HomeMy WebLinkAboutWENTWORTH BLK 1 LT 21lot 30, 1974 3221 ~:,, 41st Avanua 99504 BU~CT~ ~Ot 21, P/O~ 1, Wentworth Sutx~LvJ. sicm ! hav~ re~wd your ~ for an ex~msion. w~11 b~ granted due to your finane{_a! hardsb/p. nust lue made by Jul~ 4, 1975. Sin~zely, Hove~b~r TO: FRO~!: SUBJECT: 9-18~74 9-20-74 9-24-74 9°30-74 10-20-74 10-30-74 11-7-74 ko ~R£AT£R ANCHORA6[ AREA BORO~H Oepar~ment of ~nvtronmental quaHty NEHORA~DUt~ 8, 1974 Borough P~osece~or Les ~uchholz, R.S., Sanitarian Ronald ~etch - Mandatory connection to pubHc sewer__ Ze-~ ~, ,e/~' / ~.~/~-,~-~,,~,~-~ S~/. Oye test run through sewer system reveal~ ~etch not c~nec~d to available se~ee (copy enclosed). RegJs~e~d letter sent requestJng connection. LeCher received, ~etch called asking about a tJ~ extension. Second'letter sen~ Jnfo~mtng ~etch an extension ~ould be granted a~itten eequest ~as made. TJmealloment expfred. Publlc ~orks tnfomed this depar~n[ no connect was made by ~etch. Su~ons and c~platn: issued. Septe~er 30, RonaldWetch 3221 East 41st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 SUBJ£CT: ~andatory Sewer COnnection t~ar ~4~. l~etch: As per our phone conversation regarding your request for a ttme extensten, ! ~ould extend thetJ~e peered for connection tf you would make a ~rJtten request stattng when the Job would be completed. The maximum extension of tt~e cannot exceed June of 1975. Sincerely, Les Buchholz, R,S,, 'Sanitarian LB/ko ? / September 18, 1974 Ronald Wetch 3221 East 415~ Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Lot 21, BlOCk 1, WentwOrth SubdV, - Mandatory sewer hookup Bc~ober 18, 1974, Les ~uchholz, LB/ko Ce~tfted ~o. 740372 ~ENDER'. Be:~bre fo fellow insfructlons on ofher side PLEASE ~rURNISH SIiRVICE($) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) ~ ~owtowho~h/dateandaddress ~ Deliver ONLY ~ where delivered ~ to addressee 9/18/74- Wentw ' ' . RECEIPT Wetch/Buchholz ' r 740372 ko DATE DELIVERED · (u~oq VA) 9961%Shinny OY ,¢, Qm/n/.¢'?ered