HomeMy WebLinkAboutUPPER CHINOOK ACRES LT 1ALoT ,./ ~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality / ~' 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received ~////~ Time of Inspection Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ~ INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES · 1. Approval requested by: J~_.'Y-~-~.,~ Mailing Address: ~.~. /2, ~ fL -- ff~/ PhOne: ,~- ~m.~. Xa~-~ 2. Property Owner: ~..m_, ~c~.~/ Phone: Mailing Address: 3. Legal Description: o Location: Type of facility to be inspected Well Data: C. Construction Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed /.~/ C. Septic Tank: 1. D. Seepage Pit: 1. E. Disposal Field: No. of bedrooms ~-' B. Depth ,s"~'~ ~ :~ D. Bacterial Analysis B. Installer Size /~ 2. Manufacturer ~o/~c~ Absorption Area ~ /~' 2. Material Total length of lines '~---~-----~ Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank / ~ ~ , Absorption area Nearest lot line Jo-f~ , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank /~' , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line ~ o ' Sewer Lines EQ-O34 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages (~--~ 2-'lr Page 2 of two pages - Req..~st for Approval of Individual S. ,e & Water Facilities Legal D~scription Approved ~/~j ~6~ Disapproved Date ~-~/~,"¥?y (~J ~ Approval Valid for one year from date signed v Great~ Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality "C" St., Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 274-4561 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES 1. Type o7 Inspection: CMRO VA 2. Property Owner: ~/////~I~ Mailing Address: ~W~ ~.,~/~ ~7 3. Name of Buyer: ~~ · Mailing Address: 4. Name Mailing Address: _]~)~p~ 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: Mailing Address: CONV X Day Phone ~7~ ~ x,~'d> Day Phone Phone Phone Legal Description: ,?I~ ~-- / ~ /., _//~3~w- ~/.x~z~>W/~ ~ ~d, Location: 0~~ ~</-- !~m~4/~L ~~ Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility If Individual, number of dwellings If Individual, depth of well C~ Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation Individual presentiy served Individual (on-site) __~ !??I ~06-] 220(a) Rev. ]973 D~TE~ ALAg~'"'~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SE(-'~ES . DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Lob No. INDIVIDUAL AND SEMI-PUBLIC BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS O E,CE INDIVIDUAL SEMi-PUBLIC [] CHLORINR RESIDUAL PPM REPORT RESULTS TO NAME ADDRESS CITY ADDRESS ~OF SOURCE ZiP CODE COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF WATER IS AN NDIVIDUAL SUPPLY SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE COLLECTED TIME COLLECTED Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: ~ ~atTsfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable ~[] Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old'at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send nev;'sample. [] Boltle broken in transit, please send new sample. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Diameter of Well Der~th Feet. Well Casing Material Diameter Depth Length of Water Death PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness Suspected? New Source of Supply? [] Yes READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE [] Yes [] No []] No Repairs to System? [] Yes [] No Signature 0d-]22o (b BACTER OLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Date Received . Time Received _ Lactose Broth lOcc 1Otc IOcc lOcc lOcc 1.0cc 1.0cc 24 Hours ,. ~ EMB AGAR Lactose Broth, 24 hrs. 48 hrs. Gram's stain Coliform Dens[t~ .Most probable No per 10Occ) MF Results