HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALHALLA #1 BLK 4 LT 80 1 5 LoT' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCI4ORAGE DEPARTMENT OF NEALTH& ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NO, OF BE.D OOMS IF HOMEMADE: inside length DISTANCE TO: t Manufacturer Iwen NO. of lines .~'~ ~ Leads;ii Top of tile to finish grade ~ ~GRADE P E R ~4~T NO4 ? (, % Liquid depth Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. Material Liquid capacity in gallons LU Length Width Foundation % Total len~gth o.o.~:~ines OYx ,--.A_ , Material beneath tile · ~;~ inches Total effective ab.~_9~ption area ¢_. PERMIT NO, Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line [PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: 8ulding o nda ion Sewer line Septic tank [Absorptionarea(s) OTHER PIPE MATE~ I,~ LS INSTALLER REMARKS IAEPF~QyED /"~ ~} _ , DATE LEGAL / ' !(; .',F' ::,'," ~: ': ~L::".' - : :;~ ',",_~ .", ...". ,: '", .. ,"~ ~:' Z,':" ,, i:; :' J ,~' ..~. ,,-' ~... .... ~ , .... DEPAI:~I'T4ENI' /:' HEAL. TH AND ENVIf~ONI~iENTAL BFOg-; ' L.. ' STREET, ANCH[]IR~('.~E, ~1< ,, 99B0 :L lvl I¥1ELLOT']' iAI I i ..OERNEf:~S LANE L(]'l" E( Ii:J[( 4. VALJ-tALL.A ~1::~P b I C AN T' L. OC A T' I ON ,SRA F]OX 449M T'yl)e o+: sci1 absorption sysl:em is: fRENCH ~E) X:i,'FIIL~IIi TIUTrlbei" O'l'; bedroo~ls = }] S~il rating t"he r'equ:),red size o~ the soil ~)bsorp't:i, on syst:ern~.'~"_, 'l"he .Lengt:h d~.mens:i, on :i.s 'the length (in ,Feet) o¢. the trench or dpa:i.n.FJ, eld. The depl:h o.¢ a t:nei')ch on p:Lt: &5 the dial:alice between the sur'~:ace o4: 1:he ground and the bo'ttom e~ ~he excavation (in {.ee't), /'he gr'ave:L depth is 'the m~n&mum depth o~ gpave:l bet:~een the ol.ttF, all pipe and ~he bot:~og~ .:h:~ pm :i 't appl.tcan~ has the PeSl:)OnsLbili~¥ 1:o in¢.or'm ~h:Ls department: dur:i, ng the :J.T~S'~E:I.LI~'[iOT~ :Lr)speEf:iOJlS o+: any ~ells adjacen't to this ppopept:y ,?~f)d 1:he nLJlnbep o'1: r'es:i, denl::es that the well w:Lll serve, .ih.."i~cl.(,F.l,,Ll£ng o~:' al'iy syst:el~ wJ.-I:hol,tt: +'.ir)al J,~l)ectJ. of) ¢~rr~:l 8pppoval b)/ t:h:[s depart:rnen~ w:Lt;L be subject ±o prosecut,ton. 100 .F. ee't Eel' a pP:i. vat:e ~elt on 1BO to ~;~00 ~eet .~r'¢fr~ a pub].~c ~e].~ depend:lng upon the t~pe 0¢. public fhi. n~mLml d:Lstanc~ 'From a pp:Lvat:e ~ell tea private ~ewep lime J.~ CZE, .Feel: and 1:o a COrIfml,m:i.t:~ sewer l~ne ~.s '~ ]tl"[e[' requ:i, pemen'ts may apply. Speci.PicatJons and construct:i, on diagrams ,ava~.l. able to ~l]sl,ipe proper' installation, I cert::i..Fy 1:hat: ].~, i[ all) .li¢.Jfn.tl:Lar wi'th the requ:krements ~or on-sit:e sewers and wells as set Top'th by the Mun:~.c&palit:y o.F Ai'~chorage. ¢~ i ~:i. 1]. ins'tall 1;he system &n accordance with the codes, r'es:Lder)ce :).s pemode].ed 1:o ir)elude mDpe 1:hah B bedroofns .... ~ ~ ;} ,J.[ b Iq ::1.). APF:~L I CAN]'' M MEI.~L.OT"I' I ,:LI _U I:: ¢ ........................................................................ DA I E_.._£ .......................... Contra dngEngineers&Associates 212 East International Airport Rd, Suite 204 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 278,3773 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED', ?-' /¢-' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 10- SLOPE 11 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? 13 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SITE PLAN 14 15- 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS ,¢AMP '.,'/ 5'/, Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop I 7./o~¢/ ?:~t7 ) 7-/0 t/;I~ ~q d /~. 2. :~ ?.,/o //:' 99 /~ 7 / 1" PERCOLATION RATE / ~ h] l ~, /I ~/ (minute~/inch) TEST RUN eETWEEN L~ , FTAND ~ ,. FT /' :- GRr~,?ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROI H HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM M^ UNGADDRESS /P7 7/ &?--PHONE SEPTIC TANK: ! D STANCE WELt LIQUID CAPACIIY r/~) ~' ','J' ____GALLONS. .4~ NUMBER OF MATERIAL 8(~/A. C P'~.- COMPARTMENTS / INSIDE LENGTH_ 7 ! LiQUiD ~' INSIDE WIDTH ZTZ ! DEPTH '~'- SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS / OUTSIDE DIAMETER LINING MATERIAL ~T ~lA. (E -~ (~,/~ . NEAREST LOT LINE OR WIDTH. / l~ , LENGTH / ~ , DEPTH · DISTANCE FROM WELL BUILDING FOUNDATION~£) /, Z-'7 / TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LINES ABSORPTION AREA FOUNDATION .