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L0 Jun 30 11 05:00p Beau Maxim 19073391985 Mark Begich Mayor Development Services Department Building SQfety Division On-Site Water & Wastew~ter Program 4700 Elmore Rood P.O. Box 195650 Anchora96, A K 99507 Pump Installation Log 'Well Drilling Permit Number: SW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number: () Legal Description TllN RSW SEC 3 LT3 S2 AND LT4 PTN Pump Installation Date: 0/13/11 Property Owner Name & Addre~: RICH^IRD FEENEY t6745 OLD SEWARD HWY ANCHORAGE, AK Pump Intake Depth Below Top of W'ell Casing: 237 feet Pump Manufacturer's Name: ¢OULOS Pump Model: ~osB~o 41:2CL Pump Size ~ hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: 9 feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: c^~zB[~ Pitless Adapter Installer: u~^ Well Disinfected ti'pon Completion? [] Yes [] No Method of Disinfection: RECIRCULATED OSING CHLORlUE PELLETS Comments: Pump Installer Name: BEAU MAXIM Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump [nsmllation log to ~he DSD within 30 days of pump instatlation. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE · DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS U~ DISTANCE TO: '20~ ' ~ Absorp~n area ~. Dwelling ~5 ~ PERMIT NO. ~ ~ ~ O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Materia~ No. of compartments Liq. capac'tyf~i ~ '-~all°ns IF HOM[~BE: Insld. Ionflth ~ ~ ~ Width ~ ~ ~o. o~ lines kon~th o~ oath line lotal length of I~nes Tronch width Distance between lines lotal Length Width ~ Depth PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area ~,~ Type of cr~/~ Crlbdia~;ter~ Cribdepth ~ ~ Well Building foundation Nearest lot Jine ~ DISTANCE TO: ~OO '~ K.~- tlDO~ I(~ '~ ~ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS 8OI L T EST RATING REMARKS ~¢ ~,~6f4 ~4 ~% APPROVED DATE LEGAL 72-013 ) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ' "' DEPARTN~ENT OF HEALTH'AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTtON ~ _ ' ~ERCOLAT'ION;.' ' ~'" TEST 825 L. Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99501 264-4720 'SOILS'LO(~- PERCOLATION TEST -- .- ' 4 5 6 7- 8- 9 10; 11 14- 15 16 17 19 13- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date ..% Gross Net Depth to Net _ .,~.~.'~_. % _~,_ Time Water Drop · ,, .,,,, . - 20 DAILY DRILLING LOG PENN JERSEY DRILLING CO. 2833 East 72nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 344-2612 F LAND Richard Feeney OWNER 0 ..................................... ~ ............................................................ AD D R E S S ..$. ~.{/~... ~.~q,'... ~LQ..0..-..~ ....A..I~ c..h.. ,.....~..~..~... ?. ~. ~.0..~. ................................... WELL--SITE S~ of Lot 3,SW~ of Sec.3,TwpllN, Range 3W DATE--ENDED ......... ~!~! ...{./.. ?.....G.~.~ ~ .......................................... ....'.. ............... DEPTH OF WELL ..... .~. ~.*. ...................................... STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT ................................. DRAW DOWN FT .............................. 3 GPM GALS. PER HR._ . ........................ ]. 6" Steel Welded KIND OF CASING .................................................................................................. KIND OF FORMATION: M1SCL. FROM .......... ~ ............. FT. TO .......... ~ ............. FT...R!~ ........................... FROM .......... ~ ............. FT. TO .......... !! .......... FT..~I~!~ ...................... FROM .......... !! ........... ~T. TO .......... ~ ........... FT...P.9~..~!~X.b ......... FROM .......................... FT. TO ......... ~ ............... FT...~R..~.~.~ ...... FROM .......... ~.~ ........... FT. TO ..........~.9........FT...~J!~ ................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ........................................ FROM .......................... FT. TO FT INFORMATION: 37' Feet of Casing FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... ET. TO .......................... FT ......................... , ............... FROM]] ...................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... ET. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... ET. TO .......................... FT ......................................... FROM .......................... FT. TO .......................... FT ......................................... Ted, Tom, & Larry Schachle-Jr. DRILLER'S NAME .......................................................................................................... ALASKA nUlRorlm{!nTAL CONTROL S{!RUIC{!S, ~n~ineerinq ~- ~nuironmental InC. December 12, 1984 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, AK 99501 264-4720 Attn: Cathy Benediktsson Dear Cathy: This report is an investigation of the practicability of adapting a tank with an elliptical cross section that appears to have been previously used as a bulk fuel transport vessel, for use as a septic tank. A design was completed on October 15, 1984 and included a letter to Mr. Feeney regarding clarification of the proposed configuration of the tank. The Uniform Plumbing Code, UPC, deals mostly with the internal dimensions of a septic tank and has two guidelines for required ~ strength. These are lid strength and the gauge of steel to be used. Since the tank may not have been a pressure vessel, which is assumed for these calculations, the strength required may or may not be adequate for this use. However, if proper installation procedures are followed, it may serve the desired purpose. The existing tank has three compartments with the middle compartment having a manhole in the top. There are signs of varying degrees of corrosion ranging from superficial or surface rust to moderate or surface pitting. Photographs of two baffle ports and the bottom of the middle compartment were made on November 1, 1984. There is a large dent in the side of one tank near one end. The corrosion and dent may be factors determining the performance of the unit over a long period of time especially if it may somehow be subjected to live loads induced by large vehicles or equipment. A horizontally placed elliptic cylindrical tank does not have the even pressure distribution characteristics around the exterior that a circular cylinder will have. Therefore, certain precautions should be taken since excess loading will have greater effect on structural stability. It is recommended that the bulkhead existing in the proposed first compartment remain. This bulkhead should be modified to resemble the sketch in Fig. 2 to aid in strength against crushing forces, desired flow characteristics through the tank and sludge removal. Installation will have to be executed carefully. The tank should be placed on undisturbed, unfrozen ground and backfilled with well compacted NFS sand placed in 6 inch lifts. This compacted backfill should extend to a depth that is about 6 inches above the middle of the 1200 West 33rd Auenue. Suite [~ · Anc}~erc[cje. Alo~a 99503 · [907] 561-50z~0 side of the tank. Less compaction will be needed above this point but should not be placed as loose fill. Burial depth is not recommended below 4 feet and rigid board insulation should extend a minimum of 1 foot beyond the most extreme edge of the tank on all sides. This is to help minimize the influence of frozen ground on the tank. The tank will have to be brushed with a wire brush of some sort to remove all rust from the interior and exterior surfaces. Ail loose material must be removed from the inside of the tank prior to application of any coating. Bitumastic paint or equal will have to be applied so that no bare metal is visible. All calculations assume a worse loading condition. Earth dead loads are calculated using depths of soil measured from the horizontal axis of the tank to the finish grade of the ground surface. This weight is then applied to the upper half of the shell of the tank. Should you have any questions regarding this unit please feel free to contact me at AECS. Sincerely, Steven F. Cords Civil Engineer bJ ALASKA ENVIRONI~=NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY .