HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS SURVEY 3200 LT 10D Tom Fink, Mayor unicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 June 22, 1989 Ms. Juli Howe State of Alaska . Department of Environmental Conservation 3601 C Street, Suite 1334 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Wastewater Disposal Permit Application for USS #3200, Lots 10C/D Indian Valley Meats Dear Ms. Howe: This will confirm that, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), based on the additional information you provided to Robby Robinson by telephone on June 19, 1989, does not object to the issuance of the subject Wastewater Disposal Permit. For clarification purposes, the above referenced additional information is as follows: 1. The existing system has been in operation for over 10 years, and 2. There are no other potable water supply wells in the vicinity of the subject wastewater disposal system, and 3. Samples collected and tested from the potable water supply well at the subject site have shown no indication of contamination from excessive nitrates or fecal coliform, and 4. You plan to include a proviso in the subject Wastewater Disposal Permit requiring that the potable water supply be sampled and tested monthly during the operating season for nitrates and fecal coliform. We appreciate your consideration in soliciting our comments on this permit application. If there are further questions, please call this office at 343-4744. Sincerely, ~ / Program Manger On-site Services RWR/ljw:130 Kids Are Our Future Tom Fink, Mayor May 9, Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 1989 MS. Julie Howe State of Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation Southcentral Regional Office 3601 C St., Suite 1334 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Wastewa~er Disposal Permit Application Indian Valley Meats, USS 3200, Lots 10C/D Dear Ms. Howe: We have reviewed the information presented by the applicant for the above permit. However, the packet we received contains no information on any special method of treatment, other than to say a septic tank will be utilized. In addition, there is no type of impact statement about the effect of the type and amounts of proposed sewage on the wells serving surrounding single family dwellings. We would expect that the waste discharges associated with fish processing would be particularly high in nitrates, and would certainly wish to see adequate treatment of the wastewater prior to discharge to an absorption area I would appreciate receiving additional informahion on this proposal so that we might comment more specificallly. Sincerely, Susan Oswalt On-Site Services DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE 3601 C ST.,SUITE 1334 '~ ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 Mayor Tom Fink P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Dear Mayor Fink: RE: Indian Valley Meats, Inc. 8521-DB011 April 24, 1989 S)~V~ COW'o£R, GOV~RNOR APR 2 5 1989 MAYORS OFFICE (907) 563-6529 RECEIVED APR 2 7 ]989 DHHS Office of the Directo~ The Department of Environmental Conservation has received an application for a Wastewater Disposal Permit, from Indian Valley Meats, Inc. for the discharge of a maximum of 1,000 gallons/day of seafood processing wastewater into an on-site septic system to be located at Huot Circle, Mile 1/2 Indian Rd., Indian, Alaska. A copy of this application is enclosed for your review and comment. We request that you and your staff review the application and submit your comments to the Southcentral Regional Office, 3601 c Street, Suite 1334, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, within 34 days from the date of this letter, so that they may be given full consideration in our review process. Request for additional information must be received within 25 days from the date of this letter. Should you have any question regarding this matter, please contact Julie Howe, at the above address, or telephone (907)563- 6529. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. BHL:JH:rts ENCLOSURE .~egional Supervisor PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION An application for a Wastewater Disposal Permit, under Alaska Statutes 46.03, has been received by the Department of Environmental Conservation. The details are as follows: Applicant: Indian Valley Meats, Inc. HC52 Box 8809 Indian, AK 99540 Proposed Activity: Location of Activity: The discharge of a maximum of 1,000 gallons/day of seafood processing wastewater into a septic system. ~uot Circle, Mile 1/2 Indian Rd., Indian, Alaska This Activity is Identified as 8521-DB011 Any person wishing to present comments regarding this application may do so by writing to the Department of Environmental Conservation, SouthCentral Regional Office, 3601 c street, Suite 1334, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, (907)563-6529, within 30 days of publication of this notice. A copy of the application may be obtained by writing to the above address. The Department will hold a public hearing on the permit application if it determines that good cause exists. Residents in the affected area or the governing body of an affected municipality may request a public hearing by writing to the Department of Environmental Conservation, at the above address, within 30 days of publication of this notice. