HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndian House MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: 84-010 DATE RECEIVED: January 12, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A request for final license in thr R-11 (~J~ &j/PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ('~ ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: approval of a conditional use to pemmit a liquor zone. _ -010 MUNICIPAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-65D Anchorage, ~cres 'from 264-4215 A request to rezone approximately to __ A request to amend Title 21 to ~ A request for e~l~final, approval of a conditional use to permit a ~ ~ in the ~[[ U _ zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for COMMENTS Planning & Zoning.Commission Public Hearing Date: ~[[3f~t~ DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission (Ordinance Amendments) Municipal Attorney's Office ~_u.~.~i_. ~ Community Council ~ Federation of Community Councils gbl/ng6 CASE: PETITIONER: REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: U' / CURRENT MAILOUTS Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed Federation of Community Councils COMMISSION ASSEMBLY Other gbl/ng7 FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Received by Verification; Anchorage, Alaska 99502 P.C.P.H. Date ~ ~'- ~" ~ ~- D Assembly P.H. Date ApprOved ( ~'~n e w conditional use Descripti'on: (use additional paper if necessary) ~,,.,~_ -~ . Area (square feet or acres) of the oetition area ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ Currentzon.ngofthepetitionarea ~.~ ,'~,~,~ R--il Present ownership of the petition area ~' ~/e ~ .~/+> ~ ~ ~ roy,de a stetement of ,ntent as to final ownership ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / IV. Conditional Use Findings: (use additional paper if necessary) A resolution granding final approval may be adopted only if it includes the following findings. Explain how your proposal satisfies these findings. that the proposed construction and u e of the conditional se wil not be detrimental to the general welfare of the community ?~/o ^ ~) ~ ~-',~ ,~ r~ ~/r ,,_~, ~7 that the conditional use meets the standards and requirements prescribed by the zoning thatthereareadequateexistingsewagecapacity, translspp ortation facilities, energy supply ~nd water supply to serve the proposed conditional use V~P' ~' that the conditional use conforms to the intent of the zoning district y~'~ that the use or uses proposed are appropriate to the character of the area in which the project that the development will not have a substantial negative aesthetic effect on the locale of the project ~ that the conditional use is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan that the proposed use wilt not subject surrounding properties and pedestrians to hazardous traffic conditions ~ . V, At least 18 copies of ~ detailed site plan must be submitted with theapplication. The site Plan must show: - vicinity map showing the proposed development in relation to surrounding development. streets and utilities - topography showing contours at. 10' intervals (if applicable) - exact IDeation of all buildings and structures (existing and proposed) - existing and proposed vehicular access circulation and parking, storage, service, and loading areas (if applicable) L a.n~".pedestrJan circulation - any fencing, landscaping, and buffering Vh Petitioner's Agreement: I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray the costs of handling and investigation of this application and the cost of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission; and that payment of ~he fee(s) does not entitle me to, nor does it assure approval of this application, and that no refund of the fee(s) will be made, I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm that I am thetrueand legal property owner or theauthorized agent thereof for the propertysubject herein, SIGNATURE(e) OF E O~N E R (S) OF THE LAND IN PETITI~A' ADDRESS' VPP[ON E NO. DATE PHONENO, ADDRESS 'il more Ihall one owner or if more than one parcel Is Involved, atlach all signatures on separate piece el paper identlfyin~ which parcels are owned by wh[ch persons, · 'Writlen autholizatlon of the property ow~let must be eubmltled with this appllcat[0n If the applicant Is olher [hah the owner. + _/ F¥~ I-..__.-2 -~ q 0 d':, / / ! 