HomeMy WebLinkAboutTURNAGAIN INDUSTRIAL PARK S-6564 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ Departmen ,of Health & Environmentai~rotection ~nvironmental Health Division Case Review Worksheet Case Nua~ber I Date Received S-6564 / September 28, 1982 Comments Due By October 20, 1982 Subdivision or Project Title: Tracts A2, C, D Block 2 Turnagain Industrial ~Park Subdivision ~Public water available ( ) Community water available ~Public sewer available Comments: '-t/~ .~ ~/,~.,.,~ .fl~:~> MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF I:'~ALTft & ENVIRONMENTz\L i 201'ECTION F'EB 2 2 1980 RECEIVED of 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENTOE HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION December 31, 1979 Jokiel Constructional-_ BoxlO--267 AnChorage, Alaska 99511 Permit # 790150 Subject: Tract D Turnagain Industrial Park Subdivision A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer has inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, . LNB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit E:E.i]j:: . , ~ ':. ,' [:, 'FLIF:i'.~F!GFt ] N I NF:,UST. F'I::' iC,'i '£-,!TXF 'L]:~I'9:E:C~ S~7!I. IF:~:E FEET -:'E OF SOiL FiE:'~,ORE:TION ?T'S]Ei"I I~.: TF:E,NC:H ;,,.Ji~ N!II'IE;EP FIF E:EE:,,q:L-IOI'I% = 2.: '¢' ~'~: ,TI ,U ,:"=,E~ F],-'"E:R::'= :!_25 -'-'--~-"-"= -' :,~?TEi'I IS { i,'ET!L~F'F[:' SI2E !jiF THE SOIL Hc, z, LIF. r ~!LN '-'"- ' ~::~-;,:: ~,' :,h_,~rn'~" C'I,HEN%]ON i'g_ 7FIE '_ENu~,-!'"~ ~,,~" FEET::, 'IF_ TFE. TRENCH OR [:'RFIiNFIELD. "" -- J ~ ...... E E',ETHEEN THE '5LIR~R::E OF THE :~iE i)Fc'Thl IiF- F', TRENCH OFt PIT IS THE r,I =R~F' ,.: :NL' hi-fi.' ~IRE E',EiTTQ[': OF THE E,.,L.~ ,h ~,J ~ ,(~N FEET::,. _. .... ~.1~,. ~ F, FOR TRENCHE% ; r.?-'-"~-,.,,z ~ ....... DEF'TH ~'q THE HINIMUM [:'EF'TH JiF GRR","EL E:ETNEEN THE PIIITFRLL PIPE -- ~ ;~::: ~,JT Ul n; THE E..LH.,.HTIJ ~ ,::~N FEET). P, PF'LICRNT tIFfS THE p;Ez.r,~h:.IE. ILI]'¢ TO INFORI'I THIS [:,EF'RRTMENT [:,U~:I-NI] '4r TI-I~ INSF'E-CTICff4LX laF FINU HEt.LS RD~RCEN-F TO T ~T.: ..... , PROPERT'T' RN[:' THE RESIDENCES THFiT THE HELL HiLL SERVE THE -- T?-~:~ .'- ;? --. :[ I"-. :~;F'EL~- -I,- I C.'!'-lL--. .':f,l¥: ~ F:: E L----: LI I F-: El:, '!.FI_LI;,'7., OF FIN',/ S'?STEH NITHOUT.FINHL INSF'ECTION FiND FiF'F'REFv'FtL E','-? THIS "HRI!'~[::NT HILL E:E SI_ID]ECT TL-I F'F:ESEE:UTIL-IN ~1 [:, i ':,T FINF:E FE_;_:T FOR Fi, PRI'v'FITE 2:~?q~ FEET FF:OI'! FI NELL COHF'L.E ~:Et)U ]' F:EMENTS E;E'FI.,IEEN F: i.4EI_L IRN[) FIN"/ O,N-L:;ITE %EI,!FtGE DI%F'I3SFiL ?T'STEi'I IS 14 E L.L.; O E' F'LIE',LZC HELL DEF'Ei'.t[)INO UF'L]i'-4 T,'rlF T'T'PE OF PIJE;L~C 14ELL FflNf') I'iUST E:E RETLIRN'ED TO THE E.,EPFiRTi'IEN-F 14ITH!H 3:G [:,flYS FIF'F'L'¢. SF'ECIFICF~TION% F~N[:, E:L],N%TRI_h_-:TIEd'-i [':,!F~GF:F!?1% FIRE TIZI I N_SJJ';.E F'RQF'EF:: ). NS-I'RLLfiT! ON. ] FRT ]'F'¢ F!f'i F'IRI'i! L I F~R 14 ] TI-,' TFiE REuLII I;:EHEN'I S FOR ON-S ~ TE qEI,!ER% E:'r' THE MIJNZC~PRL~T'¢ OF FCaZ:HORFIGE-. HILL INSTRLL ]HF UN[:,ERSTI~ND TI.IRT IIiE I-fi.I-.SITE SFI.I[:R' ?/STEM HFi'-,' REuLIIF:E ENLFiEiGEMENT [:,hNCE RN[:, I, iELL'E, RS SET ! F THE 4040 "B" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 278-1551 August 24, 1979 W.O. #A19041 Wilder Construction Company 7741 East 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Re: Tract D, Turnagain Industrial Park Gentlemen: ' As per your request, we have visually inspected the construction of the on-site sewage system on the referenced project. On August 20, 1979, we inspected an open excavation for the intended seepage trench. .The open excavation was the width of the backhoe bucket, fifty (50) feet in length and five feet below the septic tank outlet. The soils present varied between a silty sand (SM) and a clean coarse sand (SP), being predominately (SP) sands. The subsurface soil conditions were similar to that which was described in the preliminary soils test dated May 2, 1979 (Alaska Testlab W.O. '#A18870). A 1,000 gallon septic tank was set in place approximately 12 feet north of the building. Subsequent to this initial inspection,. the contractor backfilled the open trench with five feet of screened gravel (1/2 inch to 2-1/2 inches). The plastic perforated pipe was set in place, surrounded with screened gravel. A Mirafi or Type R type material was placed over the gravel backfill prior to the final grading with a sandy type material backfill. The final inspection and approval was on August 21, 1979. A sketch indicating location and construction of this system is enclosed on sheet 1 attached. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALA ~K;A TES TLAB James D. Mack, CET Laboratory Supervisor Approved by: Laboratory Manager JDM/ms Attachments cc: . Municipality of Anchorage, Dept. of Environmental Quality ;0 Municipali%y of Anchorsge 815 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 9950i WILDER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 2006 NORTH STATE STREET TELEPHONE 7:~S'2060 BELLINGHAM. WASHINGTON 98225 2-15-80 MUNICIPALITy OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF I !~ALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL i-~._;qECTlON FEB ~ ~ IgS0 RECEIVED Les N. Buchholz, R. S. Senior Environmental Soecialist Dear Sir; Attached are copies the Daily Drilling Log for the well. Also copy of insoection on the sewer from Alaska Test Lab. Very Truly Yours W~i ,~onstruction C~o.~ In._c. ~o~e.. M. ~' DI~RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QL_i-I TY PLATTING OR PLANNING & ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NO. ~=~ ~¢ ~ TITLE: ~ ~_Z~ Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation. COMMENTS: 18(10 E. 2nd Ave. Anchor[igc, Alaska 99501 Pholle 274-5691 December 10, 1975 Dowl Engineers 4040 B Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~TTU~TT~M, ~r Jo~n Dear John: This is to confirm our discussion concerning the Shackleton property and our plans for utilization. Neither our company nor others that we are dealing with plan any office or residential type structure or utilization of that nature. In our case, our primary use will includej the gravel, unloading facilities with peripheral processing capabilities. Probably no more than three or four employees will be involved and we would plan to use self-contained sanitary units. We have used self- contained ~o]lets for several years ar our'various facilities and found them to be highly satisfactory. ~ We have been advised by our prospective neighbor~h~t his plans for sanitary facilities are the same as ours for the forseeable future. We, of course, understand that any change of plans would require approval from the health authorities. Sincerely yours, Herbert C. Lang President HCL cmc ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 December 11, 1975 Mr. John E. Paulson, PE D-O-W-L Engineers 4040 B Street Anchorage[ AK 99503 Ref: Water Service Request for Turnagain Industrial Park Dear John: In response to your request by letter December 8, 1975, and in accordance with our subsequent discussion, I am pleased to offer the following concerning water service to the pro- posed Turnagain Industrial Park. As you are aware, this property is located within the Central Alaska Utilities service area; however, at the present time no mains are immediately adjacent to the subject property. We are presently serving the Mesa Verde subdivision, which is as of this date operating as a closed system supplied by a single well within the subdivision limits. Due to the nature of the well itself and the existing capacity, this system is incapable of extension and service beyond the subdivision limits. The nearest alternative source of supply is presently located in John's Road near the northwest corner of the Oceanview School, and extension of this line would be the only feasible means of bringing water service into the proposed tract from the existing service areas at this time. Such an extension would, I am afraid, be fairly expensive due to the distance involved and the economics might be difficult to justify based on the