HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 30 Lot 42 Do Not Remove Attached Plans- they are as-built plans of sewer and water facilities.
March 4, 1974
Conrad H. Gardner
Eagle R~r~ ~aska 99577
Departmen% of Environmental Quality
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
3330 C Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
ATTENTION: Mr. Rolf Strickland
Dear Hr. Strickland:
Enclosed for your approval are plans for a ~a~te ,~s~l
system and a water system for
S. M.~ Alaska. These systems exist as shown on the plans.
Yours very truly,
Conrad H. Gardner
t~,arch 13, ib7~
Conrad GardF~er
t~ox 56~
gagle ii'lver, Alaska 99577
SUgJECT: Plans Submission For Water And Sewer System~ Lot 42, liarry R. ~oyle
Property, Section 30, T15N, R1W, S.P'. (Eagl~ River)
Uear /ir. Gardner:
Tile Greater Anci}8rage Area Borough i)epartment of Environ~mntal Quality has
received and reviewed tile proposal regarding the subject 'eater system and
subsequent sui)divlding ef the property. We will .divide tile entire submission
into tt;o parCs,. The first p~rt will be water and sewer syste~)t and ti~e second
part ~,dll be s~bdivision plat.
Nater a~d se~er system l'hg plans for tile ~er and sewer system
show adequate design al'Id supply in regards to the water system.
U~aever, ~,Je must have assuring, ce that there is ~io source of contamination
wit,)in t~e 40 foot radius of ghe well. As your plans saov~ tile southere
portion of the apartment house within thais 40 foot radius, we must have
adequate pleas showing ti)ere is no under~jround plu;.~lbing within this
portion of tile apartment hous'e.
Subdivision Plat It is our general guideline that lot size shall
be a minimum of 20,~300 square feet per single family residence when o~
o,~.. public ;~ater system. This ~later system by ~estgnation 'is semi-
public, class A. iio;-~ever, since the apart~mnt house is of several units
and located on a lot of only 22,000 square feet, there is not adequate
room on the nor&i~ end of the lot for se~l~r system replacemnt. In ~rder
go secure adequate room for sewer system replacmr~)nt, ~e would suggest
that some alternate design of the lot arranger, K;nt be im~de to allow tho
norti;ern portion of the proposed lot 42C to be larger for ad~;quate
server systole replace~.~nt.
At this point, I might suggest that you contact this office to discuss
this particular problem o~ lot size at further length. For unless the
o'~.mer, Nr. ttarry Doyle, owns more property in the i~I~..diate area it
appears that tim three lot split does not provide adequate room for
~,~aste disposal onllot 42C and that there is possibly no additional
room to increase the lot size. of the proposed subdivision.
hlar~oh' 13, 1974
We would appreciate t~eari))g fro~ you at your earliest co(tvenionce on
this matter.
Si )~cerel y,
Roll Strickland, ~.S.
Chief Sanitarian
i~arch ~'~
z~_, 1974
,~r. Conrad Gardner
P.O. Box 525
Eagle River, Alaska
SUBJECT: Se.~.lcar And Uater System For Lot ,12, Harry R. Doyle Property,
Section 30, T151i, '?,1~,,', S.i.I. (Eagle River)
i~ear ~,,r. Gardner:
I appreciai;e your early contact with this depart~Yen~ i~ regards to the previous
letter of Harch 13, 1974, a,d the anslvering of the questions as staled in this
letter. I appreciate all ~he inEomnation you provided on ~his, plus the
fact tiler it is obvious that Hr. 9o);!e does not hav~ additional proI~¢rty to
acid to lot 42C and that these Uiree buildings do exist on Ule property. It
is, therefore, obvious that simply spli~ting these lots into three parcet~
~dll neiUler improve or be detrtmel~tal to the situation that now exists.
Therefore, since ~he splitting of ibis property into throe lo~s is going
to present no potential health hazard and all tiwee properties are served
by an approved semipublic, class A ~-tell, this depar~raent finds tha~ Li~e
subject sub~n/ssion ~;~ets all requirements for widch vie are concerned.
Should you have any quesCions regarding this )~latter, please con,act
Rolf Strickland, R.S.
Chief Sanitarian
Alaska Department of Health and Welfare
Branch of Environmental Health
Pouch lq
Juneau, Alaska 99801
City Zip Code
.~x~.x...~ 3 7.. £ ~a,~j~bA'.,
Ma I e~ Ad I
Application Date
...... ~:8~.....w....Z 7~Z ........
Business Telephone
In accordance with Alaska Statutes~ Title 18, "Health and Safety*', Chapter 05, See., (i1), (12), and rules and rex-
ulations promulgated thereunder, we,
.............. ...................................................................................................
herewith submit ~r your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FgATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans
for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and sp~t*
fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architec~ral Report) including necessary data required for full understand-
lng of SANITARY ~ATUR~S of design.
(Oivecompletebutbrief description of project)
......... ~'/ ............................ 7 ............
.Z~_O.X...~.~-?<.~ ...... 5A(~.-~.' .......................... and by or- under the direction of the following ;Engineer(s) or
Architect(s) d'dly ncens_d co practica in Alaska:
................................................................... ..................................... x/79 ,
This project is to be financed in the following manner: (List som'ces of funds and amountsL
S out.es- o~ funds:
Total estimated cost of this project is S g~/./.~r~ ...........................
