HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHOMAS W SPERSTAD #1 BLK 1 LT 24 GRE/ ANCHORAGE AREA BOR'- Department of Environment (~uality 3500 Tudor Road Anchorege, Alaska 99507 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM MAlt_lNG ADDRESS /~OX /~.~//¢/ /Gn77%£7~,~, :~'/'-/ PHONE 2/~ __ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~,~'£>~'/~---~/ /~/*'(' / ./~' SEPTIC TANK:~--- DISTANCE FROM WELL MANUFACTLJRER INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTFI. MATERIAL _ LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF ~-~.~ COMPARTMENTS LIQUID CAPACITY.__ GALLONS. TILE DRAI-~':LD: DISTANCE FROM WELL FOUNDATION .... TOTAL LENGTH .NEAREST LOT LINE ..... OF LINES NUMBER OF LINES __ DISTAN~E'~EEN LINES __'FRENCH WIDTH IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA SQ. FT. LENGTH OF DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE 1-O FINISH GRADE_ MATERIAL BENFATH'FILE: IN. ABOVF TILE IN. TWyEpLE~: ~76-6~ST RUCTION DEPTH FOUNDATION , LOT LINE____, SEWER LINEINF~%¥ANK __, SYSTEM CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES . '~'--~ DISTANCE FROM: APPROVED- DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: DISAPPROVED .... REMARKS 6- 4,o e_ SEWER LINE DEP'rH: PiPE MATE RI AL: --(~/-~ ¢ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM LOT SLOPE: REMARKS:. G.A.A.B. ~ Form PW*027  .~ GRI..,ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOt'.-'~UGH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT-': LEGAL DESCRIPTION -T"T-~ INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC 'rANK FINANCED THROUGH NOTE: THIS PIERMIT I~ NOT VALID WITHOUT SOlE T~5'r TYPE SEEPAGE AREA size .. DRAIN FIELD WELL TO SEPTIC 'rANK /---"~';~ ( --, SEEPAGE PrT. , TO RIVER, LAKE~$T~EAM. /UICt!OP, AGE, AI.ASKA 99502 Performed For ~7~ _¢'r-'_~_l(_,:.~._._~_q~'2 ........ !late Perforn, ed Legal f~escrintion: Lot I !~lrc!~ ~ qu~t'iv~s~on ~'~ This Forfll Re~orts Soils I. oq__ % ...................... Percolation Test qeoth _. F__e_e t_~_ ......... S o i l~ _?~ a_ ~_a (L ~] £ r i__s., t_ i.c_s ...... 5-- 6__ 7-- 8-- 9__ Was Ground Water Encountered? ~c) J~? --"]--1-~-'i~----'~ Date Gross Ti file Her Time lReadinp rJenth to H20 Net Droni i ............. I ........................ 4 ...................... J Percolation Rate Test Perforlned Rv. 4. 5. GREATHR AMCIIORAGE AREA BOR(~JGH Department of Environmental Quellty 3500 Tudor Road, Anehorege, Alaaka 99507 279-8686 Time of Inspection~'.~ 2EQUHST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEi~/ER & ';~AI'ER FACILITIES FO~ Number of Bedrooms. A. Type ' B. Depth 7. Sewage Dtsoosal System: C, Septic Tank: 1. Size ~.gtco 2, ~ Manufacturer_, c .... D. Seepage Pit, 1. oize__/~/___2; ~ateriai /o~__ _ ~. D~sposal Field: Toro] Length o~ Lines --~ 8. Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tartk.~Q ...... ] .... , Absorption Area__ ~, Sewer Lines ________, Ho. ar~t~t Lot Lint., __, Other Contamination . B. Foundation to ?..optic 'rank ';, Absorption Area . C. Absorption Are~ to Mearest Lot [Ane d' Request for Approval of In. lvidual Sewer & Water Facilities Page Two 9. Comments'~.' ' ~ Approve Disapproved AF~-o~za] Valid for One Year From Da~e Signed Greater Anchor~e Area gorouoh, De~artment of ~nviro~ment~l Quality DIAGRAM OF SYST)~,~ I cert~f'; that the information contained in this request for approval %o be e true Signed Date GR EATIE R;" AN OHO RAG E: :~R E~BO RO:IJ.GH June l, 1973 A Y Joe Traxinger Box 1014, Klatt Station Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SUBJECT: Septic Tank Size Dear Mr. Traxinger: Regarding health approval of your property, the seepage pit was inspected by this department 'last year and was approved. The well is of satisfactory construction and an analysis pending. The septic tank is the only item in question as to capacity. In our conversation it was mentioned you believed the size 'Co be 1500 gallons. In a situation such as this where the original tank was installed before borough laws, a statement by the owner as to tank size will suffice. If you find this agreement satisfactory, please sign below as to a 1500 gallon septic tank capacity on your lot and return this letter to the Department of Environmental Quality, 3330 "C" Street. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, Environmental CotrCc~E~>l/ Officer II lb