~_. ,'IqEAREST LOT LINE DISTANCE BETWE~N-EINES TRENCH WIDTH LENGTH OF EACH LINE TOTAL LENGTH , OF LINES iN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. AgOVE TILE WELL: /(/~ Z' .,'mr' ,¥"'~ 2-- TYPE DEPTH 'l NEAREST ~ LOT LINE , SEWER LINE DISTANCE FROM WATER ,BUILDING FOUNDATION / Z~- ! SAMPLE /N/e , NEAREST SEPTIC ~, ~ / SEEPAGE ! OTHER TANK , SYSTEM /,// , CESSPOOL "-- , SOURCES__ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: ¢-2~ ~ '771 4 ~ DATE APPROVED GAAB-H D-2 GREATEk ANCHORAGE AREA ,)ROUGH Case No.-~--~: 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 :(~,;.~/~ 'it,' 279-2511 , i4,~ / . SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICA?ION g PERMIY NAME OF APPLICANT RESIDENCE ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY FINANCED TH,ROUGH ~-~ ,-Paq~Ol. ai-iOl~ TEST RESULTS SEEPAGE PIT MAILING ADDRESS ,~/~7 -~'//~'~W PHONE LDOAT,ON OE ,NSTALLAT,ON. - ~ ,DRAIN FIELD ,OTHER TO BE INSTALLED BY ~-~. / ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT , PERMIT TO INSTALL A AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO B~E)ERVED · SEPTIC TANK SIZE. ,//~/~?z~.) TYPE c/~¢//¢~[~/~-~PAGE AREA DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: ~ TYPE Health Authority i'tify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage A ~o, rough Ordjmance No.,2.~8-68~and t~t th9 above described system is in accordance with said code ~r2P-¢ .... ' ~ ~. ~ ~//~t ~ ~/ Jd~.~¢ ~ DATE / / / A,PLICANTSSl6NATURE G~¢-, 9 ~'~'~ .ATE? A!iC~!(?A'v: ;-.i:]],".. BOROIJGU III.;ALTH DEPAI.:TF. EUT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Performed For' Gary Mellott Date Performed October 2, 1969 Legal De s cript~ol~4 This Form Reports a; S~Log~~olatzon Test .... __ Depth Feet Soll Characteristics Was Ground Water Encountered?__ No~ If Yes, At What Depth ..... Reading Date Net Time Location Sketch Fropose~ Instal~"~f'~'n~Seepage Pit Drain Field --~ Devth Of lnlet I)ept--~----T~~~'it Or Trench ~' ' ~ Cess oo~'~]~d With coarse rock CO~.:4EN ,~ ~ ..... .................. Test Performed ,By: Nati?al T~h2g Seyyics_s2~nc ~ Dat~ ~ober 3, 196~__. : Time ¥ima Date "Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector r ~ornments ~endlt~enal App~oYe~ Date Sewer Insta,~:~.~ Permit No. Septic Tank,lze - ,~ - ~ { ~ Holding Tank Size Soils Rating Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank APPLICANT FILLS OUT LOWER HALF ONLY ~Property Owner ~//- ~ ~ L~ LO ~;. = ...... Phone Buyer Address '~endlnglnstitution M 6 0 F¢ Phone Address Realty Co, & Agent ):1 U~I~L(- "~ (,pl(,~(~L O t..(~ Phone Address ~q I(.r d ~{ , Legal Description L~> ,1' ~')/ / ~¢C-'~'-~ ...... ~ ~..~ ,v, % ''-.- ,/ Street Location ~.' ~ L ~) ~ tee(: Y~ "~ 0 0,~ f~ · '~ F~',.~'rlt:*~'A~ / : ~D (~o~ tT r.,~n I~f6P! Type¢ Residence ~Single Family ~ Multlplo Family ~o. of Bodrooms Wat~¢Supplg ~] Individual A~ACH WELL LOG, A well Icg is required for all wells drilled since June d Community 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach Icg If ~ ~ub~ic Utility available.) __~ Sew~e Disposal ~/~[,/;J : R Public Utility : When Connected to Public Utility: ,; .;', [ 1 14oldin~ Tank NOTE: THE IHS~ ECTION FEE ~UST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. March 9, 1982 ~lr. ~l. ~ellott SRA ~]ox 44.9 99507 Lot ~. tllock 4 Valhalla ~,ubdiv~slon Approval. for the ln~.vidual sew.~.r and water facl].lties cannot be granted ~lntil the following items ]]ave been completed: water analysis report needs to be submitted to t'his o.rflee from the Che~ Lab, 5633 B .~treet for our review. t xpose the well for our inspection to determine proper construction, also to insure minimum distance requirements are met between the well an¢] sewer syst¢;m. Please notify thJ. s department for a reinspectJ, on when the noted discrepancies have been corrected. If there are any fllrther questions, please call this office at 264'-~720. Sincerely, ROl4ert c. Pratt Associate Environmental Specialist