HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLI VUE ESTATES #2 BLK 6 LT 15 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Y ,~ l l ; 'v' ~ d;'s'~'-'y'~,s Z o ¢- ! ~'- LOCATION ~ ~1 ~ 'Tr ~ .[~] NEW ~4JPGRADE NO. OF BEDROOMS .~ ILiq. capacity in gallons I I~'F~OMEMADE: DISTANCE TO: IWell Manufacturer DISTANCE TO: Iwell No. of hnes Length of each hne Top of tile to/finish gr Length Width Type of crib Crib diameter DISTANCE TO: Well Class ' Depth DISTANCE TO: 8uildlng foundation Absorption area PERMIT NO, Width Liquid depth Material NearestlotJine ~O Trench width .d'/7.. ~ inches Dwelling Foundation Total length of lines Material beneath Depth Crib depth Building foundation Driller Sewer line OTHER PIPE MATERIALS PERMIT NO. inches Septic tank Distance to lot line Liquid capacity in gallons Distance between lines Total effective absorption area //¢¥ PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area Nearest lot llne PERMIT NO. Absorption area(s} SOl L T EST RATING INSTALLER REMARKS Weeded APPROVED DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) DEEI:::'AF?.TPIF:'iNT [)F i"JiZA!,...TI'"I AND ENV]i,r'R{]Ni?IE~hFTAL. (:]!;) "I" HIE ALA$t<A elqulROrlmerlTAL cOrlTROL $1 Rb CES, IFIC. June 5, 1985 Department of Health and Human Services 825 L. Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Susan Oswalt Dear Susan: This is in regards to Valli Vue Estates Block 6, Lot 15. A permit was issued to upgrade the system based on an old soils test, in which the soil was rated at 231 square feet per bedroom adjusted. However, the soil did not look that good, and I ran a percolation test adjacent to the trench, in which the soil passed at 431 square feet per bedroom adjusted. I redesigned the system accordingly. The excavator had misunderstood the permit, and where it said "Depth = 11 feet," he thought it meant "Gravel Depth ~ 11 feet," so he dug the entire trench to 15 feet. Luckily he had a huge backhoe and I had him demonstrate no water to 19 feet. It actually worked out in his favor that he had misread the permit, since he needed all the extra square feet to cover the new soils rating. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the office. Sincerely, Dar~y~evens Engineering Geologist 1200 ~U~sl 33rd J~uenue, ~uJl¢ 6,J~nchora§e, ~]aska 99503,,(907) 561-5040 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99B01 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE PERFORMED: ~-/?. 5-- /~ 'T/Z.M,~ $ ~"' T' lg' ~ 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- SLOPE SITE PLAN 10- 11 13 14 --15 16 17 18 19- 20 COMMENTS So,'/ ~ ~ '~ 14¢ ,.~ PERFORMED BY: ~-~' ~/¢/{- 72-008 (6/79) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop I 3~ . 6o 33¢ ~ o 60 - PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ . FTAND ~ '% FT CERTIFIED BY: POU,~, J 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Permit ~: 840243 January 31, 1985 TO: Permit Applicant SUBJECT; Lot 15 Block 6 Valli Vue Estates Subdivision A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1984. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, the original as-built inspection report and the yellow copy must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Keith E. Bandt, SupeYvisor Environmental Engineering Program KEB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 DEF:'F'i~:E'.I'T'IE,N'] OH HERL."FH FINE:, ENV:~ROI',IHENTFIL PROTECTION E';25 L STREET., I=INE:I- ,DRfiGE., F¢( '99tSE~:t 26'4-472E~ F'ER."I ! T I'-~0: .',FtTE I SSI.JE[:, F:~PF'!.,: I CiF:INT: RL E. F..Ep:,: L.E 3F._. DESCI:;: I F' ' [ CT SIZE: L,.OT M.3E:WT l ON 7 4 .--" 2 4 ,-"' ~ 4 ?__""; EE B,4 E F~: I F T · :!b._ E, LuCI'...: ~-, RFINGE: 3:14 CERTIFY TI-IRT: ±. I RI! 'FFIFIILIF~R P.!ITH ?.. .T-..':. THIS RE(;:RJ!RE:PiEI'.~I-':_:.'; FOP ON.-SI'¥E 'Z, EI.,.IERS FIND 14E:LLS ElS SET FORTH E:'-,-' THE I'"!LIi'.CI:CZPI::~LZT'T' OF FIi'.4CHORRGE (FLOR) FIND T.~-IE STFITE OF ;!; I,.IZLL. Zi'.,ISTRLL. THE S'-/STEtq El'-, F~CCORDI=INCE 14ZTIq RL.L f,lOR CODES FINE:, REGLILRTZONL--.., FIND il'-~ COr4F'LZFINC[.E tqZ'T'I. THE DESIGN CRZTERIR OF Ti-.IZS PERFIIT. Z 1.4ZLL FrlB',!.t_EI:;,'.E "ro RLL F1OI::i RND :..];'r'RTE OF FiLFIE;I<Fi F....'E6!U!REFIEI'4TS FOR THE SET BRCK D;r. STRNCE2, FRON R!'