HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHOMAS W SPERSTAD #1 Block 2 Lot 1A S-4252 DEPARTMENT OF REALTH A,ND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER S-4252 PETITION FOR REZONING ~ sPECIAL EXCEPTION ,~ VACATION '~ RE6UBDIVISION DATE RI:'CEIVED OF Plat of Lot lA Block 2 Thomas W. Sperstad Subdivision No. 1 * * located within NW 1/4 Sec 29, T12N, R4W, SM Alaska COMMENT TO PLANNING BY October 29, 1976FOR MEETING OF of --/("') Cases COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION; PUBLIC WATEr3 NOT A_V~LLABi::E- ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: SERVICE PETITION AREA. 71-O14 {9/76) DATE: November 4, lg STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOWIJVIEINDATION CASE: S-4252 Thomas W,, Sperstad Suhd~Ylsion No. SITE Land Usc: Vacant Topo: Flat Soils: Not applicable Vegetation: None Zoning: B3 Density before: NA After: NA SURROUNDING AREA nd~Use.'~~ North Vacant zz FIN DI N~i~:~"' East South West Vacant Residential Commercial B3 R2 B3 Public W~ Coliec~o The Stat~' ghway Deparements requesr for the 33' easement is taken into the 35' of dedicat:Lon. RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to dedicating an additional 5' on Huffman Approval of the TPIV for Jackass Lane aubJect to suitable findings of fact as stated in th~ners application. COMMENTS: ctobsr JAY $,/IAMAfOPII~, ~OVEt (~ ~ ~ October il, 1976 Re: Platting Activities 52A-2911 Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attent:Lon: Planning Department Gentlemen: The State of Alaska, Department of Highways has no comments or object&on concerning the below listed subdzvls].on plats as submitted to this office for review. S-4253 Third Addition, Block 23A, Lots 5A & 6A S-4254 Anchorage Original Townsite, Block 39, Lot iA S-4255 NevUS Subdivision, Lot 2 S~4256 Blueberry Lake Tract B S-4257 Pales Verde Subdivision, Block 6, Lots lA, lB, lC ' ' ' n Lots lA & 2A S-4258 Kelly Subd~v~s~o , S-4259 Lots 72-A & 72-B S-4260 Papago Park Subdivision, Block 7, Lot 1 S-4261 Piedmont Terrace Subdivision, Block 3B and 4B However, we do have con~ents on the following plat: S-4252 Thomas W. Sperstad ~ubdzv~slon No. 1, there is a 33 ~-----foot section line reservation on 'the North side of Sperstad and should be shown on 'the plat. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Laverne Buller, Phone: 337 151~, Ext. 234. Very truly yours, DONALD E o BEITINGER Central Division Right of Way Agent DATE: TO: FROM: SUBdECT: S-4252 S-4253 S-4254 .S-4255 S~4256 S-4257 S-4258 S-4259 S-4260 DI-0IO (4/76) v u xicipality Anchorage MEMORANDUM October 27, 1976 Mike Bolinger, Contract Administrator Howard C. Holtan, Chief Engineer, Public Works COMMENTS ON PRELIMINARY PLATS FOR THE PLATTING BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1976. Thomas W. Sperstad Subdivision No. l, Lot lA, Blk 2 1. Need 5 foot of additional R.O.W. along Huffman Road to make 35 foot of R.O.W. from center line of Huffman Road. Huffman Road is a Type II collector on the O.S. & H. P. 2. Need a subdivision agreement for Jackass Lane (would support TPIV for any improvement to Jackass Lane if requested). Third Addition to A.O.T., Lots 5A & 5B, Blk 23A ]~ No Comments A.O.T., Lot IA, Blk.39 1. No Comment Neves Subdivision 1. Resolve drainage and the need for drainage easements with Public Works. 2. Subdivision agreement for roads needed. Blueberry Lake Subdivision, Tract B 1. Resolve providing easements for existing storm drains with Public Works. 2. Resolve need for turn around area dedication'at the end of W. 27th Ave. 3. Support vacation requested. 