HomeMy WebLinkAboutTURNAGAIN BLK 4 LT 6OILo- 000 LoT' ~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE HeaLjh and Environmental Prote~on Fourth Floor West 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 .......... ~I-'~jP~CTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DI STAr4C E ~ I~ ~DiI~ ~x30 'z_~, FROM WELL _~__ MAf4UFACIURER NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTN LIQUID CAPACITY\~~) GALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD: eT' TOTAL LENGTH DIbTANCE I:ROM WELl_ ~'q ..... FOUNDATION NEAREST LOT LINE_~FT OF LINE ~ of Lines [ ._.._ DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES.~_--TRENCH WIDTIIS~_ IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE AEJEORPrlON AREA..~ SQ. FT, LENGTH OF EACtl LINE ~ ~ ~ ~i~GL~ ~t~E ~G~r' F~ UEPTH OF FILTER U[:PI~h lOP OF ~ILI: 10 t INIStl GRA[)E ~___ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE ~O IN. ABOVE TILE ~ __IN. SEEPAGE PIT: DIAME'FER _ OR WIDTH ~, EENG TH__, DEPTH Log Crib Rings Crib Size: DIAMET£R .... DEP¥It. DISTANCE FROM: WELL ,,. TOTAL EFFECTIVE Ix, EAREST LOT LINE ___ ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. lass: ~ ~'~ Depth: ~¢ell Distance To: Lot Line ldg: Sewer Line: __ ipe Materials: of Bedrooms: ~ %,~. ~nsLaller: ~emarks: DA E i1" I I='IEF]ff"I ]; T NCI. ,I.Jl:, L. L 0 T .:, i ,:::E. ::l..d.q. IZil::i '.:I:;!I.JFII:;:E[ F:I:{E:T T"/F'E: 01::' ...,J].l... t .:...M]:I l...I,l .:, .:'fl:.ll ''-' 11;[ I',1..1'1 fl F'l:il::l-::;FIIZ_:i[~; I::'I..FINT HFI"r' 13E IN':';"FI'::ILLEE[::' fiT THE F:'[:I:;;ff'J:[TTE:E"'-:; OF:"I"ION SLJEL:rEZCT "f'O THE FCILLIZII4 :[ N(:i ::L. E]:TI-IE:I:;:: Fl CI.Fr.E:S :[ 01:,?. :[:[ N::~;F' FIPF'F:'.OVI:21::, F'LlalqT HFI'.r' BEC ZN'.'=:TFIL. LE:D. 2. FI Ci'_']I,,FI':[I'-~I. Ji:::iLr_::; I',IFCI:NTENFIi'.,ICE: F:IGF::EE:HI:.':'NT :IS F::[:~I::!IJ:[I-';.:E[). IF FI FiGI:;:'.[=:.E.:I',IE~IqT :IS I'.,IOT I<:E:I::'T CI..II:;::I:,::EN"F '.r'OU PII:::i'./ BE: I:;:'.EQLIIF;:'.ED TO [:NI...F:II:~:(3E TI-.I[i: F'iE::ii:(:iI:~:F'TZON Sk'STE:P'I FiI'-,ID/'CiF~: 'T'L-IIJ HI::I'T' Ei:E 'Z, UE~.:FECT TO F'F~'.O'.i:E:CUT]:CIN. I"1 ]:1",11 i'"ll_Jtfl D I STFINCE: 1:31E"I'I4t:EI',I I::1 I.'.IEI._L FIIqD FIN~'r' OI',I'"'S ]:"I"E '=-:,E:I.4F'IL:.iE D :[ L::,F'CISF:tl.... '_::VS"rEH I ::i; ::L~:iCi I::'[.=_IE"F I::'OF:: I:1 I::'l:;:::t:'v'Fl'l"[i: 14E:LL OF:'. 2EiC~ FE:IET FEll:;:: la Fd. JE:L:[C HI:L.I OTI-IEFi: I:,::I:(;!U]:F?.EHENT':'~; I',11=1'.~-' FIPI:::'L~TL '.::';F:'EC]:FICI::ITIONS Fl[q[) OO[q~STI';;'.Lh2T]:OF4 [) :[ F~GIRF:iI',I~:i~ I:::II::?.E: [=I',,,'FIIL.I:::IE~L.E TO :[NSI.JF:'.IE Pf~'.Cff::'E:F~'. IIq'.i:,'T'FiLI._I:::Ir:]:CI[',t. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A ~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950? PHONE 344-707 $ SOILS LOG Performed for ~ ~-7~O~v~ ate 0/4 Soil Type Water Level Remarks 0 2 6 ~ 8 · ~ 12 16 18 2O Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater ~Not Reached Depth, if Reached Classification Method Visual Sieve Analysis () Material at Total Depth ...~vv Bedrock ~ Not Reached Depth, if Reached Gary F. Player, Consnlting Geologist ~:..:SON WELL DRILLif~?: 1305 W. 45TH STREET '!,,-I ANCHORAGE, ALASKa 99503 PHONE 272-9343 DRILl.lNG LOG Well Owner_ Use of Well _ ,' i~ ~. I.~. -,~l~ .... , Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road "~ ..... ~ v--~' '-) '~ -- Size of casing/LoC Depth of Hole lO 0 ~ feet Casedte)OD ~_ feet Static water level /i >( ft. (above) /(belowi land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( Screen ( ); Perforated ( ). Describe screen or perforation of drawdown from static level. Date of completion ~. hours with ,~') ft. WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface TO_ TO_ fro_ TO_ TO. __TO_ Give details of formations.penetrated, size o,f material, color and hardness "1 TO. TO_ PERMIT NO. [)EPFIRTHENT IZIF' NERLTH FIN[:' E]'-JVIRONHEN]"FIL F'F.:OTECTION 8:~5 'L" STREET, ANCI-.IORlaGE., AK. 995C11 264-4720 ( '77::L004 ) FIF'PL t CFliq"l- RFI¥ F E f EI,..=,uN LOCRTION KL. RTT RD LEGRL L6 B4 ]"LIRNIGIBN SD SRR BOX 90 LOT SIZE ~44-.