HomeMy WebLinkAboutUPPER POTTER VIEW Tracts A & B Plat# 88-106 S-8623 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division \/~ }-~/ CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: $-8623 DATE RECEIVED: April 7, 1987 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Upper Potter V~ew Subdivision, Tracts A, B ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE 71-014 {Rev. 5/83) ELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE Municipality of Anchorage ~EC'O SY: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING P.O. Box 6650 VERIFY OWN: Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. Do not write in the shaded blocks. 0. Case Number (IF KNOWN) 1. Vacation Code New abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 Oj~ SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). I~171~1~1~1 Idd~ld Ivl,ld,~ i~1~1~ I I I ~.:1 hi I II11 I: I:lt~:l:l I I1~1 Ii IIIII Existing abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOT 34) tull legal on back page. I.l. ld',¢l~ll~l ~ltl. I Ir..l~t~l I~Id II II I I 4. Petitioner's Name (Last- First) 5. Petitioner's Representative City ~J ~ t 'ri" }.~' ~-., State O_,/~,. <~l~ ~ O"Z. City ~ State ~- Phone No. ~J~' ~ -~ Bill,~ , , , phone Nb. ,~ ~1 Me.~ _ 6. Petition Area 7. Proposed 8. Existing 9. Traffic 10. Grid Number 11. Zone Number Number Analysis Zone Acreage Lots Lots l~..-Fee $ 13. Community Council _ ~ her~byCe~fythat{ am){ havoBeonauthonzodloact~or)theownero~thopropodgdescrbedabovean~thalld~reto subdivide it in con~orrmnce wi~h Ghaptor:~ of the ~nchora~e Municipal Code o~ Ordinances. I undorstan~ that payment o~ lbo Basic subdivision ~oo :s nonrefunda~lo an~ is to cover the costs associated with procossin~ this application, that ~oes not assure approval of tho subdivision. I also understand that additional foes may ~o assessed if the M~nicipality's ~ ~ process this apphcahon exceed tho basic ~oo. I fu~her understand that ass~Oned hoarin~ ~atos are tontativ~ and ~ ~ave to postponod b~ ~lannin~ Staff, Platfin~ Board, ~lannin~ Commission, orthe ~ssom~l~ duo to admin~[~tive ~ S8623 MAY 419~ ~ ~ Signature ~ ~ 'Agents must provide wri~en proof or authorization, C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Classification ~'~ Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study ~ 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a, Wetland 1, Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) .... ...... ' "" D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred RezonJng Case Number Subdivision Case Number ' Conditional Use Case Number Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For ~ ,.~.~ ..,?,,..,.~.~ ~ ~,~ ~.,,~ ..............,:~.~,. E. Legal descripJ~o~O~ advertising. F. Checklist ~' 30 Copies of Plat ~,~'~-~'~ - Reduced (~o[oy e,f~lat (8V2x 11) ~ Certificate to Plat / Fee '~"'~ Topo Map 3 Copies t,"'"' Soils Report 4 Copies t/' Aerial Photo I/ Housing Stock< Map t/ Zoning Map Water: Sewer; Private Wells Private Septic Waiver Community Well Community Sys. Public Utility Public Utility SECUPTTY"TITLE & TRUST COMPANY OF ALASKA ,3333 Denali, Su'ite 100 Anchorame, Alaska 99503 276-0909 MAILING ADDRESS: 3605 Arctic Blvd.f1441 Anchorame Alaska 99503-5792 CERTIFICATE TO PLAT TO: ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, INC. 4546 Business Park Anchorase, Alaska Attn: Oere~ This is a Certi¢icate as o¢ SePtember 23, 1985, at 8:00 a.m. for the {ollowine described PrOPertY: The Northeast