0 ® ,, ® ,i / ' / DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT; 91-010 (4/76) MEMORANDUM January 17, 1984 Planning Department Health and Environmental Protection Cases Due for Review - January 19, 1984 The Environmental Health Division of the Department of Health and Environmental Protection has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: Z76-2: A request for final approval of a conditional use to permit a church in the R-1 zone. No ob]ectzons, public sewer and water to the project. 84-011: A request to rezone approximately 8.5 acres from R-9 to PLI. No objections to PLI zoning, public sewer and water are not available to the project. 84-012: A request to rezone approximately 1.99 acres from R-1 to R-2. Public sewer and water must be ektended to the rezone. 84-013: A request for final approval of a conditional use to permit a church in the R-2 zone. Public sewer and water is located to the project. 84-010: John W. Lynn Environmental A request for final approval of a conditional use to peimit a liquor license in the R-11 zone. The review of the as-built of the on-site sewer system is not an~proved system. . 1. This dep~tment does not have a record, on file, of a perm~for the on-site sewer system. 2. The restaura~, bar plus three(3) unit t~.ailer, one duplex and~railer, two(2) cabins on a 2,000 gallon sep~c tank 3. The system is not~esigned to handle the wastewater generated by this a~a and the depar~ent will insist on a review an~upgrade of this on-site sewer system. This departme~ cann~ suppor~the requesE due above. . / ~.~ ii' o~o P ~f-'~C I 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264 4111 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO£ECI'ION January 31, 1984 Shirley Daarud, Lee collins Star Route A Box 25 Homer, Alaska 99,603 Subject: Upgrade of On-site Sewer Restaurant and Cabins system for Indian House The Department of Health and Environmental Protection has reviewed the on-site sewer system data submitted for the request of a conditional use to permit a package liquor license. This data has brought to our attention, the inadequacy of the on-site sewer system design with the added customers and bedrooms at Indian House. The existing system, therefore, must be re-designed to meet the Municipality of Anchorage ordinances and standards. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, ~ ~.~-~. I~ ~ ~ ~'/~ John W. Lynn Environmental Specialis~ JWL/ljw re~ur] fecal uested and 4. Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT 1:OSTMASTEN FOR FEES) I. The following service Is requesled (check one). ~ Show owhomanddaadslJvcmd ............. [] Show lo whom, date, and address oldollvory 2. [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY ........................... JWL/1 jw sewer/wat~ALP~ograE 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO; Shirley Daarud, Lee Collin~ Star Route A Box 25 Homer, Alaska 99603 4. F(PE OF SERVICE; ARTICLE ~UMBER []REGISTERED []INSURED X CERTIFIED ~EXPRESS MAiL [] COD 744086 (Always obtain signature el addresses or agent) 5~,,~NATUR_E ~, [~]A~sce ,'~Aothorlzod v,/DATE OF DELIVERY POSTMARI( / (may be 01~ ~Se slde ~-, ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (o~rylf UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: GPO: lC82.37e-593 · SENDER: Compre~e [toms 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address In tho "RETURN TO" (CONS'ULT P~STMASTER FOR FEES) 1. ~e l~howlng soadce la requested (check one). ~--'J:f6 how to whom and date delivered ............... [] Show to whom. date, and address of delivery.. 2. [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY ............................ JWL/1 jw sewer/wat~0TA~oqr a~ 3, ARTICLE ADDRESSEO TO: Shirley Daarud, Lee Collin~ Sta~ Route Box 8800 Ind~ an. Alaska 99540 4. TYPE OF SER%)ICE: ARTICLE NUMBER []REGISTERED [~INSURED X~RTJFIEO []COD 7 4 4 0 8 7 [] EXPRESS MAIL (AIwaya obtain elgflaturo of addrase~ er egenl) NATURE []Addressee []Authorized agent 5. DATE OF DELIVERY ~MARK 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE; ?a. EMPLOYEE'S return receipt requested e SENDER: Complete Items I, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address In tho "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) JWL/1 jw sewer/wat~ALP~ogr 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO; Shirley Daarud, Lee Collin Star Route A Box 25 Homer, Alaska 99603 4, TYPE OF SERVICE: / ARTICLE NUMBER E~ REGISTERED E~INSURED x[~CERTIEIED []COD 744 086 [] EXPRESS MArL (Always obtain signature of addresooe or agent} I have received lhe article described above. SIGNATURE ~Auihodzed agent 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 'e SENDER: Complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address Jn the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONS'ULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1. The f~Howlng service is requested (chock one), ~--~bow to whom and date delivered ............... [] Sh~w to w~m, date, and address of del[very ,. 