~F~ ~:~:~:~,~ CHECKED BY. ALASKA ENVIRONh,cNTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. · 12OO West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 CALCULATEO BY ~-' ~ ~ DATE CHECKED 8¥ DATE SCALE ALASKA ENVIRONI~i~.~ITAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. ,1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SCALE = 17/2/~ ALASKA ENVIRONh,.:NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. EI,EET~O OF · 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 CALCULATED Ely "~"~'~ ~'~¢~/~ DATE Phone 561-5040 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE PROPERTIES OF PARABOLA AND ELLIPSE PARABOLA £LLIPSI: When H+B-0.1 or less, appm:dmate ~ yzperlmet~'-~orusefa, mulasfor ~ ~ '~- - Y'(B+'H)'~r~ . d~cu~ar arcs kpfxoximate ~.~+p a b C d · ~ H~ I~ :b: I ~ B ~n~ bmay~O~2g March 13, 1985 DRAFT Tell It To Bud ', \ The Anchorage Times Box 40 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Ref: RE-F Dear Bud: Your letter dated March 7, 1985 requested information concerning Mr. Richard L. Feeney's application for an "on-site sewer permit"° Since August 10, 1984 our Environmental Engineering section has worked with Mr. Feeney in an effort to comply with his requests. In designing an on-site wastewater disposal system it is critical that tha subsurface absorption system be installed4' or more above the know shallow groundwater level. On August 11, 1984, it was specifi- cally explained to Mr. Feeney that a current water monitoring test would be necessary because shallow groundwater in this area was a problem and could contribute to the premature failure of his system. Mr. Feeney insists that his permit should be issued based on the results of a soils test taken in early 1982 which showed groundwater seeps at a depth of 7'. This three year old test is not acceptable for the following reasons: 1. There was no monitoring of the groundwater table during the 1982 soils test which would indicate the depth to the pgabilize~ groundwater table. 2. The groundwater table in this area has risen and is in all probability ~ at a depth of less than 7'° During the last conversation with Mr. Feeney (on February 6, 1985), he was advised that his permit would be issued within 15 minutes after he furnished the needed information on the groundwater table° This office has many hours and has "gone the extra mile" in trying to help Mr. Feeney, and we have very patiently and tolerantly withstood his verbal abuse and ~hreats. Sincerely~ Rodman Wilson Deputy Director for Health RW2/ra/d8 Director Health & Environmental Protection Department 825 L St. Anchorage~ Ak, 99501 TELL IT TO... Box 40 , Anchorage, Alaska 99510 PLEASE HELP ME ANSWER A QUESTION I hope you can give me the facts. But if you can't would you be so kind as to suggest who can? The question: Sincerely, When can Richard ~. Feeney expect to receive his sewage septic system permit? See enclosed letter. Please provide a written statement commenting on this matter° Thank you kindly for your consideration. Date RE-'Y MEMORANDUM DATE: February 8, 1985 TO: Commissioner of Public Safety FROM: SUBJECT: Manager, Environmental Health Division ~Y~-- On-site Sewer Permit Request by Mr. Richard Feeney S/2 Lot 3 SW/4 Sec 3-TllN-R3W SM This memorandum will furnish a chronological summary of all the events contri- buting to Mr. Feeney's obvious state of frustration and dissatisfaction with this department° On May 7, 1982, an On-site Sewer Permit (No. 820275) was issued for a single family 4 bedroom residence on the subject lot. This permit was issued on the basis of a soils test taken on May 5, 1982 which indicated that groundwater was encountered (but not monitored) at a depth of 7'. On May 17, 1982, a well was completed on the subject lot to a depth of 250' (in bedrock) with a completion productivity of 3 gallons per minute. It should be noted that we have no record of an On-site Well Permit being issued for this well. 3o On January 31, 1983, the applicant was advised that the On-site Sewer Permit (Noo 820275) had expired due to lack of activity° 4° On or about August 10, 1984, Mr. Feeney contacted Mr. Bandt of this office requesting two things namely (1) an on-site sewer permit for the subject lot and (2) permission to convert a recovered fuel tank into a septic tank for use in bis on-site system. On the day following Mr. Feeney's application (on or about August 11, 1984) Ms. Benediktsson from this office called Mr. Feeney about additional infor- mation needed regarding the old soil test and the slope conditions of the loto It was specifically explained to Mr. Feeney that a water monitoring test would be necessary because shallow groundwater in this area was a problem and could contribute to premature failure of the system. Mr. Feeney was more concerned about being able to convert his fuel tank to a septic tank than he was about the data required for his on-site permit~ and he advised that he would obtain drawings and specifications on the fuel tank. Mr. Feeney was reminded again to obtain the additional data required for his on-site sewer permit. On September 11, 1984, Ms. Benediktsson called Mr. Feeney to reiterate our requirement for a 7 day groundwater monitoring test, for slope information on the lot in the area of the proposed on-site system and the house, and for a certificate to construct and/or operate (from the Alaska DEC) a com- munity water system to serve his existing house and the proposed new house. Mr. Feeney advised that his plans had been changed and that he no longer planned to construct the second house on the lot, and would therefore not need the state DEC approval for a community water system. Commissioner of Public Safety February 8, 1985 Page 2 10. 11o On or about September 13, 1984, Mro Feeney provided this office with a drawing (apparently prepared by himself) of a 10' long elliptical steel tank, a volume/gauge table for this tank, and a plot plan of his lot showing the location of the proposed on-site sewer system and the location of the existing and proposed future house sites. 12o On or about September 18, 1984, Mr. Feeney brought to this office a copy of the log of a well on his lot drilled in May, 1982, a copy of the original soils test taken in May 1982, and a copy of a water analysis report from a sample of water collected from his well. At this time, both Ms. Benediktsson and Mr. John Kennedy verified with me that we would not issue the on-site sewer permit without an updated and current groundwater level test° Mr. Feeney was angry and adamant about this request, and argued that the groundwater level had already been determined on the origi- nal soil test. I tried to explain to Mr. Feeney that the groundwateH table was critical in the design of a disposal system, and that the current depth to groundwater could have changed in the last two and a half years° Mro Feeney indicated that he would contact several engineers who would lend support to his request to use the old soil test data. 9. On September 18, 1984, Mso Benediktsson advised Mr. Feeney by letter of the requirements that must be addressed and satisfied for the fuel tank to be used as a septic tank° At this time , in an effort to expedite Mr° Feeney's request, I had Mso Benediktsson call Mro Feeney and advise him of these requirements. Mr° Feeney was extremely argumentative and abusive, and indicated that he would not tolerate "all of this bureaucratic red tape." During the next several weeks I spoke with Mr. Feeney numerous times trying to be of assistence but he continued to be very abusive and argumentative° He did indicate however that he had hired Alaska Environmental Control Services (AECS) to provide the required information on the fuel tank. On or about October 17, 1984 Mr. Feeney came to my office with a letter from AECS addressing the fuel tank and the requirements necessary for this tank to be utilized as a septic tank. I told Mr° Feeney that I would have Ms. Benediktsson review the information provided by AECS, and if everything was in order, we would allow the tank to be used as a septic tank. On or about October 22, 1984, Ms. Benediktsson and Mr. Bandt discussed the AECS letter with me and discussed the items which still had not been addressed, namely the structural integrity of the tank for burial and the corrosion condition of the internals and externals of the tank. During this discussion, I called Mr. Steven Cords (engineer with AECS) and advised him of our concerns. Mr, Cords was reluctant to make any commitment as to whether or not the tank could be safely buried. On October 26, 1984, Mr. Feeney called me inquiring as to the status of his request to use the fuel tank as a septic tank. I attempted to tell Mr. Commissionnr of Public Safety February 8, 1985 Page 3 13. 