HomeMy WebLinkAboutTURNAGAIN BLK 2 LT 11Lo-I- GRE ANCHORAGE AREA BO! O Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS .~/~/~/~ /-5~7 ~L PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~:~// _/~,,~- ~'¢~'~-~ SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE ' ~ FROM WELL /~ MANUFACTURER INSIDE LENGTH ~ INSIDE WIDTH -- MATERIAL NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTH ~ LIQUID CAPACITY /~0 GALLONS, SEEPAGE PiT: NUMBER OF PITS / DIAMETER ~ OR WIDTH ///, LENGTH /~, DEPTH ? LINING MATERIAL/~/J]¢~ CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER~DEPTH ¢ DISTANCE FROM: WELL / .~ ) TOTAL EFFECTIVE BUILDING FOUNDATION ~J, NEAREST LOT LINE~/~) ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ~ SQ. FT. ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: TYPe ~f~'/,'/~/~ CONSTRUCTION BUILDING ~ NEAREST FOUNDATION /~ 7~ , LOT LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED / DISAPPROVED (~, /~', DEPTH //z/// DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST , SEWER LINE SEPtiC ~ SEEPAGE TANK /~2~ SYSTEM /~o REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: /'~J)'/~.)f' PiPE MATERIAL: Form No. EO-O31 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE /'~' /,¢7-/,4,(-, / // ~ APPROV G.A.A.13. C~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA Borough SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM m APPLICATION AND PERMIT PERMIT NO.. NAME OF APPLICANT , NSTALLAT,ON LOCAT,ON LEGAL DESCRIPTION /oT// ~Z/~ INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND S]ZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH SEEPAGE Pit_ TO BE INSTALLED BY DRAIN FIELD OTHER COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED ~.~.~'~/~/~ / 2 ~J MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK ~ / FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL /~ / SEPTIC TANK ~ . SEEPAGE PIT TO NEAREST LOT LINE. DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK. ~S / .. SEEPAge PIT · DRAIN FIELD . SEEPAGE PIT ALSO CONSIDER A~EA WELLS. DRAIN FIELD /~d / CAST fRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPT]C TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON S~PHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT · FITTED WITH AIrT{GHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BAI~KI~ILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. I CERTIFY THAT [ AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRI~ED SYSTEM ]S IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. 1 13-- GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAl QUALITY 3330 "C" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950S Performed For~~ Legal Description: dot II Bi~ck-~ This Form Reports Soils Log ~ Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Depth Feet Soil Characterist~c~ r so ,l (F-x') Was Ground Water Encountered?Ho _ If Yes, At What Depth? Case # Dated Performed ~-I~- Subdivision Percolation Test Below Proposed Seepage System Reading [ Date Gross Time ] Net Time ] Depth to H20 Net Drop Percolation Rate Minute ,, Proposed Installation: Se ag~ Pit ~ Drain Field Depth of Inlet___~,~ .............. D~pth~ to Bottom of Pit Or Trench_O~.~,~ · est Performed BY 7~~ .... Date [ert.fi;~ Dale: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA¢~"~N OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMEI~ iL PROTECTION Date Received: January 11, 1978 ~1: Time ~%k'~/~/,9~%~ #2: Time ~n~ #3: Time Date ~ [3L~/ Date t. Ti~[p~77 ~S Date REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND~ATER FACILITIES Lending Institution Request: Alaska Pacific Bank Mailing Address: Post Office Box 420 99510 Phone: 276-3110 2. ProPerty Owner: Donald/Stacy Assesin Phone: Mailing Address: % John Garland, Home State Realty, 276-3513 3. Legal Description: Lot 11 Block 2 Turnaqain Subdivision 4: Single Family Residence: (x) Number of Bedrooms: Three Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: Well System: Permit # Construction Individual Well (x) Community/Public System ( ) Depth of Well IL[~~ Well Log on File ~_~c[. Bacterial Analysis Sewage Disposal System: Permit # Septic