HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 18 Lots 93 & 94 # 2-86-20 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASENUMBER: Z-86-20 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Section 18 Lots 93 and 94 DATE RECEIVED: December 11, 1985 1985 ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE · /~/ / ~ '~ COMMENTS: ,~r~, ~ ..... ~ '~' ~/~ .... ~ ~:/~ ~''~''''2~ ~ '~ 71-014 (Rev, 5/83) LUplIi,it.~ bUP, i(U UI' LA/II'/Iii~K5 I~i~LI 1~1 LI MUNICIPALITY OF ANCI[OL .GE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'T?,IE.NT NOTICE OF APPEAL TO AN AcTJON OF 'AN AD li J~TRAl,~ OECIS]ON FOR USE BY CLERK Acceptance date: Hearing date: Case number: Decision: General Identity of Action That is Being Appealed: : 1. Zoning Dcpartmeni Case Number: 2. Leilal Description of Property Involved: ~;lxeCtion 18, Lots 93 and 94 3. Date of the Action: October 25, 198.5 B. Appel]a.nt's Name and Address: 1. ~ame: HOG~ and LEKISCH; Andrew E. Hoge Mo Address: 437 "E" Street, Smite 500; Anchorage, AK Telephone: 276-1726 Relationship io Action: __Pctiti°ner (of matter acted upon) X Agent of Petitioner. Give name and add:'ea5 of peli°,km-ar: iNa:ne: Matanuska Telephone' Association, Inc. I,',~]ln il Address: P. 0. Box 13~8; Palmer, AK O;her person a¢lvcrse~y affect¢:d __G°vcrmacnta] agency 99645 99501-2366 ," SPECIFICS OF APPEAL CERTIFICATION The Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals shall hear appeals .""'o,n decisions of the municipal staff regarding: A. Enforcement order': pertaining to the zoning regulations, floodplain regula- tions, or mobile home pavk regulations issued pursuant to Section; B. Denial of an a. pplication for a flood hazard permit; C. Denial of an application for a building or land use perm[~ when such denial is based on'~ne requirements of Title 21 D. Denial of an applica[i~n for a sign permi~ when such den'.al i~ based on the ' requirements of Title 21. Denial of an ~quplication for a mobile home park permit '"" v,n~n such den~a/ is b:.sed on the requh'ements of Title 21. 21.30. 130 Notice of Ap.~.a!--Time L;.::dtztion. 7~. An a?peal to the Zoning Board of E>;nminers and Appeals must b%' f~]ad no later than 30 d~.ys after notification of the decision being appaalez!. .. D. Notice of appeal must be filed with the MunicipM Clerk on a form by thc ~,[unicip:dity and must contaiu detailed and specific al~egatlons I (we) hereby certify thatI am (v.,e z:re) qualified to ma'.-;e ~':' t:,~s a;:.pe~.l and that r~:)' (our) ~[~.~,ae,:t or cause and reason is ~'ue and co;'rect to ,u.,,,,_ b_~ .... of my (our) knowledge. Re: 2J..30.]10 th:'uugh 21.30.190 fo':' fur,' cr l',Uldic-hearilq] I,'i C;:,:~,, · Pl.E/~S.~l /,11/',C.h SI .(.!, ~C /',ll.[.C~.~[lO;~ (n l'. ,,...I., I., f,,:O..7..,',"-.,,' · later than 3U ¢iays altar nollllcat~on ot the decision bcin§ appaa!c:l, Notice of appeal must bc filed ~itn the },kmicip;d Clerk on a forn~ prescrib~:l by thc L[unicip:dity and must contaiu detailed and spc:Cific al! .... : ' - of I (we) hereby certify thatI am (v.,e are) qua!i£icd to make ~':' (otlr) knov/lcdse. Re: 71.30.110 th:',ugh 7. l.30.190 fo':' fur,' ur l'm),lic-)warilh.; l,'l C:'.~.'~,, · PLEASE [,] I;',Ch %J .C!, ,C /'JI.LG.~fI02 (, k,,,,J., I., [,,:0,.G..,?,.,,~ · MUNICIPALITY OF ANCI~OL PUBLIG WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE O~ APPEAL TO AN AGTION OF 'AN AD 1I ,I_TRAI,%~ DECISION FOR USE BY CLERK Acceptance date: Hearing date: Case number: Decision: General Identity of Action That is Being Appealed: 1. Zoning Department Case Number: 2. Legal Description of Property Involved: ~y~xeCtion 18, Lots 93 and 94 3. Date of the Action: October 25, 198.5 B. Appel]a,nt's iName and Address: .. 1. ~ame; HOG~ and LEKISCH; Andrew E. Hoge Mo Address: 437 "E" Street, Suite 500; Anchorage, AK Telephone: 276-1726 Relationship to Action: __Pctiti°ner (of matter acted upon) X Agent of Petitioner. Give name and ,~.dd'.'ea5 of iNa:ne: Matanuska Telephone' Association, Inc. I,',.:]ln g Address: P. O. Box 13~8; Palmer, AK O;hcr pcr.~¢m advm'se~y affected __ Govcrm~cnta] agency 99645 99501-2366 ," MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE POUCH 6-650 · ANCHORAGE, AK 99502 · PHONE 264-6400 FINANCE DEPARTMENT CAS. RECE,PT No. 36531 RECEIVED AD DR ESS REMARKS Org/CC Acct/Obj Cost Center, WA/WO 6 Amount - i ~ .~ 40-007 (Rev. 8/78) DISTRIBUTION: White-- Treasury; YelloW--Customer; Pink -- Book; Golden-- Departm HOGE AND LEKISCH A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 437 E STREET, SUITE 500 ® 276-1726 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 10450 89-75 1252 PAY TWO HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ......................... DOLLARS DATE TO TNB ORDER OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANCHORAGE $OUTHCENTERBRANCH · ANCHORAGE. ALASKA~ GENERAL ACCOUNT HOGE AND LEKISCH, & 5 ~O'" ?O 5'"