HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 4 N2 NE4 Appears to be a Public Well August 27, 1980 Robert~ Willes, Manager Property Management and Right of W~y Division Manager Environm~.~ntal Health Division Preposed AWTJ Well Site on ~£12N R3W Se(;tion 4 N~ of N~%[ The proposed site appears ade~luate and could be used for a public well site. Ali. conditions re, levan'~ to insur.~ng proper and adequate protec;tion from sources of c~.ontamination as outlined in the State laws~ '~!itle 18 Chapter 72, shall b~ maintained° In particular, the following apply: (1) NO on..~site waste dispesal system within a 200 foot radius of th~ well head. (2) The use of an approved sewer line only if they must cross through the outer well radii. Our inv~stigation shows the a~:ea is undevelop~,~d and, except for rather swa~lpy conditions, should be adequate for a well site. Roll R. Strickland, R.So Division ~4an a(3er DATE: ] .unicipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM "' ~'' ' August 19, 1980 2 .:': 1380 DIA. OFC TO: Ail Major Departments FaO/QM~Robert J. Wilks, Manager, Property Management and Right of Way S~.~T: Multiple Use Reque.,ts For a Portion of Municipal Land Selection ADL 201253 by Anchorage Sewer Utility and Anchorage Water Utility Legal Description of ~33L 201253: The N1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 4, T12N, R3W, S.M., AWU requests the use of the SW 400 x 400 feet of the above referenced property as a permanent production well and well house site. ASU requests the usa of the South 30 feat of the subject property as a temporary construction area to facilitate construction of a sanitary sewer along the exisitng 30 feet right of way of East 64th (lying South of the subject property) Prior to the MOA receiving a notice of final approval from the Alaska Division of Lands, a test well was drilled under an ADL Special Land Use Permit and has since proven very productive. This well will be the only production source in the South end of AWU's system. It will supply water from Tudor Road to East 76th, and from the New Seward Highway to the East. All departments are requested to submit their comments regarding the requested land uses to the Division of Property Management and Right of Way no later than August 29, 1980. RJW/PL/b lXJU. 4; T 12 N, R 3W, SEWARD MERIDIAN MAP GRID 2035 '-R-ASPB-E R R-Y ~ WELL NO, 13 'rD BE' LOCATED 200' EAST 0 WEST PROPERTY LINE 200' NORTH OF SOUTI- :...~/~L. P ROPE RTY LIN '" ,:~.:~',,,*../. ~ '.,,¢ F-----L2' ' .... ' ~ PROPOSED S,T h,~'l~',~ %] .-, ........ ,== ROAD-' M-W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. B0x4-1224 · 1310C International AirPort ~oad 1907) 274:461! ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner M~in±¢iDalt :V O~ AlqC1)O;cRffo _Use of Wel]--CfrT1 Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if lmown; or distance main road Size of casing C;" _Depth of Hole /105' feet Cased to I:07.25 feet Static water level qq' ft. (above) (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) Screen ( ); Perforate, c[ ( ~ }~ Describe screen or perforation. Well pumping test at gallons per (hour) of drawdown fi'om static level. open end (:C{( ); (minute) for _hours with ft. Date of completion~],/~./p ? Depth in feet from WELL LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAOt: ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of materi~l~-c6i8f '~r~d' h~rdn~ss TO ___ TO TO TO TO ..... TO .... TO __, . ___TO TO 2 -- STATE M-~'V DRILLING, Inc. P.O. BoX4-1224 · 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274-461 ] ANCHORAGE, ALASK~A 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner ~4r~d~'ipn] ~ ~, n£ Ane-hm'n~n p~2e 2 Use of WelL-. Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Size of casing Depth of Hole ..... Static water level. .ft. (above) Screen ( ); Perforated ( __~eet Cased to feet (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) ). Describe screen or perforation Well pumping test at.____gallons per (hour) of drawdown from static level Date of completion__ open end (minute) for_ hours with WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness ); TO ~" .... TO. TO TO_ 'FO. TO ~ :' _____TO TO. .... TO ~ ____TO_ TO TO. TO. 2--STATE M-W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. Box.4-12o4 · 13]0C International Airport Road (907) 274-461] ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner H~,n~Jpa~F Anrq~n~-~,~__- page. 3 Use of Wel~_C~r~a Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Size of casing _Depth of Hole__ Static water level ft. (above) ~Scrq~..~( ); Perforated ( Describe screen or perforation Well pumping test at gallons per (hour) of drawdown from static level. feet Cased to __feet (he]ow) land surface, Finish of well (check one) ). (minute) for_ open end ( hours with Date of completion WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness ); ft. TO. TO TO_ TO _TO _TO TO _TO TO. TO. TO. TO TO TO TO 2 -- STATE