14. 15. 16. Feeney of the information we still needed and he again became very argnmen- tative and abusive° I asked Mr. Feeney if he could come to my office at which time we could discuss in detail exactly what we needed. Mr. Feeney said that he would come to my office on the following Monday. On October 29, 1984, Mr. Feeney arrived in my office in an extremely agi- tated state, and demanded that I immediately issue him a permit to use the fuel tank as a septic tank. I called Ms. Beneditksson and Mr. Bandt into my office so that Mr. Feeney's problem could be jointly discussed. During this joint meeting I called Mr° Leroy Reid of AECS on my office speaker phone and we discussed our concern about whether or mot the tank was corroded, and also inquired as to the structural integrity of the tank. Mr. Reid advised that to his best recollection the tank was not severely corroded, and that he would have his engineer inspect the tank and advise us accordingly° I attempted to point out to Mr. Feeney that the approval to use the tank as a seotic tank was not our only problem, and that we still needed confirmation on the location of the groundwater depth before we would issue an On-site Sewer Permit. Mr. Feeney again became exceedingly abusive and insisted that the soil test taken in 1982 would have to suffice. I tried again to explain that it was for his protection and benefit that we know where the groundwater table was now because if it was shallower than 7 feet (the depth in 1982) his system would prematurely failo Mr. Feeney left in a fit of anger saying that he would take this all the way to the Mayor° On November 1, 1984, I received a hand carried memo from Mr. Cords with AECS advising that in his opinion the tank was not too severely corroded however he also advised that the tank should internally and externally be coated prior to being used as a septic tank. Subsequent to receiving this memo, I contacted Mr. Reid with AECS and asked if he could or would guaran- tee that this tank would withstand being buried. Mr. Reid would not give any such guarantee but advised that he would have his engineer make the required mathematical analysis and advise me accordingly. After approximately three weeks, Mr. Feeney contacted our office several times and each time was extremely argumentative and abusive. I fidally told Mr. Bandt and Ms° Benediktsson that I would be the only one to talk to Mr. Feeney because I didn't want them further involved in this very voli- tile situation with Mr. Feeney. In several subsequent telephone conver- sations which Mr. Feeney, he repeatedly stated that he didn't have to put up with this bureaucratic red tape, and that he would advise the Mayor of the treatment he was receiving. My attempt to help Mr. Feeney and to somehow allay his emotional distress was to no avail. On December 15, 1984, I received a letter from Mr. Steven Cords with AECS which finally addressed the structural integrity of the tank. The findings of AECS were somewhat nebulous, and the following are excerpts from this letter: Commissioner of Public Safety February 8, 1985 Page 4 17. 18o "Since the tank may not have been a pressure vessel, which is assumed for these calculations~ the strength required may or may not be ade- quate for this use. "There are signs of varying degrees of corrosion ranging from super- ficial or surface rust to moderate or surface pitting°" "There is a large dent in the side of one tank near the end." "A horizontally placed elliptic cylindrical tank does not have the even pressure distribution characteristics around the exterior that a cir- cular cylinder will have°" "It is recommended that the bulkhead existing in the proposed first compartment remain° This bulkhead should be modified to resemble the sketch in Fig.2 to aid in strength against crushing forces, desired flow characteristics through the tank, and sludge removal." "Installation will have to be executed carefully." "The tank should be placed on undisturbed~ unfrozen ground and back- filled with well compacted NFS sand placed in 6 Inch lifts°" "The tank will have to be brushed with a wire brush of some sort to remove all rust from the interior and exterior surfaces." "Bitumastic paint or equal will have to be applied so that no bare metal is visible." Upon receipt of the above referenced letter, Mr. Bandt, Ms. Benediktsson, and myself discussed in detail whether or not we should permit this tank to be used as a septic tank. It was obvious to each of us that AECS, as indi- cated by their letter, also was reluctant to recommend its use. One of our mutual concerns is with the liability exposure to the Municipality if the subject property is sold and the Health Authority Approval CertiPicate indicated to the new owner that the on-site sewer system meets all Municipal requirements. In one last effort to work with Mr° Feeney, it was decided to allow Mr. Feeney to use the tank as a septic tank, however, the Municipality would assume no responsibility or liability for the tank in the event of its subsequent collapse or failure, and would so indicate on any future Health Authority Approval. On January 4, 1985, a letter was sent (to Mr. Feeney's address indicated on his application for an on-site sewer permit) to Mr. Feeney advising him as to our decision to allow the tank to be used as a septic tank, and to the conditions attached there to. In all of our conversation between October 20, 1984 and late December, 1984, Mr° Feeney was only concerned with having his tank approved for septic service. Commissioner of Public Safety February 8, 1985 Page 5 19. On or about January 16, 1985, I received telephone calls from both Carol Rion and Commissioner Franklin's offices inquiring as to the status of the Feeney problem° It was of this time that I discovered that my letter to Mro Feeney dated January 4, 1985, had been returned to "sender" on January 14~ 1985o A duplicate of the original letter was made immediately and picked up by Mr. Feeney shortly thereafter. 20° On February 6, 1985, Mr° Feeney called me and inquired when I was going to issue his on-site sewer permit. I once again tried to explain to Mr. Feeney why I needed to know if the depth to groundwater had changed since 1982 as it has, generally, throughout the Municipality. I also tried to explain to Mr. Feeney that I needed the slope information to determine whether or not a lift station would be needed between his septic tank and the subsurface disposal field. Mr. Feeney advised that there was a 15 to 20 foot drop in elevation between his house and the proposed septic system site° I told Mr. Feeney that this information would suffice for the slope but that I still needed the groundwater information before I would design his system and issue the on-site sewer permit. Mr. Feeney again became extremely abusive and denied having ever discussed the groundwater require- ment in any prior conversations. I tried to assure Mr. Feeney that I would personally issue his permit within fifteen minutes after receiving the necessary groundwater information. Once again Mr. Feeney said that he was going to the Mayor and to the press and expose this bureaucratic nonsense. In conclusion, I believe this office has "gone the extra mile" in trying to help Mr. Feeney, and h~ve patiently and tolerantly withstood his repeated verbal abuse and threats° We have, from the very onset, been explicit and consistant in our requirements of Mr° Feeney, and there have been no "additional require- ments'' imposed on Mr. Feeney. Considering the thousands of on-site permit applications handled during the past several years under the same requirements, I do not see the necessity "for procedural or policy changes to assure that this sort of thing does not happen again°" · Robbie Robinson cc: ,Jewel Jones, Director Dr. Rodman Wilson, Deputy Director Carol Rion RR1-2/ra/d7 ~uNtCiPALt'I'Y OF ANCHORAGE NiEN~ORANDU~ RECEIVED JAN3 ! 