HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLEY VIEW ESTATES #1 BLK 1 LTS 1A & 1B Plat# 93-160 S-9279 S-9279A DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV/kTION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE 800 E. DIMOND BLVD., SUITE 3-470 A;iL.; ',ORAGE, ,,~.~SKA 99515 Mar i7, ~=~o WALTER d. HICKEL, GOVERNOR (907) 349-7755 Mr. Roger Shafer, P.E. S&S Engineering 17034 Eagle River Loop, Ste. 204 Eagle River, AK 99577 RE: Lot 1, Block 1, Valley View Estates #1 Water and Wastewater Disposal Syst,~,,,s Improvements; ADEC project nos. 9321-DW-070-066, and 9321-VWV-070-05;. Dear Mr. Shafer: The Department has rewewed the information received in this office March 11, 1993, regarding the above subject which included a letter describing the current state of the system, a letter to the Municipality of Anchorage for a proposed septic upgrade serving the single family home, and a set of drawings for the proposed upgrades. From the information submitted and a review of this, office's files concerning this property the Department has tho. fol}owi"~ comments' w,,-,-- ;ter Disposal System: T'..~ provlous history of this site has illustrated mat uu~ ...... ~,~ "' ??!!:, f?-¥"'., - groundwater levels, and lot slope the present conventional on-site wastewater disposal system is prone to failure. In addition, the limited area of the property prevents the installation of an appropriately sized leachfield for the given facility size. Therefore, in accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18 AAC 72) approval for the installation of a wastewater holding tank at the proposed location is granted by this Department subject to the following conditions: 1. Submittal of an as-built of the wastewater holding tank system under the stamp of a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) to verify soils, watertable and impermeable strata separation. 2. Installation of a dual alarm system for th3 holding tank and regularly scheduled pumping of the tank. 3. Existing leachfield is to be abandoned as proposed along with effluent lines from the septic tank. Mr. Roger Shafer, P.E. March 17, 'lg&S Page 2 o Preventive measures to discouraae D~rking of vehicles on the wastewc',3, . holding tank system. Drinking Water System: The proposed location of the new Class "C" well appears to meet the concerns of this Department. Therefore, in accordance with State Drinking Water Regulations (18 AAC 80) approval to construct the well is granted. Enclosed is a Construction and Operation Certificate with a si(~ned "AeDroval to Construct" ~,oproval to operate will be granted based upon the following conditions: Verification that the existing well is abandoned according to DEC recommended guidelines. 2. Location of the well in longitude and latitude. S?.t!cfactory results of water analyses for total coliform bacteria and inorganics for nitrate. 4. Well Icg. Well yield and calculations to ,show adequate yield, include storage tanks if necessary to meet peak de .m. and requirements. Verification that no lead solder, flux, or piping was used during the '~'~"~,,,, ,,~ +~,~ water system (18 AAC 80.800). Submitta~ of an engineered as-built of the water system unaer the stamp of aP.E. The proposed property line as indicated on the submittal does not appear to ~dverse y impact development of this area. However, alternative site 'B' for the proposed drainfield trenches for the single family home appears to be located near a known spring which may make this site unsuitable for the intended usage. Thank you for your cooperation with this Department, if there are any questions or comments regarding the above please do not hesitate to call. Sinc,erely, , Michael Lu, E.I.T. Environmental Engineering Asst. II cc: Susan Oswalt, Municapality of Alaska, DHHS DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE 800 E. DIMOND BLVD., SUITE 3-470 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR ~07) 349-7755 July 30, 1992 RECEIVED Ms. Susan Oswalt On-Site Services Dept. of Health & Human Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 S U B J ECT: JUL 5 1 1992 Municipalily of Anchorage l)ept. Health & Human Services Lot 1, Block 1, Valley View Estates Subdivision ¢1 Dear Ms. Oswalt: I have completed my review of the information that you faxed to me on July 21, 1992 and the information submitted to this Department on the above-referenced property by Mr. Waterfield, P.E. I have the following comments: Based on as-builts submitted on June 26, 1992, there are no less than five violations of State Separation Distance Regulations, they are as follows: a) On-site Public Water Source Well to septic tank serving three bedroom house is less than the minimum 200 feet required by 18 AAC 80. b) On-site Public Water Source Well to Sewer line from the above mentioned septic tank is less than the minimum 100 feet required by 18 AAC 80. c) On-site Public Water Source Well to foundation drain discharge