HomeMy WebLinkAboutTURPIN BLK 2 LT 1 ~4r. Henry J. $ikk~a 17 ~nsen Road Con¢ord~ ~!a~s, 01742 [~bruary 27~ 1970 oUB~CT. Lot 1, Bleck 2, Turpin 'ibis })~part,~nt received a ccaplaint of sewage being d~ped ~o ~d at tha above S~ject residenco, By ~ki~g th~ tax r~ords we have fo~d that this property belongs to you. Sub~cquont inspectto~ made b~ thi~ l~parteent' on Febmar~ 26~ 1970~ and that th~ so~r ~aciltty ~or tho trailar ;o~sists and as a~h is ~mishablo as a ~t~do~anor, exists an o~n ~e~l vt'~ich yeses a,hazard ~o m~ioua ~!ldran ml~h~ be playin~ ~.It ~l'~o ar~a, <~.s condition ~s tn ~lolati? Pubhc NutsanC~ I~i~neo ~81-69, %~ p~is6~ ~ also lzttered ~tth scattered $~arlmgo, Jvnk ~,¢tal~ car parts an~ 9 jtmk mattress which ,~ 4 ; a.a..n i.~ ~n vmlatJ.on o~ fk~ltc }hdaanc~ ~dznance D- h'~'l i; r so~(~ as l)oti~ t~at ~4thi~ thirty (30) days after ~,, t.!, '..et O. . , ' . . . · . receipt of said letter tl~e above described contfltion~ ~ust be ta~e~ ca~e of. ~e traiXor ~t r~ain vacant vntiI s~eh ti.~e os adc~lUate so~,~age disposal tTaCilities are providad. ~e are requestint~ your:co-operation in these ~ttters, CLIFI:O)ID P. JtDKIN$, e .~dmintst~ative Director · T~UCTIOHS T~)-D[LIV~:'£M?LOYEE ' '~ ~ ~ddress Whoso dellvored ~ ~ . ~ l{ece~ved the t~umbered article described bdoW. OW WllERE DELIVEREO (o#[Y $! RECEIPT FOR CERTIF El) MAIL--20~ Dr-) EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES ~ ~ [~ 50~ fee [ ~ 10~ fee ~ 35~ fee Jammry 22, i970 ~.lr, }~nry J. Sikkeman Star Rt. A; Box 762C Ar~chOrage, Alaska 99502 SbBJHCr: T~aiier' Facilit), at Lot 1, Block 2, iurf in 5ubdivi- .qion, ~irst Addition l~ar ~,fr. Sikkema: Personnel: Of'th? Greater p~qchorage Area. ¢oro~;h made aa insl~ct~.on of the subjoct trailer locate~ a~ uzu mrpu~ Road to Oreck on O~e method ef setoage disposal. (k~r insl~ction revealed that sewage was being discharge~ dSrectly onto the ground fr~ tho trailer. Ttm discharge of r,~,~ sewage onto tho surface of the greed is in ~rect violatirm of Borough Ordinrmco t~28-68 and aa s~h is p~- ishabl~ as a misden~anor. ~is letter is to sen,e as notic~ that the subject trailer be vacated within seven (7) days a*7 receipt of this letter a~ that the op,m pit usod to contain 'thc ~: '."~-' ..... ~' be covered. ,~ alternative to thii; r~(,.~e,~t would be thc t'n~*~ 1 ~aticn of a Borough approved smmgo disposal s)'ste,~ ~qithin ti~e alloted seven (7) days. ~atlure to comply ~ith this notice will result i~ immediat~ legal action by thi~ tlgpn~ment, Ym~r cc-o~r~tic, n in this ma~ter is requested. Sincoroly, CLIPFORD P. JUI)KINS, R.S. Ar~inistrative Director John ~. Sanitarian JRL:rn RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ STATE, AND ZIP CODE EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL TEES NOT FOR INT[I~NATIONAL MAIL NUISANCE COMPLAINT FO~M Street Addl~ess: Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: ~ / Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investigated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant Action Taken: REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Date Investigated:,, -- --.~ DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: