HomeMy WebLinkAboutTANAINA VALLEY S-8295 nicipality of nch ra ¢ MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 30, 1985 Manager, Environmental Services Con~issioner of Public Safety Waiver of 40,000 Sq. Ft. Requirements, Through 22, Tanaina Valley Subdivision Case S-8295, Lots 1 I have reviewed the history of the above cited plat which was given preliminary approval by DHHS last September. It is my decision that the Environmental Services Division of DHHS will waive the 40,000 square foot minimum lot requirement based on the following information: Preliminary approval was previously obtained by the developer. The plat was scheduled for hearing in September, 1985 before the Platting Board. The hearing was postponed and is now scheduled for January 8, 1986. Absent the postponement, the plat would have been approved routinely. The Environmental Services Division advises the soils are good and can handle the project. 3. The Environmental Services Division advises there is no health hazard in this area. This is the only development caught up in the system as a result of our health alert. My judgement is that this waiver is the correct and fair course of action absent a health hazard. This waiver applies only to the minimum lot size and does not waive final approval which will be based on standard criteria of engineering data/soils tests as has been the department's past practice, Commissioner of Public Safety 91-010 (5/78) ¢ ( MEMORANDUM DATE: November 19, 1985 'ro: Community Planning Department FROM: Health and Human Services Department SUBJECT: S-8295: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subdivision. This Department has reviewed the proposed subdivision. We cannot support this proposal because the lots within this subdivision do not meet the minimum 40,000 square foot lot size required for on-site wastewater disposal. Subsurface soils and percolation tests conducted within the proposed subdivision adequately characterize soils and percolation characteristics in the subdivision. These tests indicate that the soils are suitable for on-site wastewater disposal. The Department cannot support this plat, however, unless the lot sizes in the proposal are increased to the 40,00 square foot minimum. Stephen S. Morris, Civil Engineer On-site Services SSM/pah MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HFALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASF REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-8295 September 10, 1985 September 27, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 1 thru 22 Tanaina Valley Subdivision (t~¥¼ ~)CkA~').~O.) ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE /~).(~d2 ~ / ~ .% £4 ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE J ) 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) Municipality of Anchorage PLATTING BOARD AUTHORITY ~. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Applicant Sam Hill/N.D.I., Inc. 7021 Driftwood Address Phone Number 349-8014 Legal Description of Property Involved: lani aha Valley Subd., Sec, 4, T12N, R2~, SM, A Present/Future Use of Property R1-A DO NOT WRITE IN Tills SPACE Date Received Case No. Approved Hearing Date ACTION Denied Co ndition r ELV D '85 l::P 9 Pti This is a request for a variance from Section 21-80-_045 of the Land Subdivision Regu'[ations, This variance is for: A cul-de-sac over 600' in length. A. The existing situation is: _The development of a 20 acre parcel in a large lot configuration, B, The granting of this petition would permit: A large lot develP]~ment with a minimum environmental impact. The undersigned alleges that: That there are such special circumstances or conditions affecting said property that the strict application of tile provisions of this ordinance would clearly be impractical, unreasonable, or undesirable to the general public. These special circumstances or conditions are: This will be in harmon~with adjacent subdivisions. No available place to connect road to. That tile granting of the specified variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area in which said property is situated for the following reasons: 0~2L 22 l_o~]_ utilize tire cul-d~s~g. That such variance will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of Ibis ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan of the Municipality for the following reasons: Minimize street length, thereby minimizing environmental impact. The above listed special conditions or circumstances do not result from the aclion of the applicant and such conditions or circumstances do not merely constitute a pecuniary (monetary) hardship or inconvenience ill that: A larqe R1-A lot confiquration can best be accomplished with a minimum impact by extending_the cul-de-sac. Signature of Authorized Agent Address 8295 OCT 1 6 I9I 5 Address / / ~¢-'~ DEPT. OF r~NVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ~J\ ~ 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ,. /- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Besse, Epps &Potts 2220 E. 88th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SUBJECT: Oecember 17, 1985 Dear Sir: 274-2533 Preliminary Approw~l to Construct Request, Tanaina Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska 1 ( 8621 -FA-089 ) We have reviewed the preliminary water system design ¢or the subject subdivision and approve them. However, this does not give written approval required by A.S. 46.03.720(a> ~or con- struction o~ the water system. Upon approval o9 the subdivi- sion, Cull plans and speci¢tcations Cot the