.,I'?' E;',:.,;IS-FII'4(3 i.,.IELL. NF:IS;TEk!RTER DISPOSRL S'¢STEf,t OR PUBLIC SEI.,.IE;RRGE S'¢':'!;TEM iZiI'.,I THIS LqR FIN' R[:,J'FIC":ENT OR i'.,!ERRE~'¢ LOT. ];F F! L.:[FT STF!TION ];E; [NS-FFtLLEL-) Zl"4 Ri'.I RRER COVERED B'¢ I"ILqR E:IJILDING 3ZDEb., THEEI",! ,:":1 ':, tqhl E%.ECTRDZ:FIL PER'.I"I:[T FINE:, IIq_FE._.Tt.N t"'IU:ST E,_ OE:TFIII",I,E[:,.; ,:.;Z.:, RS-BI_lILTS . . . ''.-- ':-' - r~,- ,F , · (2) I.,.1'[I._.1... NOT BE FiF'F',~:O',,/E%, i.,.II't"HOUT P,N ELEC:Tt:;:ZC:FIL ,14_FE._.T!_fl ..EFJRT., ~:II'.4D THE ELECTI~'. ]~ CFIL. 14ORI<: FII...IS? BE )ONE I:iffT' F! _. ! C:E!'-,ISE[:, EL.E Z:TP~ Z C I FIN. .... "/" ................ _ ~1' /'fl~/ DRTE. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,Department;~-q~ Health and Environmenta]~,rotection i 1 825 Street, Anchorage, AKo . J50 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * ~-¢ Permit ~ ~O ~ ~ ,~ ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Applicant: ~'r ~ /~-~-/ Mailing Address: '~7~ ~ ~/~ Location: ~/~ ~ ~z ~ Phone Number: Legal Description: ZmT--/~L ~/c~ ~ h'm-aa/ .~¥¢ LOt Size: ~¢/¢¢'-¢-f/ Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: ~'~ Drainfield: Seepage Bed~ __Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: ~ _m ~ Soil Rating(sq~ft/br) ~-/~ The Required Siz¢.gf the. Sg~I.~orp¢ion System Is: ' DEPTH //' ¢ / LENGTH ~--~ ¢ ~' GRAVEL DEPTH ~ / WIDTH The length dimension zs the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE= />~b ~}~-~x¢*6ALLONS * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED Backfilling of any system without final inspection.and approval by this departmen~ will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet° Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion° Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 8 /F* * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is remodeled to include more that 3 bedrooms. Signe~: Applicant Issued by: Date: SWP/024 (1/81) GRE? .... iANCHORAGE AREA ~.q~lll~ Department of Environmental Quality ~ 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTIOI~ REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME~Y~'-~' ~h~Z4 MAILINGADDRESS/~)-S~-~! BOX. z/'~/ PHONE LOCATION ~(.LA//)-/"~[ ~P~, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~7-/.~ 2~Z~ (~ ~L~/ SEPTIC TANK: NUMBER OF DISTANCE )ll~ .-.~/~ ~]l¢¢L MATERIAL ~/'~Y~ /7'-5-"3'~0~" COMPARTMENTS ~-~ FROM WELL/~I~q-4~q/*'5 MANUFACTURER INSIDE LENGTH '-~-'-'--~- INSIDE WIDTH -- LI(~UID DEPTH __L/QUID CAPACITY./~5'O GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: ~ ~ ) NUMBEROF PITS__/ DIAMETER '~-OR WIDTH~/~, LENGTH~'/, DEPTH ~ LINING MATERIAL~Jg~/~/'/~, CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER ~! DEPTH ~ ~ DISTANCE FROM: ~ /,?/ TOTAL EFFECTIVE BUILDING FOUNDATION~{o , NEAREST LOT LINE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ~'~' WELL ~~ SQ. FT. ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: TYPE ~}~'l/~/~b////7~/// CONSTRUCTION DEPTH / BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC FOUNDATION __ LOT LINE SEWER LINE TANK CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCE FROM: SEEPAGE , SYSTEM DISTANCES: PIPE MATERIAL: LOt SLOPE: REMARKS: ~/~/~ '~ ~,~ P/,gg'~ Form No, EQ-031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM G.A.A.B. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ~/~/~ PermIT NO. 3330 "C"STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE ~7~'~U61 ~E~ ~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT INSTALLATION LOCATION .~--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.~:/~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK ~YPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH SOIL TEST ~E~ULT~ COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED MAILING ADDRESS OTHER. I$ NOT VALID 'ITHOUT SOIL TEST ~ ~--~,4~-.~/ .~7"~----~ SEEPAGE ArEA SIZE I%~INIMUI~] DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS ~ 7t~/M/~/~ - /~/~Z.