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska on ~)/~~~/.~ ~ . Zo STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PE~I~ OR CERTIFICATION OF REASONABLE ASSURANCE In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 46, "Water, Air, and Envircn- mental Conservation", Chapter 03, Section 46.03.100, and rules and regu- lations promulgated thereunder, or in accordance with 33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq., sec. 401, we: ~name of applicant) (address of applicant) herewith apply for a Waste Discharge Permit (~) Certification of Reasonable Assurance for the following proposed activity: Dredging ( ) Construction ( ) Discharge Only (~) TYPE OF INDUSTRY: LOCATION OF WASTE DISCHARGING FACILITY: ~o~ ~ ~ f0~ ~¢.~ LOCATION OF WASTE DISCHARGING POINT(S): Construction with ~ischarge ) WASTE DISCHARGE VOLUME: Maximum (gallons/day): Daily Average (gallons/day): RAW WATER SUPPLY: Source: ~/e // NAME OF RECEIVING WATER INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES COOLING /.. oO 0 9-00 Volume ~.. co 0 gallons/d (or sewerage system): O,~ ~, ~ ~-~/(~ CHA~\CTERISTICS OF WASTE FLOW: Describe in detail the chemical and phys cal properties of the effluent to be discharged to State waters (inc!ud but not limited to temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, color, total dis- solved solids, suspended solids, BODS, COD, oils, phenol, heavy metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and other biocides, acidity, alkalinity, err. Also include a description of sampling and analytic methods used to de- rive this information. Submit this information with your application a Exhibit 1. .~.~.D CHEMICALS USmD IN PROCESSES: · P~AW >tATERIAL -,T ~ Lo' Brand Name Chemical, Scientific or Actual Name Quantity Used per Day Average Maximum M. PLANT OPEP~ATION: Average Days per Year lot> N~umber of Employees per Shift Day Swing Nigh ~ N. PRODUCTION: Item 5 ~ ~ ~ "J Quantity Produced per Day* Average Maximum O. SANITARY WASTES: Treatment Discharged to P. Explain any seasonal variation in waste discharge volumes, plant opera- tions, raw materials, and chemicals used in processes, and/or productio: * Please specify units. barrels per day, etc. For example: Tons per day, pounds per day, -2- Give a detailed description of the sources of all industrial wastes within your industry. Describe in detail the treatment given to eack of these wastes. Include in this description the disposal methods used for these wastes and also for any sludge collected by your waste treatment system. Include a schematic flow diaqram showing the sources of all wastes and their flow pattern. Submit this information with your application as Exhibit 2. Briefly describe any additional treatment or changes in waste disposa2 methods you are planning or have under construction. Submit this infcr- mation as Exhibit 3. Include all information for previous questions, where additional space is necessary as part of Exhibit 3. Also include any additional information or comments you feel are necessary to clarify this application with Exhibit 3. If the activity does n~t involve a discharge to waters of the State (such as construction of facilities in the waterway, dredging, land fill etc.), completely describe the proposed activity including: maps sho~- ing the location of the facility or activity and the waterway involved; a description of the character of each structure; the quantity and type of dredge or fill material involved; the proposed method of instrumen- tation which will be used to measure the volume of any solids deposite~ and to determine its effect upon the waterway, rates and periods of deposition; duration of the activity. Submit this information with ycur application as Exhibit 4. The information given on this application is the best of my knowledge. complete and accurate to Signatur~ Printe~ Name Title Date 9/19/84 COAST~J~ PROJECT QUESTIONN'[RE T~e State has · system for reviewing and processing resource-related permits, leases, and approvals for proposed projects in coastal areas of Alaska. As · participant in this process. you are required to complete this questionnaire. The questionnaire will help you identify approvals required for 'your project (or a specific phase of your project) from the Departments of Fish and