water system will be required to be submitted to this oCfice ¢or review. On-site septic system review and approval within the munici- pality is conducted by the Municipality o¢ Anchorage - Depart- ment o~ Health and Human Services. I¢ you have any questions, please contact me at our Anchorage/- Western District O~¢ice. Sincerely, Michael P. Lewis Environmental Engineer MPL/msm cc: MOA -- DHHS 12/23- 10:00 a.m. mi Andy Potts, 349-6451 Regarding platting and lot size issue. Referenced Plat #S8295, Tainia Valley. Was issued ultimatim from Env. Health; Bill Mans told him the only one that could reverse the ultimatim was JFF. Prepared By A. W. Murfitt Company 8010 King Street Anchorage, AK 99518 Our Job No 8o-104.v,.. November 8, 1985 Murfitt Company_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8010 King Street · Anchorage, Alaska 99502 · (907) 349-7531 November 8, 1985 Frank Moolin and Associates Ensearch Center P.O. Box 7044 Anchorage, AK 99510-7044 Attention: Mr. Mike Kaminski RE: Data Report Subsurface Soils and Percolation Test Results Tanaina Valley Subdivision Lots 1 through 22 Anchorage, Alaska Our Job No 85-104.02 Dear Mr. Kaminski: Pursuant to your request arid our contracted agreement, we have completed an investigation of subsurface soils and percolation tests at the above- referenced site. The letter report is intended to present the soils logs and percolation test results. A total of twenty-two (22) test holes were drilled at the site on October 24, and 25, 1985. These holes were drilled by Denali Drilling Incorporated of Anchorage, Alaska, using a Nodwell mounted Mobile B-50 drill rig with 6 inch diameter soilid flight augers. Eleven (ll) soil profile holes were drilled to a depth of approxinlately fifteen (15) feet below the existing ground surface in the locations shown on the attached site plan, Plate 1. Test hole locations were staked by personnel from Besse, Epps and Ports, project surveyors.Standpipes, consisting of 1 1/2 inch diameter slotted PVC casing were inserted in these borings to measure static gound water levels. Eleven (ll) holes were drilled within l0 fee~ of the soils holes to perform 'Field percolation tests. These holes ranged in depth from 4 1/2 to lO 1/2 feet. The soils logs and percolation test results are attached and appear on Plates 2 through '12. Percolation tests were performed on October 27, 1985. Groundwater levels were remeasured on November 7, 1985, and all holes were still dry. Soil samples recovered from the augers during test k. ole drilling were returned to out' laboratory for visual examination, rorouping and testing. l'he laboratory grouping is shown on Plate 13. Moisture con~;ents were nleasured on selected samples and tile results are shown on Plate Grainsize distributiops with frost classifications were obtaiLed on four Page 2 representative samples. Tnese results awe shown ,~)n Plates; !5 through 18. Ail samples were classified according to the Unified Soils Classification SysCem and th~ Textural Classification System pre.'~ented on Plates ig and 20, respectively. Soils at the site generally consist of wind and water worked Silty Sands (SM) and Sandy Silts (ML). Traces of Fi[lc gravel were observed in borings 7, 8 and 9. Based on drilling effort, siCe soils appeared to be in a ~e]atively loose condition. Moisture contents o'F ,the selected samples ranged from 6.5 percent in the Silty Sand to 31.8 percent in the Sandy Silt. Moisture contents however were generally less' than 20 percent. Grainsize analyses of the soils at tbe site indicate a moderate (F-2) to high (F-4) frost susceptibility. Tha~ is, soils are expected to heave significantly when freezing in the presence of moisture. No static ground water tables were observed in any of the borings during our field activities. All percolation tests, with the exception of boring 10, were satisfactory. it is recommended that a new location to ~n,~ norl;hwest be selected for additional testing. Recommended wastewater disposal -~ystem de~]~n values are shown on the soils logs. We hope that the information contained in this report wi!! allow the development of on-site wastewater disposal sysCems for this project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service. Please Feel Free to call if you i~ave any Questions or if we can be of additional assistance. 'Fours truly, Allan W. Murfi~t, P.E. Civil Engineer 4977--E Attachments IP~ at e '1 J MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORIHG 1 PERFORMED EOR; Frank Hoolin & Associates DATEPERFORMEDI._.~0/2,1. :/85 & ]0__~7_.L~5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 inches Humus, Peat SILTY SAND (SH) brown, moist, some organics SANDY SILT II. iL) brown, moist, trace organics I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E-~ N~,, SW¼, Sec 4, Tl~lt~ R4]~S.~.I. SLOPE SITE PLAN Se, S~te Pltn Te..t !ol 1 I I I - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SILTY SAND (SH) brown, very moist 4977-E :la S' t,e WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? ~0 OL Dry. 11/7/85 P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? _too raF d to measure __ CON~MENTS systel;l f'roh: surface water infiltration PERCOLATION RATE ]ess than I (minuto~/,nch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 5 Fl' AND 5~ FT Recoml;lend adjusted rate of 150 square feet per bedroom due to :!L soil. protect PERFORMED BY: Allau W. Hurfitt CERTIFIEDBY: Allan ~I, I,,,1 ~ltt, PFc_DATE: ll/~G5 IIOA ST85-015 2 PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264~,720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 2 PERCOLATION TEST Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/24/85 & 1~85 Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E~', NE¼, SW .-, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. 2 inches Humus, Peat SANDY SILT (r4L) brown, moist SOlile organics to 3 feet trace gravel at 7 feet SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist SLOPE SITE PLAN SEe it( P'an Test Hole Lo 2 SILT (ML) light brown, moist Flat, i 1)w ~rEa WASGROUNOWATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO Dry 11/7/85 ~ P E IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE 8 (minules/inchl TEST RUN BETWEEN 3~ , FT AND FT Recommend adjusted rate of 150 square feet per bedroom due to IlL soil, protect ~,~'~]1 ~stem from surface water infiltration PERFORMED BY: Allan W. Hurfitt CERTIFIEOBY: Allan W. Kurfitt~ PE DATE: 11/7/85 li0A ST85-015 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEN'r OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anohor~ge, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST BORING 3 PERFORMED FOR: Frank 1,'!oolin & Associates PERCOLATION TEST DATEPERFORMED:10/24/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 1 2 3 4 § 6 7 8 9 through 22 Tanaina ValleS Subd. E}, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4~ T1211~ R4W~ S.M. SLOPE SITE PLAN 3 inches ltumus SANDY SILl' (ML) brown, moist, fine Sand Se Site Plan Te;t tel 2 Lot 2] 10- 12 13 14 15 16 17, 18- 19- 20- slightly more Sand at l0 feet WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED/ Dry 11/07/85 IF YES, AT WHAT SILTY SAND (SM) DEPTH? brown, moist No l0 to 15% t~ Ncrt[ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop - _ PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minules/inch) 5 ' TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND .-- FT COMMENTS RecommeRd ad,iusted rate of 150 sauare feet Der Iz~ooi,q due to KL soil. protect systehi from surface water infiltration. PERFORMEDSy: Allan W. Kurfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. I':L;rfitt, PE. DATE: 11/7/~5 __ MOA ST85-015 4 ~-~ SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [~ PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST 925 L, Street, AnchorAge, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BOR[NG 4 PERFORMED FOR: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/24/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 throuqh 22 Tanaina Valle.,/ Subd. E½~..I._IE¼~ SW~, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M, 2 inches Hunlus SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist some Organics to 3 feet SLOPE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND (S;;) brown, moist 9- 12 14 17 20- Se Site Plan !l'e;t '[ol 4 .ot 20 WASGROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? Dry 11/7/85 IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? No Time Time Water Drop I I PE~COLATION RATE .... 3 (minutes/inch) ;EST RUN BEI~'~EEN-~--5 FT AND --5~ -- FT COMMENTS~UCO 1 .:C J ..... ~'.~e., seuare feet per bedroom due to HL soil, protect __.CERTIFIEDBY: Allan W. Iiurfitt~ PE DATE:_.ll/7/85 MOA ST85-015 5 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OFAi~skaANCHORAGE99501 2~.4720 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMF. NTAL PROTECTION E~TEsTPERCOLATION SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR:__?ank MQgl iLL~._Z~S.~L~,I~eS DATEPERFORMED:.]0/24/85 & 10/27/~5 LEGALDESORIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanatna Valley Subd. E~'-, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.H. 5 6 7 8- 9- 10- 13- 3 feet ltumus SILTY SA~;2 '~"' k-,,} browR, lix)ist some Organics to 3 feet more Silt at 7 feet SANDY SILT (HL) brown, moist SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED~ No Dry ll/7/85 ~ Very moist to wet IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? See S;ite) Plan Test (el'5 Lo~ 1; f'ot 16- 17- 18- 19- COMMENTS__ PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) 4~ TEST RUN BETWEEN -. ~ FT AND 5 FT P, eco:Jmend aJiuste,J rate of 150 sq~uare feet per bedroom due to ML soil~ ,protect CE~I'IFIEDBYT Allan W. "'" ~,UrTltt, PE DATE: I1/7/85 Ii0A ST~,o~01~ 6 ~--% MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,f~ [~ PERCOLATION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2644720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST bORING 6 PERFORMED FOR: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED:.ll/25/85 & 11/27_~5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE~, SI';¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.H. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t9 2O ORGANIC SILT (0L), Peat trace fine Gravel at 2~ feet SILTY SAND (SP-SM) brown, slightly moist SLOPE SITE PLAN Se[ $'te Plan Te[t o1~ 6 ot 13 medium grained 1( t¢ 15!'~ slo;e o WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? ~'~O Dry 11/7/85 ok P SANDY SILT (ML) IFYES, ATWHAT E brown, very moist DEPTH? to wet Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 4~ FT AND --,~ . FT COMMENTS Recor, mlend ad.iusted rate_of 150 SmL~¢re feet p~t%bedroom.~mmtect s$~mm fr(}~!l __ surface water infiltration PERPORMEDBY: Allan ','4 Hurfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. F. urfitt, PE DATE: 1~1./7/85 li0A ST85-015 7 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [~ PERCOLATION ._.~,~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMFNTAL PROTECTION · ~,=~ TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Ale~ka 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST BORING 7 Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED:. 