HomeMy WebLinkAboutWENTWORTH BLK 3 LT 20LoT GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental ~1~ December 3, 197¢ Borough Prosecutor F~OH: Les Buchholz, Sanitarian ~lm Shudan - Handatory sewer connection Lot 20, Block 3, Nentworth Subdivision Mr. Shudan has agreed :0 coa~ect by sprtng, 1975 therefore signing of the waiver regarding the four month rule is satisfactory wtth tht$ Oepartment. kO GLOATER A~NCHORA(~E AREA BOROIJGtt Department of £nvt~enmentol quallty TO: Borough P~osecu~or Les Buchholz, Sanitarian SUBJECT: ~ta Shudan o Handatory connec:ton to public sewer Lot 20, 6lock 3, ~ent~or~h Subdivision ~)-17-74 10-9-74 10-15-74 11-15-74 11-gl-74 11-g6-74 Publlc Works Dept. tnforr~ed thts Department that Shudan ts not connected to av&alable seuer. Certtfled le::er sent requesting connection. Lettee receJved. TJme period for connectJon expired. Public Works Dept. tnfor~ed thl$ ~pt, that no connection had been n~de or inspected, Summons and co~latnt ~ssued. ko October 9, 1974 3211 East 43rd Avenue Anchoeage, Alaska 99504 Lot 20, Bl~ck 3. Wentworth SubdlvSsJon - Mandatory sewer hookup ~ear Mr. Shudan: PLEASE FURNISH SI~R~/ICE(S) INDICATED By CHECKED BLOCK(S) ~ Deriver ONLY [] ~here ] I to addressee Wentworth November 15, 1974; NEG,STE.E0.0. Z~--~ Shudan/4ae~l~ CENTIEIED NO. 740387 ko 10/9/74 Robert C. Pratt, Environmental Control Off~ ReP/ko ~ertlfied ~o. 740387 IECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30c (plus postage) POSTMARK SENT TO OR DATE STREET ANO NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE . ~ oP~CES FOR ADD~ONN!- FEES R~ ~S~to who~d--date deli~ f5¢ I ...... With de ivery to addressee only ............ 55¢ RECEIPT · 2 Shows to whom, da e and where delivered .. 35~ I SERVICES ~ ' With delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ ~ ~VER TO A~EE ONLY .....~ ........... ~ ~/ ~ECIAL DE~VERY (extra fee required) ................................. PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Apr. 1~71 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL GREATER ANCHORAGE !'%EA BOROUGH D YE -~ES T Date: i/.::z..,-? I ~ .Z<? Mailing Address; User / Tenant: Property Address.. SubdNision: DYE TEST: [] Positive ~, Negative ~la¢l~ ]Lot ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Office: F/eld: PW-062 (7~74)