HomeMy WebLinkAboutWALTER G PIPPEL ADDITION BLK 5 LT 2 (3)5 GRr ~ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 iNSPECTiON REPORT ON-SiTE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME. LOCATION yj~.~. ,j.t/O/~,.~,~ y MAILINGADDRESS ~.~ ~-~/ ~.~%f LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL LIQUID CAPACITY MATERIAL GALLONS. INSIDE LENGTH NUMBER OF ~ COMPARTMENTS INSIDE WIDTH ~" DEPTHLIQUID SEEPAGE SYSTEM: NUMBER OF PITS LINING MATERIAL NEAREST LOT LINE SEEPAGE PIT: OUTSIDE DIAMETER ~ ~ OR W,DTH ~ ~ DISTANCE FROM WELL /,¢~,0 / TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) , LENGTH ~' .DEPTH 7/ BUILDING FOUNDATION ':7 ~)~'(~ SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELl NUMBER OF LINES ABSORPTION AREA FOUNDATION DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES. SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE . NEARESI' LOT LINE TRENCH WIDTH DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE DEPTH OF FILTER MATER AL BENEATH TILE TOTAL LENGTH , OF LINES IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE iN. ABOVE TILE __ WELL: LOT LINE TYPE NEAREST SEPTIC · SEWER LINE ,TANK DISTANCE FROM WATER · BU LDING FOUNDATION. SAMPLE. ~.'~ ~ SEEPAGE /'~ - , SYSTEM , CESSPOOl NEAREST OTHER · SOURCES DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE GREATE'LJ NCHORAGE AREA _3ROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-25 !1 No. / 77 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PE~.MIT MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION OF INSTALLATION PHONE NO, ~/-~-~. ql APPLICATION TO INSTALEi~ SEPTIC TANK Y., SEEPAGE PIT , DRAIN FIELD -, OTHER. TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY / ~'~ ~'/~/ '~/' ~'' 7"-,,.~--- 7 FINANCED THROUGH .~z~:?/ , TO BE INSTALLED BY ~pE~COLATION TEST ~ES,ULT8 /~ ~,/~O. ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETI~ BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO INSTALL A .AS D,ESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED .. SEPTIC TANK SIZE ,/~<:¢:DO TYPE ~ '/-P.R~ SEEPAGE AREA DISTANCES: ~' 740 . TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM / / He~[th'Auth0rity - I certify that ! am familiar with the requ~'ements o£ Greater Anchorage Area Borough O~dJnaoce No. 28-68 a~d that the above described system is in accordance with said code. DATE F,'//////~.,,~ APPLICANTSSlGNATURE ~'~"~ n ~'~',.~.~ Depth Feet ~GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT CASE #, 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 . ~J~/~ ~ ~/~ ~. P,'~?~ ~,'~:~,'-~ d~x/~ ~'~'~/1~'>~ Location Sketch Sofl Characteristics Reading Date Gross Time e Depth To H20 , Net Drop eloco'i'a~ ,~at e' '1" / 'Mlnute Fropo::ea Instal~Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth Of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit OT T~ench Test .erfo~ e~ ~..~. n~ Certified ~r~~ ,,. Date .~' -~- -'~ ,, H U N S UCK CONSUL 9 April 1976 N'G' I N/E E R S PHONE 277-1594 303 ~. ~o~thern L~ghts Anchorage, Alaska 99503 State of Alaska , Department.of Environmental Conservation MacKay Building Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTN: Mr. Kyle Cherry Dear Mr. Cherry: The attached plan, water mmlysis and pumping test describe an existing semi-public t~pe "A" well, located on the property line as indicated. The property concerned is in Eagle River, l~alter G. Pippel addition, Block 5, Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12. The o~er of record is Mr. Patrick J. Mahoney. Presently a 14 m~it apartment building is being constructed on Lot 12; plans are to do likewise on Lots 1, 2 and 11. This construction would be phased over several years.. It is the intent of the o~mer to modify the existing water supply system, upgrading to a type "B" (65 - 70 GPM) to serve the con~plex. Two concepts are described by the plan with the alternate (well exterior being favored by the owner and the engineer. Approval of either the basic or alternate concept, by your department, is requested. Yours very truly, W. F. IFONSUCK, P.E. WFH/amb 06-1220(a) ~ev..1973 ~. ?iSKA DEPARTMENT OF IIEALTU AND SOCIAl %DVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC H~ALTH {~ tob,o. INDIVIDUAL A~D SEMI-PUBLIC - BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS o~ INDIVIDUAL ~ SEMI-PUBLIC ~ CHLORINE RESIDUAL PPM ~"aYcl'°ryh~s ' REPORT RESULTS TO COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF WATER IS AN INDIVIDUAL SUPPLY L~ Questionable send new s~mpJe. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Please note: this sample does not constitute HEP approval of the sewer and water facilities servinq this property. ~ LAWRENCE ~. SCHACHLE ? TELEPHONE 344-2612 Dump & Well uppl¥ 2833 EAST 72N0 AVENUE ANCHORAGE. aLASKA 99502 ~larch 19, 1976 TEST - For well located lot's l&2 B].ock 5 of th~ Walter C. Pippel Addition. Eagl~ River, Alaska WEI,I, 97 F~et. Static 24 Feet Time GFN 10:00 AH 12 10:30 AN 15 1]:00 AM 20 1]:30 AN 26 12:00 Noon 35 12:30 PH ~6 1:00 PM 42 1:30 FH 56 2:00 Pl.! 60 2:30 PN 65 3:00 PN 65 3~30 PN 65 4:00 t'N 65 4:30 PH 65 5~00 PH 65 5:30 PM 65 6~00 PM 65 6:30 PM 65 7:00 P}I 65 7=30 PH 65 8:00 PU 65 Static 24~ 34' 39/ 42 / 46'6" 55' · 61' 72 ' 8" 75' 6" 79' 79/ 79' 79/ 79/ 79' 79' 79' 79/ 79" 79 79' II. III. PROPOSED NATIONAL INTERIM PRIMARY DRINKING WATER STANDARDS Maximum Contaminant Levels for Inorganic Chemicals Contaminant Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Cyanide Lead Mercury Nitrate Selenium Silver When the annual average of Fluorides the maximum Level (ma/l) o .o5 1. 0.0~0 0 O5 0 2 0 05 0 002 10 0 01 0 O5 daily amr tempera- tures for the location in which the public water system is situated is the following, the corresponding concentration of fluoride shall not be exceeded: Temperature (in degrees 50.0 - 53.7 53.8 - 58.3 58.4 - 63.8 63.9 - 70.6 70.7 - 79.2 79.3 - 90.5 F) (degrees C) Level (mg/1) 10.0-12 .0 2.4 12 .1-14 .6 2.2 14.7-17.6 2.0 17.7-21.4 1.8 21.5-26.2 1.6 26.~232.5 1.4 Maximum Contaminant levels for Organic Chemicals The maximum contaminant level for the-total concentration of organic chemicals, is 0.7 ma/1. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Pesticides Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Chlordane Endrin Heptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene Level ma/1 0.003 0. 0002 0.0001 0 . 0001 0.004 0.1 o.oo5 Chlorophenoxys 2,4-D 0.1 2,4,5-TP Silvex 0.01 IV. Maximum Microbiological Contaminant Levels TwG methods may be used to comply with levels. (1) When membrane filter technique used (a) coliform densitie's' shall not exceed one per lO0 milliliters as arithmetic mean of all samples examined per month; and either (i) Four per 100 milliliters in more than one standard sample when less than 20 are examined per month; or (ii) Four per 100 milliliters in more than five percen~ of the standard samples when 20 or more are examined per month. (2)(i) When fermentation tube method'used and l0 milliliter standard portions, coliforms shall not be present in more than l0 per- cent of the portions in any month; and either (A) Three or more portions in one sample when less {hah 20 samples are examined per month; or (B) Three or more portions in more than five percent of the samples if 20 or more samples are examined per month. (ii) When fermentation tube method used and 100 milliliter stand- ard portions (a) ooliforms shall not be present in more than 60 per- cent of the portions in any month; and either (A) Five or more portions in more than one sample when less than five samples are examined; or (B) Five or more portions in more than 20 percent of samples when five samples or more are examined. Supplier of water shall provide water in which there shall be no greater than 500 organisms per one milliliter as determined by the standard bacterial plate count. Maximum Contaminant Level of Turbidity The level at representative entry point(s) to the distribution system is one turbidity unit (TU) except that five or fewer turbidity units may be allowed if supplier can demonstrate to State that higher turbidity does not: (a) Interfere with disinfection; (b) Prevent maintenance of an effective disinfectant agent through the distribution system; and (c) Interfere with microbiological determinations.