--'~ FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK 3~ / / /~/ SEPTIC TANK ~' / ~) / WELL TO SEPTIC TANK / WATER'~AI~ TO ~ tA~ /0 SEPTIC TANK. /~ / SEEPAGE PIT /~ / SEEPAGE PIT ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. /o / SEEPAGE PIT CAST IF~ON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRiB CROSSING GAP OF ~XCAVATION S EEET iNTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PiT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. LICENSED DESIGNER TYPE Performed for Dyess & Ziegler Legal Description: ~,ot -z~, ~±oc~ 6 This form reports: Soils !og Yes 'Department ol- LnvironmenCa~ itYAu0 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~R~AT~R ANCHO~GE ' E SOILS LOG - P~ROLATION TgST Pevco~ at,on test Depth Feet 2- 3- 4~ SM 2~0 SF/BR Proposed Inlet sw 10- 11 - 12- 13- aSo 14- Bottom of Pit 1~' Was ground water encountered? No If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop )~-~ol a~-o~ ~ate mi nute. ~ .......... Pit Yes Drain Field .................... .Proposed installation: Seepage Deptl~--t-~-~]-~E~-~-f-])it Or trench ~mpth of Inlet .............. - C0i,)r'.IEI4TS' Eo bedrock or water encountered. '"~A~-'B~--~-~H&~- Certified By:Construction Test Date MUNICIPALITY 0f ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ParcelI.D.# 01,¢' '- ~11-~ 4 ~ 1, GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description ...HAA # H /} Lot 15; Block 6; Valli 'Vue Estates #2 Location (site address or directions) 6781 Round Tree Drive · Anchoraqe, AK Pro,ge,,. owr)er . Drys ,~,ay 4' Malhng address % 6781 Round Tree Drive Anchorage, AK -, - Lending agency' ' See.Chart Tan/National Rank o~ A~ Day phone Maili.ng address ~500 w. Be~son B[vS. Ancho~age¢ A~ 995~7 '-Agent Add ress Day phone 346-3074 257-3434 Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Indiv!dual well Community well xxx Public water RE6EIVED MAY 23 ]997 MuniCipalily of Anchora Dept. Health & Hnm~. ~ ~.a ...... ~er~'mee. NOTE: If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Ind;vi,'~u~l on-~ite Holdu~g tanl~ Community on-site Public sewer NOTE: If Community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attestin~ to the legality and status of system. 72-025{Rev. 1/91) Front MOA#21 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and fype of structure indicated herein, further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. S & S ENGINEERING Name of Firm. 17034 i=.~1~ give,. L~? goad No. '204 Phone ~ q'/'/- Eagle Ri¥er~ Alaska 99577 Address -"~,,~ ~---~/~-----~ Date Engineer's Signature PLEASE ISSUE A PULL HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAB AT THIS TIME. ALL WORK REQUIRED ON THE CONDITIONAL kPPROVAL DATED 3/12/97 HAS BEEN SATISFACTORILY C_OM~% ~'% ~ Approved for ~ bedrooms. Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Additional Comments The Mun'icip~lity of Anchorage Department of Hea th and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certific8~t~s~?based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professions! englrieer registered in the State of Alaska. The DH HS does this as a cou rtesyto purchasers of homes and their lendipg institutions in orderto satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work, ROBERTC. COWAN, RE. ROBERTA. SHAFER, RE. May 22, 1997 CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX (907) 694-1211 SEWER&WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOWTEST ROAD DESIGN SOiLTEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL & MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ONSITE WASTEWATER DIS POSAL S"~TE M DESIGN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 REFERENCE: Lot 15; Block 6; Valli Vue Estates #2 RECEIVED MUniCipality of Anchorage Dept, Health & Human Services A Conditional Health Authority Approval (HAA) was issued on 3/12/97 for the referenced property. All work required for the Conditional HAA has been completed. Please issue a full Health Authority Approval at this time. If you require additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, Robert C. Cowan, P.E. RCC/gk 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP · SUITE 204 · EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 MUNICIPALITY Of ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Enwronmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-474z- Parcel I,D. # 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Lot 15; B~ock 6; Valli Vue Estates #2 Location (site address or directions) 6781 Round Tree Drive Anchorage, AK Property owner Mark Brys Day phone 346-3074 Mailing address 6781 Round Tree Drive Anchorage, AK 99516 Mairingaddress l~oq ~ . ~o~ ~Lv/). , ~c~4~ Agent Day phone Address Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. 