HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 5 Lot 118 S5629 ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEN~ OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~ PLATTING BOARD FJ PLANNING & ZONING ASE NUMBER NAME S-5629 T15N R1W Section 5 Subdivision of LoC 118 DATI: RECEIVED April 1, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY April 13, 1981 FOR MEETING OF ' CASE OF (I. ~"?'J'l'!, .,, , I~"~'-PUB LIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AR EA I~/~..PUBLIC SEWER NO~ AV,~ILABLE TO PETITION AREA 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) SUB-SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS The surface soils found in this area is a good thickness of topsoil overburden material.i It is a ligh~ Colored loam which would seem to me to, be lacking as q good plant growing material. The thickness seems to be quite uniform ~hroughout the entire area. Below the loam for,about 2 to three feet there seems to be a difference in the layering of thle silty materials, which wpuld show the~influence of Peter~ Creek at once time in the near geological past. (Maturity Young) Below this eratic layering of silts and sands and gravelly sands there is a very dominant layer of sandy bouldery gravel with some small layering of silts expected as !a result.of erosion sedimentation. This layer is quite loosely packed and would allow water to percolate quite freely. I would suspect that.this layer of rocks would extend to Peters Creek, for a very good underground runoff condition. (This was reported by the person that ran the blackhoe. He has has extensive experience in digging of septic systems in ithis specific area.) Below the rocky material is a very hard packed Bootlegger Cove Blue Clay hardpan mixture.~ with .some rocks and cobbles mixed in to make it ' even harder. I wouldI expect no percolation thru this 'layer. The back- hoe operator stated that this was the same as he has encountered through- out the entire area. The depth ~is about the same over the entire basin. He didn't seem to kno~ the thickness of this layer, not did we dig deep enough to find out. We did dig deep enough to find that it was too deep to consider placeing ithe septic deeper '~an 15.0 feet. There would normally ~e some seepage alpng this inpervious layer of clay, especially wher~ there might be ~n indentation in the clay forming a pocket for water toI accumulate. Th~ drainage seemed to be quite complete in the upperI layers and the hole was quite dry. / CONCLUSIONS Within the layer from 4.5 to 9.0 feet from the surface there seems to - be a very good layer!of sandy'bouldery gravelly material that would have unlimited perco!ation and seems to be quite consistant throughout the entire area.and ~specially over this lot. These soils can be classified as GW . These holes'displaz spetific conditions encountered at the test hole.locations, however sub-surface conditions change slightly throughtout the project area.because of the indescriminate riverlbed deposit of the river. Bedrock was not encountered nor would it be expected in this area. At the time the holes were dug there was no frost, no permafrost was encountered and very ilittle water was encountered. Based on the information obtained in these holes, it is felt that this subdivision is suitable for single family units. ! really don't believe that speci'al drain fields would have to be constructed, but that the boulderymaterial would act as a good drain field in itself. The depth of the septic system would be hampered by the impervious layer at 9.0 feet, but theqaterial flow would be more than enough. It is felt that the Soils conditions encountered do not preclude the utilization of septic tanks and soils absorption systems for residential sewerage disposal. ~ Further percolation tests are not warranted at this time not should they be required in the fdture. / , / James K. Dov/ling, P.E. ^nchorage, ^laska 99501 du~ne 1, 1981 ~gelo L 05 OF TEST BOHING Hole No. ' DOWL'ING.~'JOHN'S ' '" Sheet ~" of '- ~' '~nglneers -- Surveyor~ .... ~ De~th ~ ~ ~'11' DE$C£1PTION L~iagram: . .~ 8j~ . , ', :" <." :--amp'-ng Local/on Notes ~ · . . ..' --' ' " ~ ~llmoted port/cie ~ ~ ~, ~ ,~i,,~,/,/,~,o~,,, "" ' '" "' · """'' '~" · · } <~,,~ ~,.~,/~,/o,/o~,, .:':~'~... na~:;, .'...::: ." '~..~,:]~:: ..;,~:.~ ~ ~~~}' ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~~o~,,o,, . · ...... ..... w ' ' ' '~ ' ~ o~ ~ "' ~- " : ': " ~" ..... " ~ .'<: ~ . · .... ,, '- ~ ~.~ /.~ +, z'~ ..... .~. .. . ~~~ .-. ~ ~ -- .. 4 · ' ,~ · . ~ : . : :. · . - ~ ~;" q ~ .y~,~,, · ~.~ t~'~,~ ~ ~.1: ...... ......,. ' ' / >' / I' '. "~'.~. '."": .-~'-~.':~ · (:.,~';.[.<' -': ~ '.~.'~z:-x'..'.,'<:-'~:'<'~--.-~ ':'-~+':,": ~,..'"' .... .__ q~. . ....~ . .,~ .. ~......... --a~ -. .... .].~-~.,' . , .. ... . . ::z_~.,o'.: ~¢~ -- , , . , .... .-., . --- , .... 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