HomeMy WebLinkAboutWENTWORTH BLK 3 LT 17LoT 17 GREAI ~CHO~GE AREA BOROUGH · Depa~i~ i]~6f~vironmental Quality 3330 "C" StreW, ~?~Age, Alaska 99503 274-4561 ~ ~ .~ ~ Date Received Time of Inspection X: ~ ¢ Date of I~spectio~ L~ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR ~ 1. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: 2. Property Owner: Mailing Address: 3. Legal Description: 4. Location: Phone: Phone: .~z_ 5. Type of facility to be inspected ('J,~ ~.~.~/_.. ? I 6. Well Data: # A. Type /,,~-~-~-~C~-)~ ~2..<-*.~Z/~-¢/ B. Depth ? C. Construction D. Bacterial Analysis B. Installer 7. Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed C. Septic Tank: 1. Size ~ D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area 2. Manufacturer No. of bedrooms 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank ~, Absorption area ~ , Sewer Lines __ Nearest lot line , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Page ~ of two pages - Request for Approval of Individual S~r & Water Facilities '.Legal Description Approved Approval Valid for one year from date f~q'g'ned Greater Anchorag6 Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM l certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (]/74) 'GREATER ANCHORAGE ARLli BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" St., Anchora§e, Alaska ~99503 - 274-4561 t'l~ UEiV~D REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF /~'.?R z:o 1974 INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES Type of Inspection: CMRO VA FHA × CONV Property Owner: John L. Christ Mailing Address: STar Rt. A Box 95-C 99507 Name of Buyer: James Holen Day Phone 344-9956 Hailing Address: 537 East 15th Terrace Da~/ Phone 274-2157 Name of Lending Institution: First Natio,nal Bank of Anchorage Mailing Address: P.O. Box 720 Anchorage 99510 Phone 279-4481 B. Name of Realtor or Agent: Poe Realtors -Ron VanSickle Mailing Address: 445 West 9th Ave Phone 272-7551 /' 6. Legal Description: Lot 17 Blk 3 Wentworth S/D Locati on: 3123 East 43rd Street 99504 Type of Facility to be inspected: duplex Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently seryed If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal. System Type.of S~stem: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation No. Bdrms. 4 Individual (on-site) ~x X 2 GR~"~ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH,~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 27g-8686 DATE RECEIVED: INSPECT: TIME: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES FOR 1, APPRDVAL REQUESTED BY: ADDRESS: JO~/ ~. 6'~./~' /.~"~. . PHONE: ,~.~, 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ,~ /~/ 4. TYPE FACILITY TO BE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5. WELL DATA: A. TYPE B. DEPTH C. SIZE D. CONSTRUCTION . E. BACTERIAL ANALYSIS 6. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: A. SEPTIC TANK (IF HOMEMADE, SHOW DIAGRAM ON BACK) 1. SIZE 2. AGE 3. MANUFACTURER 4. INSTALLER APPROVAL REQUEST~FOR SEWER & WATER FACILITI~'~ PAGE TWO B, SEEPAGE PIT 1. SIZE 2. LINING C. DISPOSAL FIELD 1. NUMBER OF LINES 2. TOTAL LENGTH REQUIRED MEASUREMENTS A. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK B. WELL TO SEEPAGE PIT C. WELL TO SEWER LINE D. WELL TO PROPERTY LINE E. WELl TO OTHER F. FOUNDATION TO G. FOUNDATION TO H. POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY LINE 8. COMMENTS: APPROVED: DATE: APPROVAL VALID FOR ONE YEAR DATE: FROM DATE SIGNED. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE }}~R.,.~ INFORMATION ONLY ~ PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION FOR MMEDIATE ACTION ~ CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~-~ OTHER FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT: INITIATED BY: ~~ DATE OF MEMO: ~ DATE ANSWER "--,.,.) ' REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE /' ~ FC)~i~"~)~i~LY ~ ~PARE BACK-UP INFORMATION ~R IMMEDIATE ACTION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER September 24, lg74 TO: l~ile FRO~4. C. F. Sellers, Environ=entel Control Officer Sewer end water ta~11kt~esat 3123 East 43rd Avenue Lot 17, Block 3~ent~orth Subdivision VIOLATOR: John L. Christ S.R,A. Box 95 C Anchorage, Alaska 99507 On ~lay 6, 1974 a watee sample was taken at the location and later