10/24/85 & 10/27/85 Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E~-, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.H. LEDAI OES~ItlP'rION: SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 ~ 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 -I 3 feet Humus, PEAl' (Pt) SILTY GRAVELLY SAHD (SM) brown, moist more Silt with depth SANDY SILT (ML) brown, very mo i s t very wet at ll feet WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~{O ~ Dry 11/7/85 o I Se Site Plan Te~t tol ~ - .ot 5 S% .lo)e ;o Les[ P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Waler Drop PERCOLATION RATE 3 minutes/inch) · TEST RUN BETWEEN 5 FT AND -- 5'~' PT ...... ,~,,~u rate of 150 square feet per bedroom,_protect system ICERTIPIEDBY: Allan W, Hurfitt, PE DATE: 11/7/85 __ MOA ST85-015 8 10 !7 2O SOILS LOG /.~, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [~ PERCOLATION ..,.,,,,". DEPARTMENT OF HEAL'FH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ': " 825 L. Street, Anchorngo, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 8 PERFORMED FOra__Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/25/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots I through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW¼~ Sec 4~ T12N~ R4W, S.M_i. SLOPE SITE PLAN PEAT (Pt) ORGANIC SILT SANDY SILT IML) brown, wet, trace gravei SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SE'i) brown, wet Se S te P1 tn Te~t Iol~8 Lot 9 slow drilling cobble at 12½ 'Feet Flal, 1)w ~rea WAS GROUND WATER NO S ENCOUNTERED? L Dry 11/7/85 o E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE 13 (minulesiinch) TEST RUN BEl~/VEEN 3} . FT AND Z~ . FT Recc:;m]end adjusted rate of 225 scuare feet ruer bedroom~ protect system from .hr'ace ,'~ater infi ltragion Allan W. Ilurfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. ~L,, F,tt, PF._DATE: ll/7/~35 liOA ST85-0i5 9 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF NEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 625 L, Stroet, Anchorage, A~aska 09501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 9 PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR; Frank Moolin & Associates GATE PEFIFORMED:. 10/25/85 & 10/27/._85 LEGAl- DESCRIPTION; Lots FEPTH 3 8 t0- 11 1 throuqh 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½~ NE~, SW,*, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, SoM. SLOPE SITE PLAN Se Site Pla_g_n Te ;ttol c. .ot 8 SILTY SAND (SM) brown, organic 12 GRAVELLY SAND (SP-SH) light brown, slightly moist, small gravels SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SH) brown, wet WASGROUNDWATER Si ENCOUNTERED? ~10 Dry 11/7/85 E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? cobble at 13.5 feet F'at fi i; ¢i ) Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 2O PERCOLATION RATE 2 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BEI~/EEN 5 FT AND 5~ FT COMMENTS Recommend adjusted rate of 150 square feet per bedroom, protect s.ystem from surface water infiltration PERFORMED BY: A11 all W. Murfi tt CERTIPIEDBY:Allall W. Murfitt, PE OA~'E:ll/7/85 MOA ST85-015 1 0 SOILS LOG ,,/~... ,~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~l~i DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC'DION {~ PERCOLATION · TEST 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264.4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING l0 PERFORMED FOR: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/25/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW{, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 lO- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O PEAT (Pt), ORGAFIIC SILT SAHDY SILT (ML) light brown, moist to wet trace Sand perched wet zone at 8 feet SILT (ML) brown SILTY SAND (SI.I) light brown, slightly moist SLOPE SITE PLAN Se SI~e P1 ~n Te ;t [ol 11 COMMENTS Recommend new site, F'~t n loN, a~'ea' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Dry 11/7/85 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH7 Gross Net Depth to Nel Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE_~.reater tJ]_an 60 TEST RUN BETWEEN l0 FTAND up slope to north (minute~/inch) unsatisfactory PT PERFORMED BY: Allan W. Hurfitt CERTIFIEDBY:Allan W, MurFitt~ PE DATE:.__ll/7/85 MOA ST85-015 ~ i 1 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~ PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING ll PERFORMED FOR: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED; ] 0/25/85 & 10/27/85 LBGALDESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina ValleS Subd. E½, NE~, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4U, S.M. PEAT (Pt), ORGANIC SILT SANDY SILT (HL) light brown slightly moist, trace organics SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist trace fine gravels SLOPE SITE PLAN I Se Site Pitn m Te ~t qol e1 .or 6 m 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19- 20- SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist Flat WAS GROUND WATER NO s ENCOUNTERED? ~ Dry 11/7/85 p E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH1 PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 4½ ~ Fl' AND 5 ~ FT COMMENTS Recommend adjusted rate of 150 square feet per bedroom due to HL soil, protect system from surface water infiltration PERFORMED BY: Allan W. biurfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. Hurfitt, PE DATE. 11/7/85 t'JOA ST85-015 ~1 LABORATORY GROUPING Group A: SILT (ML) .Boring S~ampl e ,Depth (ft]. Description. 