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VANS Block 5 Lots 7-10 Water System Information
5 /57-e LoT' '7-1o .~pt. 25~ 1970 }-tr. Jack Nictson Nioisen Real ~iistate 600 Norghera Lights Blvd. ~d;orage, ^la~ka 99503 SLDJLCT. Van's Subdivision, l~ts 7 ~hrough 109 Block 5, t'/ater System ~his Department has received a review o£ the subject ~ater syste~ - see attached copy. per ,~r. Britt's letter, the as-built pleas show that these water syst¢~ do not comply ~t~h tho State ~ie m~mt ln£o~n you timt tmtil ti~¢se .~ysgenm receive the anti ~inal apt:royal Of both the State Health l~partment and this D~partumnt~ ihese ,~vells shall not t,e reed for pt/olic consumption° We str~ly ~co~u~,~nd that ¥~u again contract ~tth your engt~mers to take this entire matter tn h~id ~d co.oct the ~atter~ ~e State ~n~ineers addressed ~emselves to in the enclosed lot~r. (~LIFI;ORO P, JUDKII~$) R.5. ;k~ini~trative Director ~J~l'£' "R. St rick laud~, I!nvironmental Health Supervisor OIIC. cc: tiowitt V. Lot~sbur)' i /~sociates CERTIFIEO OHATURG OF AODRE$SE£ S AGENT, iF AH WHERE iOrL~¥EREO (~nl:~ i] r¢~#~tfd) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & WELFARE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH / POUCH H ~ JUNEAU 99801 September 2, 1970 Mr. Rolf Strickland Environmental Health Supervisor GAAB Health Department P.O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Strickland: 10, Block 5; Water system AS BUILT This refers to the AS BUILT plan for the several systems, forwarded to this office by your memorandum of 26 August 1970 together with Application for Approval of Plans. Also received were several pictures showing the area and some details of the well pits. The plan shows a double row of 8 lots for a total of 16 lots. There is a well ati~he intersection of each 4 lots for a total of 4 wells in all. The plan is marked AS BUILT and the Application makes plain that H.V. Lounsbury and Associates have provided only AS BUILTS, not the design drawing. Sources of information for the plans were given on the plan. From the pictures which are dated 20 August 1970, it appears that the wells may be the initial step in the deveIopment of this project. Each of these wells would fall under our designa~ on of a semi-public water supply since each supplies 4 lOtSo The distances to the main sewers is adequate (over 80' in each case). We cannot approve these wells, mainly because of the ponded water, the obvious lack of drainage for the immediate area, and use of the area for disposal of solid wastes. Other reasons for not approving: a) No mention has been made of the provision of a grout seal. If ever wells needed them, it is here. b) We are not sure how this four-way key box works, the size of the service lines to the houses (is this the 1~" line?), or the Mr. Strickland 2 September 2, 1970 c) bury depth of the service lines. The chemical analysis of the water has not been given nor the bacterial analysis. We suspect that disinfection of the wells would be in order. PJ{B:lbf cc: H.V. Lounsbury Sincerely yours, Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmental Health ~,iay 27~ ~970 SUBJECT: Rosubdivisien of Lots ? Thl'o{lgh I0, Block 5, Van's Subdivision awa~ of your dOvolop~nt of ibur (4) covm~ullity %mtls to serve tho six- teun (16) 10ts ill ~he St~joct subdivisioll. 'l'i~o dovoloprF~lrg of colm~unity wator r~coived r~ prolb~m~', approval from this office so now the followin~ has 'resuttod: a~ the :four (4) wolls. 2, I,oc~.tion of the wells in ti~e eas~ant bot~oen tim lots ~sults in no area re~:~ainins on tho la~l,erties for dcvelopr,~nt of individual on-site sewage disposal As )'ou arc aware, a ~:~ain Borough sowor lino is av~labl~ on the north pro- i~rty' line (East BOth AVon.) Oontact with tile Borouf~ Public Works D~partmont indicates Omi' a~ willing to faa laterals down i~riaxwood lltrCot f~lllJ Crocnw[~d Stroot, 'ihis a~xJa has extremely puor soil condi, tions and hish water tablo, resulting in t~ soil comiirion which is ahvady saturated with water. l~), this letter, we solicit th~ co-oi;eration of all property owncr~; in Block g}' this ictter vie would classify thc subject ?roi:~rty irl ~ioc~d Of priority so,'vice for public z;;utitarf sov,~r service; and ruquest immediate attention 5incor~ly, CLIFFOI~D gdministratiw~ Diroctor No, 276812 g RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ,, Block Five (5) of ~, il VA~'S SU~VISIO~ / llherein referred t .......... r,~ /< ,,~o ~ ~, . , :,,,~ ~/~. ~and electric meter as above the owner or owners of the named lots shall not be charged witk a~y part or port%on of the expense of Isaid monthly electric utility charqe. The electric utility bill Ishall be divided into three ~arts and pre rated among the remaini ting three lot owners and billing an] collecting the same. llstate or lo~al. - , lllation sewers ao~urtenances Dart or in al2 of --C? / - EULA M. NEILSEN R~SERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Block Five (5) of VAN's SUBDIVISIOn] Misc. Book 182 Page Plat 69-153 176 TO THE PUBLIC: Declaration of Restrictions on Block Five (5) of VAN'S SUBDIVISION, a subdivision in the Anchorage Recording District, Alaska, filed under Plat Nu~er 69-153 of the records of said recording district. The restrictions and covenants hereinafter set out are to run with the land and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons owning lots in Blobk Five (5) of VAN'S SUB DIVISION or claiming them until January 1, 1980. If the owners of such lots or any of them, or their heirs or assigns shall violate any of the covenants hereinafter set out, it shall be lawful for any other person owning real propertv situate in Blok Five (5) o~ such subdivision to orosecute ~y proceedings at law or in equity aga~ast the oerson or persons violating any such covenants, and. either to prevent him from so doing or to recover damages for such violation or bo~l. Invalidation of any of these covenants bv judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of ~]e other provmslons, which shall remain in full force and effect. 