ca~ back fre~ the 5tare Lab'as positive. ~atee comes from a hand~dug wello ~r~ Christ and the tenants t~ere not~fted of :he problem. On Baptember 11, lg74 ! checked ~ith Sewer Haintenance regarding sewer hookup and found theee wes no connection. [~¢alled Customer Service and found there was no permit issued for connection, ! telephoned ~r. Christ and informed him that the time period for sewer and wate~ corrections had expired. ff~. Christ tnformed~ he had no intention of complying in the immediate future. I neticed a hose being use~ te connect the neighbors {llaun) ~ater supply to the Christ residence. ! ~nfomed the neighbor (flaun) of possible danger and suggested a disconnection. I left a nOtiCe at the subject property. I received a call from ~r. Christs' tenants notifying us that they were not using the water supply. I talked to Les 8uchholz and was told to start legal proceedings. Chuck Sellers Environmental Control Officer II CS/ko September 12R 1974 John Chrtst S.R,Ao 8ox 95 C Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Lot 17, Block 3, ~entworth SuBdivision Dear ~r. Chrtst: ^ cesspool is currently servtng the residence on the sub~ecC lot. The cesspool lS 11legal under gorough and State Ordinances. The properCy ts currently for sale and a posstble sale ts pendtng, hO~ever, Kassler & co. has no confirmed clostn9 date; The residence ~tll have to be connected to the available Borough Public Sewer wtthtn 30 days after recetpt of this notice. Fatlure to connect wtll result tn legal actton unless the butldtng ts abandoned and rematns so. Any occupancy after the connection date wtll beth violation and ensuing legal action w~11 result. The ~e!1 on the property Ss contaminated and m~y bev~austttve of disease ~htch ts tn violation of the State ~ater supply ordinance. Zn ~e event of occupancy after the sewer connection dat~ potabl¢~ater must be made available and the contaminated hand dug well':must be filled Sincerely, Les Buchholz, R.S., Sanitarian La/ko Certified No. 740364 cc: Dr. Leroy C. Ret~ D.E.Q. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 30<, (plus postage) SENTTO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIOHAL FEES RETURN ~ 1. dhows to whom and date delivered ........ With delivery to addressee only ............ 66d RECEIPT 2. dhows to whom date and where delivered.. 36~ SERVICES W th delvexy to addressee only ............ 85d DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (exfro ~ee required) ............................. PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- 'See other Apt. 1971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL BAIL * September lg, 1974 Kessler & Co. 319 West Sth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Susan Subject: Lot 17, 81ock 3, ~ent~or~h Subdtvlston Property o~nedby~ohn ~hrJst The subject property has a contaminated hand dug ~ell which cannot be approved ~y this Oepart~ent for health reasons. Public ~ater ts avail- able. The seaer system on the property conststs of an illegal cesspool. The residence w111 have to be connected to public se~er. This Department ts requesttn9 the sewer connection ~tthln ~0 days after eeceJpt of letter by Mr. Chrts~. ~o approval ~JlI ba granted by :his Oe- part,ant untll the residence ts connected to an approved ~ater supply (public uttllty) and the se~er connected to the publlc sewer. Sincerely~ Les ~uchholz, LB/kO cc: Alaska ~utual Savtngs Bank Attn: RtchawJ ~erman Poe Realty Attn~ Pat Kru~r June 11, 1974 John L. Christ S.R.A. Box 95 C Anchorage, Alakka 99507 SUBJECT: Sewer and ~ater Facilities serving Lot 17, Block 3, Hent~th Subdivision - 3123 East 43rd Avenue Dear )4r. Christ: An inspection of the above facilities was done by this Department on ,~lay ~ and May 9, 1974 with the following noted: Sewage is disposed of via a cesspool located 60' from the well serving the dwelling. Since public sewer is available to the lot, this Department requests that the subject lot be connected to public sewer within 30 days of receipt of this letter. The hand-dug well serving the subject lot is presently contamtn- ,ated. The well must be reconstruotod or connected to public water before approval from this Department carl be given, Failure to ~omply with this request within the required ~tm will Pe~Ult'in ........ legal action ~gatnst you. -. ~ ?: · If you.have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 274-~61,' exten- sion 13~. Sincerely, C. F. Sellers, Environmental Control Officer CFS/ko Certified No.740237 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30(~ (plus postage) POSTMARK SENT TO OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- See ot~.r Apr. 1971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL *ovo:~e~ o-~e~-?~ Federal Houstng Administration 334 West ~th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Sewer and wate~ facilities serving Lot 17, Dlock 13 ¥~ent¥~orth Su)dtvisten -3123 East 43rd Avenue Oentl amen: On May :~, 1974 this Oepartm~ent inspected the subject facilities and noted the. The sewa~le is disposed o~' vi~ a cesspool located 40' to the north of the dwelling. Since~ at the present ti)~e, public s~uer is awdlable to the lot, tile subject dwelling ~ust be connected to it in order to re- ceive this Department's approw). The water serving tho dwelling ts vi~ a shallou, hand-dug uell 'located tn the basement of the dwelling, 60' ~rom the for~:lentiened cesspool. }~ater samples taken on May 5th and ~qay gth showed coltfo~ orgmntsms to be present, Therefore, this ~.~el) ))~UK~ eli]her b~ aban~ doned o~ reconstructed tn such manner as to protegee'the water. This Depart~mnt rec~end~ ahando~nent of the p)-esent w~ll and drilling of a new ~ell to a depth that ~ill provide uncQntaminatod water. Approval by this Dep~rb~ent will not be given until such action ha~ been pleted. If you have any questions, please feel free to ~ntact me at 274-4561, tension 143. Sincerely, Tim Rumfelt, R.S., Sanitarian TR/ko cc: John L. Christ S.R.A. Box 95oC Anchorage, Alaska 990S7 May 14A 1074 John L. Christ S.R.Ao Box g§-C Anchorage, Alaska 90507 5UBJ~fiT: Se~er and water facilities serving Let 17, Block 3, Wen:worth Subdivision - 3123 East 43rd Avenue Oear ~r. Christ; An inspection of the above facilities ~as done by this Oepa~t~ent on and ~ay 9, 1~74 ~tth ~he following noted: Sewage tsdatsposed of via a cesspool loceted 60' ~ro~ tho ~ell serving' the dwelling. Since public s~.~r is av~lahl~ to the lot~ ~hts part~ent requnsts that the subject lot be connected to tim available public sewer ~ithtn 4~ days Cro~, receipt of this lettQro Theh~nd~du~ well servin~ the subject lot (s presently coat,minuted. This ~ell must be chlorinate~ and reconstructed so as to provide non- ' contaminated water ~tthtn five (~) days fr~frecetpt of this lette~. If the well cannot be reconstructed, potable ~t~. ~u~t be provtd~ to the tenants ~mttl 'such time that a ne~ ~ell ot:?h)lc connected to the duelling. -C F~ilure to co~ply ~ith the a~ve requests ~tthin ~he et)Dried time ~ll~ force this Oepar~ent to ~ke the appropriate action against you. If you have any questions, please feel feee to contact me at 274-4561, exten~ sion 143. Sincerely, Tim Rumfelt, R.S., Sanitarian T~/ko Co,tilted RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MALL--30(! (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO, OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES RETURN k. 1, 'Sh~ho~d d~lvereo ........... with delivery to addressee only ............ RECEIPT 2. Shows to whom date and where de vered SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ DELIVER TO ACDSESSEE ONLY ............. ~ ........................................ 50d SPECIAL DELIVERY (extro fee requ)red) .................................... PS Form ' AV~. I971 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See oft?er s~de) NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL UAIL * o:~o: ~9~ o-'.