HomeMy WebLinkAboutT11N R3W SEC 2 SE4 SE4 SW4TIIN R3W Sec. 2 SE4 SE4 SW4 #020- 101 -04 DEF'RRTMENT L. HERLTH FIND EN',/IRONMENTRL . iTEE:TION ' 82'5 "L" STREET: RNCHORRGE., BK. ~'D5Ed. 264-472~ PERMIT NO. ( 7,L=:El£~:t7 ) RPPLICRNT LOCRTION LEGRL JI~ME_,- '-- W'T'LI,E PO BOX 2~'~:~ K.~NI HILLS RSHLRND DRI',,,'E '"' '--" "' ~ LOT _,I-E T:L1N R:.W SEE: ~'' ~"' '= '?' ,= 5E1,-"4 :,E_L,. 4 :,H 408 688 46 SQI..IRRE FEET T',¢PE OF SOIL RBSORBTION SMSTEM IS: TRENCH MRXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SOIL. RRTING <SQ FT~'BR)= 85 THE REQLIIRE[:, SIZE OF THE :,uIL RBSORPTIE~4 =,¢=,rErl I:,. ~ \o %.5' THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF 'FHE TRENCH OR DRRINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF R TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DI%TRNCE BETWEEN THE SURFFICE OF THE GROUND RND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCRVRTION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRRVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRRVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFFIL. L PIPE RND THE BOTTOM OF THE ENE:RVRTtON (IN FEET). F"RC:~::R~3E F"LR~4T EiPT .~ C~'-,~- ....................... R PRCKRGE PL. RNI' f'IR'¢ BE INSTFtLLED RT THE PERMITTEE"S OPTION SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ±. EITHER R CLRSS I OR II NSF RPPROVED PLRNT MR'¢ BE tNSTRLLED. 2. R CONTINUOUS MRINTENRNCE RGREEMENT IS REQUIRED. IF R MRINTENFINCE BGREEMENT IS NOT KEPT CURRENT '¢OU MR'¢ BE REQUIRED TO ENLRRGE THE; SOIl.. RBSORPTION S'T'STEM BND,-"OR YOU MFFr' BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. BRCKFILLING OF RN9 S'¢STEM WITHOUT FINRL INSPECTION FIND RPPRO'v'RL B'¢ THIS DEPRRTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DtSTRNCE BETWEEN R WELL RN[." RN'¢ ON-SITE SEWRGE DISPOSRL. S"r'STEM IS 10~3 FEET FOR R PRtVRTE HELL OR 200 FEET FOR R PUBLIC WELL. WELL LOGS RRE REQUIRED RND MUST 8E RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTMENT WITHIN ]:El DR"r'S OF THE WELL COMPLETION. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MR"r' RPPL.'¢. SF'ECIFICFtTIONS FIND CONSTRUCTION DIFtGRRMS RRE RVRILRBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTRLLRTION. F'EF-:M I T E::-::P I RE'--:; [:.EC:EMBEF: Z-":l.. 1:5~";~' :-:~: I CERTIF'¢ THRT ±: IRM FRMILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEI.qERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH B"r' TFIE MUNICIPRLIT? OF RNCHORRGE. 2:: I WILL INSTRLL THE S'¢S'rEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH ]'HE CODES. 3:: I UNDERSTRND THRT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MR'¢ REg!UIRE ENLRRGEMENT IF ]'HE RESIDENCE IS REMO[~LED TO INCLUDE MORE TFIRN ~ BEDROOMS. December 29, 1978 #780017 Ja~es Wylie Post Office Box 208 Aptos, California 95003 Subject~ TllN R3W Section 2 SE~ SE% SW~ A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to doeun~nt the installation date. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw enc: copy of permit TO JAMES R. WYLIE'~.~: Post Office Box 208 · ~PTOS, CALIFORNIA 95003 Phone688-4623, A~aCode408 Mr. Les N. Buchholz, R.S. ~unicipali~ of Anchorage ....... Pouch 6-650 -~dhorage, Al~k'~--99502 January 10, 1979 DAF SUBJECT #7800~? TlZN R3W Sec 2 SE¼ SE~ SW~ Dear Mr. Buchholz: This refers to your letter of December 29th regarding the subject permit. Due to circumstances we did not forsee, we were not able to proceed last summer with the plans we intended. Therefor we did not install the septic system nor did we drill the water well. We do hope to proceed this summer season. If it is possible, this is a request to extend the permit as issued for an additional year. Thank you for your letter. Very tru~rTyours, ~./ [] ~EASE REPLY [] NO REPLY NECESSARY ered in T-l, at least in the upper 8', are quite consistant and spread over a sizeable area. There are no running streams on the proper~y. The proposed septic-leach field site is 200' plus from the closest property line and more than 100' from the proposed water well site. It is thought that a deep trench