1 1 4,5-05.0 Trace Sand I 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy 2 1 4.5-05.0 2 3 14.5-15.0 Trace Sand 3 1 4.5-05.0 3 2 9.5-10.0 4 I 4.5-05.0 5 2 9.5-10.0 5 3 14,5-15.0 6 3 13.0-13.5 7 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy 7 3 14.5-15.0 8 1 4.5-05.0 Sandy 10 1 4.5-05.0 Trace Sand l0 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy 11 1 4.5-05.0 Sandy 11 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy Group B: SILTY SAND (SM) _B.o r i n_g_ Sample Depth (ft)_ Description 1 3 14.5-15.0 2 2 9.5-10.0 3 3 · 14.5-15.0 4 2 9.5-10.0 4 3 13,5-14.0 5 1 4.5-05.0 7 1 4.5-05.0 Gravelly 8 2 9.5-10.0 Gravelly 8 3 14.5-15.0 'Gravelly 9 2 9,5-10.0 Gravelly 9 3 14.5-15.0 Gravelly lO 3 14.5-15.0 ll 3 14.5-15.0 Group C: SAND (SP-SM) some Silt Bori n.g Sample Depth (ft)_ Description 6 1 4.5-05.0 6 2 8.5-09.0 9 1 4.5-05.0 Gravelly A.V . Murfitt Company anai, a Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Lots 1 ti~rough 22 13 Jobno. ~5-~Oz~,O~ Appr._ Al;ri_ Do~_ll-l-~5 Anchorage Alaska MOISTURE CONTENT SUMMARY Boring Sample Depth (ft) % Moisture I 1 4.5-05.0 31,8 1 2 9.5-10.0 21.8 1 3 14.5-15,0 18.8 5 1 4.5-05.0 7.0 5 2 9.5-10.0 18.8 5 3 14.5-15.0 19.8 7 1 4.5-05,0 7.8 7 2 9.5-10.0 16.9 7 3 14.5-15.0 19.6 8 1 4.5-05.0 17.1 ~w/~- 8 2 9.5-10.0 13.5 8 3 14.5-15.0 10.2 9 1 4,5-05.0 4.1 ~r~ ' 9 2 9,5-10.0 13.8 9 3 14.5-15.0 6.5 lO 1 4.5-05.0 20.5 lO 2 9.5-10.0 17.8 10 3 14.5-15.0 9.6 11 1 4.5-05.0 11,9 II 2 9.5-10.0 16.2 11 3 14.5-15.Q 11.1 A W. MurfittCOmpany Tanaina Valley Subdivision PLATE ' Lots 1 through 22 Arctic Civil and GeotechnicaJ Engineering Consultants ~o6no. 85-104.02 -- Appn_..AWM__ Dote 11-t-85, IlAnch°raqe Alaska  IILTI AND CLAYI NIOH[Y OROANIC IOILI PI UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION ~TE~ KEY TO TEST DATA A.~ Mur~itt Company KEY ~No. 85--104.0~_ ADpr:AI~'I Dme~ll-7-85 301L CLASSIFICATION CH~' 0 0/- OR \ )R\ CLAY .OR SILTY \ \ GRAVELLY \SAND 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 _Fz.~ AVEL (-+4t4scREEN) % BY' WFIGHT CORPS OF ENGINEERS FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSII:ICATION AND US~S EQUIVALENT GROUPING* P£zc£to'~.~;£ \ 90 Fl F4 Gravelly soils 3 lo 10 GW, GP. GW-GM, GP~GM (a) Gravelly soils 10 Io 20 GM. GW-GM, GP-GM (b) ,~nds 3 lo 15 SW. SP, SM, SW-SM. SP-SM (a) Gravdly ~o~s ~' 20 GM, GC (b) Sands, except v~fine ~ J5 sUty sands (c) CIa~,PI~ 12 ~ C~CH (a) All sil~ ~ M~ MI~ (b) Vc~ fin~ s~ty~nds > 15 SM (c) Clays, PI < 12 ~ C~ CL-ML (d) Vamcd cla~ a~ ~ CE'and M~ olher finc-g~ined, C~ M~ and banded ~d~mcn~ C~ CH, a~ M~ C~ CH, M~ and I00 Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geot¢chnica] En§ineerin§ Consultants Jobno. 85-104.02 /, ,~. AWM Date 11-7-8~ TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE 2O SUBSURFACE SOILS AND PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS TANAINA VALLEY SUBDIVISION LOTS 1 THROUGH 22 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Prepared For Frank Moolin and Associates P.O. Box 7044 Anchorage, AK 99510-7044 Prepared By A. W. Murfitt Company 8010 King Street Anchorage, AK 99518 Our Job ~o 85-104.02 November 8,, 1985 A.W. Murfitt Company.. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8010 King Street · Anchorage, Alaska 99502 · (907) 349-7531 November 8, '1985 Frank Moolin and Associates Ensearch Center P.O. Box 7044 Anchorage, AK 99510-7044 Attention: Mr. Mike Kaminski RE: Data Report Subsurface Soils and Percolation Test Results Tanaina Valley Subdivision Lots 1 through 22 Anchorage, Alaska Our Job No 85-104.02 Dear Mr. Kaminski: Pursuant to your request and our contracted agreement, we have completed an investigation of subsurface soils and percolation tests at the above- referenced site. The letter report is intended to present the soils logs and percolation test results. A total of twenty-two (22) test holes were drilled at the site on October 24, and 25, 1985. These holes were drilled by Denali Drilling Incorporated of Anchorage, Alaska, using a Nodwell mounted Mobile B-50 drill rig with 6 inch diameter soilid flight augers. Eleven (11) soil profile holes were drilled to a depth of approximately fifteen (15) feet below the existing ground surface in 'the locations shown on the attached site plan, Plate l. Test hole locations were staked by personnel from Besse, Epps and Potts, project surveyors.Standpipes, consisting of 1 1/2 inch diameter slotted PVC casing were inserted in these borings to measure static gound water levels. Eleven (ll) holes were drilled within 10 fee~ of the soils holes to perform field percolation tests. These holes ranged in depth from 4 1/2 to 10 1/2 feet. The soils logs and percolation test results are attached and appear on Plates 2 through '12. Percolation tests were performed on October 27, 1985. Groundwater levels were renmeasured on November 7, 1985, and all }moles were still dry. Soil salnples recovered frolmt tile augers during test hole drilling were returned to our laboratory for visual examilmation, grouping and ~msting. The laboratory groul)ing is shown on Plate 13. Iqoisture contents were measured on selected samples and the results are shown on Plate ]4. Grainsize distributions with frost classifications were obtained on four ?age representative samples. These results are shown on Plates !5 through 18. All '3a~:ples were classified according to the Unified Soils Ciassificai:ion System and the Texi:Lral Classification System presented on Plates i9 and 20, respectively. Soils at the site generally consist of wind and water worked Silty