2. -" NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4 ~ 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well Community well xxx Public water NOTE: If community well system, provide written confirmation from State A.DEC attest- lng to the legality and status of system. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual on-site Holding;tank Community on-site Public sewer NOTE: If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. .'~ 72~25 (Rev, I/91) Front MOA~21 STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER. As certified bYmy seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance With all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. · S & S ENGINEERING Name of Firm ];'024 Eag;e River Loop Road No. 204 Address Eagle River, Alaska 995.77 Engineer's signature "-7/J-~ '/~'~ /'~. t-~-----~ Phone Date REQUEST YOU ISSUE A CONDITIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL DUE TO WINTER CONDITIONS. A MONITORING TUBE 7.WILL .¢C BE. REPLACED/INSTALLED IN THE EXISTING ~RIB NO LATER THAN 15 JUNE 1997. -. ' DHHS SIGNATURE Approved for bedrooms. 4'/ Disapproved. ~)~ Conditional aDoroval for~tx-,P--~'/-bedrooms, with t'he following stipulations: ow monies' 'to erform all w~k-~necessary to repair missing cleanout Escr P ~ nr~b-and fill in all depressions over septic leachfield(s). Monies to remain in escrow until final appMoval is granted from this department. · All wcrk ~'-'gt be cem~!eted by 3,m~ 1~. 1Q97. Additional Comments Date The Municipality"~;Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Apprm,,a.I Certificates based only upon the representations given i~ paragraph 5 above by an independent prof~s~0nal engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 724)25 (Rev. 1/91) Back MOAF21 ~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHO~GE ENVIRONMENTAL ,E,E. RYICE$ Environmental Services Division 825 L Street. Room 502 · Anchorage, Alaska 99501 · (907) 343-4744 Health Authority Approval Checklist LegalDescription: LOT ~5'- gi.0o¢, (~ V4'c~,l W,¢ ¢~', #2- Parcel i. D.: Ol $ - ~JJl --~ ~ A. WELL DATA Well type (.-L,/~';~ Log present (Y/N) Total depth Sanitary seal (Y/N) Date of test Static water level Well production Date,df sample: "~_~"OLDING TANK DATA If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Date completed Cased to Cas~ove ground) W~roperly protected (Y/N) FROM WELL LOG ~ AT INSPECTION ~ g.p.m, g.p.m. Nitrate Collected by: Date installed ~ / ~ (~ / '7 ~' Tank size ) ;~ 5" O Number of Compartments __ Foundation cleanout ~/N) ¥4,~ Depression ,~N) Date of Pumping .~,/.~/c~-/ Pumper ~ 'ff /,/o~ Other bacteria ~ C eanouts ~1) High water alarm (Y/I~ ~/O C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed~'/~/'/~ ~ ~'/~/¢3-'Soil rating (g.p.d./ff~ o~,),~{~ ~ 't ~1 System type C-~l& Length 31/ ~ ~-~' Width ?~=" ~' ~-~" Gravel thickness below pipe cl~ ~ il Totaldepth Effective absorption area ~/~-r"/~r "~¢ .~/~/~ ~r z Monitoring Tube present (~/N) b"'~Y Depression over field (Y/N)~¢ Date of adequacy test ~ In/~ '1 Result~Fail) /o~$~ For ~ bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test (in.); D~-y immediately after3or7 gal. water added (in.): Fluid depth (~ ~/~ ~' (ins) Minutes later: 0% ~" Absorption rate = ~OO -/- .g.p.d. Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) /v 0,'~.{.. /<'~,~,v' If yes, give date 72-026 (Rev. 3/96)* D. LIFT STATION Date installed Manhole/Access (Y/N) High water alarm level at* Cyc[e~~' E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: "Pum~ at* "Pump off" level at* *Datum Septic/holding tank on lot On adjacent lots Absorption field on lot Public sewer main / Public sewer manhole/cleanout Sewe [/s.~p~ic-eer~'~~- Lift station SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM S~_'~__~'C~JHOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Foundation ~ Property line ,~ o + Absorption field Water main/service line /0 Wells on adjacent lots SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOTTO: Property line ) O Building foundation ~ 0 ~ Water main/service line J O '-/~ Surface water / ~' o ~+ Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area ~, O Curtain drain ~ o ,,, ~ ~- ~ ~' ~'/ Wells on adjacent lots ~ (~ O F. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined thru field in conformance with M. OA HAA guidelines in effect on this date. Signature Engineer's Name Data HAAFee $ '~Cr-D , ~ Date of Payment ,P~/'~)/~/~ Receipt Number 72-026 (Rev. 3/96)* Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number ROBERTC. COWAN, P.E. ROBERTA. SHAFER, RE. SEWER&WATER INSPECT[ON ENGINEERING STUD]ES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOWTEST SITE PLANS ROAO DESIGN SO]LTEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL& MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS February 19, 1997 CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX (907) 694-1211 RECEIVED MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 MuNicipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services REFERENCE: Lot 15; Block 6; Valli Vue Estates ~2 Request you issue a Conditional Health Authority Approval on the referenced property due to wiDter conditions. There is a missing monitoring tube in the crib. The monitoring tube will be installed and depression over the crib will be filled in no later than 15 June, 1997. Incremental cost winter vs. summer installation is approximately $200.00. An adequacy test was performed on the septic system on February 17, 1997. Water was added to the leachfield while liquid levels were monitored in the trench monitoring tube. From this test it was concluded the septic system is currently functioning adequately for a four bedroom house. There is no eminent health hazard and there will be no adverse effects as a result of granting the conditional approval. If you require additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, Robert C. Cowan, P.Eo RCC/gk 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP · SUITE 204 · EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~'~ DEPARTMEN ~ OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO.-CTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SiTE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY 264-4720 1. -, GENERAL INFORMATION .:. (~) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) '- ' :*' ' '- Location (addr~s~ 0r directions) .' :~ ,(b)'~:';A.~pl~ii~ant'Cj~rhe C/'~/ .~'¢¢.4/¢'y Teephono:Homo ~¢~-~¢¢~ Business -" ¢(~¢:, Applicant__ is (check one~:,~ding Institution U; Owner/builder U; Buyer U; Other U (explain); _ ?'- :"::::(d) "~e;~ing* Institutioh' '~~ ~¢~¢ · Telephone ':: -.' '-'? :-Address ' ' -. -' ./~ /~/~, (e) Rea Estate Company and Agent : - Address Telephone (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family ~ Multi-Family [] Number of Bedrooms z~ Other WATER SUPPLY In~lividual Well [] Community.,[~ Public Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsite,[~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality ane status. 72-025 {11/84) Page 1 of 2 ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING iNSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DAl~ AND INFORMATION ~'~ .r As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water suppl~, and/or wastewater disposaJ system is safe functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained . from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from mY investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposa~ system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspecbon. NameofFirm ,¢~'-~'~"/ /~¢' ' 'T~lephone~-: '/d¢7-~''~/-~''~'~' ' : "' ' : AddressDate //~/'¢¢~' · .... ' .... 6. DHEP APPROVAL Approved for ~ bedro~)ms byl Approvea ~/',. Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approva Conditional CAUTION The Muncipality of Anchorage Departmem of Health and Environmental Protection (DHEP) issues Health Authority Approval certificates eased solely upon the representations g yen in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHEP does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHEP do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Munic pa[ity of Anchorage ~s no~ responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Page 2 of 2 72-025:11/841 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 264-4720 Legal Description: ~/~' ~'~' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT, OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JAN 8 WELL DATA Well Classification ~/¢¢/~//22'~/~'! ¢ IfC B, C, D.E.C. Approved ON) Well Log Present (Y/N) /V/C, Date Completed /V.