±728 14400 SQURRE FEE]- MINIMUM DIS]"F~NC:E BETWEEN R WELL RND F:IN'¢ ON-SITE SEHRGE [:,ISPOSRL SYSTEM IS tE~C~ FEET FOR Et PRIVRTE WELL OR 200 FEET FOR R PUBLIC: WELL HELL LOGS RRE REQUIRED RND HUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTMENT WITHIN 3:0 [:,R'¢S OF THE HELL COMPLETION. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MR'¢ RPPL¥. SPECIFICR-rIONS RND CONSTRUCTION I}IRGRRH5 RRE RVRILRE:LE-I'0 INSURE PROPER INSTRLLRTION. I CERTIF'?' THR"F ±: I RM FRf'IlLIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND HELLS RS SET FORTH B~r' ]'HE tdUNICIF'RLITS' OF RNCHORRGE. 2: I WILL INSTRLL THE SYSTEM IN FICCOR[:,RNCE WITH THE CODES. R F'F'P'~~4 "r' F'ETERSON ..................... ',,,'Z4. 0  ~UNICIPALIi, oF ANCHOR ~,'<~ ~EPABTMEI~_~,F HEALTH AND ENVIRONML~ [~_~PROTECTION ', 825 L Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99501 ' 264-4720 ~/ Date Received: September 14, 1977 #1: Time 1:30 p.m. #2: Time #3: Time Date 9-15-77 Thrusd Date Date Insp Pratt ~./ Insp Insp REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES Lending Institution Request: First Federal Savings and Loan 803 West Northern Lights Phone: Mailing Address 2. Property Owner: Raymond Peterson Phone: Mailing Address: Post Office Box 2478 Legal Description: Lot 6 Block 4 Turnagain Subdivision Single Family Residence: ( ) Multiple Family Residence: (x) 274-6561 279-2917 5. Well System: Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Four Permit # Individual well (x) Community/Public System ( ) Depth of Well Well Log on File Construction Bacterial Analysis Sewage Disposal System: Permit ~ Installed Septic.Tank Size Absorption Area On-site System (x) Public Utility Installer Manufacturer Soils Rate Material ( ) Distances: Well to Septic Tank to Absorption Area to Sewer Line Nearest Lot line Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line p ~.g,e, ~o · Department of Health and Environmental Protection Request for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Legal Description: Lot 6 Block 4 Turnagain Subdivision Comments: Affadavit Attached: Approved: [~-~-~ Disapproved: At ( ) Let : Date: Department Worksheet: uest Property Owner: Mailing Address: ,.~-wIUN I C I PALITY 0 F A N C H 0 R A ~-- ] Department of Health and Environmental Prote~t.ion2' I : ' 825 L Street, Anchorage~ Alaska 99501 264-4720 CEO- , for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: Lending Institution: Mailing Address: Phone: Realtor/Agent: Mailing Address: Legal Description: Street Location: Phone Single Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: Multiple Family Residence: ~ Number of Bedrooms: o Water Supply: *Individual Well ~Q If Individual Well, well depth If Community System, name of system Public/Community System ( ) o Sewage Disposal System: On-site System ~ Public System If On-site System, date of installation: \~e~b~B%> ~ kQ~3~Ov~ *NOTE: A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6/75. 3/77 September 16, 1977 Raymond Peterson Post office Box 2478 Anchorage, Alaska 995~0 Subject~ Lot 6 Block 4 Turnagain Subdivision Your request for sewer and water approval cannot be granted at this time for the follwing reasons= (1) (2) The well seal needs to be tighten~3, so that it is a~r and ~ater ti~. ~qe must locate the se~4er system so that we can pump and expose the tank to verify its size and existance. A~so, we must know the distance between the well and the sewer system° (3) once the sewer system is located, we will require a percolation test. See the enclosed instructiOnS. If the sewer system fatle~ to meet the adequacy test, we will require an up~rade of the system. Before the upgrade is started, we would require a permit from this office. A soils test must be obtained F~afore the permit can be issued. If there are any further questions~ please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, Sanitarian First Federal Sa~ings and Loan 803 West Northern Lights 99583 October 20, 1977 TO~ Whom I~ May Concern SUBJEC'I': Lot 6 Block 4 Turnagain Subdivision The sewer system on the subject property has been installed satlsfaotorily. We will not give final approval until tlle sewer system is one-hundre~i(100) feet away from any well. If there areaany further <~stions, please contact this office at 264=4720. sincerely~ Robert' C. Pratt, R.S. sanitarian RCP/ljh