Game, Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. Attached is a list of regional agency contacts and a map of the coastal area with the regions delineated. We urge you to contact the appropriate agency staff when you are answering that agency's questions. If you need several approvals you must submit the packet of applications for those approvals along with this questionnaire to the appropriate office in the region where the proposed project is to occur. Your project cannot be reviewed until all applications are received. Please use the following contacts for submittal: Packets that include applications to more than one State agency and/or one or more federal agencies must be submitted to the regional Office of Management and Budget. unless fees or confidential information are included. 2. Packets that require fees or confidential information must be submitted to the resource agency with that requirement. 3. Packets that include application(s) for a proiect requiring approval from ~nly one State resource agency must be submitted to that State resource agency. The Annual Placer Mining Application must be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources instead of this questionnaire, If you have any questions concerning the process, please contact the Office of Management and Budget, Division of Governmental Coordination. If you have general questions about local, State or federal permits, both in and outside the coastal area, you may wish to contact the Department of Environmental Conservation Permit Information Centers in Fairbanks (45Z-2340), Anchorage (279-0254) or Juneau (465-2615). Collect calls are accepted. IF YOUR ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ARE NOT CORRECT AND COMPLETE AND AN AGENCY DETERMINES THAT YOU DO NEED ONE OF THEIR APPROVALS, THEY WILL NOTIFY YOU AND YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ATTAINING THAT APPROVAL. HOWEVER, THIS WILL LIKELY CAUSE A DELAY IN THE REVIEW OF YOUR PROJECT. TO AVOID THIS DELAY, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO SEEK ASSISTANCE FROM AGENCY STAFF !:: COMPLETING THE QUESTIONNAIRE. Address: 5 ~, ~o~ [~OC! Address: Phone (day): Brief description of project or activity: - I o Locatiqn of prolect~ Twsp USGS Map Meridian Section Is the project on: private land state land federal land municipal land ownership not known PART A Yes Do you currently have any State or federal approvals/permits for this project? Permit/Approval Type Permit/Approval # Expiration date No Will you be placing structures, or placing fills in any of the following: tidal waters, streams, lakes, wetlands? If so, have you applied or do you intend to apply for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit? (Indicate below.) Have you applied or do you intend to apply for other permits from any federal agency? (Indicate below.) X A~enc¥ Permit/Approval Type Date you submitted Application PART B DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1, Is the proposed project on State-owned lands or will you need to cross State lands for access? 2. Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resources? a. Sand and Gravel Yes Source? b. Water Yes No ~:: Source? If yes, amount? If yes, amount? -2 - '.Timber Yes ,, No ~C If yes, amount? Other Materials Yes If yes, what material? No (peat, building stone, etc.) 3. Do you plan to drill a geothermal well? Yes No 4, Will you be exploring for or extracting coal? 5. Will you be harvesting timber from 10 or more acres? 6. Will you be investigating or removing historic or archeolo$ical resources on state-owned lands? IF YOU ANSWERED NO TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS, YOU DO NOT NEED APPROVAL FROM THE ALASKA DEPARTME~'OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR). GO TO PART C. IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, CONTACT DNR TO IDENTIFY AND OBTAIN ANY NECES-~-RY APPLICATION FORMS. If you have already contacted DNR, are you now submitting application(s) for/~,~t/' permits or approvals? If no, indica~-e the reason below: a. (person contacted) told me on that no DNR approvals or permits were required for this project. (date) b. DNR regulations have no requirement for a permit or approval. c. Other. ************************ PART C DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Yes 1. Will you be working in a stream or lake (including in running water or on ice, within the gravel floodplain, on islands, the face of the banks, or the stream tideflats down to mean low tide)? Name of stream or lake If no, go to question number 3. 2. If yes, will you be doing any of the following: a) Building a dam or river training structure? b) Using the water? c) Diverting the stream? d) Blocking or damming the stream (temporarily or permanently)? 