~ Yield Total Depth /V'/,,~ Cased to ///~ Depth of Grouting /V/,~ Static Water Level /v'/~ Pump Set At /V//~ Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ,/'//~ To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot '/' ~'~ ' ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer Line Cleanout/Manhole Water Sample Collected by ; Date Water Sample Test Results z ...... /. Comments (~'~: ......... '~'~'' ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot ~ B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed Standpipes (~N) Air-tight Caps (~N) Depression over Tank iY~I Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank: To Water-Supply Well 1/ ZOO' TO: F~qp~i:ty Line ~0' ~ 'To,~ater Main/Service Llne (~) fCourse ' , Comments ~'/~'~ Size /~ ~0 No. of Compartments Z Foundation CITout ~)N) Date Last Pumped ; for Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation TO Disposal Field /'/¢"(/~$,,~' To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Page 1 of 2 72-026(11/84} ALASKA FIuII oFIm IqTAL COI1T[ OL ~n§inecrin§ 6 ~nuironmental Studies SI I UICI S, IFIC. APRIL 23 1984 CURT CARLEY 2702 GAMBELL ST 0200 ANCHORAGE AK 99503 SELLER - CURT CARLEY BUYER - SUBDIVISION - VALLI VUE ESTATES BLOCK - 6 LOT - 15 ADEQUACY TEST FOR SEWER SYSTEM THE TYPE OF ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS A CRIB WITH AN AREA OF 729 SQFT. THE SYSTEM IS CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING 245 GALLONS OF WATER PER DAY. THE SURGE CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM IS 970 GALLONS. BASED UPON THE TEST DATA THE SYSTEM IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR A HOME OF 4 BEDROOMS. THE SEPTIC TANK WAS PUMPED ON APRIL 17 1984 . SEPTIC TANK ADEQUACY THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK VOLUME OF 1250 IS ADEQUATE FOR THIS 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. 1200 UJcsl 33rd Aug~ue, Suite J~ e J~nchora§e, AI,sko 99503 ~, (907) 276-1361 DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR Telephone: (907) Address: 274-~533 To Whom it May Concern: A~or.!i~g to ~ec~rds on file in this office the ~~F~ Water System is in compliance with the State Drinking Water Regulations Sincerely, ALASKA ENVIRON~-~:~,NTAL CONTROL SERVIC, i INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 $HEET NO. OF CHECKED BY OATE- SCALF G.',~TER ~,~HOR,~ac ;~..,cA BuROU~H Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-456] Date Received · Time of Inspection Date of Inspection 1. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: Property Owner~ · Type of facility to be inspected ~~. No. of bedrooms C.' Construction D. Bac~ee~a] Ana]ys~s REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES ~'~ /,~ // ~-~ -~ qF-~ / ~ Phone: Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed ~ m6-?~/ B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size 2. Material D. Seepage Pi.t: 1. Absorption Area E. Disposal' Field: Total Distances: A. Well to: S~tic tank Nearest lot line B: Foundation to septic tank C~ Absorption area to nearest 10t line length of lines , Absorption area Other contamination , Absorption area , Sewer Lines E,}-O3~ (1!74) Page 1 of two pages 3330 .~REAI'ER ANCHORAGE ARE,', BOR<,~Gli Depar'tment of Environmenta'l Quality "C" St.~ Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 274-4561 INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES ~)~dl];...&,~¢[~.~,~o~fl, Type of Inspection: CMRO .~ VA FHA CONV ~/ h~,~,e of Buyer: ~ : Mailing Address: Day Phone Name of Let, ding Institution: Location: 7. .Type of Facility to be inspected: 8. Water Supply Type of S~pply: Public Utility If Individual~ number of dwellings If Individual, depth of well 9. Sewage Disposal-System Type .of S~stem: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation Individual presently served Individual (on-site) ___~r~~