HomeMy WebLinkAboutUPPER EAGLE RIVER ESTATES Expire 02-16-94 S-9287 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: THRU: FROM: SUBJECT: September 16, 1992 Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting John Smith, P.E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services Susan Oswalt, On-site Services~,~, Department of Health and Huma~Services Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) AMENDED COMMENTS The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health and Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9287: Lots 8A, 8B Block 1 Upper Eagle River Estates Subdivision We have received the requested information on the ~ proposed plat, and have no objection to the preliminary plat approval. Prior to final, we will require that the on-site wastewater system on Lot 8A be upgraded to conform to requirements in AMC 15.65. We also ask that the engineer provide us with water monitoring results through October, 1992. SO/ljm cc: S & S Engineering 17034 Eagle River Loop Road Suite 204 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 SEP 1 5 1992 Dept. Health & Huma~ 8¢r¥fic¢,8 Susan Oswalt "EALTHAUTHORITY Municipality of Anchorage APPROVALS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 825 L Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 SEWER&WATER MAINEXTENSIONS SEWER & WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOWTEST SITE PLANS ROAD DESIGN SOILTEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL& MECHANICAL INSPECTtONS SEP ? ;' 1992 REFERENCE: Upper Eagle River Estates, Block 1, Lots 8A & 8B Preliminary Plat ~S~ Dear Susan, Attached you will find soils reports which we have prepared, and a new site plan showing septic reserve area. The above referenced documents reference your comments dated August 14, 1992, which were submitted to the Department of Economic Development and Planning. We have changed the location of the septic reserve area on proposed lot 8B on ~ccount of the test hole excavated on January 30, 1986, no longer has a water monitoring tube visible. Rather than ~xcavate a new test hole in that location we chose to move the :eserve area to the East portion of the proposed lot which is ore in conformance with surrounding properties. n reference to drainage, we do not anticipate any impact on |esignated reserve areas. This lot is generally flat sloping i radually South towards Raven Driye. The development of lot B should not change existing drainage patterns. f you have further questions or require additional  nformation please contact me at 694-2979. Community Planner ROBERTSHAFER, P.E ROGERSHAFER. PE CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX 694-1211 ON SITE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN 17034 EAGLE RIVER LOOP, SUITE 204, EAGLE RtVER, ALASKA 99577 Services ~ I__1 ~,.:~ ~,~, ~ .,..; I. ,~..:%; f ~.J I ~ ~ 4::.,. ~.' ~."/_ '-o~ ~' I /.'~~~'. ~ "1 (::-~?~/: ~'~ ~ ' ..g~:~ .n~ ~ ../ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST >1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~,[~c:~,~,,~ ~:~./_,~,! ~_..~_NN/,C~__.[ownship, Range, sect o : SLOPE 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11 13 14 15 16 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 1 Depth Io Waler After Monitoring? ~'1 Date: SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 4 % ,, 19- 20 - PERCOLATION RATE "~'- (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: S & S ENGINEERING I ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 17034 Eagle River Loop Road No. 204 q- I\ ~q ~ ACCORDANCE WITHL;~J~;~r~,I~at~aN~7~§~'L~GUIDELINES-IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ,~'-4..~ "~ ~.~J'..~c..~_~Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3- 4- 6 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14 15 16 17 18 19- 20- SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE PLAN L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? P E Depth Io Water Alter Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE -- TEST RUN BETWEEN -- [minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER .-- FT AND ~'~ FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: S & $ ENGINEERING I ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 17034 Eagle River Loop Road No, 204 ACCORDANCE WITH ALL~"Je~jv~D/~J~I~I~I~)~j~-~/JIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: THRU: FROM: August 6, 1992 Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting John Smith, P.E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services J~p~r~ Susan Oswalt, On-site Services ~<~, Department of Health and Human~ervices SUBJECT: Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) August 14, 1992 The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health and Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9270: Lot 10A Block 4 River View Estates Subdivision No objection. S-9286: S-9287: Tracts 1, 2 Totem Subdivision No objection provided public sewer and water are provided to both tracts. Lots 8A, 8B Block 1 Upper Eagle River Estates S/D DHHS will require the following on this proposed subdivision: ~ 1. Provide a percolation test and water monitoring results in the designated reserved area on Lot 8A. 2. The well and sewer system on Lot 8A are undocumented. The owner has agreed to upgrade the sewer system prior to final plat. We have been provided with a well log for this property. / 3. Provide current water monitoring results. j 4. Provide information on drainage including anticipated impacts, if any, on designated reserve areas. Prior to preliminary approval, we request item be addressed by the applicant. S-9288: Lot lB, lC Yukon Industrial Park Subdivision No objection. S-9289: Lots 5A, 5B Estelle Subdivision We will require that public water be extended to both lots, and that the current connection to the well on Lot 4 be removed. Department of Economic Development and Planning August 6, I992 Page Two S-9290: Lot iA Block 3 Mc Kenzie View West Subdivision No objection. so/ljm ] ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE r _/ /-.a..