HomeMy WebLinkAboutUPPER EAGLE RIVER ESTATES Block 1 Lots 2A & 2B S-6813 ~,~MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~--~ Departme~ of Health & Environmenta~ ~rotection Environmental Health Division Case Review Worksheet Case Number I Date Received S-6813 / February 16, 1983 Comments Due By March 4, 1983 Subdivision or Project Title: Lot~ 2A, 2B Block 1 Upper Eagle River Estates Subdivision ( ) Public water available ( ) Public ( ) Community water available Comments: /f / MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION  ' SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: SLOPE SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST 15 16- 17- 19- 20- ,NDWATER /FO ~ ENCOUNTERED? pO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE tes/inch) 3~EST RUN B~lJVEEN ' ~' FT ~':~F ~--~. ~- ' ~ 68 ~ ) ~A~ 0 ? ~g83 ~''ATER A~CHORAGE AREA Department of Environmental Quality september TO: FROM: Planning Luella ~ann Roll Strtckland, Assistant Director SUBJECT: Re-zoning for Upper Eagle River Estates. The Department of Environmental Quality h~S revtewe6 the sub- mission sent to us regarding the subject matter- It is our recommendation for approval from unrestricted Zoning to residential zoning. We lack precise soil information on this p~rttcular area but do have soils information on ColOnial park which indicates that adequate sewer systems can be placed on lots of this size (t6) ~tthout extreme 6tfficultY to prop- ertY ownerS. st June 18. 1971 Robert ¢. Johnson 456 Basle R!ver, Alaska 99577 Deer l~ro Johnson: ~be Greater Anchorage Area 8orough Department of Environmental quality has roviswod your four pla~s which are to bs reviewed byothe Planning Corm~ission on tho evening of July 7. 1971. The Planning Department has asked that our D®pa~mant's comments be to th~m no later than June 25, 1971~ We would ask ~ ~u att~pt %~ Oe~ to us all info.at,on necessary so that our ~mo~andum may have posigfv~ comments and recommend approval on plagfl, The plmts are as follaws~ Number 1, t~ ~ter ~e gh s °ubd! s o Lots 1 that we ~ill need additional sails info~nation an() data on ~ater availability prior to our recommending approval of this subdivision. Case number 2, is upper ~sgle River ~states Subdivision, review of-the files in this area regerding on-s~te sewer and ~ater systems ~ndtcates that ,we have sufficient data to approve ~h!s plat as ~ubmittedo Case number 3 is lot~ 1 through 11 tract H, Broedwater ~et~hts Subdtv~sion, review of t~s area on USGS ~o~ls and wa~e~s m~s ~nd~cages that we will need additional soils tnfon~ation end ~ater availability date prior to our reco~endin~ approval of this plat. Case number 4 is Glacier Vi~ ~iohts 3ubdivi~ion. Addition ~umber 2. Nevio, of thi~ area on U~O~ ~oils and waters mapa indite%em t~t we will need additional lolls information and water availability info~a~ion prior to COU~ recommending approval of this plat. Should our Department be of any amalstanco,,pleaee contact %he underai~ned. Roll Strickland, kp