~o.?,~ May 14, 1974 John L. Christ S.R.A. Box 95-C Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SUBJECT: Sewer and water facilities serving Lot 17, Block 3, Wentworth Subdivision - 3123 East 43rd Avenue Dear Mr. Christ: An inspection of the above facilities was done by this Department on May 5 and May 9, 1974 with the following noted: Sewage is,disposed of via a cesspool located 60' from the well serving the dwelling. Since public sewer is available to the lot, this De- partment requests that the subject lot be connected to the available public sewer within 45 days from receipt of this letter. The hand-dug well serving the subject lot is presently contaminated. This well must be chlorinated and reconstructed so as to provide non- contaminated water within five (5) days from receipt of this letter. If the well cannot be reconstructed, potable water must be provided to the tenants until such time that a new well or public water is connected to the dwelling. Failure to comply with the above requests within the allotted time will force this Department to take the appropriate action against you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 274-4561, exten- sion 143. Sincerely, Sanitarian TR/ko Certified No.740232 THE Dl~x~'.lCt COURT FOR THE STATE r~ ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCh~,../AGE GREaTeR ANCHORAGe AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Charles F. Sellers pLAINTIFF VS John I. Christ DEFENDANT(S) S.R.A. Box 95 C Anchorage, Alaska 99507 THE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANT (NAME) CASE NO. CR. COMPLAINT PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED DISTRICT JUDGE AND BEING DULY SWORN, STATES THAT ON OR ABOUT THE 11th DAY OF September ~9 74 AT OR NEAR (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) 3123 East 43rd Avenue ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT (NAME OF DEFENDANT) John L. Christ COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENSE (NAME OF OFFENSE) TO WIT: (DESCRIPTION OF oFFENSE) The present system serving this residence is a cesspool, without a septic tank which is in violation of State and Borough Health Ordinances. DID UNLAWFULLY failure to connect to public sewer WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF SECTION 9-70 Para A GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH; THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT THIS COMPLAINT IS BASED ON data. , CODE OF ORDINANCES, 28-68 personal observation and engineering SWORN TO AND' SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS COMp[AINANT SIGNATURE Environmental Control Officer II TITLE DAY OF 19 DISTRICT JUDGE THE DI%_?ICT COURT FOR THE STATE r-~ ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCH~AGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ~A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Charles F. Sellers pLAINTiFF VS John L, Christ DEFENDANT(S) S,R.A, BOX 95 C Anchorage, Alaska TF E UND~TNED COMPLAINANT 'NAME) COMPLAINT PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED DISTRICT JUDGE AND BEING DULY SWORN, STATES llth DAY OF September THAT ON OR ABOUT THE AT OR NEAR IAPPROXIMATE LOCATION) 3123 East 43rd Avenue 19 74 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT (NAME OF DEFENDANTJ John Lo Christ DID UNLAWFULLY COMMT.THE:FOLLOWING Q~FF~NSE (~ME Of OFFENSEI failure to connect to public sewer TO WIT DESCRIPTI'Oh~ OF OFFENSE) ' S ~ this residence is a cesspool : ( ........... the present yste~ serving · without;a SePt~C ~ank which-'i~4n~¥.tP~lation of State and Borough Health Ordinances. WHICH IS iN VIOLATION OF SECTION g-70 Para A GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT THIS COMPLAINT IS BASED ON data~ , CODE OF ORDINANCES. 28-68 personal observation and engineering SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS CO M p~JNANT SIGNATURE DAY OF )9 THE DIi HCT COURT FOR THE STATE P~' ALASKA -THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCH~GE GREATER ANCHORAGe AREa BOROUGH :~ MUNICIPAL CORPORATION r Charles F. Sellers ~LAINTIFF VS John L. Christ DEFENDANT(S) S.R.A. Box 95 C Anchorage, Alaska THE U'~J~7NED COMPLAINAN] eNAMEl ' CASE NO. CR. COMPLAINT PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED DISTRICT JUDGE AND 3EING DULY SWORN, STATES THAT ON OR ABOUT THE 1 lth DAY OF September 19 74 AT OR NEAR ,APPROXIMATE LOCATION~ 3123 East 43rd Avenue ANCHORAGE. ALASKA, tHIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT (NAME OF DEFENDANT) 0ohn L. Christ DID JNLAWFULLY COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENSE [NAME OF OFFENSE) failure to connect to public sewer TO WIT: DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE) The present system serving this residence is a cesspool, without a septic tank ,hich is in violation of State and Borougl~ Health Ordinances. WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF SECTION 9-70 Para A GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT THIS COMPLAINT IS BASED ON data. · CODE OF ORDINANCES, 28-68 personal observation and engineering SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF DISTRICT JUDGE 19 .GrEat, Er ANcHoraGE AREa BorOUGh ~ ~a MUNICIPal cOrPoraTION !:i Charles F. Sellers pLAINTIFF VS The DI~_?ICT COURT FOR THE STATe ~- ALASKA ~. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, at ANCIentS;GE / John L. ChriSt* DEFENDANT(S) S.R.A. BOX 95 C Anchorage, Alaska THE UND~GTNED COMPLAINANT (NAME) CR. COMPLAINT PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED DISTRICT JUDGE AND BEING DULY SWORN, STATES THAT ON OR ABOUT THE 11th DAY OF AT OR NEAR (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) 3123 East, 43rd Avenue September le 74 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT (NAME OF DEFENDANT) ~lohn L. Christ COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENSE (NAME OF OFFENSE) DID UNLAWFULLY failure to connect to public sewer TO WIT: (DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE) The present system serving this residence is a cesspool, without a septic tank ~hich is in violation of State and Borough Health Ordinances. WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF SECTION 9-70 Para A GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH. THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT THIS COMPLAINT IS BASED ON data. CODE OF ORD]NANCE5. 28-68 personal observation-and engineering ...~ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS ' DAYOF ]ISTRICT JUDGE THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PLAINTIFF CASE NO. CR, Charles F. Sellers vs SUMMONS John L. Christ DEFENDANT IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA TO John L. Christ, S.R.A. Box 95 C - Anch., Ak, 99507 (Stroganof Drive) GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 941 FOURTH AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE DAY OF , 19 , AT THE HOUR OF .M. AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAINTIFF, WHICH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU WITH THE CRIME OF Failure to connect to public sewer IN VIOLATION OF Ordinance 28-68, Ch. 9, Art. VI, Sec. 9-70, Para. A ASIS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER AND BE FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW. UPON YOUR FAILURE TO SO APPEAR AS HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST WILL BE ISSUED, DONE AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS DAY OF , 19 DISTRICT JUDGE THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE A REA BOROUGH A MUNICI PAL CO RPORATION CASE NO. CR. PLAINTIFF Cha'rl(,.s F, Sa'lle'cs vs ,.']Ohtl L, (~hPi$'~, DEFENDANI IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA TO Oolm L. 6hr't~t~ S,R.A, Box 95 r' .. Anch., Ak, SUMMONS 99507 (S'~royanof L)rive) GREETINGS: YOU ARE *HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 941 FOURTH AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE DAY OF , 19 , AT THE HOUR OF .M, AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAINTIFF, WHICH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU WITH THE CRIME OF Failtlrc, ;dul'ic ~.ew t IN VIOLATION OF ut, di~lailce ~)" '" Ch. 0, Ar'~;. V~, Sec. 9,~70, [~ara. A AS IS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER AND BE FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW. UPON YOUR FAILURE TO SO APPEAR AS HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST WILL BE ISSUED. DONE AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS DAY OF , 19 DISTRICT JUDGE LE-O02 ~ 0 '7 0 0 '7 m THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PLAINTIFF CASE NO. CR. vs SUMMONS ~!