--\ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING ~,, / /~//~ ~/ / (2~1~) P.O. Box 196650 OFFICE USE ~ ~ ~ / ] ~/ ~/ Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 --/ / n ~ ~ .~ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION REC'OBY: ~ ~ /~ /'~ ~ ~ ' r e ntheshaded blocks ' ~ I A. Please fill in the nformat on requested below. Print one e~er or number per block. Do no w ' ' · co. 1. Vacation~ ~~~ 2. TaxldentificationNo. Io J-6J LJoI I 3. HEW abbreviated legal d~scdption (T12N R2W SEO 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK ~ ~OT~ 34) /// /// /// ////I II 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page, L&~I~ ///I ///I ///J I I I I I I I 116. Petitioner'sRepresentative~~S~ 5. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) i°~i~:i~It Ill"l ' I~tt~EI~'TI"~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Address P.O. BOX 1455 Address 17034 Eagle River Loop Road #204 Buckle~,:; State WA City Eaqle River State AK 98321 694-2979 99577 Zip Phone If Zip City Phone If 7. Petition Area 8. Proposed 9. Existing 10. GddNumber 11. Zone ~'~z~,r~ ~'~' Number Number "---/'" ~ / '?/-~/ Acreage Lots Lots 12. Fees 350.00 13. Community Council E.agle Riv_er I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the properly described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision, ~ also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date; Signature *Agents must provide written proof or authorization. 20 003 (Rev 6/89)MOA-24 Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Classification ~ XX Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a, Wetland 1, Developable 2. Conservation __ 3. Preservation Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last three years on the property. Rezoning Case Number Subdivision Case Number Conditiona! Use Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit Legal descHpbon for advertising UPPER EAGLE RIVER ESTATESt BLOCK 1, f,om R r.~cated NW ¼~ NW¼, Sec 17~ T14N, R1W, SM, AK Within Checklist X× 30 Copies of Plat XX Reduced Copy of Plat (8Y2 x 11) XX Certificate to Plat XX Fee XX Tope Map 3 Copies XX Soils Report 4 Copies XX Aerial Photo XX Housing Stock Map ×× Zoning Map Water: Sewer: Waiver XX Private Wells Community Well Public Utility XX Private Septic Community Sys. Public Utility 20-003 Back {Rev. 6/89)MOA-24 Munlcipalily of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST DATE LEGAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS Township, Range, Secti¢ SLOPE ENCOI --RED? , AT W,HAT O Reading Dat~ Gross Net Depth to Net , Time Time Water Drop ;OLATION RATE (min~es/mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~/ FTANDXX ~ FT F LA-?- $ & S En_oin~erino. '~ PERFORMED BY: E;~Gr[b =.Der, 41~sk~ 9YJ/7 C TIFY TH~THIS T~ WAS PERFORMED IN 7~-008 (Rev. 4/85) LOG OF DRILLING by A & L DRILLING COMPANY ADDRESS .................................................................................................. WELL SITE ~ ~ ~ .....~--~---~-.. ~-~ ~ ........................ -DATE--STARTED .....~..'..--~.../..:.~-~-'~-..---'~t----r~-.~'/ ............................ DATE--ENDED .... DEPTH OF WELL .....~.........: ..-~.~ ........................................ STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT..J?...-...(.v.......~.. .............. . DRAW DOWN FT ....................... ~Z~....(~ .......................... GALS. PER HR. "~') KIND OF CASING /r ~' :- [~ KIND OF FORMATION: FROM ......... -~- ......... FT. TO......).:'~... .......... FT...~.':.-~,~/~..~.'-~/'~! ~; ~' ~/ /~.~ O ~ ~ ~/ FT ~o ~ ~ ~;":~ FROM .................... FT. T ................z .................................... FROM ........ ~ ........... ~. ~v..~..:...~. ........... ~-:---.'-.~ .......................................................................................................... .............................. FT ....................................... t....~ ............ ! (b' RECEIVED JUL 2 4 1992 Municipahty of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services ~,~.....~ /~ ' 4/ 7/,,' / 7-H ltl. 0°0~'~0''//z', :/L2,6Z (~:c] PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2O ~.,t' / A//~?~'.¢ ~;'~', ~-r'- Township, Range, Section: RECEIVED JUL 2 4 1992 Mumc,pahLy Of Anchorage Dept, Health & Human Services SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NC) SITE PLAN S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E COMMENTS -It~OAI/twO~/~/~' '~:~ ~/~ ~,~ S & S Englneerln~ /~ SR~ 19~X CERTIFY THA~THIS TE~ ~AS PERFORMED PERFORMED BY: E~ ~iver, ~as~a ACCORDANCE WI,H ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GU,DEL,NES ,N EFFECT ON ,HiS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~,~ERCOLAT ON RATE (minules/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~/~ F~ AND'~ FT MoRitorino? __ I '1 Oate: Z_-~:,- ~ ,,~ L ,4- 7- KIND OF FORMATION~ DRAW DOWN FT ...................................................... ~^~.. ~R .R ...... ..'t? ................................... i ......... ~ oO ' FROM ......... .~... ........ FT, FROM.......~ .............. ET. ~'eo.._ ./.:,T... ....... ET. ~oM...-~ ....... ET. F" 0 M...,.~....~... ......... ET. FRO M._..~...~. ............ ET. FRO~.._..~..& .......... ET. ~IlOM ....................... ET. TO ......................FT .... FROM .......................ET. TO ........................ ET ........................ MISCL,, INFORMATIONs ,i. ~ hr'4$ F LA ' ,~,I)DRESS ,...[ . .) ~GAL D~CRI~ION ' ' DATE.Stoned ?/ / /:' ' · .... I)R,~w DOWN ~:T ~ ; - Ended · /'. ~/,?/ GAL~.PERiiR PEr, fir NUMBER KIND OF FORMATION: L::~'Fr°nf- . Ft.'to /'~.. MISCLi INFORMATION: Ft. From .... -~r, From .... From FI From ..... Frum ~-- ~-.- Fl, tO~ J't.. From ...... ~ ~ ,_ I)RIII FR'S ', '.,': SULLIVAN WATER WELLS MISCL. INFORMATION: DT[003191 II