HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 9 Lots 106, 122 & 123 Plat# 75-202 S-3560 b Street 4040 ,1 ). Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Octob~ r W. 0. Mr. Wes New,:on c/o Df)WI, Engineers 800 Cordova StreeL Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATfliNTION: Mr. Tom Garrod SUBJECT: Preliminary Soils investigatlon LOCATION: BLM Lots 106, 122 & 123, Southwest 1/4,~Lb.z~jX~,:' '~; ' Towashlp !5 North, Rail West, Seward Y, erndi~. DOWL - 1~.(3. t17748 Transmi[ted herein are the results of the subsnrf;~ce on the above property on October 22, 23 & 24, 1974. of one test hole drilled by Denal] Drilling. Inc., Mobile B-S0 drill and two test holes drilled hy ploying a Nodwetl mounted, Mobile B-50 drill each flight auger. Crab samples were taken at 5.0' interva~ , out of the test hole and removing the sample from ','~, from near the bit. The soils were visually class2f~'a cordance wkth Sheets 3 through S, following the texL. was supplemented by laboratory review of samples hazer The drilling was supervised and the test holes were and Peter llerstek, technicians, of our staff. The data in this report i.s organized as follows: l)5scussSon Test llole Location Sketch Typical Soil Groups (This Study) Test Itole Logs (',rain Size Distribution Curves Standard Explanatory Information Excerpts from State & G~B Publication Pai!c 2 Figure Table :\ Table Sheets Sheets Appel,ali:, ,,, October 30, 1974 DiSCUSSiON The Greater Anchorat~e Arc. a I~oroLl~h has established area per bedroom roqui~d ~or a particllhlY FeepaRe classification of the so~l, We uaderstand this SP 150 ft. -,/bcd room SM 250 ~k. ,sed~oon 275 ft. /be~,roonL CL-CII 350 Soils wJt}l ~l seepage area vahe of greater than ' end ly considered not suffic:iently permeable to acceut c ally the bottom o.F any seepage pit is requ:ired by state lations to ])e 4 feet above tho /'tee water level. Thc primary intent oh' this field and laberato~? effort was directed to thc deternd, nation of' the unified soils classification ¢)f the sol is tnco~mter~d. To thJ. s end, the soil samples were visually classif!:icd in the };box~tory and grouped according to their textural propcrtics. A descr pi:i).: of the w~rious groups as well as their un±flied classificution is coutalLed Jn Table A. The distribution o:f the groups, the uaJff.ied soils clttssJ?ication of each soil encountered, and the observed free ware:' ]eve~ are contained :irt the test hole logs. In~orma. tion Further :ident~f'yih'~ the ::~Lior soil groups encountered in this study is g i yen i n the g~:a i n s i ze di s ~ :? i but ioL curvcs (Sheets 1 ~) 2) which inlmediately follow thc heR: lugs. We trust this :is sufi~icienl; ~:Or your immediate call the wr:itor should alty quest:ions arise or should ~,e he o[: fu:'::~er service as the project develops. Very truly /ours, ALASKA '['IiSTLA B John H, I,ambe JHI,/vms bcpth ~1~ Feet From To 0.0' 2.0~ 2.0' 15.0~ Bottom of '['est Hole: Frost L:ine: Free Water Level: 1 5.0 ' 2 ]0.0~ 3 15.0~ F-] bro,~n, ~jj_t? ?__d?' :,?.~?{.eJ ',,d th :m:./ ,~cbblo5 mM boulders, damp, high density, ~ui>-l?ouhJed paFluicle.5, 6"-, GM 15.0' Nmm Observed None Observed Blows/6" 4.9 3.6 II Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab 2, Dry Strength~ N = None, L = Low, ),l = Ile~iun., 3. Group refers to $imil~r material, thi:; 4. Date of Exploration; October 22, ]97! To';1 Ilole 2 EJewtt ion: Exist Htg (;rotmd Duplh ill Feet 0.0' 2.5' 2.S' '7.5' 7.5 ' 14.0 ' Bottom of Test Ilolc: Frost Li~le: [:r~e /%trot Level: 1 2.5' 5.0' l O. 0 ' 4 14 . O' soft, ML Si, I ...... F-l, brown, silty sandy 14.0' None Observed None Observed Type 3 31.8 (; i V SAT. l [ [ Samp ) ?7et P prose Stra[ 5.2 C ., 9.6 C ~ i 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab 2. Dry Strength: N = None, L = Low, >! = ~.kdiu:::, !i = : : h 3. (]rou]) re, lets to similar material, this stu~,' o~:5> ,1. Date of Exploration: October 25, 19'7.1 5. Refusal a't 14.0', probably a boulder Ilole ion: Ex:ist;i ~g grotuid I.)cl)ti~ Jn Feet From To 0.0' 2.5' 2.5' 6.0' 6.0' 1S.0' F-4, brown, ~and_y_ ~:_[)~t_ x,'it.]/ i:te~iiu::. [ir'a:.;.: cc//;tcl~[, /,et, soft, HL density, 3/4"-, SH F-l, brown, ~j_l_%E sandy .... ~__~ /,:i th :~ v ~obnl . and boulders, damp, high dens:ity~ Bottom of Test llole; ]5.()~ None Observed Froo Water Lovel: 1 2.5' 2 5.0' 10.0' 4 15.0' None Observed T) po of ],r', o,_?_I¢'% __ __- 48.1 (l L 1 ] I SAT. ] '"' ___ 4,4 (; ~: ] ___ 10.0 (; i i Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G = Grab 2. Dry Strength: N : None, L = Low, ,xl 3, Group refers 'to similar material, thSs 4. Date of Exploration: I}ctober 24, 19'74 og h. IB. bJ