3 e), Changing the flow of the water or changing the bed? f) Pumping water out of the stream or lake? g) Introducing silt, gravel, rock, petroleum products, debris, chemicals, or wastes of any type into the water? h) Using the stream as a road (even when frozen), or crossing the stream with tracked or wheeled vehicles, log-dragging or excavation equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.)? i) Altering or stabilizing the banks? j) Mining or digging in the beds or banks? k) Using explosives? 1) Building a bridge (including an ice bridge)? m) Installing a culvert of other drainage structure? 3. Is your project located in a State Refuge or Critical Habitat? IF YOU ANSWERED NO TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS, YOU DO NOT NEED A PERMIT FROM THE ALASKA DEPARTME~-~OF FISH AND GAME (DFG). GO TO PART D. IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE REGIONAL HABITAT DIVISION-O-~FICE TO IDENTIFY AND OBTAIN ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION FORMS. If you have already contacted D FG, are you now submitting an application for /1,/j/Z~ permit(s)? If no, indicate the reason below. ~ a. (person contacted) told me on that no DFG approvals or permits were required for this project. (date) b. DFG regulations have no requirement £or a permit or approval. c. Other. PART D DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? Will your project generate air emissions from the following: a) c) Diesel generators totaling more than 1000 hp? Other fossil fuel-fired electric generator, furnace, or boiler totaling greater than 1000 hp? Asphalt plant? Yes No -4- d)' Incinerator burning more than 1000 lbs. per hour? e) Industrial pr_ocese? 3. Will a drinking water supply be developed that serves more than a single-family residence? 4. Will you be processing seafood? 5. Will food service be provided to the public or workers? No WiLl the project result in dredging or disposal of fill in wetlands or waterways? 7. Is on-lot sewage or greywater disposal involved or necessary? Will your project result in the development of a currently unpermitted facility for the disposal of domestic or industrial solid waste? Will your project require offshore drilling or vessel transport of oil, or other petroleum products as cargo, or include onshore facilities with an effective storage capacity of greater than 10,000 barrels of such products? 10. Will your project require the application of oil or pesticides to the surface of the land? IF YOU ANSWERED NO TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS, YOU DO NOT NEED A PERMIT OR OTHER APPROVAL FR'~OM THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIO:: (DEC). IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE DEC REGIONAL OFFICE TO IDENTIFY AND OBTAIN ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION FORMS. If you have already contacted the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservatic~n_, are you now submitting an application for permit(s)? If no, indicate the reason below: a. (person contacted) told me on that no DEC approvals or permits were required for this project. (date) -- b. DEC regulations have no requirement for a permit or approval. c. Other. To the best of my knowledge, this information is accurate and complete. Signed / Date * * * * PLEASE ATTACH YOUR PERMIT APPLICATIONS * * * * cpqa/PERMIT -5- ·, SOb'I'RCENTR/d. P, ZGIONAL CONTACTS Oi! & C~O 'Act~vSties DNR/OI! and Pouch Anchor~e, A~ 99510 (907) 276-2653 CONTACT: Ted Bond Mining Activities DNR/M£ning* Pouch Anchorage, AK 99510 (907) 276-2653 CON:AC:: Jetty Oallagher Porestry Activities D~rR/Forestt~re Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, ~ 99510 (9075 276-2653 ~A~: Craig Olson Agriculture D~/Agrtculture 915 ~u~h Bailey S~reet P.O. Box Palmer, A~ 99645-O~49 (907) 745-7200 CO~A~: Dean Activities on State Park Lands ON~,/Parks 225 Cordova Street, Bldg. A Pouch 7-001 Anchorage, AK 99510 (907) 265-~517 CONTACT: Pete Panarese A1Z Other Activities Public lnfo~a:ion Southcencral District Office ONR/Land and Water Management 3601 C Street, Frontier Buildin& Pouch 7-OO5 Anchorage, A[ 995[0 (907) 276-2653 COW':ACT: Etaine Neisou DEPARH3'~N'.~ 01~ FISH AWl) DFC/Habitat Oivtlion 333 Rasberty Road Anchorage, A~ 99502 co~rZAC~: {mil Brna Gary Liepitz (9075 267-228a CONTAC':: Oenby Lloyd KL~ Sundbetg (9~75 267-23~6 Hatchery Per. tis DPG/FR~ Division 1255 West Elgflth Street P.O. Box 3-2000 Juneau, AK 99802 (907) ~65-~160 COI~I'A~: Serty Madden or DEPAILT~NT OF ENV~RONHENTAL CONSERVATION DEC/Southcan:ral Office ~37 £ Street, Second Floor Anchorage, ~JC 99501 27~-2533 CONTACt: Bob Pl£nt Tim R~uufelt OFFIC~ OF MANA~ A~ Bb~T Division of Governmental Coordination 2600 Denaii Street, Suite 700 Anchorage, AR 99503-2798 (907) 27k-1581 CONTACT: Jack Heesch Pat Blelawski Street Address: 555 Cordova Street Olyapic Buildin$ po/per{utc