HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS SURVEY 3188 Plat# 090-011 Arneson's Chevron Service Portage, AK D/O #63 Form Noo PEEHP-S~Z ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI-PUBLIC SEWAGE SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT Establishment ARRESON'S CHEVRON SERVICE Date of Visit 8/16/66 Location Portage GAAB Mailing Address Portage Responsible Official Arlen & Charlene Arneson Title 0~ners Mobile Homes Trailer Pk Campgrkt Motel/Lodge School OtherService Sra. J~ars servicMd . No. Connections 2 ~e[mla~l~n-~orv~l 15/2k Daily Flow-Range est 800 max. Distance to Public Sewer System ,q~_v~ral milas "As Built" Plans available ? No Collection System: System Handles: Domestic Waste Yes Gravity Flow yes Pipe Type ~ .0ran~bur$ Manholes and Cleanouts No' Adequate Gradient Unknown Disposal System (Sketch on Page 2) Septic Tank Yes Capacity Unknown Drainage Field Yes [964 and Date Installed June 1966 (Drainage Field) Ground Garbage No Pumps (No. & Size) Sizes 4" Storm Water No None Joints Standard Coupling Treatment Plant* Dosing Siphon ..... Length & Type of Pipe Soil Type Cesspool (Size) Other Effluent: Surfacing To Ditch or Stream To Underground Glacial till None No (Name) Yes 80' Orangeburg 4" perforated Privies , None observed Sludge Disposal: Sludge Removed Frequency .. , How Disposed Where Disposed No Note: ~/ (Yes); . x (No) *Use Public Form, PEEHP-S~ 1 Sanitary Conditions and Health Hazards: Effluent Ponding No Access to Children Yes Odors No Insects and Vermin ~ Form No. PEEHP-S-Z Page Pipe Stoppages. No Complaints Yes Water and Sewer Pipes in Same Trench No Other System subject to flooding by tide. Complaint on restrooms - dirty. State Highway Department workers and owner Ann Eult. System Comply with State Regulations: See remarks. Effects of Earthquake; Reconstruction Completed and Remaining: Constructed after earthquake. Sketch of Disposal System: SEE ATTAC~ED SKET~t. Comments (Include General Conditions and Adequacy): 1. D/O //'63 ~Form i"4o. PEEHP-S-Z Page 3 Trash & rubbish dumped approximagely 150' Id'est of buildin~ and is not properly located bY burning or burial at adequage intervals. 2t Note ti'mt the drainage field was installed in June of 1966. The date of construction for the other unigs, or ~a~s. of the disposal system is unknoFat Rec ommendations: Io lC was difficult to ,~. :o nmke measurements and get infon~ation concernine the sewage system from,,, the., ,, o~ners., , One important it:em should be noted. ~he system, ' is completely submersed_ when the tide comes in. Because of ~,his iC is fel~, ~ltat , the entire system is inadequate and should not be used. Since the earthquake there is no land l .rmaediately available ~hat: would allow the oonst:ruction of a .., sevaSe disposal sy,s?em which would be above hlsh t:ide level. I recommend t:hat the present system,,,,be ,retained, th°ush, lnadequates, for loss of an adequate ,altern,a,,,teo l~hot os attached Yes Inspected by Art:hur BenediCt: Dickinson Oswald & Associates ,'-~ ,~',~ D/O //63 Form No. PEEHP-W-Z ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI- PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Establishment ARNESON'S CHEVRON SERVICE Date of Visit s/16/66 Location Portage ~ GAAB Responsible Official Mobile Homes Trailer Pk Campgr'd ~.ars ~e.~vic~d No. Connections 5 i'~oP~r~a~l~'cDeTv~rdl§/wk "As Built" Plans Available ? No Source: Source is a well point, Spring Surface Well: Dug Driven~ ~ Drilled Location See sketch Size l~" Depth Unknown Static Level Unknown Screen Std. well point Type Casing C I Pipe Casing Depth Unkngwn Pump Type Jet; 3/4 NP et 4~u~p Elevation Unknown Water Tests: Chemical No Re sidual Chlorine No Bacte riological Yes Are records kept oi operation and tests ? Arlen & Charlene Arneson Motel/Lodge Use(gpd) Mailing Address Portage Title Owners School OtherServ. Sra. est. 800 max. Date Constructed 1964 & 65 Storage: (Type and Capacity) Reservoir Pressure Tank Other Distribution: Pipe Type Pipe Size Pressure Treatment: = pressure tank 5' x 2' diameter Copper 3/4" 30 psi max, Chlorination Rate None Residual Chlorine None Oth e r None Frequency -- l~t one about June, 1966 (irresular) Source Protection: Subject to flooding Yes Casing or cover sealed ~9 Floor drain piped to surface discharge Premises clean Cluttered. Other No - drain about 1' from well point. Floor drain to sump shown in diagram. Note: /,' (Yes) x (No) Form No. Source location in relation to: (sketch below) 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, drain field, cesspool, privy, pond, lake, garbage, animals. Z. Adjacent basements, building sewers, rodent and vermin harborage. 