HomeMy WebLinkAboutWALKING BILL LT 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT ~ar,~ DISTANCES O I'~-)~'~ ('. t~ ~-/A L- F 0 J~. KD ~ TO SEPTIC ABSORPTION WELL AddreasFDor~ ~,.~ -- TANK FIELD Phone(st Permit~N~o. NO. of Bedrooms WELL ,4~.~,- ;,~ /~z ~' I~'°:~- I "~)f,;,/~;'~,~ ~2~\\ FOUNDATION ~w,- ,~,,~' TANKS ~ SEPTIC ~ HOLDING __ TYPE OF SYSTEM ~ ~ TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER ~ original grsde ~ ET // 0 FT ~ FT 3 ~T FT _ WELLS ' ~ PRIVATE ~r/~ ~ OTHER (Identify) FT REMARKS: ~ ~ ~ Inspections Performed by: ~:f'~,~?~ E~gJe Rivor Engineering Services P. O. Box 773204 ~? ~,~ Dine: ~sgJo River, AK 99577 .; . "~ ': ;.' I ~~ cedgy Ihalthis inspection was pedormed according to ag ~ "' ~" MunicipalandStaJeguldellneslnefleclonthb~ale:- /o~ /~? , d~ % ......... , 72-013 (3185) /9(.::,l::)aptm(.!;!rvl... (;:)f I-h.::!a:l.'!..I] & !.h.m/an c,.~.,,....~,,~:. I.. S't.r,a,a,t, am:::hcmage~ Ala?~il.::a ,:~c:, ~'). .'~,4.'~---4./~;:~C~ Own (~.:,l" Name :i I.t. [.,k HP&.F'CtRD CI'I~[:} IAI<i, AK Sl:}]:'q' I [; "1 f.q',ll::i :: H i n :i. mum 'Lot a ]. sep'l'. :i. c: 'I'. al')k (::ap ac :i. 'Ly ~ J. :~ ()OC) g a ] ]. c)n ?i ,, Each sept :i c · t, anl.:: IIiLI!FK~', ha3. vl;~ /~'J, ].t/)a~J~'l'. Z?, C(]FNp~ltP'IL~IlgrYJL!B,, Depth ~ e e t r' ~..~ q u :i. r' ~.-~ :i. n s u ] a 't. i c)ri (::)v ~:,~ r' t a n I:: ( s ). WEI.,I..~ I..c~g taLa:ct be sul::uni'Lted 'Lo Municipa.'.l. ity o{ ArH::lxm"age Di'.~pal'tmer~t. i::)f I,ta, alth and Fh.unar~ S~:~PvJ.(:::<.:~s ~JJ't:,hJ. rl 3() clays c:)~ will] ccxnplr'~L:i,c~n. I'HI:S 13YSI'IEM I"ILJST B[i~ INS'FAI..I..ED IN ACCOI:~:DAI'qCE WI'FH FHI:E APF::'RCIVED E]xI['~ I IxlIE-]i!:R ~ S DES I I':)1",1. TH[i: "I'REN[]'-I MUST MA I NTA :1: I"-I A 50 ~ Slii!: I B~'~CK F:'RC~M 'I'[IE 'I'O!E [)F 11'li:4 SLOPli!:. DHHS MUST )3E: I",IOT1F]:Ei]) I:::'F:~'.IC)I::~: TO Al.I... I:ONS. II't]:'S I.::t}i:I::RMI I' :I:S FOR A 3 I.)tZi}RCK]M S:[NGI..E I:::'AMII_Y RES I Dli:NCE: (]lql ¥!, AIxlD I~i:×F'[Rh::S [)1".1 :12/31/lil9,, II,,ISlhI. I.ATZ[)Iq OF A I_IF:'T SI"A'I'ION F~I-]]:~!U]ZF~I!:S ['Hlii: AI:::'H::~C)I:::q::~:IAI'I~: I!!]..KC:TI::,~]:C;AI.. ]: Clili]:RT :1: t:::'Y 7 HA'I: fc)~/I', by 'l',hc, Mun:ic:i.l:)al:i.'l.y ~::.'.[' Al'lchor'a(.],~:~ (MOA) and the S'Late (::~f A]ash:a~ at"iCI J. ri C(]Fiii]] j. al"ll:::~. ~i'L!'l 'Ll'l~ (::hz~s:i.(jrl C;l":['l:.~',.?pJ~'i of 'J',.J'l:L!~i per'm:i.'L,, :1: w:i.].l al:lher'e to) al.I. MOA arid S'La'L(-] (:)f A].asl::a (:]:i~'Lal"il::r.~i Jr'om a~d"ly 6:,>;~.~B'l'.:[llg ~(al][~ ~x~aiB'('.a!wa'L~H' d:isposal sysL(m'il of public: ][ LH"Ii:IEYPS~:ad](:I tl'la'L tl'"lJ!B per, mi'L :i.s v~.~.].J,d fop i,~.l, sc) Lu'lch:..H'star'id tha'L 'Lb(',) cal:~ac',:i,'Ly (::~t' thc~ 'Lcr~..a]. slyst~'.x, :is 3 I::)c.x::h'c~c)mu~ arid ~ii['ly C,)l]],aPi~Jt:~fll~el'it ~x~:J.]]. P~,x, qu:i.l-e afl addi't:.:i,(:)nal MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPAR I'MEN1 OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTION 825 L, Slreet, Anchorage, Ala¢<a 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG-- PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL OESCRIPTION: ~¢~ ~ ~ ~-/~'- /,9/' ~ /~4~ ~¢~ , ~O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 15 16 SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Dale 'rEST RUN BETWEEN _~o,Y ,~.r,.;~:_~_~_C ~.,'¢ /~,,~ ._ Time Time ~, ~/ Imlnutes/inch) ~/ FT AND 7 FT SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM LEGAL: NALKING BILL SUB.. LOT 2 GENERAL 1. 'Fha well and septic plan are t~or a single family r, estdence enly. 2. The drawinq and or site plan shal'l be a part of thfis specificat'ion. 3. All materfla'ls and workmanshflp she-Il meat the Anchor'age Depar~men~ Ileaq t;h and S~at:e I)epar~men~ 0¢ Env-i nonmem'~a 1 Conserver ion requ t PenanCe. 4. A'I] soil ~es~s are aclvdsopv to ~he design and ape ~o be verified er modified fin ~he fielct by ~he engfneer'. 6. A'I '1 excavations and dep'~hs ape advisory and are ~o be ven't¢ied an motif'lied 'in ~he fie'Id by ~he contractor ~o mee~ Munioipalfi~Y of Anchorage, Department of Envfironmen~a'l Conser'vatfion r, equipemenEs. 