HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESTIVO LT 1Onsite File tZ At m im zan a Lo WATER & WASTEWATER UTILITY 3000 ARCTIC BLVD. PHONE: (907)564-2762 BLOCK/LOTITRACT LT 18 N2 SUBDIVISION US SURVEY 3043 WASTEWATER CONNECTPERMIT 04-5056 DATE OF APPLICATION 02/09/2004 SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE 12/31/2004 TAX CODE 7509210 GRID SE4913 AS -BUILT STREET ADDRESS OWNER RESTIVE) ANTHONY MAIL ADDRESS PO BOX 921 GIRDWOOD, AK 995870921 XI SINGLE FAMILY MULTI -DWELLING No. APTS COMMERCIAL PHONE CONTRACTOR*UNKNOWN ASSESSMENTS Repair Existing Service Xl Main Line Extension On Property Only ` City Tap Have Been Levied Hydrant Only _ _ 50' or Longer _' To Be Levied Main Tap -To Property Line Only Comments: X Main Tap & On Property Connect Row No. Disconnect R & R - Main Tap Only Owner IStaff CONNECT SIZE 4" ISSUED wwNm INSPECTION FEE $ 64.00 PAID] CASH PERMIT FEE $ 38.00 J CHECK # $ 0.00 J OTHER DEPOSIT $ 0.00 I E ,ED BY REIMBURSABLE TOTAL $ 102.00 n �q {� ✓� / TE, NUMBER REMARKS per Larry Holmes - Needs to be Main Tap & On Property permit 4/22/04 PERMITTEE (Please Print) *SAME AS OWNER PHONE MAIL ADDRESS SIGNATURE POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT THE JOB SITE AW WU INSPECTOR original DATE SCHEDULED 5 / / 40 G( TIME INSPECTOR Jai m /J ra SUBDIVISION US SURVEY 3043 BLOCKILOTITRACT LT 18 N2 INDICATE NORTH y/ you q Ic y CSC — �41of — yo�� / tj 5fk/ ORIVEWRY o 46 if� N v y,/Z _ Qom 4a a 0 SIZE MAIN: N TYPE MAIN: p 1 P DEPT AT MAIN: a 2 AT PROP. LINE: �0{f CONNECT LOCATION: ,I COMMENTS: fly f+, NW a F SW or hoe INSPECTED BY: DATE: a PO . SH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, Al ,,",SKA 995r~ (; ;2,0 (907) 264-4111 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONtvlENTAL PBO'TECTION May 26, 1982 Jack R. Vanden Berg Jack White Company 3201 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Your Inquiry: N½ Lot 18 USS ~3043 Section llll-F, of the Uniform Plumbing Code states:, "When there is insufficient lot area or improper soil conditions for adequate sewage disposal for the building or land use proposed and the administrative authority so finds, no building permit shall be issued and no private sewage disposal shall be permitted. Where space and soil conditions are critical, no building permit shall be issued until engineering data and test reports, satisfactory to the administrative authority, have been submitted and approved." Under the guidelines set forth by the State of Alaska in 1975 and the Municipality of Ahchorage adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code, holding tanks are allowed for existing residences built prior to 1975 or residences with failing on-site sewer systems. New construction cannot utilize holding tanks unless public sewer will be available in one(l) year. Additionally, an elevated on-site mound system may be feasible, although expensive. Currently the department is involved in a pilot program which will allow for mounds. Design of a mound must be by a registered engineer and approved by this department. If you wish to pursue a mound system feasibility, a number of firms on the enclosed list are familiar with design criteria. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz Environmental Program Supervisor MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE May 24, 1982 ~NVI,~ ,./! !FHA. ! ~o E'~ ;I_.4 RECEIVED Mr. Les Buchholz Dept. of Health & Enviornmental Protection 825 "L" Street - 4th Floor Anchorage, Ak. 99501 Dear Mr. Buchholz: On Saturday, the 22nd of May, a percolation test was performed on the North One-half of Lot 18, U.S. Survey 3043 in Girdwood. Due to high clay content of the soil the test was not successful. I request that a permit be issued to use a holding tank as a temporary sewer system until such time the public system is available. I know that recent policy has not allowed holding tank permits but I think that an exception should be made based on the following reasons: 1) The lot is large (30,492 Sq Ft.) 2) The buyer is a single man who intends to build a small log cabin and could be very conservative in the use of water. The company which does the pumping lives only a few lots away and charges $50 to pump a 2,000 gallon tank. This would not be overly expensive and is a temporary measure. 