These plans are being submitted to you :to least onemonth prior to the contemplat~l~ate' ' of advertising .for bids
....... z Y~ .................................
LOT 42,_ SECTION 30, RIW, T15N~ 5'..~.~' ALASK&
The existing system consists of 3 seperate septic tank and seepage
pits for 2-one fa~ily residences and one-6 unit, I bedroom apartment
building, located on Lot '42, Section 30, RIW, T15N, S.M., Alaska.
The intent ~s to subdiuide Lot 42 into Lots 42A, 42B, and 42C with
no expansion of the system.
The present system will serve 3 lots and wilt not be expanded.
The present and futu~e population to be served based on an average of
3.25 persons per single family residence and 2 persons per apartment.
unit = 18.5.
Permafrost is not known to be present in the area.
1. Existing system as stated in A.
2. Water source is a d~illed well on Lot 42C.
3. Domestic wastes only are treated by this system.
4. The estimated daily flow based on average flow of lO0 g.p.d, per
person is: Lot 42A - 32~ gallons
Lot 42B - 325 gallons
Lot 42C - 1200 gaZlons.
Estimated daily flow = 150% if average hourly flow and night
f~ow = 70% of auerage hourly flow. Maximu~ hourly flow =
170% of auerage ho~ly flow and minim~ flow = 30% of average
houmly fZow.
5. Industrial wastes are not and will not be treated in this system.
Not applicable.
EffZuent will not be discharged into a stream or body of water.
The disposal systems are located as shown on the plans.
Not applicable.
The system as it exists operates efficiently and trouble free making
a m)re elaborate system impractical.
Present system is recor~sended aa stated in J.
System as exists is GAAB approved.
See plans.
Not applicable.
Water system for:
Lots 42A~ 42B, and 42C
Total Lots - 3
Lot ~-2C requires service for six (6) unit apartment building.
1. The system presently serves 2 single family residences situated
on lots 42A and 42B a~ 2 units of the six unit one bedroom
apartments on lot 42C.
2. This system ~ll also serve the remaining 4 apartments on 420
upon completion of same.
3. There will be no industrial activity which will affect the re-
quirements of this system.
4. The present water consv~nption based on an average of 3.25
persons per single family residence and 2 persons pe~ apartment
and an average consumption of lO0 g.p.d, per capita ~ lO0 (2 x
3.25 + 2 x 2) ~ 1050 per day or 0.73 g.p.m The future require-
ment with completion of the fo~~ units ~ 100 (2 x 3.25 + 16 x 2)
~ 1850 g.p.d, or 1.25 g.p.m.. The present peak demand for this
system is computed as follows:
For~Lots 42A and 42B:
l. Bathroom group with flush tank
Kitchen sink
3. Laundry tray
Total supply fixture units = 22
For Lot 42C:
1. Bathroom group with flush tank
2. Kitchen sink
Total supply fixture units = 12
Total load for system at present ~ 3~
With this load the supply demand is equal to 22 g.p.~, for
approximately 20 minutes or 680 gallons.
The system at present contains one 50 gallon hydropneu~atic storage tank
and a submersible pu, mp with a rating of 1320 g.p.h, or 22 g.p.~.
2/3 effective capacity of storage tank ~ 33 gallons
33 + 22 x 20 ~ 473 gallons.
The futume demand will be satisfied by installing an 82 gallon hydro-
pneu~atie storage tank in each of the remaining four apartments upon
4(2/3 x 82) + 473 = 692 gallons.
The source of water for this system is a drilled water well
located as shown on the plans. The well is cased with a 6"
casing to a depth of 64' to prevent ground water contamination.
The top of the well casing extends 12~ above finished grade.
The top of the casing is sealed and tbs discharge is by a
pitless ad~pter located below grade.
6. The water from this well is tested y~rly for quality.
7. Permafrost is not known to be present in this area.
Engineering Report
Water System Lot 42
T15it~ ~_lW, SM~ Alaska
Pa%ze 2
1. This is not a surface water source.
2. So~ce is not subject to f~ooding.
The following mini~m~ distances from points of possible con-
tc~nination to ground water supplies are exceeded.
a. Any contamination - 40 feet
b. Sewers, septic tank~ disposal fields - 80 feet
c. Seepage pits - 120 feet
Purification is not anticipated or proposad.
Pressure is maintained in the lines at all times by a submersible p~np
with a rating of 1320 g.p.h, with a discharge pressure of &O PSI and
a depth to water level of 5+ feet ( Jacuzzi Submersible Zh~znp No. 1S4C-52),
Hydropneu~atic pressure tank are used to minimize pressure fluctuation.
1. The distribution systera consists of approximately 270 feet of l"
galvanized water line.
2. There are no special features in the distribution system.
3. .The distribution system has a minimsu~s cover of 9'
4. The system is located in glacial till.
l. Water is stored as stated in E.
2. Fire protection has not been provided.
Cost Estimates:
1. Construction - D, str*but~on system is existing.
2. Maintenance - Maintenance costs average less than $50.00 per year.
LOT 42
) ~o
( /
LOT 4-2