HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R2W SEC 30 W2NE4NW4NE4SE4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH &ENVtRONMENTAI. PROTECTION ENVlRONMENI'AL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street · Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEIVI AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME VIAl LING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION ~' ~ca /~S~ ~ IF HOMEMADE: DISTANCE TO_~ Length of cacti line Top of tile to finish grade~,/ DISTANCE TO: Absorption area Material beneath tile Depth Crib depth Well Building foundation Nearest lot line Depth Driller Distance to lot line BU lding foundation NO, OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO, ~¢~O50 Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in 9aliens PERMIT Total effective absor )tion area PERMIT NO. Sewer line Total effective absorption area Septic tal]k OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING NSTALLER REMARKS APPROVED DATE LEGAL THE !._l:id",l(!i f'H t:;:' ][ I'ltEi'-,!:ii, ;t; O1",I ]: S l¢l-,Iliii: !,,.Et"4G'f'H ,. 'THI!~: t)l:i:l::'TH El!:::' F:I IRENCH 01:,:: F':[T ]:':il; THE D:i:t:'_r,-f'FI!",!C[~: E',.F.:i:f'!,IE:t:i~N T'HE: :E;LL, r:~:!::'!:::IE:ES I:.IF FI-!E; (iiROLti".k;:, FtI",![) THE: _E~EITFOH OF' FIlE "!!" ~.'.'.~ EiE 11" _Ii:;;?_' EE_- .."h.,,~ C: !~'-"~ ~ 41% E:" '~ i!'-~ ::ti:: :Ei; ~Z:ji; .. (;Ei~ C:~i! it;;E~ ~:::::' !~E:: ~i{; -ii" TI'Il:i: G~;~:f:I',,,'EEL[)EPTH ]:::~; THE H Z[I",!:f_HI.I!"t I)EF'TH (3F F:t!',tt) THE ti~Ecr'f'Ol'd OF:' Fl-liE ENE:FI'v'FI!' ;[ 01",! ( ]; l",~ FEEF ). F::'_~;i:;;rt"l iii 'I' F:I!::'i::'t. ~. E;FIt"FF HF;!S THE .[' .::,! ._ !,! , .[ !:, [ I...[ TI3 ;[ HF' ~;?r'! TI'I i[ S E:,iEPI::!!~:THEI",Ft B' r l..~r~ THE' [t'.F:T'F:I! t..FtT];3N ];!",!SF'E):Z;;T;1;Ed'-.!:E; ql:: F!!",!'r' t,.E:~;!.J_.:~; FI" FFII'I::Jt'dT TEl 't!'I];S I::'!:?"JF::':';'r"¢ F!I"JD FHE h..r'l¢::~:'l:;:' Ol:::' ~;?I~;':~;'~[)[~]I.,It]:E:]:~; 'I'1!!::1'1' THIE ,l[:'ll l,.!:[[...t !','t ;£ h! ]Z Ht..IH i;:, :[ ~?i'FINE:E ti:i:E'f'!,fE;E;N i:::I !,!E%.L Flt'..I[:, I::1t'.I'.¢ Ot'.,!--.~ii;;!;TE: ~i;tEt,.!FIGii:i; :!.(BI3 I:?IEET i:'C)[4: F:f I::'I:;'.]:',,,'I::~-I[E f,.i!.::t.L. OrR JJ:~EI 1-0 ;;;~:13t3 FEET !:'[q:Ol'"l Fl F:'t. JE',L:[E: i,.JE:LJ.. C:,EPE(I",!D];NG t..!F'I])?'] '!HE Tt'FiF'E J]])~: t::'l..IJ?,l..];I]Z: HEI..L.. i'"t);N]:PtlJ!"t D];STFIh!E:E FI;;:C)P! !:::1 F:'i;~:;[",,'f:!"i't~] t'!E[.L TC) I::1 F'fl?.];VFtI-E '~:;({I'IE~R L.];NE ;I;E; 1;3~]i ~EEF Ri".!13' '03 F'I CEd"iMI..th~;i;"t"¢ SEIdlEFR t. [?',!E i:~; 7Cil F'EtET iZ]'I'H¢~;5?. RE%~tJ ;[ I:~:E]HE]N'T'~J; i'qt:::l"¢ I::!PPI._'¢. ~;I::'EE: ;[ F ]: CF:I!' ( Ot".1~; FIN[) E:OHSTI:~:t.tC:T t::l'v'!:;l]]! I::II~iLE~ 'FEI ];NSL.t!:;;'.E; F't;i:OF'ER July 24, 1980 R&M No. 051001-53 Ms. Linda McKee c/o Shuster Properties Star Route A Box 2393R Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Soil Investigation for Sanitary Sewer System, Lot 5, Block 021, Glen Alps Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Ms. McKee: At your request of July 14, 1980, R&M Consultants conducted a subsurface soils investigation at the proposed location of the sanitary sewer drain field on the subject lot. The test procedure complied