3. Distance to public water system. drainage course PEEHP-W-Z Page Z stream, SEE ATTACHED SIQE'rC~. Effect of earthquake; Reconstruction completed and remaining: Constructed after' quake. Conclusions: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS D/o ~63 Form No. PEEHP-W-2 Page 3 1. The owners had very little information on the water supply. 2, The system is ~reatly in need of general cleaning and maintenance. Recmm~endations; lo Monthly water samples should be taken for bacterloloHlcal analysis. Note that the pH is lower than acceptable. Also it should be noted that the odor of mars~ ~as ,was noted at the tap in the ments room sink when the faucet was tm:ned on and the water was running. For these reasons the present water system should be treated to be fit fo~ d,omestic user or abandoned. The present supply very definitely is not adequate. 3. It is felt that because of the lack of information on either the water or sewase systems and because of the deficiencies noted above~ these systems a~e not aoeeetable from a Public Health standpoint, . Water Samples Taken (attach results) Chemical Yea Bacteriological Yes Photos attached Yea Tem~: 47°~' Inspected By Al:thur Ben,edict ~~.E. Dickinson Oswald & Associates D£FiNITiO,N O,F T~MS USED SEPTIC TANK: A watertight element designed to receive Paw sewaga~ to provide removal of settleable and floatable solids; to provide biological decomposition of the solid and liquid fraction of the raw sewage% and to provide storage of sludge and scum. CESSPOOL~ An element which is designed to serve ~hs same purpose as · s"ep'tic tank except that it is not watertight and thus permits leaching of treated waste (largely liquid) into' the surrounding soil. LEACHING FIELD: An element designed to receive only treated sewage (l'argely liquid) or liquid waste~ its purpose is to distribute liquid throughout surrounding soil. Constructed as a network of perforated pipes, open-jointed drain tile, or similar materiel. SEEPAGE PIT: An element which serves the same purpose as a leach- ing ribald.' Constructed as a pit with open-Jointed lining. ~EY TO SYMBOLS USE~ /~ Well ~ Septic Tank Cesapool ----~ , Sewer ~i~es //:,'~.'/ Perforated Pipe  Seepase Pit --~A/~ WaTer ~'" ~ __] Trailer T No. 22-2 8/16/66 ARNESON'S CHEVRON SERVICE Pump and storage facilities located in service station. No, 22-3 8/16/66 ARNESON'S CHEVRON SERVICE Sewage disposal area west of station and trailers, looking north- east. Septic tank is located in fill at left. Area is flooded at high %ide. No. 22-4 8/16/66 ARNESONtS CHEVRON SERVICE Trash disposal site west of station, looking west. This area is flooded at high zide. Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE 272-342E Date:_ AuMust 19. 1966 Work Order No.: 7549 Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 525 Arneson' Chevron Service (GAAB), sampled tap in men's room, 16 August, 1966 @ 3:30 p.m.; D/O-AHB 0 526 Same as above 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB KSAfB:sc ~e/n~Yneth W. Ble/s~oe~, MAIC Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 Laboratory number 931~ ~9319 5-32o ~ 9327- ~ 9327 9329 9330 933~ 9332 ~333 9~3~ '. ~..~ Caribou & Si at-'._o,' - _; , %hern ~k~t. Forest Black Bear ,,w Flu% Inst~]_ia ::' -, Homer Arneson~s Ckz" ,~ Station, P~ 'rage Williwaw C~'n'}d'~und~ Portage West well) Portage Glazi~: Css::rv~tory ~ite House ]a.'"~ ~ lq:.art~:ent~ A~',s End Williwaw Caao-'~r~d, Por-;a.~ '~.fid~e well) Williwaw C~mpgr ~'und, Port.e, [East we~) Wonder P~,k bk. ~. Anchorage East Anchorage '?:,'ailer P~k ~ ~.~tel Hidden Lake Ca,,~gro~nd ~artz Creek,,' ........, .,, o-c'"~d,~- ~ Ste~ :.i~ (Mile Lower Skilak C~caygr::und - Russian Riv:~-~ C =,-pgrou~d~ St~. ,ling Crescenz Cre:~k :a:v.p~rour.~Ch~. ~j~ch Nat.For~ Specific conductanoe ~E 542 ~9~ 8,'9 212 ., ;- ,c , 622 238 .7. - -. ' 248 ,~: 109 458 t, 035 8, 1.1.4 158 178 {, < - 164 - 216 217 .'.~' 112