6. I~ is the responsfbi]fty of tine owner to obtain a'l] necesssar~ permits or easements and to loca~e any ad,jacen~ mu]ti-family wells. '/. The excavation is to be exactly in the area shown on the sfte p'lan, anv devffation requfres engineer' approve'l. 8. It is always recommended that a surveyor 'locate the iheapest posfiEion and the ]oca~ian of any easements. B o FRENCH I. The trench is to l~o]'low ~lae natural 'land con,our to maintain uniform tot:a] depEh of the trench bottom. 2. 1'he bottom o¢ ~he ~nemch shall be level, plus on mfnus ~.5". 3. The tota'l depth of the trench excavatten is not to exceed 11 ' at any po~n~. 4. The trench grave] tis ~o be covered with ~ypar 'febrile material. 5. Sof'1 or combflnation ef soi1 ned extruded board insu]attomn ~o a depth of 4' or equiva]en~ is to be p3aced over" the qeachfie]d. 6. Tiaa ar'aa aver ~he ~rench fs ~o be fintsh graded to preven~ pending 7. 'Fine septic tank and ]eaehfie]d must: not be c'loser than 100' to any existing priw~te well , 150' ~o any Class "C" wa}], er ~00 feet to any com~unfty well. RECOMMENDED LEACHFIELD DIMENSIONS Tel'AL DEPTII = 11' GRAVEL DEPTH = ?' TRENCH LENGTII = 33.2'TRENCH WIDTH = 30" Soi'1 Rat:'ing = 155 Bedroom Capacity 3 Septic Tank Size ='- 1000 GAL. RIVKR ENGINEERING SERVICES Lou Butera, P.E. P.O. Box 773294 E~,~glo River, Alaska 99577 'lelephone (907} 694-5195 September 11, 1989 Mr. Robbie Robinson M.0.A./D.H.H.S. 825 L Street Anchorage, AK 99501 RE: Walking Bill Subdivision Dear Mr. Robinson, On behalf of my client, Mr. Rick Halford, I am requestin9 a slight variance of the Municipal requirement of set back to the 'uphill portion of a change in slope of +25%. The request is to site the septic leach trench at 35' from the top of the hill. This request is to allow the homeowner to retain a buffer of 'trees between his home and Old Glen Highway. The engineering basis for this request is attached. I do not believe that our request will result in any type of seepage or discharge from the slope. The slope is well vegetated and there are no groundwater or impermeable layer concerns. Ground water mounding under the trench should not occur with this type of system and soil type. Please contact ]ne on this as we are holding construction for this approval. Sincerely, Louis A. Butera, P.E. EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICES P. O. Box 773294 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Phone 694-5195 SHEET NO. OF CALDULATED BY ~ DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE__ 1,3 ¢+/.(~ 4 .,c¢~- S,EET NO CALCULATED BY .... ~ DATE EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICES P. o. 8ox 773294 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Phone 694-5195 ~Compacted soil layer thickness hould 7dDi~nage ~ Clay layer of variable thickness or other impermeable material ~s and leachate. the seepage e, void ratio, ~pirical obser- bility can be ~dium and the 10 Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Mailer 341 propcrties of the fluid. 'Fhe relationship is K = Cd~y- (10-6) where C = dimensionless constant d = diameter of pores 7 = specific weight of water /x = viscosity of water The term Cd~ is known as the specific (or intrinsic) permeability k and is thought to be a characteristic of the medium alone· Neglecting the effects of temperature on density, we find that K2 = 3q (10-7) K~ ,%0 where Kc = laboratory standard coefficient of permeability defined as the flow of water at 60°F in gallons per day through a medium having a cross-sectlonaI area of Ift2 under a hydraulic gradient of I ft/ft Kt = coefficient of permeability at temperature t `%o -- viscosity at 60°F /xt = viscosity at temperature t In feet-per-second units, the coefficient of peFmeability is expressed in gallons per day per square foot, or feet per day. The conversion between TABLE 10-7 TYPICAL PERMEABILITY COEFFICIENTS FOR VARIOUS SOILS (La, MINAR FLOW)* Matedal fdday gallda¥1ft: Uniform coarse sand 1,333 9,970 Uniform medium sand 333 2,490 Clean, well.graded sand and gravel 333 2,490 Uniform fine sand 13.3 100 Well-graded silty sand and gravel 1.3 9.7 Silty sand 0,3 2.2 Uniform silt 0.16 1.2 Sandy clay 0.016 0.12 Silty clay 0.003 0.022 Clay (30 to 50 percenl clay sizes) 0,0003 0.0022 Colloidal clay 0.000003 0.000022 Note: ~'day x 0.3048 = m,'day ~0~8-'~69 ,09 = ,,L W31VM 30 3002 - +PH+I-H-H - -- 0 - · - [] iNINISV3 88-87 I Po~ ' IX \ \ \