3) To insure that the tank is properly installed and no one is cheating, as we know has been done in the past, we would be more than happy to have it inspected prior to covering it up. Your consideration is appreciated. Sincerely, J k R. Vanden Berg MUnicipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE; August 14, 1978 TO: T10N R3E Section 18 N½ Lot 18 U.S. Survey 3043 FROM: Senior Environmental Specialist SUBJECT: File Mr. Daniels has the impression a holding tank permit would be forthcoming after conversations with Mr. John Lynn. Mr. Lynn either misunderstands our policy or was given misinformation by the applicant. Mr. Daniels may approach the Health Department Director or a hearing board in pursuing the permit., If a permit is granted an escrow amount providing pumping every two(2) weeks(not optional but mandatory pumping if tank is full or empty) until public sewer is installed. This would make perforating the tank of no value financially. Les N. Buehholz., R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw 91-010 (4/76) M~. John Linn Dept. of Environmental Quality Municipality of Anchorage 82S L Street Anchorage, Ak. 9890S Aug. 3, 1978 Dear Mr. Linn, I wish to request a special exemption for a temporary holding tank. My lot is located at approximately Mile 1.5 of the Alyeska Hiway. The legal description is: N1/2 Lot 18, USS 5045, S 1/2 Sec. 18, T10, RSE, S.M. I have Several reasons for requesting this exemption. 1) My lot is not presently serviced by the sewer district. ( You will find an attachment which is a letter to the Public Works Dept. of the Munc. of Anch. requesting that my lot be served by the sewer system at the earlist poslble date.) 2) The ground does not seem suited to support a leach field. On July 24, 1978, I attempted to have a perc test performed by Mr. Bernard Bruss of Bruss and Assoc. The location that was chosen was found to be un- exceptable due to ground water at approximately 4 ft. do~m in the hole. It was decided that I would dig a hole on the back of the lot which is higher. I found ground water in this hole as well. The amount was small but made a leach field impossible. 5) The exorbadant expense that I would face to install a leach field would be unacceptable. Mr. Harvey Redman, a contractor in the Girdwood area has estimated a cost of $5000, mostly for removing a large portion of the natural fill and replacing it with local river gravel. This might work but it is questionable whether it would be acceptable to the Municipality. Furthermore, to expend such a large amount only to abandon the system in a couple of years when the sewer is available does not make 4) I would and will gladly hook up to the system as soon as it is available to me. Mr. Howard Mulanax of the Dept. of Public Works has indicated that my property should be served by the sewer system within three years if not sooner. 5)1 would like to build a house on the lot this summer. This house will be my full time residence. Without an exemption for a holding tank, I will be unable to do so until the sewer reaches my lot. For these reasons, I would request a special exemption for a holding tank. I have contacted Sandoval Sesspool Services of Bird Creek. He has Indicated that he will be available at any time to pump my holding tank and would be willing to contract with me to keep the tank pumped on an automatic basis. I an requesting a tank of between 2000 and 3000 gal. capacity for a two bedroom house. I intend to use a 2 1/2 gal. tank toilet and a low water use washing machine. In this way, I hope to slow the rate at which the tank fills. Attatached, you will also find a rough plot?plan showing the location of the well (already drilled), the house (proposed) and the holding tank (proposed). I anxiously await your reply and hope that a solution can be reached that will be acceptable to all parties. Sincerely, Larry Daniels P.O. Box 532 Girdwood, Ak. 99587 May 27, 1978 Howard Mulanax Dept. of Public Works Municipality of Anchorage 5500 B. Tudor Road Anchorage, Ak. 99507 Dear Mr. Mulanax, As per our discussion of May 24, I am requesting the Dept. of Public Works serve my property, in Girdwood, with a sewer line at the earliest possible date. My property is located on the Alyeska Hiway. Its legal description is as follows: N. 1/2 of lo5!58, USS 5043 S. 1/2 of Sec. 18, T10N, R3E, S.M. Tax Parcel #075-091-10 I also hereby request that the petition process be started for the formation of a Lateral Improvement District in this area. Thankyou for your expedient action on this matter. Sincerely, Larry Daniels P.O. Box 532 Girdwood, Ak. 99587