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'~TC~ l~rl~ "'°~p~tV
Rick Mystrom,
Municipality of Anchorage
Department of Health and Human Services
825 "L" Street
P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
October 13, 1997
Mrs. Alma Werre
HC 1 Box 6139
Palmer, AK 99645
RE: Septic Systems on Lot 1 & Lot 10 Werre Subdivision
Parcel Identification No. 051-231-43; Parcel Identification No. 051-231-52
Dear Mrs. Werre:
This letter is in regards to the existing septic system serving lot 1 and lot 10 of Werre
subdivision. This office, Onsite Services Section, has received a complaint on October 1, 1997,
regarding the development of your property and possible impacts on surface water and ground
Research on the files for lot 1 & 10 of Werre subdivision located an approved Onsite Sewage
Disposal System and/or Ve'ell Inspection Reports which have been completed and signed (dated
November 4, 1980 and November 5, 1980) for the lots in question. Also, this subdivision is
zoned as R5A, single family residential.
On October 2, 1997, staff fi'om this office with assistance from staffof Alaska Department of
Environmental Conservation conducted a site visit to determine the actual conditions of the
systems in respect to surface water and ground water. During our visit, we were able to
determine the septic system serving lot 1 and lot 10 were encroaching on the t00 feet required
separation distance from the unknown tributary located to the East of the property and Mink
Creek located to the North of the property.
Per AMC 15.65.060, which was in effect on November of 1980 states no person may install or
construct a septic system within 100 feet horizontal separation distance bom mean annual flood
level of any surface water.
Due to this encroachments, any approvals granted for the above referenced septic systems have
now been rescinded.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Civil Engineer I
On-Site Services
cc: Jim Cross, P.E. MOA/DHHS; Donna Mears, MOAfDHI-IS
10/01/97 11:5B ~'~o'/ 6~4 1'151
September 29, 1997
Bldg Safety Div
Zoning Enforcement
ATTN,' Enforcement Officer, Eagle River Area
generally but not limited fez
NO permits for subdivision development, land use,
working in wet]andS; Mail]tainin§ a 'public nuisance,
PoteDtial contam[natlon of surface and/o~ groundwater,
Be§inning somewhere around September 20, 1997 I heard
chain saws operating and later could smell smoke. F~om my home
looking north, I could sac someone below me appeared to be
clearing property. When I drove down there (Werre street, bezween
Jerry and Alma) two p~rsons were cutting down trees, brush, otc.
on Lots 1 and 10 (full legal description given later in this
wrltgen complaint) and burning it in a barrel, This activity
still continues, I did not request nor enter upon these lots
to speak with these individuals, I did assume them to bc
grown chi3dren of the property owner or someone she might have
hired to clear and grub th~s long neglected property.
The followln8 da~ I did speak with one of the
down there, Gayla Heusser ooncernin~ the aetivlty. Gayle said
she £~nally asked them what was Solng on and they reported that
/~il~ingsT~n rs housing, however the half burned out one on Lot
10 would be a storage unit.
Th~se buildings were in place when I moved out here in
3anuary of 1985, and the one on Lot 10 had already been subject
to several fir~s then. They have never been occupied or u~cd by
anyone in ensuing years, Sometime in the late 80's, a mobile
home was moved off of Lot 2 (?) but that is the ONLY activity
In August of 1986, myself and MY neighbors protested Werre's
application for Water Rights (copy attached). We pointed out
a flood ar~a for Mink Cr~k adJacen~ on the north sgde, and that
deal of works and that we had a concern for the water quality &
quality and quamity problems have resulted in his drawin~ drinking
The property owned by Parks and Recreation along Mink Creek
classifies the land as a poorly drained preservation wetland
11:~ ~907 694 17~1
page two-Complaint
Werre Subd,
The firut time T complained about this derelict property wasn't
that lan6 ago.. ,these abandoned buildings seem to draw the kids
in the neighborhood. ,.one of the Richardson children had been
playing inside one of these abandoned buildings whcn ho fell and
was illjured, Dan Bo]es of your department is tile one who took
the complaint about maintaining a public nuisance. T de mot know
what Dan did but nothing ever changed out here.
Would you please visit the site and inves~igatc and report
rs me any action you might take? If this land, ttlese 125x135 foot
fact they are in violation of Anchorage Municipal Code.
'Fo hasten you along on this, I am including ~m~T have
found in the public records, Please call me at 694-7527 or 688-
4321 if you bare questions.
Bobbi Wells
19213 Sprucecrest Drive
Chugiak, AK 99567
(T15N RIW Sec 18, S.M. Lo~ 209 or
MOA tax roll ~051-23]-0] ])
cc.- .Hs, syst %
~ay*r ~ Office ~2 ~71
Birchwood Community Coune[l(t~~
Attachments ~
10/01/97 11:56 '~'907 694 1731
Bobbi Well~
19213 Sprucecrest
Chugiak~ AK 99567
T15N, R]W, See 18. S.M. Lots 1~2.9,10 (this unoccupied land
is located within the Municipality,lc Birchwood, bordered by Alma,
3err~ and Werre streets)
The property is listed on the MOA tax rolls under the following
Propert~ Owner of Record is:
Alma Werre
HC 1 Box 6139
Palmer, A~ 996dS-9604
(However, on 051-231-051 there
owner of record stated
the mailing address is
051-231-O51, 051~231-052
is an additional property
as "Gene H" and Alma Werre but
the same as the other parcels)
The above parcels are a portion of a ten-lot subdivision known
as WERRE SUBDIVISION~ Plat 69-67, (subdivision paperwork,o~her
map, couldn't be located)
__ Current zo,~in~ is: RSA (zoned in 1985)
Lot size is about 126'×13~' each
DHHS reported by telephone ~hat on-site septics were approved in
1980 on Lo~ 1 and Lot 10 (This office closes at 11;30 AM and it is
not possible for me to go there then) The paperwork on the sepfi0s
is faint and not r~adab] a in the state's packet.
-- ADEC shows that a Class C well was finally approved sol. cai,lc in 1979
or 1980 (date is deba%able) but a letter from Werre also states he
had w~ll approval in 1974. The well log for Lo% 10 s~ates that the
water table (in October) is 78 inches
The State Wate~ Permit 'Application, ~ LAS 3932A, has a priority
date of 12/03/85
--,Lots 1,2, and lO have large retangu]ar bu~]dings upon than in
various states o~ disrepair. Hearsay says they were moved on to
the p~operty rather than constructed on site more than 17 years
ago, dat~ unknown. Have ~ever been occnpted.
--The legal status of the non-conformity is unknown to me.
-- Wetlands designatioe is either A or B in the Mink Ck corridor
near Jerry Avenue,
Monday, September 29, 1997
Municipality of Anchorage
Dept of Health Services
Water quality
Attn: Jim Cross
It recently came to my attention that the owners of the ten non-conforming undersized
lots called werre subdivision located on Werre street, and Jerry Ave., are remodeling 3
old abandoned buildings into duplexes. These buildings have not been occupied in over
17 years, and are located on land with a water table at about 73 inches below the surface
of the ground. They are planning on using the septic systems they installed almost 20
years ago for these dwellings.
My concerns are as follows.
First with the high water table other adjoining wells will be contaminated.
Second the creek known as mink creek runs right next to these properties and has
drainage ditches feeding into it from werre subdivision. This will in effect cause sewage
to be dumped into the creek.
Surely the overwhelming public safety concerns pertaining to this high density housing
project will prevent this development from occurring.
I would appreciate your investigation and action on this matter.
x 672354
Chugiak, Alaska
Z 356 248 365
?, o. Po~ I