2. [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY ........................... JWL/1 jw sewer/wate0~A~oqr a~ 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Shirley Daarud, Lee Collin~ Star Route Box 8800 Indian. Alaska 99540 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: ARTICLE f/UMBER []REGISTERED []INSURED X[~,~[SRTIFIED []COD 744087 [] EXPRESS MAIL (Always obtain signature of addrae$~ er Sgoflt) SIGNATURG []Addressee []Authorized agent GPO: 1982.379-593 + POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AN[3 ENVIRONMEN PAL ?RO'PEC FION January 31, 1984 Shirley Daarud, Lee Collins Star Route A Box 25 Homer, Alaska 99.603 Subject: Upgrade of On-site Sewer system for Indian House Restaurant and Cabins The Department of Health and Environmental Protection has reviewed the on-site sewer system data submitted for the request of a conditional use to permit a package liquor license. This data has brought to our attention, the inadequacy of the on-site sewer system design with the added customers and bedrooms at Indian House. The existing system, therefore, must be re-designed to meet the Municipality of Anchorage ordinances and standards. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, John W. Lynn Environmental S~ JWL/ljw POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264 411 DEPAF~TMIiN I' OF HEAL1 H AND ENVIh*ONMENTAI PROTEC FION January 31, 1984 shirley Daarud, Lee Collins Star Route Box 8800 Indian, Alaska 99540 Subject: Upgrade of On-site Sewer System for Indian House Restaurant and Cabins The Department of Health and Environmental Protection has reviewed the on-site sewer system data submitted for the request of a conditional use to permit a package liquor license. This data has brought to our attention, the inadequacy of the on-site sewer system design with the %dded customers and bedrooms at Indian House. The existing system, therefore, must be re-designed to meet the Municipality of Anchorage ordinances and standards. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, John W. Lynn Environmental Specialist JWL/1 j w ~,~,-o~ - o ~r: o,~ ~ llW I';NOIlVH~]I~I IJO~ , (ep~, ~0~o oaS) --O]OIAO~d ]gV~]AO0 30NVUflSNI ON 0088 .................................... (peJ!flbeJ ~J oJlxe) MJ3AI130 9VlO3d$ ~0~ ...................................................... A1NO 33SS3~00¥ Ol ~3All]O (eSm, sod Snld) i~Og--llV~ O31:llJ.~J3:3 ~lOJ 1dl303~1 GREATER ANCHORAGE :AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 DEPARTMENT :OF ENVIRONMENTAL;QUALITY: August 2, 1971 Mrs. Shirley Daarud Indian House Indian, Alaska Dear Mrs. Daarud: We are in receipt of the asbuilt engineering for the sewer and water systems for the Indian House and additional camper space facilities and tourist cabins. This Department gives its approval for the systems installed. Any addition to the system as shown on the engineers drawings will necessitate additional engineering, as water line sizes, well pump size, and sewer system size will have to be changed. The facilities to be served by the sewer and water as shown in the engineering included: 1. The existing Indian House. 2. The two existing cabins. 3. The existing three unit trailer. 4. A proposed 24~x24' cabin. 5. Two proposed camper spaces. systems Thank you very much for your cooperation in these matters. Sincerely, hn R. Lee nior Environmental Specialist cc: Bomhoff and Associates st BOMHOFF & ASSOCIATES Civil Engineering and Surveys 1020 west Flreweed Lane Anchorage, ALaska 99503 Telephone (907) 279-~22 July 29, 1971 Mr. Roll Strickland Environmental Health Supervisor GAAB Health Department 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Re: Additions to Indian House Dear Rolf: Transmitted herewith are three (3) sets of asbuilt plans and the engineering report for the additidns to Indian House located on Mile 26 of the Seward Highway. As stated in the engineering report the additions were con- structed before our firm was retained to design the system. After checking the water and waste disposal syste,;,, I fouad them to be adequate, but future expansion on both systems would require increasing the pump and septic tank size ~md I~ossibl. y the water lines. Re!use disposal and power will be provided by Drainage is toward the highway and creek. The drained and should offer no problem. the owaer. area is well The waterlines were constructed of one-inch type "L" cop.