point. d) Public Water System Source Well on Lot 2, Block 1 to septic tank for multi-family residence is less than the 150 feet required by 18 AAC 80. e) Public Water System Source Well on Lot 2, Block I and the foundation drain discharge for the multi-family residence. ~ pC hired on recycled paper Susan Oswalt 2 July 30, 1992 The Public Water System Source Well and the Wastewater Disposal System serving the multi-family residence were installed without written approval of engineering plans. This is in violation at 18 AAC 72.210 and 18 AAC 80.300. Based on the site inspection by Departmental staff, it appears that the wastewater disposal system serving the multi-family residence has failed. This is documented in a Departmental letter, dated July 14, 1992, of which you received a copy. During a July 15, 1992 inspection, I was able to locate a spring within 100 feet of the soil absorption system serving the single family residence. If no wastewater was entering the soil absorption system (SAS) serving the multi-family residence during my July 15, 1992 inspection, there appears to be a spring along the toe at the soil absorption system near Berryhill Road. 6. The installed sand filter can not function as an intermittent sand filter. The owner of the Class "C" Public Water System on Lot 2, Block 1, Valley View Estates Subdivision #1, was not aware of the separation distance problem between their source well and the septic tank serving the multi- family residence on Lot 1, Block 1. Based on the conversation I had concerning a new well for Lot 2, they may not issue or grant a letter of non- objection for the lesser separation distance. If this holds, a waiver will not be granted. As a result, the septic tank will need to be relocated outside the 150' lost protective radius at the source well located on Lot 2, Blook 1. This may include the foundation drain discharge. Over all, I can not endorse the requested zoning variance (Case #92-060) and Preliminary Plat Application (S-9279) until the Department's Notice of Violation is resolved. In addition, I have enclosed a copy of the submitted information on the Public Water and Wastewater Disposal System for your review and files. Thank you for the opportunity to review this Zoning Variance/Preliminary Plat Application. If you have questions, please do no hesitate to contact me at 349-7755. Sincerely, Keven K. Kleweno District Engineer Enclosures: As Stated KKK/cf DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION / ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE 800 E. DIMOND BLVD., SUITE 3-470 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 July 21, 1992 Henry W. Waterfield, P.E. P.O. Box 520922 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 Subject: Lot 1, Block I Valley View Estates Addition #1 ADEC Project #'s 9221-DW-091 and 9221-DWW-043; Reveiw Dear Mr. Waterfield: This is in response to your June 26, 1992 submittal, which included a set of as-built drawings of two wastewater disposal systems serving a single family and a multi-family located on the above-referenced property. As stated in a Departmental letter to Mr. Harold Tobey, your client, the submitted plans are incomplete. In addition, the wastewater disposal system serving the multi-family residence was installed without first obtaining written department approval to construct which is a violation of 18 AAC 72.210, Wastewater Disposal. As a result of the above noted problem with the submitted plans and the fact that the wastewater disposal system has failed, and also based on recent inspections, I will not conduct a complete review of the submitted plans. A set of engineering plans is required covering the needed upgrades to bring the existing wastewater disposal system into compliance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations. The requested plans will need to be submitted within 10 days of receipt of this letter. In regards to the existing Class A Public Water System, it also was installed without obtaining written approval of engineering plans prior to installation. This is in violation of 18 AAC 80.300 (a). Before any type of approval can be issued, items noted in 18 AAC 80.310 will need to be submitted to this office under the stamp of a Professional Engineer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. KKK/cf CC: Sincerely, Keven K. Kleweno District Engineer Tobey & Johnson, Attorneys at Law 880 H Street, Suite 200, Anch., Ak 99501 After the lift station pump was turned on, I saw wastewater bubbling up to the surface of the land in at least two locations along the toe or side of the soil absorption system: the first near the driveway entrance where I could hear the lift station pump running, with wastewater bubbling up and running down the driveway and along the road; the second was a far greater discharge volume from the toe of the absorption bed adjacent to the lift station pump. After making these observations, I asked you to