1985 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCH0,~AGE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFE'p,, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 Jan. 30, 1985 Mary Ann: Please track the response to Fenney's letter. He brought me a copy of what he took to Robinson. I don't care what kind of person he is, I only care that this case is settled. By settled,'I don't mean we bend any codes. I mean we give clear direction -- I mean we quote appli- cable codes that define our direction --I mean we answer his questions in a timely and courteous manner so he understands completely what we require of him. No one should be given additional requirements when they come back to us. They sh6uld have all the requirements the first time around. I want a copy of this response° I want to know if there is a need for procedural or policy changes to assure that this type of'thing does not happen again? 00-010 RECEIVED January 25, 1985 JAN 2..~ MAYOR8 OFFIOE To Whom It May Concern: On August 10, 1984, I talked to Hr. Brandt of the Municipality of Anchorage, Environmental Health Divisions regarding filing for a current sewage septic system permit for the land I have lived at since October, 1979. The south ~ of Lotl 3, south west ¼ of Section 3, Township 11 north, Range 3 west of the Seward Heridian. I also asked for approval of plans to modify a 1480 gallon Army surplus fuel storage tank (like one used on a tanker truck to a septic tank). Mr. Brandt said it would take one to two weeks before Ms. Benedictksson could review the information submitted. At this point I submitted a copy of the following: 1 May 7, 1982 expired Municipal Approved permit 2) Plans of a 1480 gallon horizontal elliptical tank; a) a scale drawing, and b) a gage chart of horizontal ellip- tical tank gallon percentages 3) A plot plan showing existing house, water well and proposed septic system. I asked if any other information was needed to obtain my permit and Hr. Brandt said I was only lacking the following: 1) Water well log from driller 2) Water analysis report of total Coliform Bacteria 3) Slope percentage on May 7, 1982 soil test report On September 18, 1984, .z~,copy of the following: .//? 1) ~ 3) I supplied Ms. Benedictksson with a Water well log from driller Water analysis report of total Coliform Bacteria Slope percentage on May 7, 1982 soil test report The Slope percentage report submitted was not accepted because it did not' have a raised seal. It was a photo copy of the raised seal report I submitted May 7, 1982 with the addition of the percentage of slope Mr. Reid from Alaska Environmental Control Services (AECS) stamped and signed. I then had.to have Mr. Reid supply me with a raised seal report January 25, 1985 Page 2 that I supplied to Ms. Benedicktsson on September 18, 1984. Apparently Ms. Benedicktsson had the report finished but was held up due to a typist being ill and the report could not be found. I have made numerous phone calls to this office. Most of the time the line was busy. At 11:40 a.m. they were out to lunch at times. If they were not in today, or at meeting or out of town or ill. Not to mention the 30 to 50 messages I left with the receptionist for them to return my call at their convenience. I receives two calls from them. One of the calls on December 7, 1984 after I talked with Ms. Rion with l~ayor Tony Knowles' office on December 3, 1984 and December 7, 1984 in reference to the extended time this permit has~ taken to obtain. The evening of December 7, 1984, Mr. Brandt called me at home. On September 18, 1984, Ms. Benedicktsson called my work phone number and stated her report was ready. On January 22, 1985, I talked to Ms. Rion and on January 23, 1985, she informed me to pickup a letter form Mr. Robinson that I was promised that I would have by January 3, 1985. The letter was dated January 4, 1985 and addressed wrong, post marked January 10, 1985 and stamped received January 14, 1985 back at his office. On September 18, 1984, I talked to l~r. Reid about my proposed system. On October 17, 1984 I paid AECS $200.00 for a report that was to address the concerns of ~s. Benedicktsson's report of September 18. On October 17, 1984, I supplied ~s. Benedicktsson with the following: 1) A copy of AECS October 17, 1984 report addressing the tank and system. On or about October 29, 1984, I talked in person to Ms. Benedicktsson, Mr. Brandt, and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Robinson and myself called Mr. Reid from Mr. Robinson's office and asked l~fr. Reid to address a letter to him stating that the tank is not rusted inside or out and is structurally sound. Mr. Robinson then stated to me that this is the only informa- tion needed to issue me my permit. On November 1, 1984, a letter by Mr. Reid answered that question. Again after numerous phone calls to Mr. Robinson from November 1, 1984 through December 7, 1984 no response. On December 7, 1984, Mr. Brandt called me at home after I talked with Ms. Rion at Mayor Tony Knowles' office earlier that day. Mr. Brandt informed me then that the information from AECS was not adequate. On December 7, 1984, I called Mr. Reid to address another letter in regard to the structural strength for burial on the tank. On~ December 15, 1984, Mr. Reid's letter to Mr. January 25, 1985 Page 3 Robinson has still not satisfied Mr. Robinson although he states his department takes no responsibility for this tank, but will permit one single family installation upon an engineer to provide a written summary of the inspection results. On January 4, 1985, Mr. Robertson is asking for in his letter to'me the following: 1) Q. A. Water monitoring for seven days This is the first time this question has been asked not on August 11, 1984. ' 2) Q. DEC community water letter, at which point you said there was not future house as shown on the site plan but that the permit was for the existing house. This is a correct statement. Initially I was planning for a future house with a three 'compart- ment septic tank system but after finding out that a sewer line proposed will be installed in two years I decided to go with a two compartment system. 