Sands (SM) and Sandy Silts (ML). Traces of fine gravel were observod in borings 7, 8 ~nd 9. Based on drilling effort, site soils appeared to be in a relatively loose condition, lqoisture contents of the selected samples ranged from 6.5 percen[ in the Silty Sand to 31.8 oercent ill ~he Sandy Si ] t. I.lois~uce ~og~en~s ]lQWeVe~ ~'[Lr~ gene~lall~ less'~tha~ 20 percent. Gra~ze ~aiys~.s'of th~ s~ils at the site indicat~ ~'~io'derate (F-2) to high (F-4) frost susceptibility. That is, soils are expected to heave significantly when freezing in the presence of moisture. No static ground water tables were observed in any of the borings during our field activities. All percolation tests, with tile exception of boring ]0, were satisfactory. It is recommended that a new location to the northwest be selected for additional testing. Recommended wastewater disposal system design values are shown on the soils logs. [,Je hope that the information contained in this report will allow the development of on-site wastewater disposal systems for this project. We appreciate l:he opportunity to be of continued se. rvice. Please feel Free to call if you [lave any questions or if we can be of additional assistance. {ou~s truly, Allan l~i. Murfitt, P.E. Civil Engineer d977-E Attachnlents ~,,/.ts ?~ate I MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING I SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Frank Hoolin & Associates _ OATE "ERPORMEO. 10J24/85 & ~85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. 3 inches Humus, Peat SILTY SAND (SH) brown, moist, some organics 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O SANDY SILT /ML) brown, moist, trace organics SLOPE E½, NE.Z, SW¼~ Sec_ 4, TI2N~ R~,I. SITE PLAN Se S~te Plln .... Te;t__!olp .ot 1 I I I t, SILTY SAND (SM) brown, very moist '49T.~H ~n W. Murfiff ~977-E WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? I~0 0L Dry. 11/7/85 P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Time Time Waler 0~o~ _too rapid to measure ! ~ r ~ PERCOLATION RATE less than 1 (minutos,,nch) COMMENTS system from surface water infiltration TEST RUN BETWEEN 5 PT AND~ 5½,._ FT ~)rotecu Recommend adjusted rate of 150 square feet i)er bedroom due to :!L soil, ' ~ ~ PERFORMED BY: Allan W, Murfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan 'J,.I,:urfitt, D.~__DATE 11/2,'~5__ liOA ST85-015 2 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONML=NTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Str0at, Anchorage, A~sk~ BBB01 264,4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 2 PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMEDEOR: Frank Hoolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/24/85 & !.0/27_/_85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 2 inches Humus, Peat SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist through 22 Tanaina Valle), Subd. El, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. some organics to 3 feet trace gravel at 7 feet SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist SLOPE SITE PLAN Se~ it( P'an Test Hole Lo 2 10 11 12 13- 14- 15 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS WAS GROUNO WATER ENCOUNTERED? Dry 11/7/85 IE YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? F at i 1)w ar~a Reading Date Gross Net De$~t h to Net Time Time Wa(er Drop SILT (ML) light brown, moist PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch] TEST RUN BETWEEN O~ FT ANO FT P, ecommend adjusted rate of ]50 square fleet per bedroom due to IIL soil, protect PERFORMED BY: A1 lan W. Hurfi tt · ~ · 11/7/$5__ CERTIFIED BY: Allan Il. f'.u fltt~ PE DATE: IiOA ST85-015 3 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [~ PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST 829 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 3 PERFORMED FOR: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERPORMED:.10/24/85 & 10/27/85 LSGALDESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW¼~ Sec 4~ 1'12N~ R4W~ S.M__. 1 2 3 4 5 6- 7 S- 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15 16 17 18 19, 20- 3 inches ltumus . ~ fine Sand L/ SLOPE SITE PLAN Se Site P1 m Te~t Lol 2: slightly more Sand at l0 feet WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? l~O Dry 11/07/85 IF YES, AT WHAT 10 to 15,~ t( 1,h,rU SILTY SAND (S~) DSPTH? brown~O~i ~.)~ Gross Net Depth to Net Read ng Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) 4~- 5 ' TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND .------------ PT COMMENTS Recommend adjusted rate of 150 sauare fe,_~_t per b~Jj~oom._dl~e to I']L soil. prnte, ct system from surface water infiltration. PERFORMED BY: Allan W. 1,:urfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan l/. I.,urflt , P_~ DATE: 11/7/8~_ biOA ST85-015 4 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Streot. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264.4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 4 PERCOLATION TEST PEREORMED FOR:, Frank Moolin & Associates DATEPERFORMED: 10/24/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. 2 inches Humus SANDY SILl' (ML) brown, moist some Organics to 3 feet SILTY SAND (SH) bro~,~n, moist) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Dry 11/7/85 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SLOPE No E½~ NE~ SW¼~ Sec 4~ T12N, R4W, S.M. SITE PLAN Sel Site Plan Telt Iol 4 ot 20 S F1 t Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~T~_~.,..-',.,.. ~.~ h ;~'"X '~''~'''''''''~  ~'.~,',, ......... ',,.~..