One-quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 13, Township ~an~e 3 West, Seward Meridian, accordin~ to the the Anchoraee Recordine District. Third Judicial District, Alaska. Plat o~ 11 North, Records State o~ The company certifies that record title is vested in: SIDNEY P. ROGERS, a married man, as to an undivided one-hal~ interest and HAROLD H. ROGERS and AUDREY M. ROGERS, husband and wife, as to an undivided one-half (1/2) interest, an estate in {ee simple, as tenants in common; Free from all liens, encumbrances and objection EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: SUBJECT TO: 1. Reservations and exceptions as contained in the U.S. Patent. 2. Taxes~nd/or assessments, i~ an~, due the MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. This report is restricted to the use of the addressee, and is not to be used {or closins any transaction af{ectinm title to said Property. Liabilit~ o~ the ComPan~ is limited to the amount of fee Paid herein. SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. OF ALASKA TED ROBER1-SON Title E:<am i net TR/Jm TyPed: SePtember 25, 1985 S 8 3 1 0 OCT 2 8 1985 ;Phone (907) 562-2786 Eh~;INEERS - SITRVEYORS - PLANNER~ PROJECT CLIENT -..LOCATION TEST HOLE NO TOP OF BOLE 4--: 6-: : 14-: : I6-: : 18-: : 20 : ' Checked by . CLIEN'f ' LOCATION TOP OF '- zx~v. TEST BOLE NO ~ 6--$ 10-: 12-: ._ db~'~,'C" (/~5 off 18-: : 24 -: Checked by 4.546 ~U'SINESS P.'~'~J~ BOUI2EV3JZl), 2L.'~CHOP,.AGE,. ALASi<A 9550~' '' ·" 'Phone (907) 562-2786 ~ ~,;IN~RS -- S!TR~EMOES - PL~ ~ HOLE 1~0 ~ TOP OF HOLE 10-: 12-: 16-: 1S-: 20-: 22-: 24-: Checked by 4546 B~SINESS FARK BOUIS~VARD, ANCHORAGE, ALAS. 9~503 ' ': · · 'Phone (907) 562-2786 TOP OF ~L~V. / 7/:¢.. ~$T HOI3~ lqO .¢~ 4--: 8--: 10-: - 12-: 14-: 16-: 20-:, 24-: 4546 B~Slh'ESS pARK BOULEVAKI); A~.C~O~,CE,. ALAS..KA 9~503' 'Phone (907) 562-2786 ~ I~;INI~RS - SURVEYORS - pLANNERS CLYE:NT TOP OF HOLI~ ' ~v. 17/0.610 12-: 1~-: 16-: : 18-: 20-' Checked J 4546 BdSI~SS 'Phone (907) 562-2786 ~N~R~ - SF~VEYORS.- PLieRS TOP OF HOLE ,zv. TEST HOLE NO ~ _ ' 6-: 10-: 12-: 3.4-: 3.8-: : 20 ." 24 -: Checked by 4546 BU'SIIT~SS I'AI~ I~OULEVA~J), ,~CHOl~(;gr A~ 99S0~' '~hone (907) 562-2786 ) ~IN~RS ....... ORS - PL~R~ TOP OF HOLE TEST HOLE NO 7 - 8--: i2-: · 14-.' 16-: 18-: 20-: 22-: 24.-: Chec'ked by TEST HOLE TO1~ OF HOLE ,z,'~';t a/'~ E~. /~/o. oo' 4-: 6-: c?;. ~'t t& L 16-: : 20 : 22-'- 24-: Checked 4546 BUSINESS PARK BOULEVARD, ANCHORAGE,. ALASKA 'Phone (907) 562-2786 } ENcINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS · 99503 TOP OF HOLE 2-: 4-: 6-: 8-: 10-: 12-: 14-: 16-: 18-: 20-: 24-: Checl~ed by ALASKA ZAND DEVELOPMEN~ ~EK¥~, · Phone (907) 562-2786 ENCJNEE. RS-- ....... ~,,ww,~vORS - PLANNERS DR][LL~R TOP OF HOLE ' TEST HOLE NO /~ 16-: : 18-: 20-; 22-: 24-: Checked by oo 6-: - : 10--: 12-: 14-: 16-: : 24-: : Checked by 4546 BUSINESS PARK BOULEVARD, ANCHORACE, ALASKA 9950J' ' 'Phone (907) .562-2786 } EN~,INEER$ - SP.~VEYORS - PLANNERS '- .. DA~ ~/'; · TOP OF HOLE '- E~v. I~D. 4--: 6-: : 10-: : 12-: 14-: 18-: 20-: 22-: 24-: Checked by ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT.SERVICES~ INC.' · '. .. . · .' 4546 BUSINESS pARK BOULEVARD~ ANcHORAcE~ AI k~KA ~9503' 'Phone (907) 562-2786 " ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS LOCATION TEST HOLE.NO 4-: 8--; 3.0-: 12-: 1~-: 16-: 18-: 20-: 22-= 24-= Checked by 310 OCT 2 8 1985 R-lO SL A.O. 84-21 ,, ,-, '~ ~ n f~C'f 2, 8 198,5 A B C B E The above Municipal 1" nate letters to identify pt DT1003193 OO oO