~er tubing -nd the s~nitary sewer lines were constructed of plastic pipe. Ail connections on both the water and sewer were tight and well fitted. Since the water table is shallow in this area, the water and sewer lines have been placed close to the surface. The waterline has been pr~,tected from freezing by being incased in plastic pipe covered w~th insulation and a hot water circulating line placed in the ¢ipe. The sewerline has also been protected from freezing ~n the area where it is close to the surface. (See plans) lligllways, it,~ports, drainage o site planning, shopping centers, subdivisions, streets* water. SeWdge Mr. Rolf Strickland Page 2 July 29, 1971 I have personally inspected the additions to the water and sewer system and found 'them to be very well constructed. Yours very truly, LS:nl enclosures BOMHOFF ~ ASSOCIATES Leo Scheben, Jr., P.E. cc: Shirley Daarud~- ENGINEERING REPORT Waste Disposal & Water Supply Additions to Indian House Mile 26 Seward Highway SUMMARY The waste disposal and water supply additions as shown on the plans are adequate. Future expansion is not anticipated~ but if expansion became necessary, both systems would have to be increased in size. (see conclusion) The sewer and water systems for the additions have been inspected and found to be constructed in a good workmanship like manner. II. INTRODUCTION As noted on the plans, the additions to Indian House were as-built. In other words, the facilities were constructed before they were designed. Bomhoff & Associates was retained by the owner of Indian House,as the Borough re- quested the owner to have a design submitted by a licensed professional engineer. The following was the design data used in the analysis. III. DESIGN DATA (A). WATBR. (1) Type of Establishment - camper and cabins. ' (2) Design Flow - Camper Trailers (includes 3 unit trailer and cabins) Indian House Restaurant and Bar Total Design Flow trailers, Sg/m/unit restaurant 125g/d/c 0.50g/min. 26.5g/m ENGINEHRING REPORT (continued) (3) Existing Fump Size 3/4 h.p. submersible (4) Minimum operating pressure - 20 psi SEWAGE (1) Type of Establishment - camper trailers, restaurant, and cabins. (2) Design Flow - (4) Camper Trailers (includes trailer and cabins) Restuarant Bar Bedrooms in Indian House People served - 45 people Design Flow - 3 unit 50 g/d/p S0 g/d/p 2 g/d/p 100 g/d/p 2,325 g/day IV. CONCLUSIONS The existing water system with the additions made will be adequate. The pump is tho right size, [)ut any more additions would necessitate a larger pump. The lines are adequate in size, but again larger lines would be required if additions were made to the existing lines. The lines are built close to the surface, but have been well protected from freezing with insulation and a hot water heating line.' The existing sewage system is also adequate. The septic system is small for 100% loading, but rarely will the complex be 100% full. In general, the system is sufficient in size, but future expansion would necessitate increased sizing of both the septic tank and drain field, Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Branch of Environmental Health Pouch H Juneau, Alaska 99501 .~.,c.~-2.~.~g? ............... ~?.S.P.~ ...... City Zip Code ..4.~ ~.~....SP e.n.~.r ~...gp.g.~: ......... .'vt ai}[ n ~z Address ................ 7/.22/.7.1 ......................... ..(.g 0.yO..:...6.s.~ ~ 8. s 7.~; ................ Additions to Indian House In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Ilealth andSa~e~7 ~ ~ ...., Chapter 05, See. 18.05.040, (I1), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, - Shirley Daarud ' herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans' ac t,,~e,, Ge3eral plans, Detailed plans and spool- for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall ' ~ .... to mcan fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Repo~t) including necessary data required for full under~tand. lng of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) .............. an.d.....~.~b.~ ~ ...