~iiil 1., i~ilt~i?i; DEFENDANT IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 943. FOURTH AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE DAY OF , ]9 , AT THE HOUR OF ,M. AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAINTIFF, WHICH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU WITH THE CRIME OF J'.'t'i'lul'~: i:~ ;;tmhr, c;: iu PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER AND BE FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW. UPON YOUR FAILURE TO SO APPEAR AS HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST WILL BE ISSUED, DONE AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS DAY OF , ~9 DISTRICT JUDGE LE-O02 THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PLAINTIFF CASE NO. CR, , vs SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA GREETINGS; YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 94]_ FOURTH AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE DAY OF , 19 , AT THE HOUR OF .M. AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAINTIFF, WHICH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU WITH ~rHE CRIME OF I:';~,i'lt~*¢:~ i;r~ ,':{~i:F~:'~!'; ~ 'r ~ IN VIOLATION OF ~ .... ' .... ' (]i~ ~1. ,rW~;, ~j~ :(~(!~;. cJ-.'/O,, i"~;.W,'~, AS IS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH iN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER AND BE FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW. UPON YOUR FAILURE TO SO APPEAR AS HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST WILL BE ISSUED. ', DONE AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS ',,,DAY OF , 19 DISTRICT JUDGE LE-O02 The District Court For The State of Alaska Third Judicial District, At Anchorage RETURN 0F SUMMONS EXECUTED STATE OF ALASKA t SS Third Judicicd Distrj~ct ) The District Court For The State of Alaska Third Judicial District, At Anchorage RETURN OF SUMMONS UNEXECUTED STATE OFALASKA ~ Thir~ Judicia D str ct.~ SS A PEACE OFFICER DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I RE- CEIVED THIS SUMMONS AT ANCHORAGE. ALASKA ON THE ................................................... DAY OF ........................................... 19 .......... AND PERSONALLY SERVED THE SAME ON THE .......... DC? OF ...................................... 19. ........... BY DELIVERYTO AND LEAVING WITH SAID DEFENDANT{S} NAMED THEREIN, PERSONALLY, ''.----.......................................................... A PEACE OFFICER DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I RE- CEIVED THIS SUMMONS AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE ..................................................... DAY OF ........................................... 19 ........... AND ]HAT AFTER DUE AND DILIGENT SEARCH I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO LOCATE THE DEFENDANT NAMED THEREIN AND THEREFORE l NOW RETURN THAT SUM- /~.ONS UNSERVED AS THE TIME SET FOP, '[HE FENDANTS APPEARANCE HAS EXPIRED. DATED AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS ................ DAY OF'. .......................................... 19 ........... DATED AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS ................ DAY ................................................ 19. ......... September 11, 1974 Ralph & Eva Haun 3113 East 43rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: ~tateP supplied to neighboring property Cromyour Individual well which ~s not an approved public well Dear Hr, and ;~rs. t{aug: Xt has cema toRY attention that you are supplytng~our neighbor, dohn Christ property, with water frem your well. ~r. Christ has a contaminated dug well which this ~part~nent has ordered abandoned and the residence connected to a potable water supply either through public utility or a new well. Your well, by serving more than one residence, falls into a public well classtftcatton. The ~ell does not meet the State of Alaska ~atee Suppl~ Codes ~htch are enforced by the Greater ~nchorage Area 8orough. Zn order for your well to become a public well the ¢ollowfng would be required: ~t the well casing extended above ground level, blueprints of construction sub~ttted by a registered engineer, c~ a protective radius of 200' of dedicated easements with sewer line requirements per health code. Your own water supply may be endangered as contmntnated water was present tn ~r. Christ' building and could travel toward your ~ell in the even: of a pressure ~ailure. ! am requesting that you physically disconnect your water supply from C~rtst' property within five (5) d~VS from receipt of this letter. Sincerely, Les Buchholz, R.S., Sanitarian LB/ko ~-0~-o ~eT:o~o ~ IIVW 1VNOILVNB]LNJ UOJ LON [z6I '==v (ipt~ ;eWo rag) --O]OIAO~d ]~Va]AO3 ]3N~B~SNI ON 008~ m~o~ Sd 'ON ON¥ 133~ZS (a~elsod snld) i~O£--'llVR Q31JIJ. U30 UO.-I ld1303U P