HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 18 LT 135 Rick Mystrom, Mayor Mtmicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-5650 September 4, 1996 Lisa M. Anderson 1830 North Salem Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Subject: T15N R1W Section 18 Lot 135, PID #051-232-03 Existing Well and On-site Wastewater System Dear Mrs. Anderson: Pursuant to our meeting in my office the morning of September 3, 1996, I have prepared this letter summarizing my findings and observations concerning the on-site well and wastewater system on Lot 135, T15N RlW Section 18. From data and information contained in our file and from information presented in Mr. Douglas Kenley's letter dated August 13, 1996. 1. There is no record of an on-site wastewater and well permit being issued, therefore, neither the well or wastewater system are legal. From soils logs taken on October 25, 1983, there was shallow ground water at five (5) feet or less below ground level. According to Douglas Kenley's letter dated August 13, 1996, the existing absorption system is a bed 16 feet wide x 22 feet long and is 3 feet deep. No adequacy test was performed on the absorption system. Based on the above information, this septic system is in violation of Municipal Code because there does not appear to be a minimum of 4 feet of vertical separation between the bottom of the absorption system and the seasonal high ground water table. Unless additional information is availed, a Health Authority Approval Certificate would not be issued by this office for this property unless the existing wastewater system was relocated. If you have any further concerns or questions regarding this matter, please call our office at 343~4744. Robert W. Robinson Civil Engineer On-site Services cc: Dave Sellie Al Romaszewski Re/Max of Eagle River 16600 Centerfield Drive Eagle River, Alaska 99577 AUgust 13, ] 5~ 94 Sec. t8, Lot 135 H~A.~'~ ',:}l~ Chugla~, AK, Colbtr Joaes-Cli~nt the septic system provided by Remax Date ia~talIod: Deslg~ c~,paeit7: AbsorpEon cover: U~.'tawwt~ Thr~e4~droom system R~max o~oe, -. 16',~de z 22' long¢ ~ monitor' tubes were discovered over b~, 2-feet ovo~ t~llk Dr,~',- down in per min.: Casit~2 depd~: 70' Ig0 6,-5/g' 40' '.i" OF E;,~L: :-..vE:~ F"'~i NO. 9U..696021, F.E ;.,: ...... ="-' ": ' '~ g/l t/96 Page -2- Ta~Jb'oeeduras: The test of the septic system began at 4:22 PM Oil August t,1996, Thc wamr l~vcl [ri thc ~.amk problem was ~orree~ ~d by SulSv~ Wa~er Well Co. ~ad a second test w~s conduoted on August wee measured at li44neh. The ~afi¢ water lewl ~ ~ we~ wa~ me~umd ~t ~.9,1eet, begi~ming of the test, ag.gallova of water v:~ Nuoduc into ~e rank to confirm there readings mtd wo~4 ~¢t dt~p below 42-C~et, A measuriment wan also attempted with a ta~ ned for the duration of tk~ test. However, the ;v~ll pxoduced ~ average of 1-gM/on pm' bout for d- hog: Thc total number o£ g.,21ons ;mtr~c~ ~ed into dta system was 304, 'lbs well iuirements of a threc.bedromn re~den~ ax tb, e MunlcipMit;, of Anekorage, Given the fact the; ao mcnktor tubes v,~rc found at the site, it w,"~ not possible to gauge *~ absorption rate of ~e ~epbc *ys~em.. Tbetefhre, no e~ti,mat~on of it's adequacy or expected lee can b~ mede. It a p~rcclation rate is de~i~, ~e *~st~g monitor ttthes wduld hax~do be founa or new oees wouid have to be installed. TJ:m would allow a~e ~ter lever kt the leac~eld W be If lb. ere ar~ any qa~stlons o; any o.ddltio .,~ infotmatioa ',hat we ,an provide please call n~e at (O0'/) 746-1073. \ Dougms T. Kernel,. P.[. L,/ AK. 81,76 Pag~ .;t; 20 ~4uu~ :';, tee ,~el~ pr,',duc:~on droppe '. of significantly. FI~e lest was d~co~t' test, ~owover, the ~'*i1 p~due~d ~ avemg~ of I-g:dl6n De~ houi' h)r 4. ihe ;.: iai mmibcr of gallons introduceA jato thc syst,m was 304, tlle ',yell the:'e:ic', r.,,~. ..... t:;:-.! I':~; merits orr a tkre,,.b~droom ra~tdana' in tke .Munieil~atity of Anchorage. "; ' the :'," at ~xz'~ ones woul4 kava to be installed. Tk~s ~w d~e wat~' l,vel h~ [he leach./i~bc m~fbred as ~er is h~'odttced. ~ ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN ENC[~UNTERED~ IF YES, AT WHAT ~ r DEPTH? 7.3 35 DEC 071983 ALASKA LAIVD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Engfnee~ - Sumeyors - Ptanner~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST COMMENTS WASGROUNDWATER C