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April 14, 1975
Mr. l~lichael Kerr
3311 E. 43~d Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Dear Mr, Kerr:
It has been brought to our attention that public sewer is available to
BloCk 3, Lot 8, Wentworth Subdivision.
According to G~,eater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance, Chapter 16.
Article 16,45, Section 16.45.050:
"Septic tank-seepage system sewage disposal facilities shell not
be installed or used on any premises where sanitary sewers are
available within ~e~enty (70) feet of the nearest lot line of
said premises ..," .
The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Public Works DepartmeIlt has
checked their_ ~eco~,ds and they indicate that your st~Ctu~et~d) is
not connected to the smlitary sewer. Would you p]ease 'cheek your
re~ords to verify that the structure(~) t~ ~ {~ not conl~ected and
notify us immediately i~ y6~r-=eeords indiaate that a connection
has been made.
If we do not hear from ~ou wiibin sgven (7) days, we will assume that
-?i0ur re6ords are correct. We, therefore, request you ~nect any ~d
~tl st~ctures lo~ate[i:~n the subject proper~ to public sewer by
Aught 24, 1975. ~ ? ~
You must apply for a connection permit from the permit officer for the
Greater Anchorage Area Borough. 3500 East Tudor Road, If you have
any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact
the permit officer at 279-8636, extension 259. or the Department of
Environmental Quality at 274~4551..,xtans~on 141.
Les Buchholz
Mr, Michael Kerr
3311 E. 43rd Avenue
Anehez, a~e, Alaska 99504
It has been brought to our attention that publle cower, is available to
Block 3, Lot 8. Wentworth ~ubdivision,
According to Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinmuce, Chapter 16,
Article I$,45, Section 16.45.0~0:
"~ptic tsnk-seepega system sewage disposal facilities shall not
be Installed or 9~. on any p~emiee~ whe~ ~nita~ sewers are
available with~ e~venty (70) feat of the no~o~t lot line of
The Greater Anchorage Area ~orough Public l~orka Department has
checked their re,erda sad they indicate that your stvuctu~o(~) i~
n~ connected to ~e sonitalW sewer, 91auld you pleas~ check your
records to verify that the ~t~eture(s)is or is not co~ected ~d
notify ua immediately if your recoud~ ~dieate that a conn~tion
has bo~m made,
If we do not hear fi,om you within seven (7) days, wa will assume that.
our records ~re correct. We, therefore, ~equest you connect any and
all structures located un the subject property to public sewer by
AUgust 24, 1975.
You must apply for a connect!on permit f~0m the permit officer for the
Greater Anchorage Area Borough, 3500 East Tudor Road. If you have
~ny questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact
the permit offioer at 279-8686. extension 259, or th~ O~partment of
Hn~ronmental Quality at 274-4561, extension 141.
Les Buehhelz, R .$.
~ snltal'ian {. ~