Tank Size Absorption Area On-site System (x) Public Utility Installed %C~ Installe~ \, ~(-~ ~-,c~[r~c~%. Manufacturer ~ ~ ~ Soils Rate Material ( ) Distances: Well to Septic Tank ~DQ' to Sewer Line Nearest Lot line to Nearest Lot Line to Absorptio~ Area l~g~' Absorption Area :P~a.ge *~wo, Department of Health and Environmental Protection Request for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Legal Description: Lot 11 Block 2 Turnagain Subdivision Comments: Affadavit Attached: (')/~ Disapproved: Letter Attached: ( ) Date: /^~ Date: Department Worksheet: ,UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE i ~%. ~ Department of Health and Environmental Protection /~'~i ~ 825' L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ... '~ 264-4720 -- ~.=~equest for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Property Owner: Mailing Address: Donald $ Stacy Assesin NHN E. ll2th Ave. .Phone: Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: Nik~nder & Linda Shane 621 W. 32nd Apr 17 C. Phone: 278 3915 Se Lending Institution: Mailing Address: Alaska Pacific Bank P.O. Box 420 Anchorage 99510 Phone: 276 3110 Real tor/Agent: Mailing Address: Legal Description: Street Location: John Garland/Home State R~alty 517 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Phone: 276 3513 Lot il, Block 2, Turna~ain S/D NHN E. ll2th Single Family Residence: ~ Number of Bedrooms: Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: Water Supply: * Individual Well If Individual Well, well depth If Community System, name of system Public/Community System ( ) 8.-.~Sewage Disposal System: If On-site System, date On-site System of installation: ~X) ~. Public -S~k~c~tll¥(Of) ~.,.¢ '..!" DEP[. OF ECEI VE *,~0~... . ~ell log is required on AL~ wells drille~ s,rice 6/* .-~----~ Please ~ote: ~s o~ ~Ay, tg?? the ~ee schedule ~e~ i~oL~ALn-y ~e ca~ ~ot begi~ processing gAe paperwork u~ti1 a 825.00 ~ DEPT. ~F is sent with the above paperwork. Any questions, please [N%ROi~k~hNIAL ~ROI[C]ION contact this office at 264-4720. Laura Harrison RECE~V,:D January 25, 1978 Donald Assesin % John Garland Homestate Realty &17 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Lot 11 Block 2 Turnagain Subdivision The existing sewer system failed to pass the adequacy test that was performed by this department. Therefore, before we may approve the request for sewer and water facilities, an upgradeoof the sewer system will be needed. Tbs upgrade will include; twenty-five(25) feet of trench, with six(6) feet of gravel below the drain pips. A ten(10) foot solid pipe separation is raquired between the existing seepage pit and the new trench. Prior to the upgrade a permit must be obtained from this office. Temporary approval may be gaanted if monies are escrowed to cover the cost of the upgrade. The upgrade should be completed by June 1, 1978o If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, Sanitarian RCP/lJh Alaska Pacific Bank % Rosie Parks Post Office Box 420 99510 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Departme~ t of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Time of Insnection /dD.' 30 ~'~' Date of Insoectton REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Address, JU~/~ --~=~-~ , 02;- ,?~',7 Phone: 2. Prooerty Owner: . 3. Legal Description: 5. TvDa of Facility to be Inspected' Number of Bedrooms: A. T~e c~ B. Depth /d~ C. Septic Tank: 1. Size ~ 2. Manufacturer O. Seepage Pit: 1. Disposal Field: Total Length of Lines _""'" Distances: A, Well To: B. Septic Tank /~ ., Absorption Area/~ , Sewer Lines , Nearest Lot Line /~ , Other Contamination Foundation to Septic Tank ~.~' ' > Absorption Area C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line Request for approval of~dividua] Sewer &' Water Feetlit¢~ Page Two 9. Comments: Aoorove ~1 Valid for Year Signed App One From Date Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Envfronmenta] Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ~ certif, that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true an~ accurate representation of the subiect sewer and water facilities located st: Signed Date