take the following steps to reduce the health hazard from the surfacing sewage: pump the septic tank and pump the tank on an as needed basis until the system is repaired using a septic tank pumping and hauling firm; 2.) temporarily operate the septic tank as a holding tank; 3,) 5.) turn the lift station off; submit engineering plans and soils tests for repair or replacement of the soil absorption system to the Anchorage District Office of the DEC for review and approval prior to construction of the repairs; immediately apply bleach to the areas contaminated with surfacing wastewater to provide immediate disinfection; 6.) in order to provide long term treatment and disinfection of the areas contaminated with wastewater, within twenty four hours, you were asked to apply lime to the areas contaminated with surfacing wastewater. As we discussed, I collected samples of the ponded wastewater for laboratory analysis. The possibility exists that during the backfill or covering of the absorption system, the pipes were inadvertently separated or damaged. As a suggestion, you might be able to effect repairs to the existing system by carefully excavating the connections between the lift station and the manifold in the soil absorption system and also by looking at the end of the lateral leach line nearest the driveway entrance. I suggest you have a professional engineer present if you intend to dig up the installed system to assist you in documenting the problems with the existing system. Please contact the Anchorage District Office of the DEC at least 48 hours in advance of excavation, at 349-7755, to coordinate an inspection of the system excavation and repairs. WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE 3601 C STREET, SUITE 1334 D JUL 1 5 1992 DEPARTMENT OF ENViROf~,~FJ,fTAL CONSERVATION Mr. Harold Tobey 880 H. Street Anchorage, AK 99506 Phone: (907) 563-6529 FAX: (907) 562-4026 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED t, 054 972 t84 July 14, 1992 Dear Mr. Tobey: Re: Lot 1, Block 1, Valley View Estates Addition #1, 10 bedroom four-plex on site wastewater disposal system and Class A water System. On Friday, June 26, 1992, the Anchorage District Office of the Department of Environmental Conservation received an incomplete set of as-built plans for the wastewater disposal systems constructed on Lot 1, Block 1 Valley View Estates Addition #1 in September, 1991. The plans lacked a plan view layout of the soil absorption system. In addition, a review of the DEC files indicates approval was not obtained from the DEC prior to construction of the wastewater disposal system. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM On Monday, June 29, 1992, I met with you and your engineers at the subject property to discuss the failing wastewater disposal system for your four-plex and single family home. As I drove up to the four-plex, I observed a water stain in the gravel road, extending approximately 200 feet down the road from your lot. When I got out of the car, I smelled the odor of wastewater and saw puddles of wastewater on the surface of the driveway. I saw seeps coming from the side of the soil absorption system which looked suspiciously like wastewater seeps, since I observed an algae growing on the soils in the vicinity of the seeps. Harold Tobey July 14, 1992 In the event the absorption system is not repairable with the above mentioned suggestions, you should have a professional engineer conduct several excavations and perform soil tests to determine the nature and absorptive capacity of the subsurface soils so they can properly size a soil absorption system to serve your buildings. Once the soils have been evaluated, your engineer should be able to design a system appropriate for your building to submit to the DEC for review and approval prior to construction. DRINKING WATER SYSTEM After further review of the information submitted by your professional engineer, Mr. Henry Waterfietd, I noted the septic tank serving the single family home is located within the 150 foot protective radius from the public water supply well depicted as a Class C well. Since the well serves thirteen bedrooms, one more than normally considered a Class C service, the well should be classified as a Class A public water supply well with a 200 foot protective radius. The protective radii are set out in 18 AAC 80.030(a) Table A. You may apply for approval of a lesser separation distance than set out in Table A as provided by 18 AAC 80.030 (b) 1 through 4, but I suggest you discuss this option with Mr. Kleweno of the Anchorage District Office prior to expending funds on the waiver request. It also appears your public water supply well was drilled on 7/13/91, without benefit of approval of engineering plans by the Department of Environmental Conservation as required by 18 AAC 80.300. You are required to obtain approval of design plans from the DEC prior to construction of a new water supply well or wastewater disposal system. Approval of plans by the DEC typically consists of: a signed construction portion of a construction and operation certificate for water supply wells; and for wastewater disposal systems a signed letter of approval to construct. 