4. Subdivision agreement for 27th Ave., and Blueberry Road improvements (would support TPIV for any improvement if requested). Palos Verdes Subdivision, Lot lA, lB & lC, Blk 6 1. There is an existing drainage easement which crosses this property- is it being vacated? 2. Resolve drainage and drainage easements with Public Works. Kelly Subdivision, Lots lA & 2A 1. Need a subdivision agreement (would support TPIV for any improvements if request£d/. BLM Lot 72, Lots 72-A & 72-B 1. Support TPIV requested. ~a.(Lo~ Park Subdiv!sion, Lot, Blk 7 1.-~-a-~-b-d'i'~-6-~a~$~[~I-~-ould support a TPIV for any improvements to 74th Ave., and Stanley Drive if requested). DATE: TO: FRONI: SUBJECT: v[unicipality of Ancho . ge MEMORANDUM October 25~ 1976 Don Alspach, Planning Department File No.: 6-20 4~2--4 Environmental Engineering - Dept of Health & Environmental Protection Subdivision Plat Reviews Cases having public sewer and public water available to service petition area. We have no objection to the following cases: S-4253 S-4254 S-4256 S-4257 S-4258 S-4260 S,-4261 Third Addition Bk 23A Lots 5A & 6A A.O.T. Blk 39, Lot lA Blueberry Lake Subdivision Tract B Palos Verdes Blk 6, Lots lA, lB, lC Kelly Subdivision Lots lA & 2A Papago Park, Blk 7, Lot 1 Piedmont Terrace Block 3B & 4B Comments for other cases: S.-4252 Thomas W. Sperstad Subdivision ~l lic water not available. Public sewer available to service petition at'ea. No objections. S-4255 Neves Subdivision Lot 2 Public water and public sewer available to service petition area. This Department requests Soils Tests to a minimum depth of 16 feet, on Lots 1 and 2. S-4259 BLM Small Tract Lots 72-A & 72--B Public water aad public sewer not available to service petition area. ~as submitted, ~N~// Enviro/ gnme~ltal En ineering L~nn- JWL: lmp 91-010 (4/76) Novctlll~(,r 4 , 1!)7(~ I. Rc:,olvin!., uLililv ,',, PIHCIII~ ;t rxdl' cm th(' plat th;l! road';: "Prior to nny construct ion o[~ I-hi~; [n'op('rty ;l comprohonsi vc ¢Otald;It iOR study hy a I)rofcs~;ion;ll cng i neet* wi [ I he conducted and any rocon~endat i OhS submitted to the building safety department prior to thc J sstlilflC(t 0~' lilly const FLICt' iOR pernJits." PAl ()~ VI RDI ', ~,LllH/ , Ill fl( I; h, I ()1", IA. Il/, AN[) I( ibc Muni(ip,di[v I hF, hw,i~ 'lltlis plat wa'; withdrawn by i-he pet it loner. Fhis plat wa'; p~)slponcd ro Doccmbcr 2 ([Lie to insut'ficient information. Nr. Cowlc>; ,loved for in~nediate reconsideration oF ,q-4252 and the mot{on p:;s~;od witl: only rqr. O'Connor ObjeCt ing,. Tho I,lat win; approved with only Mrs. Sher~.' objecting :mbject to meeting !he t%1 towil:g conditiolm. Providing a copy ut' tho !;uilding Permit to the Board at the next scheduled mc,et lng. I'roviding an "AS BIIi I,'["' drawirlg oF the c, xisting foundation. Rc~olviiq,, ;l scroening ca~;enlcn~ with staff. Resolving drainage with thc i)cpartmont of' [k~blJc Iqorks. Ik, dicai'ing an additional five ['eot of R,O.W. on [Mffl~an. licsolvc a corilcl' round J fig oR [[tl¢~nlal~ Road and Jackass Lane with tho Traffic Engim'or. 4255 NI VI % %JllIl)IVf',l()f'~'. I ()Ih ANI) ': Iht i~l:ll:,tilt,lJl[~ <Il /~rlLhrllrl?L' hJ~, {lll'~lll)th ilJt',} j: rf, t'l I i~ ]llhl Jill*: J·V!' I'll', lilt [}: [lJ:{ql ,IfC.l l'~ h:(,~l,,'d l~t'l'l,!t Il Jr'!IV :Iii(! Alln,l Ave, ~,lt :~J Nc~t,, Silo!l, .qq,I~JXHl:·H:l~ ill fllIIt", lioll[l ii(in] thc jUl~jiOll Ill [~II( hwt;OlJ I ,,*,p lilt(I Ibc f~JL'~ (ih'rill Plat was [xmlponcd to Dcconlbcr 2, 1970 with thc concurrence of tho pot i t KL TT RD, _ ...... 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