with those required by the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Environmental Protec- tion. The site topography was gently sloping to the north. At the time of the investigation, the drilling site was an exposed gravel area with no vegeta- tion. Field activities were performed on July 17, 1980. Three test holes were drilled using a rotary drill rig equipped with 6-inch diameter continuous flight hollow~stem auger. The test holes were sited according to your instructions and their locations are shown on the attached sheet. Test Hole ffl was drilled to a depth of 10 feet. Test Hole 02 was drilled to a depth of 10 feet. Test Hole ~:3 was drilled to a depth of 2.5 feet and the percolation test was performed at this location. The depth indicated is below the existing ground elevation at the time off drilling. 'The soils were inspected at the time of drilling by Peter Herstek, a technician from our office. Grab samples were taken to the laboratory and were visually classified. The description of the soils encountered are shown on tl~e attached sheets. Bedrock was encountered at a depth of 10 feet in Test Hole ~'1 and Test Hole ~2. At the time the test holes were drilled, seasonal frost was not present and permafrost was not encountered. Groundwater after drilling was at a depth of 4 feet in Test Hole ~1 and at a depth of 6.5 feet in Test Hole ~2. July 24, 1980 Ms. I_inda McKee Page -2- It should be noted that the information given in this report displays specific conditions encountered on the date of the investigation. Subsurface conditions may vary on other parts of the lot without any apparent super- ficial evidence of the change. Groundwater level may fluctuate both seasonally and from year to year, A percolcation test was performed from a depth indicated on the soils log. The average infiltration in the stratum tested was measured over one hour. The net drop in the water level that occured during the final 10 minutes was used to calculate the percolation rate. The measured percolation rate was 4.0 minutes per inch. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning this letter or if we can be of additional service. Sincerely, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. William J. Thompson, P.E. Senior Engineer WJT/rm/L2-O Attachments [] SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONM[-'NTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6,650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Linda McKee c/o Schuster Properties DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 Block 021, Glen Alps Subdivision PERCOLATION TEST 051001-53 7-17-80 1 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16 17 18 19 20 BROWN GRAVELLY SAND W/TRACE SILT SP-SM G BROWN SANDY GP~AVEL W/TP~ACE SILT GP-GM G BROWN SANDY GRAVEL Water Table GP G SI.OPE SITE PLAN Pe.rc Test BEDROCK ~bin an Roof WAS GROUND WATER Yes S ENCOUNTERED? L' ~ : ' 0 E DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop Hole Refille¢ 7-14-80 10:26 29 2.4 13 10:27 30 9.0" 0" 14 10:37 40 17.25" 8.25" 15 10:47 50 21.0" 12.00" 10:57 60 23.5" 14.50" PERCOLATION RATE 4.00 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ,.