1. WATER WELL SITE There is located near ea~ four (4) lots a w~ter well which is to provide water service to the four lots indicated on the ~!at of said subdivision. The owner or owners of lots in Block Five (5) of VAN'S SUBDIVISION are and shal), be, in addition to the lot conveyed, be owner or owners of a one-quarter (1/4) interest, as tenants in co~on with the owner or owners of the three remaining lots, in the well site. One lot of each four shall be designated herein as the lot to honse ~le electric utility meter for the well pum~p and said lot owner or owners shall be charged with a~ninistration of same. 2. ELECTRIC METE}~ FOR WELL PUMPS There is installed on Lots Seven "A" (7-A), Ei~)t "A" (8-A), Nine "A" (9-A) and Ten "A" (10-A) a seDerate pole wit]] ele~tri6 meter hookup for the well pumps. The owner or owLers of each of these n~ned lots shall be charged with and be responsible for the administration of said electric meter, which -~ responsibilities and obligstions shall include, but not be limited to, pa~ing the required electric utility deposit, paying the monthy electric utility bill, causing repair and reolacement when necessary and otherwise securing the continued operation of the well pump. VAN~S SUBDIVISION Page 2 3. ELECTRIC UTILITY EXPENSE As cpmpensat~on for the administration of the well pu~p and electric meter as ebove the Qwner o~.' owners of the named lots shall not be charged with any part or portion of the expense of said monthly electric utility charge. The electric utility bill shall be divided into th~e parts and pro rated among the remaining three owners of lots adjoining or served by each of the well sites. Tile owner or ownersof the named lots shall be responsible for receiving the electric utility bill, pro rating it among the remaining three lot owners and billing and collecting the same. 4. OTNER EXPENSES All other expenses and costs of the we].l, well site, pump, and electric utility shall be born by all four(4) of the lots served bV the well pro rata. 5. SEWER DISPOSAL UNIT Each and every owner or owners of Block Five (5) of VAN'S SUBDIVISION shall construct and install, at his et.hi expense, an adecuate Sewer disposal unit on the front one-cua.rter (1/4) of his lot. Said sewer dis~osal.unit shall be installed so as to be the greatest possible distance from the water wells to prevent any possibility of contamination. Said sewer disposal units shall be installed as senn after acquisition of the lot by the owner as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days after purchase. Such sewer disoosal units shall be constructed and installed in struct conformity and comolicance with all appropriate laws, codes and ordinances, whether federal, state of lecal. In the event gover~m~,ental authority should re¢~uire installation of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in part or mn all of the s%~3~division, the purchasers or owners of the lot or lots in the su])division shall pay his or their proportionate share of tile cost and expense of installing the sewer system. All buildings must be connected to the sewer system, if any, as so~n as constructed and required by the governmental authority, and thereafter further use of septic tanks or other sanitary disposal systems shall be prohibited. November 14, 1969 DATE: 26, 1970 ANCHORAGE AREA HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P, O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FRO~: Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. Enviro~unental Health Director TO: R.H. Britt~ Sanitary Engineer Environmental t~alth, J~eau SUBJECT: Vslq'$ Subdivision~ Lot 7A through IOD, Block 5, ~';ater System (Heuitt V. Lo~sbury f~ Associates), Transmitted herewith for your review m~d cmarents are the as-builts for the subject project. The engineering fire su~>pling these as-builts has done this project as a favor to the developer, h% feel that there is serious lack of storage capacity for each of the wells and that adequate surface drainage has not been provided away from the well casing itself. Enclosed are pimtos of the existing well housing and casing. RRS: rn 10 Phone 27.7-6505 /-,, HE:WI"FI' V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES Engineers. Surveyors 723 6th Avenue ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Health GENTLEMEN: WE ARE S£NDING YOU ;, Shoo drawings L.: Copy of letter ..... 1970 i-Jo. ~o - .... August 25, ...... Mr._. R9 ].f__..S.&Ei _c_k]_~pA Van s Subd]vlslon~ Lot 7A throuqh 32_~ Ea~gle Street Anchorage,-Al~s~a ........... iX Attached ;_! Under separate covet via .......... the following items: Prints ' Plans -' Sampms LJ Specifications Change order IX D_H~ - E~L7 .................... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as cnecKea mmow x~As rPauested Approved as submitted Resubmit _coPies for approval Approved as noted Submit ___copies for distribution Returned for corrections Return ....... corrected prints FOR BIDS DUE ............... 19 L,'~ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _ __ August 14, 1970 Mr. Jack R. Nielsen 606 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Water System to Serve Resubdivision of Lots 7:through 10, Block 5, Van's Subdivision Dear Mr. Nielsen: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department contacted you by certified mail and telephone on May 27, 19U0 requesting as-built engineering submission on the four (4) wells and water distribution system serving the subject property. This letter will s~rve as official and final notice that the required eugln-ering and as-built specifications on these water systems are to be submitted to this Office not-later than August 24, 1970. These plans are to be complete in detail and be sealed and certified by a registered engineer licensed in the State of Alaska. As developer of theee water systems, you are responsible t© insure that they meet all requirements of the State Code prior to allowing this water to be used by the public. We are expecting ~o hear from your enEineer on or before the above stated time with the appropriate engineering. Sincerely yours, CLIFFORD P. JUDKINS, R.S. Administrative Director and '.lth Supervisor ".No. 2Z6,~ 73