£~r....~.ur~s.~...a.c.c~rm.o.da t.~ ions ............................................. ' ...... Bomhof£ [ Associates These plans were prepared by ............................................................................. : ........................................................... 1020 W. Firewood Ln.~ Anch.~ Ak. a" ' ................................................................................................................. ,ne oy or under the,direction ortho following Engineer(si or Architect(s) duly licensed to practlc~ in Alaska: Leo Schebcn~ Jr. Civil 1842-B ............................ i~ii~i ........................................... ~5~F~ ~ 6~-£}¥5 ~}~"}&l~}i;- ~Z ~i~',;'-;¥Ei ............. This project is to be financed in tho following manner: (LI~t sources of fundu and amounts), ............. ~.~.~..v...a...t.e.....?..u..~ .d..~. .......................... . ~......~.~.~.qq.,...0..q. Total estimated cost of this project is $ ........2..J_Q..0....0.2.Q..0 These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids ........... /~ln ............................................. approval, ~uch approval will become void, ~ (Offlcla! 'P. tl~} .................................................. Department of Environmental Health 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska Attn: John Lynn ~~~ Subject: T10N R1W Sec 6, N portion of USS 1868 (Indian House and adjacent buildings) On April 10, 1984 this office made a site evaluation on the subject property. AECS was contacted as a result of the letter issued by you (1/31/84). The items listed below were described to me by Lee Collins, while on location at the Indian House: 1) Upstairs; 4 rooms-1 storage, 3 rooms (rarely used), 1 toilet and shower serves all 4 rooms. 2) Bar; averages 75, 2 toilets and 2 sinks (1 for men and 1 for women). 3) Restaurant; 26 seats, same toilet facilities as the bar. 4) Trailors; triplex-3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom in each, community kitchen facilities. 2 bedroom with 1 bathroom 3 bedroom with 2 bathrooms. 5) Cabins-one cabin does not have water hookup at this time, but is planned for the future; it has 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. The other two cabins each have 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. The septic system was indicated to be in the SW corner of the property, in the parking area in front of the cabins. No standpipes were located on the leach area. The septic tank, as indicated, had one plastic 4 inch diameter standpipe and was indicated to be of 2,000 gallon capacity. Perhaps the best approach to this situation would be to have you issue a letter with the requirements and necessities to bring this property into compliance with MOA regulations. If this office can be of further assistance, please contact us at 561-5040. Sincerely, L. D. Montgomery, Eng. Tech. (907) 56'~-5040 iL LABORATORIES' ,~F ALASKA, INC. [2343 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 5633 B Street ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. Fsis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria '1200 W. 33rd Avenue, Suite B , Anchorage, AIaska 99503 ..... .~!:~ ................... 2~UPPLIER TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY WATER $~ST.M: I--~ql I I ] (') See h on back , .~aly,,sis shows t his Water SAMISLE to be: __ ~ Unsatisfactory ~__ ~ Sample too long in transit; sample should J) .(~ ' not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new SAMPLE ~PE: Analytical Method: ~utlne Q Fermentation Tube ~ Check Sample (for routine sample ' ~lth lab ret. no. ) , ~ Treated Water ~embrane Filter ~ Special Purpose ~ntreated Water SAMPLE Time Collected Lab Ref. No. Result' Analyst NO. LOCATION Collected By READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE BACTERIOLOGICALWATER ANALYSIS RECORD Time Received p.m. Lab. NO. BOMHOFF & ASSOCIATES Civil Engineering and Surveys 1020 West Flreweed Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telephone (907) 279-5~22 July 29, 1971 Mr. Rol£ Strickland Environmental Health Supervisor GAAB Health Department 3500 Tudor Roa~ Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Re: Additions to Indian House Dear Rolf: Transmitted herewith are three (3) sets of asbuilt plans and the engineering report for t'he additions to Indian House located on Mile 26 of the Seward Highway. As stated in the engineering rep.