___q0~ FT AND --2-,-~--~,~FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: CERTIFIED BY: DATE: 72-008 (7/76) d?ermit #: 821121 January 31, 1983 TO: Permit App ]_icant Subject: I,ot 5 Glen Alps Subdivision A permit issued by this department for an individual well and/or on--site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1982. Permits are issued on a calendar year the permit, by authority of Municipal If you have drilled the well, a well basis, as stated on Ordinance. log needs ho be sent to this department for documentation of the insta]_lation date and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files and documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. S ince[el~ Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Water Program RcP/ljw eric: Copy of Permit SWP/0 5 7 PERMIT NEL [:'EF'RRTMENT OF HERL]"H FIN[:, EN',,,'IRONMENTRL 8;2:5 '" L '" STREET., FINC:HORFtGE., 264-4720 ~-...~ IF_ L. g F" E ( 82:1.12:1. ) FiPPL. ICFtNT SCHUSTER F'ROF'ERTIES SRR 60,, ":'~'q'> R ,:- -'. -. --. b~bLS.~d ? L. OCRT I ON LEGFtL L5 GL. EN IILP:, EL'IT SIZE '99'-=.~9'-:~'9 L:;QUFIRE FEET MINIMUM [;I._,TI-INCE E, E I'I, IEEN FI t.4ELL FIN[:, FIN~' ON-SITE _,EI]I-IGE C I_,I Oz, HL -q'¢STEM ':' - ' ' ~ ':':' '-- I:S 100 FEEl" FOR FI F'RI',,,'FITE P.IELL IR' 150 TO 2ELF4 FEET FR'"PI R FLIE, LIu WELL [:'EF'EN[:,ING .IFuN THE TYPE OF F IJE, LIL. WELL. MINIMLIM [:,ISTFINCE --'~ ~ .... F~JM R FR.[,RIE HELL TO FI F'Rt',,,'FiTE ':-]EL,.IER LINE 'q ;2.'5 1_ FEET RN[) TO R C:OMMUNIT'.¢ SEI.4ER LINE IL-'; 7'~ FEET. HELL L Jb:, FIRE REQUIRE[:, FIN[:' tll..l_,l BE RETIJRNE[:, TL] THE DEF'FIRTM[-'NT WITHIN 2:83 [:'Fi"r'--q OF THE 1.4ELL C:CIMPLETION. LIT'HER RF'[~LIZREMENT¢-; MFt"¢ -~' .... :.: ..... ,-- I-IFFLt. -,PEL. IFIL. HTI_N:, RNE:, CONSTRUCTION C, IRGR[RM.C_i FIRE H FtZLHE, LE Tf] ItL, LIRE F'ROPER ItJ.:,q HLLFIFIuN. F" E R ~-'11 Y. 1- ["~ :'-( F" Y. -' - ":-" . .= .:. F:. E __. E::' E C: E-E f"l E: E: R 3: ::L .. .:L _.~' ....:_ I CER'FIF'¢ ]'FIFIT 2L: I FIM FFtMILIRR HITH THE RE-QUIREMENT':; F']R ON-SITE SEI.,.IER':; F~ND [IELL:, R-q ..ET FORTH E:'¢ THE MUNICIF'FILIT'¢ OF Fff'~C:HORFIGE, 2: I HILL IN'-qTRLL THF_' S'¢STEM IN FIC:CL]RDRNF:E WITH TFIE E:ODE~. P3F P~/~]:FIN T SCHUSTER PROPERT ZFS ............. ~I-W DRILLING, Inc. P.o. 8ox4-1224 o 1310C International Airport hued (907) 274-46t ] ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner. Schuster Properties _Use of WelLDomestic Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Lot 5 Glenn Alps Subdivision Size of casing. 6" Depth of Hole 2/~ feet Cased to_2~) feet Static water level 8' ft. ~ (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) Screen ( ); Perforated ( ). Describe screen o);-'pe~oratl0n_ None Well pumping test ~L_ /.gallons per (h~Ai~ of drawdown from ~[atie level. Date of comp]etion~S~eptember 30~_[~8_2~ ...... (minute) for~_}_ _.hours with WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 0 TO. 2 Casi_~_stickap MUNICIPALIr___y OF AN.CJdOR kG~ DEPT. OF HqALTH & 2 TO_ 5 Fill I. oo~ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 5 _TO_ 7 Organic kdA~ ,~ ~cl ~'~.. ,, .~, 7 _TO 16 16 TO 22 22 _TO 25 2~_TO_._ 2_Z~, .TO TO .TO .TO TO. TO. TO. open end ( xxx~c i~- Silty ~rav el ~ra, c~ured b~drock___ RECEIVED 1 -- CUSTOMER