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November 1, 1977
OrVal A. Ross
1568 Calley Lane 31veuo
Anchorage, Alash 99503 ( els0d sniP)
S~bJect4 Lot i Block I ~
' 910 ~rP~ Road '~' ~ ..... : --
It-has-beeu brought to our attention that p~lic sewer
to the above ~bJect property. .
According to th~ Munio~pal Code of Ordinates "Sewage Disposal Pra=tiees-
Chapter 15, ~ticle 15.65, Section 15.65~030~ S~ptic ~ank seepage-syst~
-dis~sal faoil~ties shall not be use~ or ~tall~ where sanity sewers
~e available..." -... S~itary sewers are available tO a parueI
~h~'~at~rcel ~ers a righ~ of way or easement conta~i~g
iPal sewer ~in'and~hen the ~n ~tends at least ten feet ~slue a
~rpen~icul~ line ~a~ fr~ the sewer main to any ~ornerof the. Parcel
~ioh touches theright of way or easement."
The M~iciPality of ~chorage Department of Public Works ~s checked
the~ records ~d they indicate %ha~ your structrue(s) is not connected
~ the s~nitary sewer. Would you please check your ~ecords to verify
~at ~e st~ct~e(s) is or is not connected ~d not~fy us ~ediately
-if your records ~dicate that a connection has been made.
If we dO not hear from you within seven (7) days, we will-ass~e that
o~ records are corre=t. We, therefore~ request you connect ~y ~d
~1 st~otures located on ~he s~ject property to p~lic sewer by the
end of the'1978 ~onstruction season.
You ~st apply for a connection p~it from the p~it officer for the
at 264 4720. -~ %
return recei t ~ uested
1. The following service is requested (check one).
[] Show to whom and date delivered ............ 15~t
[] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35~t
Show to whom'~nd date delivered ............. 65~
Show to whom, d~te, and ~dd~ss of del~er~85~
RCP/ljh Sewer and Water
Orval A. Ross
1568 Calley Lane
~chorage, Alaska 99503
have received the a~icle de~Hbed above.
A IGNATURE ~ Add.ce ~ Authorized agent
November t0~ 1977
orval A. Ross
1568 Calley Lane
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
'~uee th~ ~bj'e~.lot ~oes nO~ h~ ~ awet~, you
Nov~er 1, 1977. ~
If 'there ~e ~y furth~ questions, plea~ oo~taot this
o~fioe, at 264-4720. -