HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERI #2 LT 4C~ oso']s l ?.0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME //~/.~/~.~, ~.. MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION NEW UPGRADE Manufacturer IF HOMEMADE: DISTANCE TO: DISTANCE TO: h~_~/,~q~ 7 No. Of lines/ I L..gth,~,L~aal> ,in. Type of crib Crib diameter DISTANCE TO: DISTANCE TO: Building foundation /2,£ Absorption area/ Dwelling / Fou'~a~)n ! Neare~:~ ,ir~ Depth (~/~) ~ inches Driller Sewer line NO. OF BEDROOMS 'No, of c¢~pa~tment~ Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to lot line Septic tank OTHER PIPE MATERIALS INSTALLER REMARKS POb,~,, i 6 650 ANCHORAGE. A[ ASK/\ 99'S02 0650 (907) 264~41 I 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTIIAND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECFION Permit t~: 840010 January 31, 1985 TO: Permit Applicant SUBJECT: Lot 4 Teri #2 Subdivision A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1984. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authoz[ity of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, the original as-built inspection report and the yellow copy must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Keith ~,. Bandt, SupeYvisor Environmental Engineering Program XSB/ljw enc: Copy of PErmit SWP/057 B, EPFIRI"HI~!rI',!T (., H[ii:FIL. TII Fil",l[) EI",IVI[;~:OI',IH[EI',ITFIL f"RO'f'IECTIOI',I 82!R; I.r. E;'T'F?.EET.' F:INC:HORFI(;iE, I=11< ;:?~ (~;; 4 - 4. '7 2 FJ F'ERMIT NO: DFfTE IS:-".:;UEI}: ROBERT 12 I=IRHiN ;;:2446:; EFIGLE RIVER E!:Fll]LE I::;:I',,,'ER., FIK E;UE:E:, I 'v' I :-]; I Ol',!: TER I E;IECTION: :!i::g TOHhlSHII:::': :1~.41'-,l ,:] %Q. FT. Cd:;?. F:II~:REE:}]; :.', EFrlGLE RIVER ROFIE:' ]: RFINGE: :LE L I E;TE[) BEL. OH FIRE THE OF'T I Obis I::1',,,'1::11LFIE:LE 'f'O '¢OU I I'.,I DES I GN I NG '¢OUR SEPT I E: ~;'~.':51"EI"I. C:I-IC,]IE;IE TI.IE OF'TIOI'.,I 'I"HF:H' BEST I::'IT:~ '¢OUR SITE. [:,EF'TH TO F'J[F'E E:CmT]"OM (F:"f'.) 4. C~ 5. d 4. Em 4. GRFI',/i:;L. [:,EF'TH (F'T. ::, 'FO'r'FiL DEI:::'TH ,::F:'T. ) CiF::RVEI... IqIg, TH (F'T. ::, GRFI'v'I}:L. I..ENGTI.I (F"T'.) GI'~]:I'v'E]... J,/I]L.I.JI¢IE (i]:U. '¢[)!_:;. ) TFINK E;]:;.=]E ,:;GFIL.'.~;) :.T.',OI.L. F'.FITIi'.,IG C'a;C:!. F'r'. ,,"I3R) :+::+: TFIIqI< I"ILI':'i?F HR',/E FIT I..Efl'='i;T THO COHF'I::IR"I"HEI",IT'S TI II::I"F: I::FIH I L.. I FIR H I TH 'THE RE[;!U I REFI[EI",FI"E; FOR Oi",I--S I TIE ff, EI.qEI:R'Z, RI",I[) HE:LLE; FIE; SET FORTH E:'¢ THE I"IUI",I I C ~ F'FIL. Z T'¢ OF FII",ICHORFIGE (l"lCq=l) FIND, THE ~71"F:H'E OF RL.F:ISKFI. 2. I HI[..L. IN:E;]"RL.L. TIlE %"/STEM IN Fg:3COR[:,F'INCE HII"H f::IL.L. HOF:! CODE:E; FIND REGIJL.F:ITZONS, FINI} IN COHF'LZFINCE I.,.IZTH THE DEE;IGN CRI'T'ERZFI OF;' THI'.E; PIEF'.HIT. 3. I HI[.L I::IDHIZF:IE :TO I::il...L. HI}I=I FINE) :E;'TRTE OF= f::I[_.FI%KR RIEQUII;;'.EI*IENTtE; F:'OR 'THE SET E',I=ICK [:,I'.[;TFINCE:E; F'ROH FIF,h-' E',:<IE;'TING I,JEI._.L.., klFI:E;'TEI.qFITER D'I:E;PO:E;FIL S'¢S'TEH OR F'LIBL:IC :~;[EHEf~:f':IGE :E;'¢:E;'T'EH ON THIS OR IRI",I'? RE:'JFICENT OR NE:FIRE','T' LOT. 4. I I...IN[:,ERSTFtND TI'IFIT 'T'Hi'.E; F'ERMIT IE; ',/FIL.I[) F:'OF;: FI HR::'¢IHI. JH OF ]: E:IEDROOMS FINE:' FINU EI'4LFff;:GEI"IEI",IT I.,I I I....L REQLI I F?.E F:IN FIE:,E:, ~ T I OF,fi:iL F'ERM i T. IF' f::l L. IF'T ::!;'I"FII'ION THE]",] ,:;:[.::, I:::IN EI..ECTIRICFII.... PE[;::HIT I':'IND It",I:.=:;F'ECTIEd'.,I I'IU'.i~;T BE []E','TF:IINIEI.":,.~ (;E:) F:I:~!;-...BLIILT~; H I I._.L... blOT E:E FII:::'Pf;:OVE[:, H I THOLYT' F:Ii'.,i E:L.ECTR I Cf:IL. ]: N:E;F'L]:C'T i ON f::'.E:F:'OI~:T.~ FIN[) (]:) "FHE ELECTRtCFIL. HOF::I< I'IUE?I' E',E I)ONE E:"r' F':I LICEN:E;E[:, EI...ECTI~,;'.I'CIFff',I. ..... [ .~14[..,E -..... E:'F:I'FE; ..... [ I I._l _. ...... ' ........ :"' i Z =,=:,U[:.[. I.., ~ [)F:I]"E: MUNIClPAI.ITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTN AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRQTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST [] SOILS LOG '~ PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:_ 0 ~.-,~, iq'"lq lC,, 1 2 3 4 I 'Ts' 7 8 9 SLOPE [)ATE PERFORMED:_~ '~'~ ~ ~ SITE PLAN 10 11 12 ' O¢ 13 - 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 20- ENCOUNTERED? ~ L -- ~1 ' IF YFS, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop s .., II 3,05-I> COMMENTS 72-008 (6/79) PERCOLATION RATE //'Z~ (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN __..'=~- FT AND -~ . FT Anchorage P.O. b,JX 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-~:klxtx 4744 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Robert E. Firmin t'>¥- 7. ~ ,~i~/.~/~ SR 2446 Eagle River Road Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Lot 4 BLock 2 Teri Subdivision On-site Well Permit #860250 A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1986. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. In addition to the expiration of the subject permit were not paid nor the applicant. permit, the fees for the permit signed by the If you have drilled 'the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, the original as-built inspection report(three part form) must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. The fees for the permit will need to be paid and the permit signed by the applicant if any or part of the installation have been installed. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4744. Program Manager On-site Services RWR/ljw enc: copy of permit 0'7/3C) [,,()N I ~',~r. I F:'H[iNI:.: ROI3ERT E. F:'IRMII',I SR 2446 I?::AGLE F~IVE::R I::U:), AK 69 Zl'- 333 q (~9577 fc)t"J'.h by the Mu;]:Lc:il:)aJ.:i, ty of Anc:hol,ag~ (MOA) and the SLate c)l' Alaska,, wi ]. :J :ilisit;:t]. J. ]:.HE~ sys~t.G)[il :J.l'i ,::u:::l:::clpdai'l{;::[~ B;it, Ji ~::l] I MC]A (::(3d(~)~J ,r'~I)CI will aclheH'e t.o all M[]A arH:J [3t. at.e of Alaska r'[.,)quir, enient, s ICH', Lhe se:L bac:l.:: ~UiqtCIPALIT'L DEPT. I~NVIRONMENTAL