3) Q. Slope percentage on-site plan - need to get engi- neer to put it on. A. The original May 4, 1982 soils test did not have this information on it because it was not required by Code at that time. Now it is, so I had AECS supply a raised seal copy lIr. Robinson states: your design was submitted to us August 11, 1984. This is a false date: On August 10, 1984, I submitted my plans. Mr. Robinson states: On August 18, 1984, we responded to your drawings for the converted tank. This is a false date: On September 18, 1984, I personally picked up the letter dated September 18, 1984. }Ir. Robinson states: In addition, the modified mound design will need specifications for a lift station if one is needed. This subject was never brought up until now. ~ inch per foot slope from the house to tank. slope. The house, sits uphill about 20 feet effluent line.pT~ the septic tank about I will maintain A nine percent higher than the 200 feet away. January 25, 1985 Page 4 To sum it all up: I have waited since August 10, 1984 until January 24, 1985. Some 115 working days, countless phone calls, personal visits and still no permit. I would appreciate your help in expediting this permit through the system. Sincerely, R±chard L. Feeney SRA Box 4004-R 16745 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99516 (H) 345-0189 (W) 265-6307 RLF:tlh-0063 CC: Mr. Mr. Dr. ~,[r. Mr. ~r. R. "Tell Mr. H. Mr. L. Mr. K. T. Knowles, Mayor of Anchorage Franklin, Commissioner of Public Safety Ro Wilson, Health & Environmental Protection Dept. R. Robinson, Manager of Environmental Health Div. G. Grilley, Publisher of Daily News Atwood, Publisher-Anchorage Times it to Bud", Anchorage Times Chainlin, KFQD Radio Station Reid, Alaska Environmental Control Services Benedicktsson, Environmental Health Div. Brandt, Environmental Health Div. of nchor e POUb .5-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION January 4, 1985 Richard Feeney SPA Box 400-R Anchorage, AK 99502 Dear Mr. Feeney: Per our correspondence and conversations to date the department recognizes t~o issues. The first in the review process was your application to use a converted gas tank for a septic tank instead of the standard, approved Greer or Anchorage tanks. The second is your re-application for a septic system permit. Your design was submitted to us August 11, 1984. On August 11, 1984 at 2:00 p.m.C. Beneditksson called and discussed your need for the following on your 5/4/82 Soils Log/Pert Test: 1) Water monitoring for 7 days° 2) DEC community water letter, at which point you said there was no future house as shown on the site plan but that the permit was for the existing house. 3) Slope % on site plan - need to get engineer to put it on. On August 18, 1984 we responded to your drawings for the converted tank with a letter addressing the deficiencies and/or corrections. Your engineer (AECS) was to answer the structural questions, and our office received the correspondsnce October 15, 1984. Unfortunately this letter did not address the structural integrity of the tank as we explained to you, in person and on the phone. November 1, 1984 another correspondence from AECS answered questions as to the amount of rust and so on, although no answer as to its ability to withstand burial. Final correspondence to date December 15, 1984 from AECS, has not guaranteed the structural strength for burial of the tank. Therefore, the department takes no responsibility for this tank, but will permit one single family installation. You may install the converted tank as per engineer recom- mendations as to coating and burial. We will require an engineer to provide a written summary of the inspection results. The permit for your septic system still needs water monitoring for seven days. The test hole submitted (5/4/82) showed water encountered at seven feet. The septic drain field must be within ten feet of this test hole, or another test hole may be required. In addition, the modified mound design will need specifi- cations for a lift station if one is used. Environmental Health Division RR1/p/Di2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGI~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEOI'[OI'~ JAN 1 41985 RECEIVED t~86~, S Anclkovage POUCr, 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLE$. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION January 4, 1985 TllN R3W Section 3 S-~ Lot 3 Richard Feeney SRA Box 400-R Anchorage, AK 99502 Dear Mro Feeney: Per our correspondence and conversations to date the department recognizes two issues. The first in the review process was your application to use a converted gas tank for a septic tank instead of the standard, approved Greer or Anchorage tanks. The second is your re-application for a septic system permit. Your design was submitted to us August 11, 1984. On August 11, 1984 at 2:00 p.m.C. Beneditksson called and discussed your need for the following on your 5/4/82 Soils Log/Perc Test: 1) Water monitoring for 7 days° 2) DEC community water letter, at which point you said there was no future house as shown on the site plan but that the permit was for the existing house. 3) Slope % on site plan - need to get engineer to put it on. On August 18, 1984 we responded to your drawings for the converted tank with a letter addressing the deficiencies and/or corrections. Your engineer (AECS) was to answer the structural questions, and our office received the correspondence October 15, 1984. Unfortunately this letter did not address the structural integrity of the tank as we explained to you, in person and on the phone. November 1, 1984 another correspondence from AECS answered questions as to the amount of rust and so on, although no answer as to its ability to withstand burial. Final correspondence to date December 15, 1984 from AECS, has not guaranteed the structural strength for burial of the tank. Therefore, the department takes no responsibility for this tank, but will permit one single family installation. You may install the converted tank as per engineer recom- mendations as to coating and burial. We will require an engineer to provide a written summary of the inspection results. The permit for your septic system still needs water monitoring for seven days. The test hole submitted (5/4/82) showed water encountered at seven feet. The septic drain field must be within ten feet of this test hole, or another test hole may be required. In addition, the modified mound design will need specifi- cations for a lift station if one is used. /_~ly, ~/ · Environmental Health Division RRt/p/D12 PC .6 6.50 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLE,$. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION January 4, 1985 Richard Feeney SR~--Bo~x--~O=~ ~ ~'V~ Anchorage, AK 9959~ Dear Mr. Feeney: Per our correspondence and conversations to date the department recognizes two issues. The first in the review process was your application to use a converted gas tank for a septic tank instead of the standard, approved Greer or Anchorage tanks. The second is your re-application for a septic system permit. Your design was submitted to us August 11, 1984. On August 11, 1984 at 2:00 p.m.C. Beneditksson called and discussed your need for the following on your 5/4/82 Soils Log/Perc Test: 1) Water monitoring for 7 days. 2) DEC community water letter, at which point you said there was no future house as shown on the site plan but that the permit was for the existing house. 3) Slope % on site plan - need to get engineer to put it on. On August 18, 1984 we responded to your drawings for the converted tank with a letter addressing the deficiencies and/or corrections. Your engineer (AECS) was to answer the structural questions, and our office received the correspondence October 15, 1984. Unfortunately this letter did not address the structural integrity of the tank as we explained to you, in person and on the phone. November 1, 1984 another correspondence from AECS answered questions as to the amount of rust and so on, although no answer as to its ability to ~thstand burial. Final correspondence to date December 15, 1984 from AECS, has not guaranteed the structural strength for burial of the tank. Therefore, the department takes no responsibility for this tank, but will permit one single family installation. You may install the converted tank as per engineer recom- mendations as to coating and burial. We will require an engineer to provide a written summary of the inspection results. The permit for your septic system still needs water monitoring for seven days° The test hole submitted (5/4/82) showed water encountered at seven feet. The septic drain field must be within ten feet of this test hole, or another test hole may be required. In addition, the modified mound design will need specifi- cations for a lift station if one is used. Environmental Health Division RR1/p/D12 Ar c orage P ~"~t. 