132-~ NI ~2V2H STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR ON-SITE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM APPROVAL ~-GENERAL iNFORMATION Legal Description of the Location Applicant Name Address (Street or P. O. Box) City, State and Zip Code Send~pproval to; ~Applicant ~Other: (Give Name & Address) Applicant is: (Check one) p~.~-~ ~ po L~ Bank E]Certifiedlnstalle~NI0. /34'/ ~ [] Owner/Builder Type of Residence ITotal NO. of Bedrooms Telephone '~. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Source of Water and Containment (Check all that Apply) ~ell (Drilled or Driven) [] Surface (Identify) [] Roof Catchment [] Other (Identify) [] Holding Tank Type of Water Supply System [] Private ~ub[ic (Serves more than one family) ITreatment of water (Check all that Apply) ii'one []Chlorination Isdrainagedirected away from or around the casing withina radius of 10 feet of the well casing? [~ Yes [] NO -- - De th of Well (Feet) Static Water Level (Feet) Yield (If Avadable) ump Rate (If Available) 7//~17/ ~ 7//~lWl 4.~ /'~ "°"~ "".~' "-' ~ ~ ~ tlC/Holding Tank on Lot Sewer Lines on Lot Closest Septic/Holding Tank on Adjacent Lot Closest Sewer Lines on Adjacent Lot If toxic materials are stored on 1he propeAY, inc[uding fuel tanks pa nxs, lubricants and other petroleum based mamrials, pesticide, fungicides or herbicides, indicate distance from contaminants to well casing: Water Sample Taken by; Name Address ~ge of an AbsorptiomArea on Adjacent Lot Water Sample Results: [] Satisfactory- Date: [] UnsatisfactorY- Date; Attach COpy Corn nts/Recommendations: ~~'~t. ~ped/Printed Name Title Date : . · · , ' glneer, Department of Environmental Conservation or the Owner/Eui/der III, WASTEWATER DISPOSAL [~Septic Tank/Absorption System · Capacity of Tank [] Hold~ng Tank - Septi6 Tank Outfall ~ ¢~¢~ ~ New System [] (Specify Brand Name or Process) Where Waste is Disposed Other (Specify): ] [] Certified Installer [] Other: JType/Manufacturer Separatlo,' Water S~pply Sourc~ on Lot ,NLot .....t Water Supply So ...... Adjacent Nearest Body of Water[Water Table/Bedrock Comments/Recommendations Date I certify that the above information is correct:  OTE: Mu~r be $igneq~y a certified in,taller, professional engineer or OEC Staff. [-] Existing System Name of Installer Date Installed [] Owner/Builde~ []CertJfiedNo. Installer [] Other: J Type/Manufacturersoil Type or Rating Septic Tsnk Size (Gallons} Number of Compartments Dimensions/Size Soil Absorption System Type/Quantity Backfill Material used for Soil L3ate Septic Tank Pumped (Attach Copy of Receipt) Adequacy Test Performed B¥:(Attach COpy of Report) Absorptlon System Type Soil Absorption System Adequacy Test Results: [] Pass [] Fail Minimum Ground Cover over Absorp- Minimum Ground Cover over Septic Cleanout Pipes/Caps Installed on Cleanout Pipes/Caps installed on tion Area Tank Septic Tank Absorption System Feet Feet [] Yes J~ No J~] Yes [] NO Water Supply Source on Lot Nearest Water Supply Source on Adjacent J Nearest Body of Water Water Table/Bedrock Lot Line Separation Lot / Distsnce to: Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet I Comments/Recommendations certify that the above information is correct: NOTE: Must be signed by a professional engineer. Title, Reg./Cert. No., Inst. NO. Date ~'% NO, 1241-E .~ ~ Engineer '.. .-";¢2;, INSTRUCTIONS FOR DIAGRAM I. In a plan view, locate and identify each of the following: a) Well b) All Structures c) Septic Tank d) Soil Absorption System e) Surface Water f) Sources of Contamination g) Property Line (Include Dimensions) h) Closest well on an adjacent property i) Closest septic tank on an adjacent property j) Ctosest edge of an absorption field on an adjacent property 2. Show distances between the well and each of the other items listed in 1. 3. Show distances between water bodies and each of the other items listed in 1. 4. In a cross section v~ew of the soil absorption area, identify each component and show the depth (thickness) of the following: a) Soil Cover b) Absorption Material c} Water Table d) Bedrock e) Discharge Pipes X 0 Z X 0 0 0 tJJ X LOT I, BLOCK I, VALLEY VIEW ESTATES ADDITION NO, I ASBUILT of WATER, SEWAGE end EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMS HENRY W. WATERFIELD, P, E. P. O. SOX 520922 BIG LAKE, ALASKA 99652-0922 PHONE (907) 892-8194 FAX (907) 892-7642 3A'~E: eyi~ygz ii:NO. TOBEY SCALE: r'= 30' CURVE SCHEDULE (RECORD) NO. O.ELTA RAOIU~S LENGTH CHORD I~ 139.27' I$" 20.00 48.68 37.52 ~ ~-~ -- 43.09[:43.09 ~***;'T;~D ~-~.~ ~o~.~ ~o~.~ LOT 15 CHORD BRNG. $28'49'26'W N36'28'25'W LOT 4 BLOCK LOT 5 BLOCK I LOT 2 BLOCK I FOUNDATION ORAIN I000 GAL IO00 GAL, WATER STORAGE TANK ~L~ ] //// Q