~ I I "~ ~'~ ~gO :~:~r,~'~~'' ~ I i L PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 5 PT AND _3~ ,-- FT COMMENTS ~:~CO"'L'~'" ~d!J,:[~'.i r~[e Of 150 seuare feet per bedroom due to HL soil, protect I CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. Ihlrfitt~ PE DATE: MOA ST85-015 11/7/85 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOILS LO('; - pERCOLATION TEST BORING 5 PERFORMED FOR; Frank !~ZO_~Q~;.J_~..__ -- LEOALDESCRH~TION: Lo__~ts 1 through 22 Tanatna Valley Subd. 3 feet ltumus SILTY SAND (SI;) brown, moist some Organics to 3 feet more Silt at 7 feet SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist 1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9 SLOPE PERCOLATION TEST ._DATE PERFORMED: 10/24/85 & 10/27/85 Eh, NE~, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.H. SITE PLAN S~_~~ t~ P"~n Test Hole Lo 1 lO 1 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? . Ory 11/7/85 ;~E ~s AT WR~T Very ~ist to~we~/ DEPTH'? f'al; Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 14- 15 16- 17 18 2O PERCOLATION ,tlAT E 8 (minu{es/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 4-,~t~ FT AND 5 FT COMMENTS F, eco:milend a~uste, rate of 150 square feet per bedroom due to HL soil~ protect system f?em pERFORMEO BY _,~,l ] ,'.!'r ,,, ':;~' 'i ~ CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. Fiurfitt, PE DATE: 11/7/85 I'iOA ST85-015 6 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION [~ PERCOLATION 825 I., Street, Anchorr~ge, Alasko 99501 264-4720 TEST SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 6 PERFORMED FOR: Frank i.;oolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 11/25/85 & 11/27~5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O ORGANIC SILT (OL), Peat trace fine Gravel at 2~ feet SILTY SAND (SP-SM) brown, slightly moist SLOPE SITE PLAN Sec S. te Plln _ Te.~tio1~ 6 ot 13 medium grained WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO . ~ Dry ll/7/85 p SAt';DY S I LT (t;l[J:)~ .~ E browni Very moistj IFYES, ATWHAT to w~__/~ DEPTH? lCto 15"o .:lo[eo es' Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net I Time Time Water Drop I PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'¢' -- FT AND I ~ . FT COMMON'rS ReconllneRd ad.iusted rate of 150 square feet per ~ed%oo~L_prok~nt surface water infiltration PERFORMED BY: Allan W. Hurfitt CERI'IFIEDBY: Allan W. f.u'fitt, PE DATE: 11/7/85 ~'10A ST85-015 7 [~ SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [~ PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMI"NTAL PROTECTION TEST Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264.4720 825 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST BORING 7 PEn~onv[:oEon: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED:. 10/24/85 & 10/27/85 LEGALO[,~IliPflON: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. SLOPE SITE PLAN I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 3 feet ltumuS, PEAT (Pt) SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, moist I more Silt with depth ILT (ML) brown, very Se Site Plan Te;t f w S GROUND WATER very wet at 11 GUN ERED eet T ~ ~D.ry 11/7/85 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? - cI )/o lo ~e :o '/est Gross Net Depth to Net Reedirlg Date Time Time Waler Drop PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN u FT AND ;~.~. FT c,.,,.~t ........................... ,_?~d rate o.f 1_5_0 square feet per bedroom, prot_ect system from CERTIFIED BY: A11 an W. tiur fi~LL,_...EE DATE: 11 /7/85 __ HOA ST85-015 8 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alelk~ 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BORING 8 PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR; Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED:.10/25/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. PEAT (Pt) ORGANIC SILT SANDY SILT IML) brown, wet, trace graveI S [ L Y SAND 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 g SLOPE E½, NE¼, SW¼~ Sec 4~ T12N~ R4W, S.M. SITE PLAN Se S te P1 in I Te~t [oli8 Lot 91 10- 11 12 13 t4 15 16 17 2O slow drilling cobble at 12~ feet Ne. 4977-E ~OFES%~%: WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO (~ Dry 1]/7/~5 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Flat. bW Gross Ne~ Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop - PERCOLATION RATE 1 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETVVEEN 3~' -- FT AND ---J--~ FT ':o',~',~,'N~s ,~eco-,mend adjusLed rate of 225 square feet ?~r bedroom~ protect system from ~,r'ace ,,aLer infiltration :'~r~reR,,,~ua,r ?..llan '.,'. Hurfitt CERTIFIED BY: Alla, n !]. ,,~,, lt~DArE. ]1/7/~5 H0A ST85-015 9 SOILS LOG ,.~-~-~-~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ';' '" DEPARTMENT OF NEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL. PROTECTION ~ PERCOLATION  ; TEST 825 L. St;'llet, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2644720 .... SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST B0R II';G 9 PERFORMED FOR:. Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/25/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 throuqh 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. SLOPE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND (SM) brown, organic GRAVELLY SAND ,(SP~-.SH-)~ 1 i ght brown, slightl.y moistJ small gravels ~ J Se S te P1 ~n ,Te t ]ol 9 ot 8 SILTY GRAV&LLY SAND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Dry 11/7/85 IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? Ho Flat (il t'ai 1 cobble at 13.5 feet 14- Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Waler Drop 2O PERCOLATION RATE 2 ,(minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 5 FT AND 5½ FT COMMENTS Recommend adjusted rate of 150 square feet per bedroom, protect s,ystem from surface water infiltration PERFORMED BY: Allan W, I, lurfitt CERTIFIEDBY:Allan W. Hurfitt, PE OATE:.']1/7/85 H0A ST85-015 10 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE m PERCOLATION DE,'AR'rMEN'r 825 L. Street, Anchorago, Alaska 99501 2~720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST BOR[NG ]0 PERFORMED FOR: Frank Moolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/25/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 22 Tanaina Valley Subd. E½, NE¼, SW¼, Sec 4, T12N, R4W, S.M. 1 2 3 4 5 6' 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19- 20- COMMENT,~; PEAT (Pt), ORGAliIC SILT SAHDY SILl' (ML) light brown, moist to wet trace Sand perched wet zone at 8 feet SILT (ML) brown SLOPE SITE PLAN Sei S te Plan Te t tol 1 Lot 5 SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, slightly moist WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 -- ~'l0 ~ Dry 11/7/85 po E IF YES, A'F WHAT DEPTH? Flatin lm a'eal Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE greater than 60 ' TEST RUN BETWEEN l0 FT AND Recommend new site, up slope to north (minutes/inch) unsati sf6ctory FT PERFORMED BY: Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFIED BY: Al l an ~,I. I,UI ,3tt, PE DATE: 1]/7/85 -- N0A ST85-0!5 11 ! I ~]~ SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEAL'rH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION r~ PERCOLATION TEST 825 L, Street, Anchoraga, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST BORING 11 PERFORMED FOR:. Frank Hoolin & Associates DATE PERFORMED: 10/25/85 & 10/27/85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOtS 1 throueh 22 l'anaina Vall.eS Subd. E½, NE~, SW~, Sec 4, T12N, R4W~ S.~M. SLOPE SITE PLAN PEAT (Pt), ORGANIC SILT SANDY SILT (HL) light brown slightly moist, trace organics SANDY SILT (ML) brown,hoist trace fine gravels 1 2 3 4 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- Se-~ S tc Plan Te ~ t Ho 1 e .or 6 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SILTY SAND (SH) brown, mo i s t i F Y ES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Dry 11/7/85 po Flat Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Waler Drop COMMENTS system fronl surface water infiltration PERCOLATION RATE 3 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ~r~- ~ Fl' AND 5~ FT Recommend adjusted rate of 150 square feet per bedroom due to HL soil, protect PERPORMEDBY: Allan W. biurfitt CERTIFIED BY: Allan W. Murfitt, PE DATE: 11/7/85 MOA ST85-015 1 2 LABORATORY GROUPING Group A: SILT (ML) Boring Sample Depth (ft]_ Description 1 1 4.5-05.0 Trace Sand 1 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy 2 1 4.5-05.0 2 3 14.5-15.0 Trace Sand 3 1 4.5-05.0 3 2 9.5-10.0 4 1 4.5-05.0 5 2 9.5-10.0 5 3 14.5-15.0 6 3 13.0-13.5 7 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy 7 3 14.5-15.0 '8 1 4.5-05.0 Sandy 10 1 4.5-05.0 Trace Sand 10 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy 11 1 4.5-05.0 Sandy ll 2 9.5-10.0 Sandy Group B: SILTY SAND (SM) Borin9 Sample Depth (ft)_ Description 1 3 14.5-15.0 2 2 9.5-10.0 3 3 · 14.5-15.0 4 2 9.5-10.0 4 3 13.5-14.0 5 1 4.5-05.0 7 I 4.5-05.0 Gravel ly 8 2 9.5-10.0 Gravelly 8 3 14.5-15.0 Gravelly 9 2 9.5-10.0 Gravelly 9 3 14.5-15.0 Gravelly 10 3 14.5-15.0 ll 3 14.5-15.0 Group C: SAND (SP-SM) some Silt Bgring Sample Depth (ft) Description 6 1 4.5-05.0 6 2 8.5-09.0 9 1 4.5-05.0 Gravelly / A. V. Mur{itt Company Ta,,a ,,a Val]ey Subdivision PLATE &rctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Lots 1 through 22 13 F. 1 Jobno,___~t~-.04.02 Appr_ 2,1,'~;__ Do,e 11-1-85 Anchorage MOISTURE CONTENT SUMMARY Boring Sample D_epth (ft). % Moisture 1 1 4,5-05,0 31,8 1 2 9,5-10,0 21.8 1 3 14,5-I5,0 18,8 5 1 4,5-05.0 7,0 5 2 9,5-10,0 18,8 5 3 14,5-15,0 19,8 7 1 4,5-05,0 7,8 7 2 9,5-10,0 16,9 7 3 14,5-15,0 19,6 8 1 4,5-05,0 17,1 8 2 9,5-10,0 13,5 8 3 14,5-15,0 10,2 9 1 4,5-05,0 4,1 9 2 9,5-10,0 13,8 9 3 14,5-15,0 6,5 10 1 4,5-05,0 20,5 10 2 9,5-10,0 17,8 10 3 14,5-15.0 9,6 11 1 4,5-05,0 11,9 11 2 9,5-10,0 16.2 11 3 14,5-15,0 ll,1 A.W. Murfitt COmpany Tanaina Valley Subdivision Lots 1 through 22 Arctic Civil and Geotechnica] Engineering Consultants Jobno. 85-104.02 -- Appr.. AWM__ Do~e_ 11-1-85 Anchorage Alaska PLATE .~NIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION ~E~ A.~ Mur~itt Company KEV TO TE~T DATA. 19 ~ No, 85-,~0~.02 ..... Appr: A~,~ Date~ ~ ~OIL CLASSIFICATION CHA 0 OR CLAY CLAY E Y \ OR S II'T-Y CL SILTY SAND \ Gf \ GRAVELLY \S 20 :50 40 50 60 70 ,GRAVEL (-1'fl:4SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT CORPS OF ENGINEERS FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND US~ EQUIVALENT GROUPING' ~o~ 0.02 ~OUP SOIL ~FS ~Y WEIGHT FI F4 Gravelly soils 3 Io 10 (al Gravelly soils 10 Io 20 (b) S~nds 3 to (al Gravelly sods (b) Sands, cxccpt vecy I~ne silly sands (c) Cla~,PI~ 12 (al All sil~ (b) Vc~ fine s~ty~nds (C) Clays, Pi ~ 12 -- (d) Vaned cla~ Giber b~nded ~dimcnB 8O 90 TYPICAL SOIL TYPF~ UHDER UHIFIED SOIL . GW, GP. GW~GM, GP.GM GM. GWXJ M, GP~GM SW. ~P, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM G M. GC CL, M~ MH C~ CL-M L CL'and M~ C~ M~ and C~ CH, and M~ C~ CH, M~ and I00 Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical En§ineerin~ Consultants Jobno. 85-104.02 ,,''~r. AWM . Date 11-7-8~ TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE 2O O01.LO CG