Ray 30~ ~975
I~artlyn A4kison
4~01 Piper Street
Anchorage, AR 99504
SU~OECT~ ~andaterY sewer connection, 81o¢k 3 Lot 14 Went-
worth Subdivision.
oear~s- Adkison:. ,.
reviewed your letter dated ~iay 27, 1975
This department ~as sion for connectign to
requesting ano~her.~m~.~x~. ~ranted' and this department
~ii not approve an addltlona) ~*"~
Xf you have any further questions, please contact
Les ~uchholz,
October 18, 1974
State of Alaska
Deparf~ent of Law
360 "K" Street - Suite 105
Anchorage, Alaska
~¢' Samuel Miller ~ Consumer Protection Section
Dear Hr. Mtller:
Zn reply to your letter dated October !4, 1974 regarding property owned
bY ~arttyn Adktson, public sewer is available. As stated tn RV letter
to ~. Adktson requesting mandatory connection, a aorough Ordinance
tares any praises whose lot 11ne is within 70' of the santtary sewer
1the must connect. Lot 14, Block 3, ~entwerth Subdtvtson owned by
Adkison is withtn 70' of the sewer line.
If publlc seuee ~e~e not available the subject property wouldcontlnue to be
in vtolaUon as a requtredsepttc tank is not present tn the existing sower
system. A time extension ~as requested by Ha. Adktson due to financial hard-
ship. The extenston was granted until ~uly 1, 1~7~.
Sewer bt111ng ts not handled by '-.his Department. ~uestione regarding billing
should be directed ~o Customer
Les Buchholz,
Enclosure: Lettars to [4s. Adklson
October 14, 1974
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
Department of Environmental Quality
3330 "C" Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Attention: Ms. C. Sue McKechnie
Environmental Control Officer
CC 502-74-A-54000
Marilyn J. Adkison v.
Greater Anchorage Area
Dear Ms. McKechnie:
I am enclosing a copy of the consumer complaint recently received
in our office by Marilyn June Adkison of Anchorage, Alaska. After
reviewing the Summary of Complaint, I thought perhaps Mrs. Adkison's
concerns could be most easily explained by a letter from you. I
would, of course, appreciate a copy of your letter for our files.
As always, I will appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Attorney General I ~
Samuel D. Miller
Special Assistant
Consumer Protection Section
" W'a" ~r~,-r :"' ~ Ev ~'~ ' . ALASKA
Office of the A~torney
rn x- ~,~;,~ - '~uite 250
Anchor:- %e, / laska
i" -~ ' file ·
~.,~. To a consumer comolaint against the person
[Please type or Print]
or company named
Today's D~te~eote~be~,22, 197~,,
Jd~ska . 99504
.... (State) (Zip Code)
~ 'n'~ Address
Home Telephone
(if different)
Business Telephone none
Name of
Complained About Greater Anchorage kkea Borough, ,,--
8~00Tudor Rd.; A~chorage Alaskar ~9507
(CitY) ('State) (Zip' 'C0de)
Date of Billing 09-01-74
Date of TransactionDate of Letter 09-20-74
Billing 279-0541
Ne. Service 279-4771
Name of Sales Person se~er User Fee and Mandatory '
Name of Product or Type of Service Invo!vedSewer hook-up withqu, t prior n0tli~,
+~ Se~e~Der ~0) 1974 with order tO hook-up' before OctOber 1,~.).!,9,7~4' ' --
Were you attracted to the service or product by an advertisement? No_~
If yes, when and where did you see or hear the advertisement?
Was a written contract signed? No -- (If yes, attach original or a copy)
Have you contacted a private attorney? No (If so, please list his name)
Have you complained to the company or individual? yes If yes, when
and what results? (Please attach copies of all written correspondence)
~phoned immediately'upon receiving the letter o~ 09-20-74 and was referred to
the Environmental Protectie~ Dep,artment. I talked to a girl who told me the
~L%n %ha~ took care' of this would not be back Until Monday and asked m,e: what I
wante~ .... Uo-om.%e.lling her I.~gs.told..I didno, t. ha~e_~o_meceive-.snm~ not5
-OJ the reverse side of this form, summarize your complaint. Be
brief~ but complete, if possible~ describe events in the order
in which they occurred. Include the names of all witnesses.
Please attach copies of any do~ur~nts which explain and support
your ~omola_nt including cancelled checks~ copies of advertise-
ments, etc. Use an additional sheet if necessary. .
I hereby~t~'~ that I have read the information contained in this complaint
and that all of the information I have ~iven is true and complete to the
best of my .... o,~led~;~, information and belief. I further authorize the
.~t~o., -~ General to use this information as he deems necessary and orooer.~
Z ~1= ~ a cody of this complaint may be sent to the person or comoanv z
· have complained of.
was very
rude an~
hung up
Perm 03-045
SU?4A?.Y cF COMPLAINT ~Y [Please t~e, ~/._print]
I have owned this nroperty since 1963 at vhich time we had our cesspool_put
and our dee~, well drilled aecordinR to Public Health regulatio,ns. In fact Dr.
_~u~ca~ fro~ Health Department came out and instructed us. I have alvays tried
to. take care of my Prop?rrM and make it an asset to the community.
Until Sentember 20~ 1974 I have not received an~ official notification that
mus! hook u~ to sewer. In fact at the beRinninu of the summer I con%acted the .