located demand requirements as stated. There is a possible alternative source to this problem which would be mutually advantageous both to the developer and the ~utility company. Inasmuch as we are extremely interested in additional supply sources in this in~ediate area and whereas there is reason to believe that there may be a reasonably good chance of a productive well being constructed in the O'Malley Road area, we would be interested in the possibilities of drilling a test well. It would appear that the nature of proposed use of the property might fit the necessary restrictive radius' for operation of a production we~l to be placed somewhere near__,[h. ~ northeast corner nf I.o~ ~. --' As you are aware, a well to be beneficial and attractive for the utility to operate would necessarily need to have production S E R V I N G S U B U R B A N A L A S FJ. A Page 2 Mr. John Paulson December 11, 1975 capabilities of 300 gpm or greater. This would be.the primary criteria for development of the test well by the utility'. It is proposed, therefore, that CAU participate with the developer in the cost of constructing a test well in a suitable location up to 50% of the cost of the test well. if water is located in production quantities as a result of the instailation of the test well, CAU would agree to pay the entire cost of the test well together with development of necessary facilities to provide full production well at this location. The developer would then be obligated to provide a permanent easement for the facility together with necessary access easements for maintenance, operation of the well, and installation and maintenance of the necessary mains to connect the well to the distribution center. Service to the subdivision would then be on the standard basis for normal assessments and water supply as required. In other words~ the utility would request the developer to share the risk of an exploratory well and would agree to pick up all costs of exploration and development if a production quantity of water if located on 'the suggested site. The developer would provide a site for the well compatible with his use of the property. Water supply to industrial lots 1 through 7 would be dependent upon the nature of use proposed for those lots and consideration should be given when future information is available. If the above meets with the approval of your client, we would be happy to proceed with the necessary details for a contractual relationship. We would also be available to discuss the matter further if you so desire. Yours very truly, President/General Manager RBS/mb December 8, 1975 Alaska -~' '~ ' oi,c:~az d Road ~.~cno~age ~ AK 99503 A~Ce~'~on: ~,~. Eob Smith Dear Bob: ,-u:.n~%gazn Indust:-ial Park Service for ~ ...... f~s a result of a revie%,; of the olbject plat ;~y ~Le Planning Staff, the D.E.C. is requir'fng that ~.ze present a specific i~,.~an for serving the ~' .... SUoe!v!s1on with water and se%~er u~ i!ittes. ~onse.qu~ntly ~e would llke to request that C',~ntral Alaska Ut,]~t{es review the planned area with resDect ~o providing water service from one of your adjacent Service areas. !'he zoning in this area will be I-2. It's expected that lots 8 and 9 will be occupied by Rogers & Ba331er and ~- · -~-nchoz age Sand & Gravel respectively. !-~o sales on any of the sznatler lots have be, en made at this 'c3.m~. We are advised that neither Rogers & Babler or ~%chorage Sand & Gravel will be high water requirement operation. Their needs will be essentially for domestic purposes. ~,,'e %~zould appreciate if you could uive us a reply as to your ability to serve t]~s area as s~ ~ ~ "~ . . '- -- ~ ~--o Do.~s~,o~e. . ~'~e are obligated to co m~c]- ~-~ ~-~-~ .... ~ · ~ ~ ~ ..... V ~.'~ i~ n3_ng suar~ with this informa- tion next ~,~eek~ if I can ans%~er any ~ ~'-' · .que~o~s this please give me a call. ?hank you. Very truly yours, DICKINSON-OSWD, LD-t?DJ~CH_LEE, ENGII~ ,~ERS JEP: ~ cc Herb Lang, AS&G John E. Paulson, PE public w~t~.~ i,~ pro. :d~d to ~aeh l~a .~ .