would provide the most satisfactory seepage system in the soils encountered. The attached plat'of.the proposed pit'can be modified per your desires. There is substantial room for 100% expansion should it become necessary. It is recommended that the soils at the drilled site be approved for leach field Purposes and that the proposed septic system be approved. If in order, a water well permit is also requested. Please contact me if you request additional information or wish to discuss this further° /James R. Wy]/le /Cal. Reg. Geologist ~719 ,,, ~ THE: DRILLING · ' P.O. BOX 8718 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99508 DAILY DRILLING REPORI PROJECT NO: DATE: .. . ' . JOB LOCATION: CLIENT: DESCRIPTION OF WORK ]'RAVEL RIG RIG TRAVEL RIG RIG HOU RS Provide Hole No. and Footage at FOOTAGE TO STAND Each Location - Explain All Down ON WORK DOWN START STOP Time and Stand-by Time SITE SITE BY TOTALS · EQUIPMENT RATE UNITS TOTAL RIG TYPE & NO. CARRIER TYPE & NO. SUPPORT EQUIPMENT NAME OF CREW TITLE EXPENDABLE ITEMS ., :' , .' . ,-,... ~.~, ','~,' .,,. ~- ~...~..~.?... .~ ,. , :~ ..... REMARKS ;,' ~ ' . ~- //~o ~..~'~,~',-'~.'.~ ./-',-~ ''~ ,~, '""':.- ~,,/,_ ,,,, ~' ., ' . ,'-~-- ~.,,~ :~,.~.,c.-' · .... -~", · ~-I,'~'.' ,~/ . .' ~ 0:10 - I01- oul July 29, 1977 James R. Wylie Post Office Box 208 Aptos, California 95003 Dear ~,=. Wylie: I am in receipt of your letter of July 22,. 1977 concerning the soils ~/%alysis and your plans to build on your property on Rabbit Creek. We will accept your California geologist registration nu/~ber and allow you to do the soils analysis on your own lot. We will need a report of the soils classification. A permit is required for both the well and the on-site sewer system. These permits are available in this office. The p~rmit for on-site sewer can only be issue4 after the soils classification ]las been accomplished. If you have any further questions, please contact us at 279-2511 extension 220 or at 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Sincerely, Joseph S. Blair, RoSo Sanitarian JSB/ljI~ James 1t. Wyli~ POST OFFICE BOX 208 APTO$, CALIFORNIA 95003 PHONE 688-4623, AREA CODE 408 GEOLOGIST July 22, 1977 AP~020-101-04 Mr. Rolf Strickland, R.S. Department of Health & Environmental Protection Municipality of Anchorage 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska g~501 Dear Mr. Stricklaud: As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, we are interested in building a home for ourselves on our property at Rabbit Creek. Attached is a copy of the preliminary plat for the home site which is off Ashland Drive in the Keno Hills Subdivision. I am proposing ~o come back to Anchorage to do the preliminary work, gopo survey, soil test, water well location. If you feel I would qualify to do the soils investigation on this site, I would plan to contract an anger drill rig or a backhoe to dig a test pit on the site of the Proposed Septic System to a depth of 16'-20' or k' below the bottom of a deep trench leach system. I have examined many sites in Santa Cruz County for Septic & Waste Disposal purposes. I have done m~ny percolation tests and have designed waste systems locally and have included a couple of the letter reports for your inspection. I am a licensed Geologist in California - ~719. I am a General Building Contractor and General Engineering Contractor in California ~2S0075. The General Geology Map of Anchorage 1-787-Aby Schmoll and Dobrovolny indicates tha~ the soils are moraine deposits made up of gravels, sands, some silt and clay. From looking at the cut b~nks and with this information I anticipate that a suitable site ~a~ waste disposal can be located rather readily~ somewhere on ~he 10 acressite. If you feel I would Qualify to do the soil inspection and testing on this site, I would appreciate hearing from you shortly as we would plan to proceed promptly. I would plan to do this work, the site plan, topo survey and dig a water well the next trip. Long distance planning leaves something to be desired. Regal// attachments