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES. MA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION January 4, 1985 Richard Feeney Anchorage, A/< 995~ Dear Mr. Feeney: Per our correspondence and conversations to date the department recognizes two issues. The first in the review process was your application to use a converted gas tank for a septic tank instead of the standard, approved Greer or Anchorage tanks. The second is your re-application for a septic system permit. Your design was submitted to us August 11, 1984. On August 11, 1984 at 2:00 p.m.C. Beneditksson called and discussed your need for the following on your 5/4/82 Soils Log/Perc Test: 1) Water monitoring for 7 days. 2) DEC community water letter, at which point you said there was no future house as shown on the site plan but that the permit was for the existing house. 3) Slope % on site plan -need to get engineer to put it on. On August 18, 1984 we responded to your drawings for the converted ta~ with a letter addressing the deficiencies and/or corrections. Your engineer (AECS) was to answer the structural questions, and our office received the correspondence October 15, 1984. Unfortunately this letter did not address the structural integrity of the tank as we explained to you, in person and on the phone. November 1, 1984 another correspondence from Agcs answered qoe~ttona aa to thc amount of runt m~ ~;o on, although RS answer aa to lta ability to wltimtand burial. Final correspondence to date December 15, 1984 from AECS, has not guaranteed the structural strength for burial of the tank. TherefOr~ __~--[m department takes no responsibility for this tank, but will permit on~stt~le family installation. You may install the converted tank as per engineer recom- mendations as to coating and burial. We will require an engineer to provide a written summary of the inspection results. The permit for your septic system still needs water monitoring for seven days. The test hole submitted (5/4/82) showed water encountered at seven feet. The septic drain field mast be within ten feet of this test hole, or another test hole may be required. In addition, the modified mound design will need specifi- cations for a lift station if one is used. ~ly, ~ Environmental Health Division RR1/p/D12 Anchorage ~'%'~.6- 650 Pud ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502-0550 (907) 264-4111 DEPARTMENT OF NEALTI-I AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION January 4, 1985 Richard Feeney Anchorage, AK 995Q~ Dear Mr. Feeney: Per our correspondence and conversations to date the department recognizes two issues. The first in the review process was your application to use a converted gas tank for a septic tank instead of the standard, approved Greer or Anchorage tanks. The second is your re-application for a septic system permit. Your design was submitted to us August 11, 1984. On August 11, 1984 at 2:00 p.m. Co Beneditksson called and discussed your need for the following on your 5/4/82 Soils Log/Perc Test: 1) Wate~ monitoring for 7 days. 2) DEC community water letter, at which point you said there was no future house as shown on the site plan but that the permit was for the existing house. 3) Slope % on site plan - need to get engineer to put it on. On bt 18, 1984 we responded to your drawings for the converted tank with a letter addressing the deficiencies and/or corrections. Your engineer (AECS) was to answer the structural questions, and our office received the correspondence October 15, 1984. Unfortunately this letter did not address the structural integrity of the tank as we explained to you, in person and on the phone. November 1, 1984 another correspondence from AECS answered questions as to the amount of rust and so on, although no 'answer as to its ability to ~thstand burial. Final correspondence to date December 15, 1984 from AECS, has not guaranteed the structural strength for burial of the tank° Therefore, the department takes no responsibility for this tank, but will permit one single family installation° You may install the converted tank as per engineer recom- mendations as to coating and burial. We will require an engineer to provide a written summary of the inspection results. The permit for your septic system still needs water monitoring for seven days. The test hole submitted (5/4/82) showed water encountered at seven feet. The septic drain field must be within ten feet of this test hole, or another test hole may be required. In addition, the modified mound design will need specifi- cations for a lift station if one is used. Environmental Health Division RR1/p/D12 ALASKA UIROrlmeI TAL COI1TROL Sel d'lCe$, inc. Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Er 825 L Street Anchorage, AK 99501 264-4720 Attn: Ca'thy Benediktsson Dear Cathy: This report is an inve~ with an elliptical cro used as a bulk fuel t~ design was completed Feeney regarding clar tank. The Uniform ?' dimensions of a sept strength. These ar~ Since the tank may these calculations this use. Howeve? may serve the des with the middle signs of varying surface rust to ports and the ~n§ineednq ~, ~nuironm~nlol December 12, 1984 ~pting a tank previously :ank. A tter to Mr. _on of the the internal ~quired to be used. zh is assumed for t be adequate for ce followed, it three compartments ~p. There are perficial or :aphs of two baffle made on November 1, 1984. There is a lax~-~__ ' c near one end. The corrosion and dent may be fEc~ erformance of the unit over a long period of time espec~-~_~__.~ ~y somehow be subjected to live loads induced by large veh~c~z~_or equipment. A horizontally placed elliptic cylindrical tank does not have the even pressure distribution characteristics around the exterior that a circular cylinder will have. Therefore, certain precautions should be taken since excess loading will have greater effect on structural stability. It is recommended that the bulkhead existing in the proposed first compartment remain. This bulkhead should be modified to resemble the sketch in Fig. 2 to aid in strength against crushing forces, desired flow characteristics through the tank and sludge removal. Installation will have to be executed carefully. The tank should be placed on undisturbed, unfrozen ground and backfilled with well compacted NFS sand placed in 6 inch lifts. This compacted backfill should extend to a depth that is about 6 inches above the middle of the side of the tank. Less compaction will be needed above this point but should not be placed as loose fill. Burial depth is not recommended below 4 feet and rigid board insulation should extend a minimum of 1 foot beyond the most extreme edge of the tank on all sides. This is to help minimize the influence of frozen ground on the tank. The tank will have to be brushed with a wire brush of some sort to remove all rust from the interior and exterior surfaces. All loose material must be removed from the inside of the tank prior to application of any coating. Bitumastic paint or equal will have to be applied so that no bare metal is visible. Ail calculations assume a worse loading condition. Earth dead loads are calculated using depths of soil measured from the horizontal axis of the tank to the finish grade of the ground surface. This weight is then applied to the upper half of the shell of the tank. Should you have any questions regarding this unit please feel free to contact me at AECS. Sincerely, Steven F. Cords Civil Engineer ALASKA ENVIRONi,_NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 ~OB ~'~'/'t/~y ~-"YS,~/~ SHEET NO ~ 0~ CHECKED BY DATE 7-t11~ ALASKA ENVIRONi,.~NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ALASKA ENVIRON..~NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SHEET NO ~ CALCULATEO BY "~'~;" ~"0/~'~ CHECKED BY :/7-/g 7'A~/A~ DATE SCALE ALASKA ENVIRON,,.-NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 12OO West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SHEET NO. OF CHECKED BY DATE SCALE I iS- 19 PROPERTIES OF PARABOLA AND ELLIPSE PARABOLA ELLIPSE W'nen H+B - 0.1 or less, approximate (x~.H,') + (y~-,-B~) - 1 x-{H~B)~ Apmoximate Y, ParameterP-B~-H Nea-qaHB ~ ~ Area-.7854 Dd b C d · AR~ B~WEEN PARABOLIC CURVE AND SECANT ~n~ bmay~O~2B .~MERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL. CONSTRUCTION MUNI¢IP^LITY OF ANCHORAOE DEPT, OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIOI~ JAN 1 ~ 1985 RECEIVED & ALASKA I FIUIROIlmI F1TAL COFITROL $1 RUICI $, IFIC. I~n§ineerin§ 6 ~nuironrnenlal $ludies October 15, 1984 Richard Feeney SRA Box 400-R Anchorage, AK 99502 Dear Mr. Feeney: Upon review of the drawings submitted to our office concerning a septic tank design I have calculated the volume of your proposed tank to be 1480 gallons. There are some criteria that should be met concerning the internal dimensions of the tank which you may or may not be aware of. Enclosed also find copies of the information that my calculations are based on. 1. Inlet structure The 9" dimension from the top of the tank to the bottom of the inlet pipe is adequate since there will be some free fall provided. The baffle should extend a minimum of 6" below the liquid level to divert the influent downward without disturbing the sludge layer. ~ A 1'! space should be provided for ~as 2. Compartment divider (center baffle of tank) Consider Mov/zn~ th~ compartment outlet to about 3" below the invert of the out'eft ~{~le. The baffle should be enclosed at the top and extend 8-10" below the invert of this pipe. Provisions should be made for.gas ventilation at the top of this partition as well. The compartment outlet located in this portion of the tank is meant to pass only clarified liquids and prevent sludge or scum from entering the adjacent compartment. 3. Outlet structure The 12" dimension from the top of the tank to the invert of the outlet pipe is adequate. The baffle should extend from within 1" of the top of the tank to 12" below the invert of the outlet pipe as shown in the drawings. Approved by: Sincerely, /Ste~ven F. Cords ~~J t Civil Engineer ALASKA ENVIRONI~iENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SHEETHO OF SCALE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVlC~ INC. 1200 west 33rd Avenu~ Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY SATE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVIO~-~, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenu~ Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SHEET NO. ~' 'f~ OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY ~SAI_E A)T 2 DATE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIVE-If[DE ALTERNATIVE iFASTEIfATER TREATI~NT SYSTEM - Ti.IN R.,~It SECTION 3, 5 .[/2 LOT 5W -[/4 GENERAL 1,1 THE DRAIfZNGS SHALL BE A PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 1.2 ALL MATERIALS AND IfORKNANSHZP SHALL NEET THE REI~UIRENENTS OF THE tVlJNICZPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, THE CONDTION5 OF THE PERHZT, liND ALL APPLICABLE RULE5 AND REGULATION5 CURRENTLY IN EFFECT. `[.~ ALL EXCAVATIONS AND DEPTHS lIRE /:DVISQRYANDARE TO BE VERIFIED OR hDD~FZED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER. `[.4 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OifIVER OR INSTALLER TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS, EASEiVENT5, OR WAIVERS RECIJIREDFOR INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. 2.0 SEPTIC SYSTEM 2..Z THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE A UPC APPROVED TFtO COIVPARTNENT TANK, '.SET LEVEL, AND INSUI_ATED ~IZTH AN OVERLYING LAYER OF 2" BUR.ZAL TYPE POLYSTYRENE, THE .SEPTIC TANK SHALL REST ON UNDZ5TURBED .SOIL. 2.2 INLET AND OUTLET PIP.lNG ,SHALL BE FITTED IfITH IfATER- TIGHT CALDER COUPLINGS. PIPING SHALL BE 4" .SOLID PVC SLOPED A I~ENIIvII. JM OF ]./4" PER FOOT, i'IZTH A IVENII4JIvl OF 4 FEET OF COVER. IF LES5 THAN 4 FEET, I. JSE ]." OF POLY- 5TYRENE FOR EACH FOOT OF COVER LES5 THAN 4 FEET. 2...~ CLEANOUT5 5HALL BE INSTALLED FIITH CALDER COUPLINGS, CAPPPED i'I'.ZTH AIR-TIGHT JIM-CAPS (OR EI;Z/dIV,qLENT), AND EXTEND A IVlZNIN/JM OF 3 FEET ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. 2.4 THE SEPTIC TANK 5HALL BE A MZNIIvlJM OF 5 FEET FROM THE HOUSE FOUNDATION, AND HAVE A MZNII~IJM OF 5 FEET BETtlEEN THE TANK AND DRAINFZELD. ~.0 DRAINFIELD SYSTEM .~..[ THE GRAVEL FOR THE BED SHALL BE SIZED BETttEEN 0.5 TO 2.5 INCH AND FREE FROM SILT OR SAND, :.7,.2 THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE P, JiKEO I'tZTH THE BACKHOE BLADE TO INSURE THAT THE BOTTOM HAS NOT BEEN COIVpACTED DURING EXCAVATION. THE BOTTOM ELEVATION SHALL BE PLUS OR I~ENUS 2~ IIrZTHIN LEVEL. 3.3 THE DISTRIBUTION PIPE SHALL BE 4 INCH RIGID PVC OR POLYETHYLENE. THE PIPE5 SHALL BE LAID LEVEL. .7,.4 ,qN OB5ERVAT.[ON PIPE .SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOIt"N IN THE DRAIfINGS. IT SHALL BE RIGID PVC, I]STM ~O.~.,w D-~,O.~4. THE 5ECTZON'BELOIf GROUND LEVEL IvJqy BE EITHER DRILLED 0.5" HOLE5 H '6 INCH CENTER5 I~1 OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE PIPE OR A REGULAR SECT.ION OF PERFORATED DISTR.ZBUTION PIPE MAY BE CLAIv~ED TO THE .SOLID SECTION IIETH A I~ I'DB COUPLING. OR SOLVENT ,.7~INT. A RUBBER RAIN-CAP (,]ZtVI~AP OR E(IJAL )!SHALL BE PLACED ON THE TOP THE PIPE. 3,5 THE C, RIqVEL"SH/iLL BE COVERED. IETH A LAYER OF UNTREliTED ·-~;~", ....... . L- BUz,,LOING ~t]P,E~.,-:A 6~ONIfOVEN FABRIC,(,.gJCH A5 'I. ERAFAR FZBRETEX 200 GRAOE, POLY'-FILTER X, OR E~[dAL. ), OR A LAYER OF VIS~LIEEN. IF INSULATION TI5 USED RATHER THAN Iv/OUNDED BACKFILL, THE INSULATION 5HALL BE DOW EXTRUDED BLUE 5TYROFOAf4 BOARD OR ARCO GEOFOAIVl EPIBANKIVENT INSULATION BOARD OF THE RECzUIRED THT-rCKNE55 (J" PER FOQT OF SOIL LESS THAN 4 FEET OVERLYING THE BED). THE SOLID PIPE EXTENDING FRON THE SEPTIC TANK TO DRAINFIELO 3HALL HAVE 4 FEET OF COVER OR AN E~UIVALENT LAYER OF ZNSULATZON TO PRE- VENT FREEZING OF THE LZNE. THE TOP OF THE BED SHOULD BE PLANTED leITH A ICHITE CLOVER AND RED FESCUE NIX. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT CARE BE TAKEN IN CONSTRUCTION OF THE FIVE-ICIDE TO ENSURE PLACEtVENT INTO THE PROPER SOIL 5TRATUId FOR PROPER OPERATION OF THE 5YSTEI4. l nicipality Ancl orage POU,~H 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KAIOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION September 18, 1984 Mr. Richard Feeney SRA Box 4004-R Anchorage, AK 99516 265-6307 Dear Mr. Faeney, I have reviewed the drawing, submitted to this Department for approval of the septic tank design, with respect to UPC 1982 the Uniform Plumbing Code and Department requirements. Any structure design must be approved by this Department for use within the Municipality for single-family dwellings. The following applies to this design: 1. Internal and external bituminous coating is required as described in the code (UPC 15L2). 2. Inlet and outlet pipe fittings should be specified (manufactures, cast or ductile iron, or ASTM D3034 PVC Department). 3. Standpipe holes must have a water tight 4" fitting (Department). 4. Flow-through vent area lacking (UPC 15g). 5. The inlet and outlet dimensions with respect to the water surface must be clearly noted on the drawing. 6. Identify baffle size and distance within depth of liquid. (UPC 15I) In addition to meeting Uniform Plumbing Code specifications, structural engi- neering calculations must be provided by a registered engineer that address structural strength in resistance to earth loads, frost action, etc., while also addressing material integrity. The tank will have to be inspected with respect to the design finally submitted. If you have any questions, please call 264-4761o Sincerely, Catharine Benediktsson Plan Review Engineer CB2/p/Dll ~f~ CL T I C ARSB 1473-C GAGE CHART FOR A HORIZONTAL ELLIPTICAL TANK APPROXIMATE VOLUME = 1,488 GALLONS 48.0 IN WIDE X 76.0 IN HIGH X 120.0 IN LONG DEPTH IN INCHES VOLUME IN GALLONG DEPTH GALLONS 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 li.