~rt the addJt2ons were con- structed before our firm was retained to design the system. After checking the water and waste disposal systma, I found them to be adequate, but future expansion on both systems wouId reqnire increasing the pump and septic tank s~ze and possibly the water lines. Re!use disposal and power will be provided by the Drainage is toward the highway and creek. The area is well drained and should offer no problem. The waterlines were constructed of one-inch type "L" cop,~er tubing opd ,.h~ ~nJt~T sewer lines were constructed of plastic pipe. Ail connections on both the water and sewer were tight and well fitted. Since the water table is shallow in this area, the water and sewer lines have been p]aced close to the surface. The waterline has been pr~tected from freezing by being incased in plastic pipe covered with insulation and a hot water circulating line placed in the pipe. The sewerline has also been protected from freezing in the area where it is close to the surface. (See plans) Mr. Rolf Strickland Page 2 July 29, 1971 I have personally inspected the additions to the water and sewer system and found 'them to be very well constructed. Yours very truly, BOMHO'FF & ASSO~,IATBS Leo Scheben, Jr., P.E. LS:nl enclosures cc: Shirley Daarud *--' ' ENGINEERING REPORT Waste Disposal & Water Supply Additions to Indian House Mile 26 Seward Highway .I. SUM~I~RY The waste disposal and water supply additions as shown on tho plans are adequate. Future expansion is not anticipated, but if expansion became necessary, both systems would have to be increased in size. (see conclusion) The sewer and water systems for the additions have been inspected and found to be constructed in a good workmanship like manner. II. INTRODUCTION As noted on the plans, the additions to Indian House were as-built. In other words, the facilities were constructed before they were designed. Bomhoff & Associates was retained by the owner of Indian House,as the Borough re- quested the owner to have a design submitted by a licensed professional engineer. The following was the design data used in the analysis. III. DESIGN DATA (A). WATER (1) Type of Establishment - and cabins. · (2) Design Flow - Camper Trailers (includes trailer and cabins) Indian House Restaurant and Bar Total Design Flow camper trailers, restaurant 3 unit 3g/m/unit 125g/d/c 0.50g/min. 26.5g/m ENGINEERING REPORT (continued) (B) (3) Existing Pump Size - 5/4 h.p. submersible (4) Minimum operating pressure - 20 psi SEWAGE (1) Type of Establishment - camper trailers, restaurant, and cabins. (2) Design Flow - (3) (4) Camper Trailers (includes trailer and cabins) Restuarant Bar Bedrooms in Indian House People served 4S p~ople Design Flow - 3 unit 50 g/a/p $0 g/d/p 2 g/d/p 100 g/d/p 2,325 g/day IV. CONCLUSIDNS The existing water system with the additions made will be adequate. The pump is the right size, but any more additions would necessitate a larger pump. The lines are adequate in size, but again larger lines would be required if additions were made to the existing lines. The lines are built close to the surface, but have been well protected from freezing with insulation and a hot water heating line. The existing sewage system is also adequate. The septic system is small for 100% loading, but rarely will the complex be 100% full. In general, the system is sufficient in size, but future expansion would necessitate increased sizing of both the septic tank and drain field. Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Branch of Envi.ronmental Health Pouch H Juneau, Alaska 99801 ............... ..... City Zip Code ..~.~.3.~....Sp e.r~.a.r.4...gqo.~! .......... ,aa, ,n;~ Address ·. ............... 7/2.2/.71 ........................ Applicatlon Date · .~.90.U ...... 65~8-a$7.% ................ R- Additions to Indian House ~,,,;-: J'i;~i~;J~J"~'f;~J~,~;i~;L'F;~'~iiJ'Z'~'jZj~;'j~' .................................................. In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safe;y", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, ' Shirley Daarud ,' ................. ~ ........................................................................ ~'.<'~'.;'JgFk'~;;;i£A';;6 ............................................................................................... herewith submit for your review and approval, ~vith respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans' for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean Ge3eral plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectara] Repo,?t) including necessary data required for full understand. lng of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) ____Project consisted of the addition of ~amp. er space facilitie~ ' ' _ and ~bins for. t~uri~ a~.c.