LOG, A well log is required for all wei s drilled since June 1975, For wells drilled ~rior to mat date, (.liVe well aepth (attach Io.c if available,~ **If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two [2) years old an adequacy test is required by this Department, NOTE: THE INSPI-'CTIC)N FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQU ~ST BEFORE PRC)CESSING CAN BE INITIATED. '72-010(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TiME TiME TiME DATE DATE DATE I NSP ECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER []INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified iNSTALLER []Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions; TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4, DISTANCESwELL TO: Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line S. COMMENTS ~APPROV ED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (Fetter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE ~ (~-~'~ o__ ? (~. ]Y(Title) 72-010 (Rev, 3/78) MiUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE  Department of Itealth and Environmental Protection ~ 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 9950]. ~j/ 264-4720 ~" ~/equest for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities 1. Property Owner: Mailing Address: 497 ~.~ ~k. ~_56~__ ...... Phone: 6'88-2666 Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: _~j%0_~~_.~_~t~ Phone: ]bending Institution: Mailing Address: 44~ Realtor/Agent: (3u~i~-~_~ ~ ~o_o.22.q.., _~0~_,/ B~-,~. $, ~292~ Mai] ing Address: $,~. BOX 7 C4~f_'~, Rk._39567 . Phone: ~_"3355 __ ]Legal Description: ° ~ ,.,treet Location: __ Single Family Residehce: (X) Number of Bedrooms: .__3 Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: o Water Supply: * Indigidual Well (X) If ]individual Well, Well depth 62' If Conm~unity System, name of system Public/Co]tm]unity System ( ) Sewage Disposal System: On-site System (X) Public System ( ) If On-site System, date of installation: (q.r~n.omn.) Cu~g%e;~ ~Ta/~. *NOTE: A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6/75. If on-site seweri system is over two(2) years old, an adequacy test is required!by this department. A fee of $25.00 ~ust accompany each request before processing can be initiated!. 3/77 ~,8, 1977 Dynamic; Realty 401 West Northern L:LUhts ;~ohorage, Alaska 9~9503 Subject: ~15~ ~'.].H S~t;ion 8 Lot 31 The adequacy test on~ the s~ject property failed. ~ ~I> ~zade of th~ ~:>~ozption area ~ required bsfore an app~.o~al may be gristede. A ~ond:[t~Onal 'api>~oval would be considered once a~ soils test has b~en conduct(~d on property to establish upgradi~%q ~p~cifications. Funds must be escro%.~ed for l;he ~pgrade an6 any interim pt%roping that ~aay be required. above surroundzn~ gr{%nd level and the area areund the well filled with 8oil slop,:~d away from the casing. A $20.00 pe~it i~i~ed for ~;he ~rado. %?he upgradin(~ If there are any fu~he:r questions, please contact this office at 264-.4720. Sincerely~ ~ I, es N. ~3uchholz, R.S~ Senior ~;nvironmontal iSpecialist !,NB/lb l) 17 PAP, I'PiF PROTI-CT[ ON 9951) 1 ].2-19-77 Tues Date 12-20-77 Wed ~.~a.~ .................... ~'ibbs d~ing pump'fff9- ............ / ' "' 1.. Lendin~I [nst:i_Lution t{cqUes~: Mike Messick, D~namic Realty MaJ.].inq Address: 401 W st Northern Liqhts Phone: 279-7611 2. Properuy OwntN.-: Joan ~vans Phoue: 688-2666 Mail. lng Address: . B~._~_~_._~_5~. 3. Legal Descr±pt~on: T15N R1W Section 8 Lot 31 Single Fama..Iy Residencel: (x) MultJp.le FuaJ_.l.y Rcs.]donee: i Number oi Bedrooms: Three NLllllbor o]] ]~(ld33OOl//S: 5, Well Sys~cm; '[ndivLdu~,~ We1.1 (x) Conm]un~ty/PubJic Syst:om Perrn±t ...................... Dbpt;h oi We].] . Z.6~_._a__E_p.r__ox~ Wctt Log en VLlo Lo~) ~.t~z uc ..~ o ~ ................ j .........................Bac kef Sewage DispnsaL SVSL~m]: ()ri-siLo Sys~eu (x~ Anal ys ls Pub].].c Utili.l'y Perm LL ................... ].l~ska [led .... }~? _k_n_ O?._n- I nsCailel7 ........................................ Septic Tank Size Hall Absorpt. Aon A~:ea o3z.L,~ Rat.~ _ ............. Mat:er LO No&rosh ],Oil l~].llC o MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ P~O~e~t£~n De[~artment Of ~I:eatth' and Environmen'tal 825 L S'¢reet, ~chorage, Alaska 99501 279-2511, ext. 224, 225 ..... oewer ~ues~ for Approval of Individual o and Water Facilities ProperLy Owner: _~/ Mailing Address: . ~ Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: Phone: Phone: Lending InsEi%ution:, ~/~ Mailing Address: Phone Real ~or/Agent: ~ [ ~-~ /4~r/3~/~-'' ~.~g~i ~ , Single Family Residence: ~ Number of Bedrooms: MulUiple Family Residence:---G-) - Number of Bedrooms: ..... Wa%er Supply: *Individual Well (~Public/CommuniEy SysEem ( ) / If Community System, name of sys~:em Sewage Disposal Syst%m: On-site System If On-site System, date of installation: Public Sysqem ( ) *NOTE: A well log is required on AL1, wells drilled since 6/75. 3/77 Piige 'l~WORequestD~oPrar~ot of w~!l Heal%h and Environmental Protection of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Legal Description: T15N R1W Seohion 8 Lot 311 Comments: Affadavit Attached: ( ) Letl:er Attached: ( ) Approved: Date: Disapproved: ]Date: Department