6.A.A'.B. to' in&uire if it vas going t9 be mandatory this year to hook U~' to
as I was~p~anning on constructing a fence around my pro~erty~ and .~he line. woul~
have to cr~ss the fence. I'~was told, at that time, that it would not be man-
datory uqless I sold. In the meantime I had received several estimates on hook-
up te sever and I was ouoted $700:00 and $750:00 which I felt was entirely too ~
much to go apreximately 90 feet. My neighbor~ who had to go three times furth&r,
~id $250:00.
On a~roximately September 5, i974. I
$22.95. I proceeded te contact the
received a sever user bill in the amo~mt of
G.K.A'.B. and they finally came out and put
dye dowm my toilet and determined I w~s~ in fact, not hooked up to sewer and
told me to. disregard the bill and that I.w~uld be receiving a letter__to th_i~.
effect so that I vouldn't receive any more bills. Aproximately three days later~
on Seo~ember 20~ 1974~ I received a certified letter from the G~.A;B'. stating
I musf hook up to sewer by October 18.,. 1~74. tf this were true, why didn't
they. tell me before? I have talked to other poop'lc in the general area and they
have been told they do not have to hook up, unless they sell their property.
.SqmethinE like 'Rrandfather Rights' until the time that the entire area is re--
Gutted to hook up and more time is usually allowed than 28 days~ I 40 not in-
tend to sell my home and in (11) eleven years have never had any trouble with
the ce-sspool. It is not a septic tank as indicated in their letter. This are~
is Solid 'r6ck 'a~d '~r~e'l~'a septic tank is not' necessary. I have had my
Water checked numerous times and it has always come back 0.K.
Thoro'are other people in this same area still on cesspools and septic tanks
and I can't help, but think this would never have come about if it weren't for
%he bill I received and this is an underhanded way of'doing business.
I am a vidov, my husband passed away with cancer in 1987, and my present income
is only $520.00 per month and putting out this money at this time is impossible
selling my home and leaving Alaska. I am presently under treatment for
" conti~ue~
(please u~e additicnal sheets 3- ~'~c~ssar
a"work injury and this is where my income is coming from, Workman's Cempensa%ion.
In addition %o this I have a fractured ja~ lacerations~ broken glasses etc. which
I sustained in a hit and run accident September 15~ 1974.
I canner afford a private attorney at this time.
The legal discription of my property is: Block 8~ Lot 14~ ~entworth Subdivision.
Any help you can give me in this situation will be greatly apDreciate~. I fin~
it virtually impossible to deal with the Borough as they are unreasonable and
will not even liste~o Thankyou.
~{arilyn J.. Adkison
P.S. Copies of the letter and bill from the G.A.A.B. are ~nclosed.
~arllyn Rdkison
4201 Piper Street
Anchorage, Alaska
BUBJECT: Time extension f~ required.sewer connection
Lot 14, Block 3, ~nt~orth Subdivision
Dear ~rs. ^dklson:
I have revie~ed your request for a tire extension and ~111 grant you
the extension until July 1, 1976 to have the connectio~ completed.
This extension is granted ~tth the understanding that no overflowing
sewage will be allowed from your existing SYste~.
Xf you have any quasttons, please feel free to contact me at 274-4561,
extension 135.
Les Buchholz, RS,
4~jl Piper Street
Ahchorage~ Alaska
September 70, 1974
Mr. Les Buchholz,
6rearer ;Anchorage A?ea Borough
Department of Environmental Quality
33~0 C Street
Anchorage~ Alaska 99503
Dear Mr. Buchholz:
This letter is regarding the letter I received from your office
dated September 18, 1974 and our telephone conversation of
Sep.tember 70, 1974 at 11:30 K.M.
I am writing this, as suggested ~y you, to request an extension
of time in which to hook up to sewer until aproximately July l,
1975. The reason being financial hardship at this time. I w~s
injured on the job and am presently on workmen's compensation
and my sole income, at this time, is $520.00 per month.
In addition to the above aproximately l0 days ago I had an accident
at which time I was thrown from my bicycle by a hit and run car,
I received multiple cuts, abrasions, and bruises in addition to
a fractured jaw' which is being treated by Dr. Donald G. Chiles,
D.D.S. oral and maxillofaeial surgeon.
I will deeply appreciate being granted this extension. Thankyou.
,,' ,,:'
Marily~ J. A~kison
Lo% 14, Block
~Nenfwor%h Subdivisior~
4201 Piper Street
Anchorage~ Alaska 99504
September 18, lg74
Herllyn Adkt$on
· 4201Ptper Street
Anchorage, Alaska
Nandatory sewer hookup - Lot 14, Block 3, Wentworth Subdivision
13eargs. Adktson: Anchorage, Alaska
Les Buchholz, R.S.,
Certified No, 740374
October 18, 1974.
S~NOER: Be ~re fo fallew i.sfrueflons ~ ether side
[ ~ ~owtowho~d~teandaddress ~ Deliver ONLY
[ ~ ~here deUver&dr ~ to addressee
~9/18/74 .~ 'e '" '~ ' RECEIPT
,, . . ~ -~ ¢eived fhe n=mbered article describedbe ow
Tax Code: Date:
Ma/ling Address:
User / Tenant:
Property Address: . ,, ~ ~
DYE TEST: [] Positiv°
~ Negativo
Of lice:
Administered By..
PW-062 (7-74)