~mm~d.atii~ns .................. _ ................... .. Bomhoff § Associates These plans were prepared by .................................................. ~ ....................................... . ................. (Xanl~ Of D~iA*IaInE EngJneer, Are~'f~'~' or ~]~'~) .............................................. 1020 W. Fireweed Ln., Anch., Ak. and by or under the .................................................. ~'~(i[-~'~i ................................................. · direction of the following Engineer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice' In Alaska: Leo Scheben~ Jr. Civil 1842-E (NAME) (TYPe-Or E~'~, ~ ~'~' ' ' ~'~'l~i} ;' ' '.'~'~ ~1~'~ ~ ] ~ ~' ' '~i ......................................................... :'--- ThJ~ project is to bo financud iii the following manner: (Lis~ aourcaa of funds and amounts), ' .................................................... Sources of funds: Amounts: Private Funds These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids ._ ...................... no revl.~lon:~ In tho plans affecting tho SANITAi~Y 1,'EATUI%ES of the project l~:;ly bo made subsequent to receipt et your approval, ~uch approval will become void, ~ DEPAR'¥k'IEN? OF HEAL1 I~ AND ENVIRONMENIAL PRO1 ECiION January 31, 1984 shirley DaarUd, Lee Collins Star Route A Box 25 Homer, Alaska 99603 Subject: Upgrade of On-site Sewer system for Indian House Restaurant and cabins The Department of Health and Environmental Protection has reviewed the on-site sewer system data submitted for the request of a conditional use to permit a package liquor license. This data has brought to our attention, the inadequacy of the on-site sewer system design with the added customers and bedrooms at Indian House. The existing system, therefore, must be re-designed to meet the Municipality of Anchorage ordinances and standards° If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, John W. Lynn Envirorm~ental Specialist JWL/ljw r~'~'~'~TER ANCHORAGE AREA BORCm~H HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 N.o 40~ INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ . ADDRESS I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~IPHONE.~ LOCATION '~ _~/~ ~ SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELl LIQUID CAPACITY ~2~ 0~.~( t GALLONS. SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PiT: NUMBER OF PITS J OUTSIDE DIAMETER LINING MATERIAL L:~? ~z~' NEAREST LOT LINE GU NUMBER OF MATERIAJ. COMPARTMENTS. INSIDE LENGTH :/e~E~l l~& /~7~ LIQUID INSIDE WIDTH_ DEPTH OR WIDTH D,STANCE FROM WELL J.¥o'-/- TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) LENGTH ~/~- DEPTH BUILDING FOUNDATION _3 bO ~ SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: D,BTANCE F BOM WEL, / FOUNOAT,ON /& NUMBER OF LINES '~ ~IS~ANCE BETWEEN LINES. ABSORPTION AREA SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE TOTAL LENGTH 7~ ! , NEAREST LOT LINE ~)~' 2j~)! , OF LINES , 3' TRENCH WIDTH IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE DEPTH: TOP OF TILE'~C)FIIq'I~H ~RADE *~ / DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE "~ IN. ABOVE TILE ~_~ It · WELL: TYPE. DEPTH j Z ~ NEAREST fg ~p]/ SEPTIC LOT LINE ., SEWER LINE~''(j~' I'~-~ , TANK DISTANCE FROM ~1.~ w / .~' WATER · BUILDING FOUNDATIOK/~ ~ SAMPLE ., NEAREST j.~)f-j ~ SEEPAGE ~/'/~' OTHER ~.~, t~ ~ , SYSTEM --1~ , CESSPOOl ~ , SOURCES ' DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: Irc z ~ C z~,]~ DATE .~. '~/~.~ APPROV ~EALTH A~HORITY GREATE/--'~kNCHORAGE AREA~''~)ROUGH " HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-2511 Case No, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT RESIDENCE ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY FINANCED THROUGH ~ PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS THIS IS TO SERVE AS LOCATION OF INSTALLATION TO BE INSTALLED BY / ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPL~ION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED , · SEPTIC TANK SIZE /,'~ TYPE P~/~Afl S'"~EEPAGE AREA~----~--~_T¥PE/~/~ DIAGRAM OF S~TE~ DISTANCES: AuthoritJ/~ I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. /7__ DATE /~//'/'~.7,~/ APPLICANTS SIG NATU R E./~