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 17.00~-- 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00~-~- 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 7 21 38 59 82 107 134 163 134 163 193 224 257 291 361 397 434~ ~ 471 ~ 509 548 587 626 665 704 744 78~ 823 · 862 901 940 978 .i, 016 1,054 1,091 I, 127 1,162 1, 19'7 ~'~ 1,231 1,263 1,295 I ~ 325 41.00 1,354 42.00 1~ 381 43.00 1,406 44.00 !., 429 45.00 1,449 46.00 1~ 467 47.00 i, 480 48.00 1 ~ 488 · C~91~ ,0£~. POD©H fi-650 (907) ~5.!-41 I I <Permit ~: 820275 ,January 31, 1983 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: TllN R3W Section 3 S~ Lot 3 A permit issued by this department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1982. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this department for documentation of the installation dat~o and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files and documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerel~ Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Water Program RCP/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 FIF'[::'L ! C:FINT L. OC:FIT 12 - f.. L.E~iFIL. ~5. - · - L 0 T T F'- OF -'T ,h!?i,.,lh!Lh'! -ll..t.~!~ b.h, OF EJEE:,ROOM:i~] = 4 SE~IL.. ,'4:L~Tt"iNG '2~;'.'. F'T'/E:P)= '±25 I t~E. F~:Ei]:¢.JlRE[:, :7.;12'E .......... r'[:' THE ~;OtL FIE'::Fh~;'PTT'ii,4 :,r.:,,m!'l'-"-~"'"" ]:S: .................... :--, ,,~ .~;~ ..-. E .......... E> E] E=" -F ~--~ === ..4 THE LENG"FN DZMEN$IO!"~ iS THE LENGT!'-! (IN FEE]'> OF TNE TRENCH OR F..'.R,"-'IlNFi'Et_D. THE DEPTH OF R TRENCH OR F'iT' iS THE [:'!STF!NOE BETHEEN TF!E SLIRFFICE OF T'HE GFX]UNC, FIN[) THE E~OT'TOM OF' THE E',:',',C,':~VRT!ON (:Ii'.,! FEET). THE GRR'v'EL DEF'TH IS THE hI!NIMUM DEPTH OF GRRVEL BETWEEN TNE OUTFRLL PIPE ,':riND THE: E:OTTC,'M ElF' THE E::'(CFI'v'RTION (i,",! FEET::'. F'-~',~T ,,I,_ RE:SF'ONE;IE~!LITV TE '.'NF]PM Tkllb DEF'FtF'-FMENT £, h_ ,.rl~. , FIF'F'L I C:i::INT HFIE; T'.. c' - . . _ INL']TFiLLF!]"ILqN .... -- ': .........'= ~ ' . ........... i HI.::, F:N qF~-'"-'' F:~I'.¢£, THE 11'!_[ EUI IL&'l_ ElF Hh!"r' !.4ELL':'~; F!F).TFIF:FNT T'f~ .... '- ._ r::.r, ~'~ ... F,!LII"!E~EF.:Lr~n'- ~'~-": ['Et'.Cr:''::~_ ~ . ,.~ ......... THFtT ]"HE !4ELL H'£11 ::,LI'~.--'-"'E. THE: F: FI -':I<'F 'rl I t ,,iCi cftc. .......... =,TE,, !4ITHOUT FINRL 'rHc;.~'~'-T'r'lN F'!ND C, ETF'f.~R'T]"IE!%~T !,!ILL BE ';.E]E'?' TO PFa3SEC_ITLrFN. RF'F'REffv'Rt_ B'T' 'i"t4 i S MIh~!!"!UM DIS'TRf'.ICE BET!4EEN Fi kiEl.j_ FI!",!D Fi,'N'..-/ ON-SITE .LT, EFIRGE DISPOSI::IL S'¢STEi"I IE; ::LC~C~ F'EET FOR B PRI'v'RTE HELL OR: :LSE~ '1"0 2C1([I FEET FROM Ft PtJEILIC NEL. L DEPEND!NC4 UPON THE T'¢PE OF PIJE&.ZC 14EL.L. i"iZN~M!...II"I DISTFINCE FROhl fi! PRI',,,'RTE HELL T,'.') R PRIVFITE SEWER LINE ZS 25 FEET FIND ]"0 R COM.hiUNIT'./ SEi4Ef4: LINE f.S 7'5 FEET. OT!-IER F;.:EQLI!REMENTS MR'T' FtPF'L.h.L SPEC):FiCFITIONS FIND CONSTRUCTIO!",I [:,IRGRR!"iS FIRE ffv'RILFIE:LE TO INSLIRE PROPER ZNSTRL_LRTION. i CEiRTIF"¢ 'THRT ±: ! Rh'! F'RMIL!FIR HITH TNE REQL!IREME},!TS FOR ON-SITE SEi4ERS RND HELLS RS SET FORTH B'~.' THE I'dUNICIF'RL IT'T' OF RNCNORRGE. i HILL !NSI"RLL THE SYSTEM IN RC:CORORNOE I4ITH THE: CODES. 2i: I UNE:'EE:S"FND TFF'T TFE ON-SI-FE SE,]EZR S'¢STEh'. ?iR'¢ RE'2JIRE E~'._[~R3Er!E,'4T I,:' TF, E i~:EE;IE:,ENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUE:,E MORE THFIN 4. E:EE:,ROOME;. f %-~/I,~.~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVlRONIVlENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST I ' DATE PERFORMED: ~"k' ' ' t''J ' ' LEGAL DESDR,PT,ON: *~ '¢ ' ~,, SI~P~ ' ! PLAN~/ 5 I 4- 10 11 12 13 14. 15- 16- 17- 18- 20- COMMENTS ENCOUNTERED? , pO E IF YES, AT WHAT ]. ! DEPTH? 4- Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) 72-008 (6/79) Note: DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTy TO BE INSPECT~ Sewer and Water Program ' '~ ~ be sure to put colour of house or other landmarks that will make it easy for the inspector to find. Accurate directions will save time and not cause delays in scheduling. SWP/025 Name of Applicant Mailing Address Legal Description Metes/Bounds MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE D'"'",rtment of Health & Environmental Protect'~, On-site SewerlWell Permit Application PERMIT # DayPhone ~..~ ~_~U7 Zip Code ~7/ TYPE OF Sewer Only Sewer Upgrade Well Only Combined (Sewer & Well) Soil Rating Total Depth For upgrade only: Add Number of Bedrooms /7`/ Lot _ g 7/' d I plan to h/a~e the necessary inspections conducted by: Municipal Inspectors (Included in the Permit Fee) Approved Engineering Firm FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY TYPE OF SYSTEM: Pit Drainfield Trench Seepage Bed Mound System Handwritten Gravel Depth,. Width: to length and/or add gallon tank. Fee Collected: Receipt # PERMIT NO. I}EPlaRTMENT uF HElaLTH P]ND EN'./IRONMENTFIL PROTECTION 825 "L" E;TREET., laNCHORlaGE, RE. 99501 ( 820275 ) F4PPL I CRNT LOCRT I ON LEGRL 345.-0189 .9~¢.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.~ SC..~LllaRE FEET I"'.,¢F'E OF _ t. I L. RB=,_ RF F I LIN S'¢S"FEM .[._. DRR I NFI ELD MR,'.'~'II',IUN NUNE~ER OF E, EDF..uuH=, = 4 :,Eli.. RFITI NG i' '.-* THE REQUIRED =>I,,:E OF THE SOIl_ HB_,ORPTION S~?S]'EM IS: THE L, EI~IGTH DINENSION IS TNE LENGTN '.':IN FEEl') OE THE TRENCH OR DRf:IINF'IEI.D. TNE [:'EPTN OF' la TRENCH OR PIT IX THE DISTFINCE 8ETHEEN THE SURFlaCE OF THE GROUND FIND TlaE BOTTOM OF THE EXCRVlaTION (IN FEE.T). THE GRFIVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUH DEPTH OF GRlaVEL BETNEEN THE OUI*FlaLL PIPE RND 'THE BOTTOM OF: THE EXCFIVlaTION (IN FEET). FE[..MI] laPPLIF:FINT HFIS THE RESF'ONSIBILIT'Y TO INFORM THIS [EF-~RFMEN[ DIJRING THE INS-FFILLATIOI'.~ IN_.I¢ E..~ILN.,.. I:IF' FINY NELLS ADJRCEN'r TO THI5 F~CFERTN FIND THE NJMBER OF RES;IDENREq ]'HBT THE WELL. P.I~LL ~EE~E. BRCKF'IL.LING OF laNY SYSTEH NI]'HOUT FINIAL INSPECTION RND FIPPROVF!L B'¢ TNIS DEPlaRTHEN"F NILL BE SUE:,:FECT 'TO PROSECU'TION, MINIMUN DI._,lt f,IC, E E,E]WEEN la HELL [:fi,ID RNa' CN-SITE SEWRGE[,)I..,F]:,HLC'-' ,-,- :,rmrEbl~"¢' ' IS 100 FEET FOR fl PRIVRTE NELL OR :[50 TO 200 FEET FROH R PUBL, IC NELL DEPENDING UF'ON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL, MZNZMUN DISTlaNCE FROH R PRIVflTE HELL TO R PRIVfiTE SENER LINE I~ 25 FEET RND ]'0 R COHHUNITY SEHER LINE IS 75 FEET; OTHER REQUIREMENTS N~'¢ flPPL'¢. SPECIFICRTIONS fiND CONSTRUCTION DIRGRRI'qS RRE RVRILflBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTflLLflTION. I C:ERTIF"/ 'THlaT :{: I RM FRMILIRR NITH THE REQUIREHENT$ FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH 8'T' Tt4E HtJNICIPRLITY OF RNCNORRGE. 2: I HILL INSTRLL THE S'¢~TEM IN RCCORDRNCE NITH THE CODES, ~ I I_IN~ERSTRND TNlaT TNE ON-SITE SEI.4ER S'¢E;TEM MRS' RE:QUIRE ENLRRGEf"IENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMOf)ELE~. TO INCI. UDE MORE: THRN 4 E:E[:,ROOMS, / ~ ~[~ laFFLZCFINT RZCHRRD L FECE'¢ f--~¢ ~ ~.,~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST -7-. 8 9 10 11 ENCOUNTERED? , pO E IF YES, AT WHAT / DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 12 13 14 15 16 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) ET AND FT 72-008 (6/79} CERTIFIED BY~~' C//~%~/'~' ~' ( MUNICIPALITY 0 F ANCHORAGE :.' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH'AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT[ON 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LO~ - PERCOLATION TEST I-'1 ' ' ~ERCOLATION.,- ' ~ ~rEST 1 2 3 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9- 10; 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 20- COMMENTS VI < i.~. _/~ - WAS GROUND WATER ~ I~ ENCOUNTERED? pO E IF YES. AT WHAT .~ F DEPTH? I Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ' PERCOLATIONRATE ' ..' i~''~'- ./'_. ~ (~in~es/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN '., ~F'~ ~ND COR. ~ ECT~ON ~ EAST 629.90 EAST 466.57 SE ~''*'~' LOT ~ LEGEND NOTE : WITH ON-$~rE WATER ~UPP~'-&~/I) S'IE~AGE Notary for Alaska N~y Authorized LOTS I, 2, and of B. L M. LOT 2 A REPLAT OF FRED WAf-ATKA 8~ ASSOCIATES